What can I attach to pylons.request in Pylons? - python

I want keep track of a unique identifier for each browser that connects to my web application (that is written in Pylons.) I keep a cookie on the client to keep track of this, but if the cookie isn't present, then I want to generate a new unique identifier that will be sent back to the client with the response, but I also may want to access this value from other code used to generate the response.
Is attaching this value to pylons.request safe? Or do I need to do something like use threading_local to make a thread local that I reset when each new request is handled?

Why do you want a unique identifier? Basically every visitor already gets a unique identifier, his Session. Beaker, Pylons session and caching middleware, does all the work and tracks visitors, usually with a Session cookie. So don't care about tracking users, just use the Session for what it's made for, to store whatever user specific stuff you have .
from pylons import session
session["something"] = whatever()
# somewhen later
something = session["something"]

Whatever you were to set on the request will only survive for the duration of the request. the problem you are describing is more appropriately handled with a Session as TCH4k has said. It's already enabled in the middleware, so go ahead.


Django, global variables and tokens

I'm using django to develop a website. On the server side, I need to transfer some data that must be processed on the second server (on a different machine). I then need a way to retrieve the processed data. I figured that the simplest would be to send back to the Django server a POST request, that would then be handled on a view dedicated for that job.
But I would like to add some minimum security to this process: When I transfer the data to the other machine, I want to join a randomly generated token to it. When I get the processed data back, I expect to also get back the same token, otherwise the request is ignored.
My problem is the following: How do I store the generated token on the Django server?
I could use a global variable, but I had the impression browsing here and there on the web, that global variables should not be used for safety reason (not that I understand why really).
I could store the token on disk/database, but it seems to be an unjustified waste of performance (even if in practice it would probably not change much).
Is there third solution, or a canonical way to do such a thing using Django?
You can store your token in django cache, it will be faster from database or disk storage in most of the cases.
Another approach is to use redis.
You can also calculate your token:
save some random token in settings of both servers
calculate token based on current timestamp rounded to 10 seconds, for example using:
token = hashlib.sha1(secret_token)
token = token.hexdigest()
if token generated on remote server when POSTing request match token generated on local server, when getting response, request is valid and can be processed.
The simple obvious solution would be to store the token in your database. Other possible solutions are Redis or something similar. Finally, you can have a look at distributed async tasks queues like Celery...

Flask security issue with session and request repeater

I'm using Flask builtin session mecanism.
Here is my understanding of session mecanism (with flask) :
all session data are stored in a signed cookie (with app.secret_key)
when a session data is modified, the cookie is changed
session's data are protected against write client side (due to signature) but not against read
Imagine the following scenario :
In my session I put a variable try_number=3
Each time the user make an action, a decrease this number
If this number is equal to 0, action is forbidden
The user connect to the application for the first time, the application send a Set-Cookie: sesssion=Flask.sign("try_number=3"), let's call this cookie COOKIE_A.
The user perform his first action, he send COOKIE_A, the application reply with Set-Cookie: sesssion=Flask.sign("try_number=2"), let's call this cookie COOKIE_B.
Now, if the user perform another action, but doesn't use COOKIE_B but COOKIE_A again (using curl for exemple), the cookie is still signed, and will be handled by the server, with try_number=3.
Therefore, only using the COOKIE_A for all operation, he will be able to "spoof" session mecanism, and make unlimited action with the same session.
Is there any builtin mecanism to prevent this ?
(I'm not talking about snippet for using sqlite / redis, but builtin solution)
This is not a failure of the security of Flask's cookies, it's a failure of your counter design. There is no built in protection against replay attacks.
You can shorten the expiration time of the session cookie. This doesn't really solve the problem, it just makes the window smaller. It also makes the session inconvenient for regular use, which would annoy your normal users.
Ultimately, you'll have to store some information on the server and check against it. You could send a nonce with every request and keep a store of which ones have been sent back, ignoring ones that have been seen before. You could also just store all session information (except some identifying key) on the server side, so it can't be re-sent.

Constant Flask Session IDs

I've a Flask application, served with Nginx+WSGI (FastCGI & Gevent) and use standard Flask sessions. I do not use the session.permanent=True or any other extra option, but simply set SECRET_KEY in the default configuration.
I do not save any (key,value) pairs in the session, and only rely on the SID = session['_id'] entry to identify a returning user. I use the following code the read the SID:
#page.route ('/')
def main (page='home', template='index.html'):
if not request.args.get ('silent', False):
print >> sys.stderr, "Session ID: %r" % session['_id']
I made the following observations:
For same IP addresses, but different browsers I get different SIDs - that's expected;
For different IPs & same browser I again have different SIDs - expected;
For same IP address with same browser I get same SID - also expected;
Now, point (3) is interesting because even if a delete the corresponding cookie the SID remains constant! To some extent even that might be understandable, but actually I was expecting the SID to change between different cookies. But the only difference I see is that
session.new is True
for the first request immediately after the deletion of the cookie. Even that is very much expected; but given these facts I face the following problems:
Does this mean that for different users sitting behind the same IP (with the same browser configuration) my back-end will mistake them for the same user?
If point (1) is not the case, the current behavior of these "sticky" sessions is actually quite pleasant, since this avoids the situation where my users might loose there data just because they deleted the corresponding cookie.
They can still save the day, by revisiting the site from the same network with the same browser. I like that, but only if point (1) is not the case.
I assume point (1) will actually bite me, would the conclusion actually be to save a token in the session and hence accept the fate that the user can blow himself up, by simply deleting his cookie?
Or is there a way to tell Flask to give different SIDs for each fresh cookie?
Actually, this question arouse since I used a load impact service, which was simulating different users (on the same IP) but my back-end kept seeing them as a single user since the corresponding SIDs were all the same.
The application is available for tests at http://webed.blackhan.ch (which upon release will move the https://notex.ch [a browser based text editor]). Thank you for your answers.
It looks like you're using the Flask-Login extension. Here's the code that generates the id token:
def _create_identifier():
base = unicode("%s|%s" % (request.remote_addr,
request.headers.get("User-Agent")), 'utf8', errors='replace')
hsh = md5()
return hsh.digest()
It's basically just md5(ip_address + user_agent).
Flask uses Werkzeug's secure cookies to store this identifier. Secure cookies are (as their name suggests) secure:
This module implements a cookie that is not alterable from the client because it adds a checksum the server checks for. You can use it as session replacement if all you have is a user id or something to mark a logged in user.
session['_id'] is not an actual session identifier. It's just a value used by Flask-Login to implement Session Protection.
Standard Flask sessions do not have an SID - as it would serve no purpose since the actual content of the session is stored in the cookie itself. Also see this.
it's now 2022, and Flask-Session does support session.sid to get a generated UUID that looks something like this:
>>> f9c792fa-70e0-46e3-b84a-3a11813468ce
From the docs (https://flasksession.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
Session id, internally we use uuid.uuid4() to generate one session id. You can access it with session.sid.

Is cookie a common and secure implementation of session?

I'm using pyramid web framework. I was confused by the relationship between the cookie and session. After looked up in wikipedia, did I know that session is an abstract concept and cookie may just be an kind of approach (on the client side).
So, my question is, what's the most common implementation (on both the client and server)? Can somebody give some example (maybe just description) codes? (I wouldn't like to use the provided session support inside the pyramid in order to learn)
The most common implementation of sessions is to use a cookie.
A cookie provides a way to store an arbitrary piece of text, which is usually used as a session identifier. When the cookie gets sent along with a HTTP request, the server (technically the code running on it) can use the cookie text (if it exists) to recognise that it has seen a client before. Text in a cookie usually provides enough information to retrieve extra information from the database about this client.
For example, a very naive implementation might store the primary key to the shopping_cart table in a database, so that when the server receives the cookie text it can directly use it to access the appropriate shopping cart for that particular client.
(And it's a naive approach because a user can do something like change their own cookie to a different primary key and access someone else's cart that way. Choosing a proper session id isn't as simple as it seems, which is why it's almost always better to use an existing implementation of sessions.)
An alternate approach is to store a session identifier is to use a GET parameter in the url (for example, in something like http://example.com/some/page?sid=4s6da4sdasd48, then the sid GET param serves the same function as the cookie string). In this approach, all links to other pages on the site have the GET param appended to them.
In general, the cookie stored with the client is just a long, hard-to-guess hash code string that can be used as a key into a database. On the server side, you have a table mapping those session hashes to primary keys (a session hash should never be a primary key) and expiration timestamps.
So when you get a request, first thing you do is look for the cookie. If there isn't one, create a session entry (cookie + expiration timestamp) in the database table. If there is one, look it up and make sure it hasn't expired; if it has, make a new one. In either case, if you made a new cookie, you might want to pass that fact down to later code so it knows if it needs to ask for a login or something. If you didn't need to make a new cookie, reset the expiration timestamp so you don't expire the session too soon.
While handling the view code and generating a response, you can use that session primary key to index into other tables that have data associated with the session. Finally, in the response sent back to the client, set the cookie to the session key hash.
If someone has cookies disabled, then their session cookie will always be new, and any session-based features won't work.
A session is (usually) a cookie that has a unique value. This value maps to a value in a database or held in memory that then tells you what session to load. PHP has an alternate method where it appends a unique value to the end of every URL (if you've ever seen PHPSESSID in a URL you now know why) but that has security implications (in theory).
Of course, since cookies are sent back and forth with every request unless you're talking over HTTPS you are sending the only way to know (reliably) that the client you are talking to now is the same one you logged in ten seconds ago to anyone on the same wireless network. See programs like Firesheep for reasons why switching to HTTPS is a good idea.
Finally, if you do want to build your own I, was given some advice on the matter by a university professor. Give out a new token on every page load and invalidate all a users tokens if an invalid token is used. This just means that if an attacker does get a token and logs in to it whilst it is still valid when the victim clicks a link both parties get logged out.

Django session cookie lost because of multiple concurrent requests

I'm building an application in which the client pings the server every now and then (let's not get into why). When the server handles these requests, it checks whether the client is logged in or not using request.user.is_authenticated()
It looks something like this:
def handle_ping_request(request):
if request.user.is_authenticated():
# Do something...
# Do Something else...
I've noticed that sometimes the server receives a log-in request immediately followed by a ping request (from the same user). The client is then successfully logged-in, the response returns with a new session ID (of the logged in user) and (I guess that) the old session-ID (of the anonymous user) is removed. When the ping request is processed, its request contains the old session-ID. Thus the ping request returns with a third session ID and on the next request the client makes, the client is no longer logged in.
My log-in code looks something like:
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
user = auth.authenticate(...credentials...)
if user and user.is_active:
auth.login(request, user)
Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid this problem? Preferably without involving the client.
It's probably too messy to handle this on the server because you'll have to create some kind of a semaphore system that will also try to guess if any ping is currently from a client that is also being authenticated. My suggestion would be simply to change the client code not to ping while it's waiting for a response to its login request.
You could create an alternative to the standard contrib.auth.login method that keeps the same session id, rather than generating a new one, either by using a custom authentication backend that doesn't generate a new key, or by creating a custom session backend that overrides the cycle_key() method in contrib.sessions.base to reuse the same key.
BUT: think about what you might be opening yourself up to by reusing the same session key - depending on where this system is in use, you'd be making yourself more open to session hijacking (ie: there's only one session id to sniff), as well as potentially issues where caches may return the unauth page content instead of the auth page content because the sessionid is technically the same and the cache can't tell the difference between the two situations, etc, etc, etc.
In short: there's a reason it's built to work, by default, the way it does.

