Stock Icons not shown on buttons - python

self.button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_DELETE)
Only Shows:

The Python equivalent for setting the property without having to change any system config files is:
settings = gtk.settings_get_default()
settings.props.gtk_button_images = True
This should follow a call to and, obviously, precede the gtk.main() loop.

This is a recent change in GTK - the developers wanted icons not to appear on buttons. On Linux, this can be changed by editing the gconf key
On windows, I think (I haven't actually tried this) that you need to set a value in your gtkrc file (for me it's in C:\Program Files\Gtk+\etc\gtkrc) and use a theme that supports icons (I think the default one doesn't).
You can also add gtk-button-images = 1 to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file after setting the theme which may over ride the option from gconf.
EDIT in answer to your comment:
Just like this answer, but in Python: In Gtk, how do I make a Button with just a stock icon?
For python, it's just
image = gtk.Image()
# (from
button = gtk.Button()

I had to do this to get it to work from Python without changing my config file. When I called set_image(), no image was being displayed.
image = gtk.Image()
image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_**, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
button = gtk.Button()

If you work with pygobject, the new syntax is:
image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_**, Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)

I had the same issue in GTKmm on Windows. The "MS-Windows" theme disables images on stock buttons and the theme has priority over settings in gtkrc (so putting gtk-button-images = true in gtkrc didn't help). What I did is to modify the GTK settings runtime, and the images appeared as expected. :) Here's the code in C++:
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Settings> settings = Gtk::Settings::get_default();
/* force using icons on stock buttons: */
settings->property_gtk_button_images() = true;
It should be placed after the first window is constructed.

in Gtk3 gtk.STOCK method has been deprecated from v3.10.
Deprecated since version 3.10: Use Gtk.Button.new_with_label ()
In the case it doesn't help since it points to the custom label solution (new_with_label) If you want to use STOCK stuff you still can do so with new methods Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name(icon_name, size) and Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic(label) which will create new buttons with stock icon and label respectively.
Example new button with a "stock" icon:
button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name ("edit-paste", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR)
Example new button with a "stock" label:
button = Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic("_Open")
NOTE: on serious code creating a constant variable instead of using the string straight is a better option :)
static new_with_mnemonic(label)
new_from_icon_name(icon_name, size)
Freedesktops Naming Convention

You can show explicitly the button image, justly, Gtk+ developers do not recommend doing this because it's overrides the Gtk+ user configuration.


Styling problem. Cannot access specific button

I want to add images to my buttons. I have all my styling in a separate file.
According to Qt docs I should be able to access a specific button using the following syntax
QPushButton#my_button_name {}
but it does not seem to work.
Here is an example from my code:
# script with widgets and layouts
class Tab1():
self.button1 = QPushButton()
# styling script
def button_style():
return '''QPushButton#button1 {font:15px;}'''
I am misunderstanding something? I tried adding 'self.' to the name in the styling script but it does not work either.
Name selectors for stylesheets must be used by setting the objectName property; python attribute naming is completely useless for this as Qt doesn't know anything about it.
In order to correctly apply the stylesheet as you want to, you need to set the object name:
# ...
self.button1 = QPushButton()
self.setStyleSheet('QPushButton#button1 {font:15px;}')

How can I make a tkinter text widget unselectable?

I want to make my tkinter Text to be only an output and not an input. Through some research I've found that text.config(state="disabled") disables user input, but it still allows for selecting text, which I do not want.
How can I get my Text widget to be unselectable and unwritable?
The simplest way is to replace the default text bindings that support selection so that they do nothing. There are a couple ways to do this: using binding tags you can remove all default bindings, or you can remove the bindings to only a subset of default bindings.
Removing all default bindings
All bindings on widgets -- including the default bindings -- are associated with binding tags (also called "bindtags"). The binding tag for the the text widget is "Text", and all default bindings for the text widget are associated with this tag. If you remove that binding tag, you remove all Text-specific bindings.
The default binding tags for any widget is a tuple of the string representation of the widget, the internal widget class (in this case, "Text"), the internal name of the toplevel window (in this case, root), and the special tag "all".
In the following example we change the binding tags so that "Text" is not included, effectively removing all default bindings on the text widget:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(root)
text.bindtags((str(text), str(root), "all"))
Removing specific bindings
If you prefer to keep some of the default bindings, you can replace just the ones that you don't want. You do that by creating your own bindings, and having those bindings return the string "break". This special return value tells tkinter to stop processing the event any further.
For example, to prevent a double-click from selecting the word under the cursor you could do this:
text.bind("<Double-1>", lambda event: "break")
The downside to this approach is that you have to figure out what all of the bindings are that are related to the selection mechanism. On the other hand, it gives you complete control over what each key or button press does.
A read-only, unselectable text widget.
class Textarea(tkinter.Text):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
super().__init__(master, **kw)
# disable text alteration
# untag any selection from beginning to end
def unselect(event):
self.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
# catch different ways selections could be made and unselect before copying or cutting
good = ["<ButtonRelease-1>", "<Leave>", "<Control-c>", "<Control-C>", "<Control-x>", "<Control-X>"]
better = good + ["<Shift-Left>", "<Shift-Up>", "<Shift-Right>", "<Shift-Down>", "<Shift-Home>", "<Shift-End>", "<Shift-Next>", "<Shift-Prior>"]
excessive = better + ["<Shift-KP_1>", "<Shift-KP_2>", "<Shift-KP_3>", "<Shift-KP_4>", "<Shift-KP_6>", "<Shift-KP_7>", "<Shift-KP_8>", "<Shift-KP_9>"]
for sequence in better:
self.bind(sequence, unselect, add="+")
# remove the appearance of selection
self.configure(selectforeground=self.cget("foreground"), selectbackground=self.cget("background"))
# disallow export of selection in case anything gets through
Tested on python 3.8.2
I believe you will have to replace it with another widget that such as a Label or LabelFrame to accomplish this. As well you could use a from tkinter import messagebox and have the text you want pop up in another window (like an info window or error message window). I think that as far as the Text widget goes, setting the state to disabled is the best you can do for your purposes unfortunately and users will be able to copy that text despite being unable to edit it.
Here is the simplest method to prevent text from being selected/highlighted when you just want the Text widget to be an ordinary log that is disabled and unselectable.
When I had the issue I figured I just needed to set some Text configuration property (highlightbackground, highlightcolor or selectbackground) to "Black". Nothing worked. The Text widget employs tags that can be used to mark up the Text within the control. Configuration for user defined tags as well as the special tag "sel" have a number of settings including foreground (color) and background (color).
tag_config("sel", background="black")
Too easy right? That doesn't work either.
Turns out that the highlight is actually a bitmap overlaid on the text. This is controlled by the bgstipple (bitmap) configuration for the tag. The documentation indicates that there are a number of system bitmaps (shades of grey) that can be used however it is also possible to specify your own. The bitmap needs to be an xbm and it's easy to create your own as it's a text file.
Put the following in a file named transparent.xbm.
#define trans_width 2
#define trans_height 2
static unsigned char trans_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00
Here it is...
class TextLog(tk.Text):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.tag_config("sel", bgstipple="#transparent.xbm",
def write_log(self, text="", clear=False)
if clear is True:
self.insert(tk.END, text)
Depending on where the .xbm is relative to the module using the TextLog you may need to prefix it with a path "#path/to/transparent.xbm"

Gtk3/Gnome 3 colored button: apply ".needs-attention" css styles

In gnome 3 applications some buttons are highlighted by having a tinted background instead of that greyish color of a normal button. These buttons aren't only colored differently when using the standard Adwaita Theme, but are also implemented in a variety of other themes. Below are examples of a normal button and a colored one respectively for the Adwaita and the Flat Plat Theme.
Flat Plat
Now to my problem
I would like to be able to also implement these "important buttons" in my Gtk3 applications. During research on how to do that I discovered in the theme files that these "important buttons" have a special CSS class called needs-attention. I then tried to set the CSS class of my button to needs-attention as well. However that didn't work. I'm still getting a grey standard button. To demonstrate what I did I'm appending a minimal script and a screenshot of the running program. The "Rename" button should be highlighted just like in the screenshot above. How do I do that?
My Code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
class ButtonWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Needs Attention Button")
hbox = Gtk.Box(spacing=6)
button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label("Remove")
hbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
button = Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic("Rename")
hbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
win = ButtonWindow()
win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
GNOME's Adwaita theme has predefined two classes for suggested actions:
You can read it on GNOME Wiki HowDoI/Buttons:
While most buttons are gray, it has become more fashionable to
emphasize buttons that are the suggested action, by giving them a
different color. In the Adwaita theme, the color is blue. ...
Recently, another style class for dangerous actions has been added as
well: 'destructive-action'. The Adwaita theme uses red for buttons
marked as such.
On Adwaita they look like this, respectively:
The predefined needs-attention class, it's a Gtk.Stack/GtkStack child property and it's rendered in a Gtk.StackSwitcher to call for users attention, as described in the GtkStack API Reference:
The “needs-attention” child property
“needs-attention” gboolean
Sets a flag specifying whether the child requires the user attention.
This is used by the GtkStackSwitcher to change the appearance of the
corresponding button when a page needs attention and it is not the
current one.
The resulting visual aid can be seen in gtk3-widget-factory program, as a blue dot on the child needing attention (assuming Adwaita theme):
It seems that all I got wrong was that I was using the wrong CSS class. The correct one is suggested-action instead of needs-attention. If I replace that string in my original code I will get the following correct result:

After adding "primary toolbar" style class to a gtk.Builder object, gtk.ToolButtons in toolbar are not primary-themed

I've been trying to get my toolbar to look like the standard toolbars in stock Ubuntu apps, and it works to an extent, except the buttons in the toolbar do not have the correct theming applied to them. The text is colored for the default toolbar, and on hover the buttons are an ugly tan color instead of getting darker grey as they do in the standard Ubuntu apps.
In other words I'm getting this:
Instead of this:
(I don't have enough rep to post images directly)
I've been using the following method to change the toolbar style, since Glade doesn't seem to have an option to change it itself: = Gtk.Builder()"")
toolb ="toolbar")
toolb_style = toolb.get_style_context()
This works to the extent that the toolbar is now darkened, but the buttons are incorrectly themed. I tried adding buttons to the toolbar manually after setting the STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_TOOLBAR instead of using Gtk.Builder() but they weren't the right color either.
I suppose manually creating a toolbar and filling out all the information might work, but it would be nice to be able to use Glade for the design.
I'm writing this answer here since it's a solution, but it's not ideal because it doesn't use Glade and it's kind of messy. I'll have to wait until a new build of Glade gets into Ubuntu, since apparently the feature has been added upstream.
The solution I eventually used was just to do all the toolbar creation in standard GTK and python, and then add it to an empty Gtk.Box defined in Glade. Like this:
bd = Gtk.Builder()
button1 = Gtk.ToolButton(stock_id=Gtk.STOCK_ADD, ...)
button2 = Gtk.ToolButton(...)
toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
toolbar.insert(button1, 0)
toolbar.insert(button2, 1)
bd.get_object("toolbar_slot").pack_start(toolbar, False, True, 0)

What are the steps to convert from using libglade to GtkBuilder? (Python)

I have a small project that uses libglade and use the following to load the xml file:
self.gladefile = ""
self.wTree =
self.window = self.wTree.get_widget("MainWindow")
if (self.window):
self.window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
dic = { "on_button1_clicked" : self.button1_clicked,
"on_MainWindow_destroy" : gtk.main_quit}
After converting my project in glade, what structural changes do I need to make?
I'm on Ubuntu 9.04.
You need to use gtk.Builder instead. This class can load any number of UI files, so you need to add them manually, either as files or as strings:
self.uifile = "sdm.ui"
self.wTree = gtk.Builder()
Instead of get_widget, just use get_object on the builder class:
self.window = self.wTree.get_object("MainWindow")
if self.window:
self.window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
To connect the signals, just use connect_signals, which also takes a dictionary:
dic = { "on_button1_clicked" : self.button1_clicked,
"on_MainWindow_destroy" : gtk.main_quit}
It used to be the case (at least in GTK+ 2.12, not sure if it's still the same) that you could call connect_signals only once, any signals which are not connected during the first invocation will never be connected. This was different in glade, so be careful if you relied on that feature before.
Torsten's answer is correct, but a little incomplete, so in the spirit of here is the procedure I recently settled on after much trial-and-error:
Open in Glade interface designer. Go to edit->project and change the project type to GtkBuilder and make sure it targets the latest version (2.24 as of this writing). Save the file, being sure that it saves in GtkBuilder format, and change the name from to yada.ui
Open and change the following code:
gladefile = relativize_filename(os.path.join("glade", ""))
self.wTree =, self.windowname)
uifile = relativize_filename(os.path.join("glade", "yada.ui"))
self.wTree = gtk.Builder()
Similarly change all instances of self.wTree.get_widget(...) to self.wTree.get_object(...)
Change self.wTree.signal_autoconnect(dic) to self.wTree.connect_signals(dic)
If your code depends on the name assigned the widget in the interface designer, change widget.get_name() to gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget). widget.get_name() now just returns the widget type. EDIT: You also need to change widget.set_name('my_widget') to gtk.Buildable.set_name(widget, 'my_widget').
Delete import
I found numerous unused signals defined in the yada.ui xml file, I had to open the xml file and manually delete them to eliminate the warnings they caused.

