I'm trying to automate downloading of some text files from a z/os PDS, using Python and ftplib.
Since the host files are EBCDIC, I can't simply use FTP.retrbinary().
FTP.retrlines(), when used with open(file,w).writelines as its callback, doesn't, of course, provide EOLs.
So, for starters, I've come up with this piece of code which "looks OK to me", but as I'm a relative Python noob, can anyone suggest a better approach? Obviously, to keep this question simple, this isn't the final, bells-and-whistles thing.
Many thanks.
from ftplib import FTP
class xfile (file):
def writelineswitheol(self, sequence):
for s in sequence:
sess = FTP("zos.server.to.be", "myid", "mypassword")
sess.sendcmd("site sbd=(IBM-1047,ISO8859-1)")
a = sess.nlst("RTB*")
for i in a:
sess.retrlines("RETR "+i, xfile(i, 'w').writelineswitheol)
Update: Python 3.0, platform is MingW under Windows XP.
z/os PDSs have a fixed record structure, rather than relying on line endings as record separators. However, the z/os FTP server, when transmitting in text mode, provides the record endings, which retrlines() strips off.
Closing update:
Here's my revised solution, which will be the basis for ongoing development (removing built-in passwords, for example):
import ftplib
import os
from sys import exc_info
sess = ftplib.FTP("undisclosed.server.com", "userid", "password")
sess.sendcmd("site sbd=(IBM-1047,ISO8859-1)")
for dir in ["ASM", "ASML", "ASMM", "C", "CPP", "DLLA", "DLLC", "DLMC", "GEN", "HDR", "MAC"]:
sess.cwd("'ZLTALM.PREP.%s'" % dir)
filelist = sess.nlst()
except ftplib.error_perm as x:
if (x.args[0][:3] != '550'):
for hostfile in filelist:
lines = []
sess.retrlines("RETR "+hostfile, lines.append)
pcfile = open("%s/%s"% (dir,hostfile), 'w')
for line in lines:
print ("Done: " + dir)
My thanks to both John and Vinay
Just came across this question as I was trying to figure out how to recursively download datasets from z/OS. I've been using a simple python script for years now to download ebcdic files from the mainframe. It effectively just does this:
def writeline(line):
file.write(line + "\n")
file = open(filename, "w")
ftp.retrlines("retr " + filename, writeline)
You should be able to download the file as a binary (using retrbinary) and use the codecs module to convert from EBCDIC to whatever output encoding you want. You should know the specific EBCDIC code page being used on the z/OS system (e.g. cp500). If the files are small, you could even do something like (for a conversion to UTF-8):
file = open(ebcdic_filename, "rb")
data = file.read()
converted = data.decode("cp500").encode("utf8")
file = open(utf8_filename, "wb")
Update: If you need to use retrlines to get the lines and your lines are coming back in the correct encoding, your approach will not work, because the callback is called once for each line. So in the callback, sequence will be the line, and your for loop will write individual characters in the line to the output, each on its own line. So you probably want to do self.write(sequence + "\r\n") rather than the for loop. It still doesn' feel especially right to subclass file just to add this utility method, though - it probably needs to be in a different class in your bells-and-whistles version.
Your writelineswitheol method appends '\r\n' instead of '\n' and then writes the result to a file opened in text mode. The effect, no matter what platform you are running on, will be an unwanted '\r'. Just append '\n' and you will get the appropriate line ending.
Proper error handling should not be relegated to a "bells and whistles" version. You should set up your callback so that your file open() is in a try/except and retains a reference to the output file handle, your write call is in a try/except, and you have a callback_obj.close() method which you use when retrlines() returns to explicitly file_handle.close() (in a try/except) -- that way you get explict error handling e.g. messages "can't (open|write to|close) file X because Y" AND you save having to think about when your files are going to be implicitly closed and whether you risk running out of file handles.
Python 3.x ftplib.FTP.retrlines() should give you str objects which are in effect Unicode strings, and you will need to encode them before you write them -- unless the default encoding is latin1 which would be rather unusual for a Windows box. You should have test files with (1) all possible 256 bytes (2) all bytes that are valid in the expected EBCDIC codepage.
[a few "sanitation" remarks]
You should consider upgrading your Python from 3.0 (a "proof of concept" release) to 3.1.
To facilitate better understanding of your code, use "i" as an identifier only as a sequence index and only if you irredeemably acquired the habit from FORTRAN 3 or more decades ago :-)
Two of the problems discovered so far (appending line terminator to each character, wrong line terminator) would have shown up the first time you tested it.
Use retrlines of ftplib to download file from z/os, each line has no '\n'.
It's different from windows ftp command 'get xxx'.
We can rewrite the function 'retrlines' to 'retrlines_zos' in ftplib.py.
Just copy the whole code of retrlines, and chane the 'callback' line to:
callback(line + "\n")
I tested and it worked.
you want a lambda function and a callback. Like so:
def writeLineCallback(line, file):
file.write(line + "\n")
ftpcommand = "RETR {}{}{}".format("'",zOsFile,"'")
filename = "newfilename"
with open( filename, 'w' ) as file :
callback_lambda = lambda x: writeLineCallback(x,file)
ftp.retrlines(ftpcommand, callback_lambda)
This will download file 'zOsFile' and write it to 'newfilename'
What is the difference between open(<name>, "w", encoding=<encoding>) and open(<name>, "wb") + str.encode(<encoding>)? They seem to (sometimes) produce different outputs.
While using PyFPDF (version 1.7.2), I subclassed the FPDF class, and, among other things, added my own output method (taking pathlib.Path objects). While looking at the source of the original FPDF.output() method, I noticed almost all of it is argument parsing - the only relevant bits are
#Finish document if necessary
if(self.state < 3):
if(not f):
self.error('Unable to create output file: '+name)
if PY3K:
# manage binary data as latin1 until PEP461 or similar is implemented
Seeing that, my own Implementation looked like this:
def write_file(self, file: Path) -> None:
if self.state < 3:
# See FPDF.output()
file.write_text(self.buffer, "latin1", "strict")
This seemed to work - a .pdf file was created at the specified path, and chrome opened it. But it was completely blank, even tho I added Images and Text. After hours of experimenting, I finally found a Version that worked (produced a non empty pdf file):
def write_file(self, file: Path) -> None:
if self.state < 3:
# See FPDF.output()
# using .write_text(self.buffer, "latin1", "strict") DOES NOT WORK AND I DON'T KNOW WHY
file.write_bytes(self.buffer.encode("latin1", "strict"))
Looking at the pathlib.Path source, it uses io.open for Path.write_text(). As all of this is Python 3.8, io.open and the buildin open() are the same.
FPDF.buffer is of type str, but holds binary data (a pdf file). Probably because the Library was originally written for Python 2.
Both should be the same (with minor differences).
I like open way, because it is explicit and shorter, OTOH if you want to handle encoding errors (e.g. a way better error to user), one should use decode/encode (maybe after a '\n'.split(s), and keeping line numbers)
Note: if you use the first method (open), you should just use r or w, so without b. For your question's title, it seems you did correct, but check that your example keep b, and probably for this, it used encoding. OTOH the code seems old, and I think the ".encoding" was just done because it would be more natural in Python2 mindset.
Note: I would also replace strict to backslashreplace for debugging. And possibly you may want to check and print (maybe just ord) of the first few characters of the self.buffer on both methods, to see if there are substantial differences before file.write.
I would add a file.flush() on both functions. This is one of the differences: buffering is different, and I'll make sure I close the file. Python will do it, but when debugging, it is important to see the content of the file as quick as possible (and also after an exception). Garbage collector could not guarantee all of this. Maybe you are reading a text file which was not yet flushed.
Aaaand found it: Path.write_bytes() will save the bytes object as is, and str.encoding doesn't touch the line endings.
Path.write_text() will encode the bytes object just like str.encode(), BUT: because the file is opened in text mode, the line endings will be normalized after encoding - in my case converting \n to \r\n because I'm on Windows. And pdfs have to use \n, no matter what platform your on.
I've encountered this strange problem with opening/closing files in python. I am trying to do the same thing in python that i was doing successfully in matlab, and i am getting a problem communicating with some software through text files. I've come up with a strange workaround to solve the problem, but i dont understand why it works.
I have software that communicates with a some lab equipment. To communicate with this software, i write a file ('wavefile.txt') to a specific folder, containing parameters to send to the device. I then write another file named 'request.txt' containing the location of this first file ('wavefile.txt') which contains the parameters to send to the device. The software is constantly checking this folder to find the file named 'request.txt' and once it finds it, it will read the parameters in the file which is specified by the text in 'request.txt' and then delete 'request.txt'. The software/equipment developer instructs to give a 50 ms second delay before closing the 'request.txt' file.
original matlab code that works:
home = cd;
cd \\CREOL-FAST-01\data
fileID = fopen('request.txt', 'wt');
proj = 'C:\\dazzler\\data\\wavefile.txt';
fprintf(fileID, proj);
original python code that does not work:
home = os.getcwd()
with open('request.txt', 'w') as file:
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
Every time the device program reads the 'request.txt' when its working with matlab, it deletes it immediately after matlab closes it. When i run that code with python it works SOMETIMES, maybe 1 in every 5 tries will be successful and the parameters are sent. The 'request.txt' file is always deleted with the python code above,but the parameters i've input are clearly not sent to my lab device. My guess is that when i write the file in python, the device program is able to read it before python writes the text to it, so its just opening the blank file, not applying any parameters, and then deleting it.
My workaround in python:
home = os.getcwd()
fileh = open('request.txt', 'w+')
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
This method in python seems to work 100% of the time. I open the file in w+ mode, and using fileh.read() is absolutely necessary. if i delete that line and still include the extra sleeptime, it will again work about 1 in 5 tries. This seems really strange to me. Any explanation, or better solutions?
My guess (which could be wrong) is that the file is being read before it is completely flushed. I would try using the flush() method after the write to make sure that the complete data is written to the file. You might also need the os.fsync() method to make sure the data is flushed properly. Try something like this:
home = os.getcwd()
with open('request.txt', 'w') as file:
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
Not knowing any details about the particular equipment and other software you are using it's hard to say. One guess is the difference in buffering on write calls.
From this blog post on Matlab's fwrite: "The default behavior for fprintf and fwrite is to flush the file buffer after each call to either of these functions"
Whereas for Python's open:
When no buffering argument is given, the default buffering policy
works as follows:
Binary files are buffered in fixed-size chunks; the size of the buffer
is chosen using a heuristic trying to determine the underlying
device’s “block size” and falling back on io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE. On
many systems, the buffer will typically be 4096 or 8192 bytes long.
“Interactive” text files (files for which isatty() returns True) use
line buffering. Other text files use the policy described above for
binary files.
To test this guess change:
with open('request.txt', 'w') as file:
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
with open('request.txt', 'w', buffer=1) as file:
proj = 'C:\\dazzler\\data\\wavefile.txt\n'
The problem is probably that you are doing the delay while the file is still open and thus not written to disk. Try something like this:
home = os.getcwd()
with open('request.txt', 'w') as file:
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
The only difference here is that the sleep is done after the file is closed (the file is closed when the with block ends), and thus the delay doesn't happen until after the text is written to disk.
To put it in words, what you are doing is:
Open (and create) file
Write text to a buffer (in memory, not on disk)
Wait 50 ms
Close (and write) the file
What you want to do is:
Open (and create) file
Write text to a buffer (in memory, not on disk)
Close (and write) the file
Wait 50 ms
So what you end up with is a period of at least 50 ms where the text file has been created, but where there is nothing in it because the text is sitting in your computer memory not on disk.
To be honest, I would put as little in the with block as possible, to avoid issues like this. So I would write it like so:
home = os.getcwd()
proj = r'C:\dazzler\data\wavefile.txt'
with open('request.txt', 'w') as file:
Also keep in mind that you also can't do the opposite: assume that no text is written until you close. For small files like this, that will probably happen. But when the file is written to disk depends on a lot of factors. When a file is closed, it is written, but it may be written before that too.
I have a homebrew web based file system that allows users to download their files as zips; however, I found an issue while dev'ing on my local box not present on the production system.
In linux this is a non-issue (the local dev box is a windows system).
I have the following code
algo = CipherType('AES-256', 'CBC')
decrypt = DecryptCipher(algo, cur_share.key[:32], cur_share.key[-16:])
file = open(settings.STORAGE_ROOT + 'f_' + str(cur_file.id), 'rb')
temp_file = open(temp_file_path, 'wb+')
data = file.read(settings.READ_SIZE)
while data:
dec_data = decrypt.update(data)
data = file.read(settings.READ_SIZE)
# Takes a dump right here!
# error in cipher operation (wrong final block length)
final_data = decrypt.finish()
The above code opens a file, and (using the key for the current file share) decrypts the file and writes it to a temporary location (that will later be stuffed into a zip file).
My issue is on the file = open(settings.STORAGE_ROOT + 'f_' + str(cur_file.id), 'rb') line. Since windows cares a metric ton about binary files if I don't specify 'rb' the file will not read to end on the data read loop; however, for some reason since I am also writing to temp_file it never completely reads to the end of the file...UNLESS i add a + after the b 'rb+'.
if i change the code to file = open(settings.STORAGE_ROOT + 'f_' + str(cur_file.id), 'rb+') everything works as desired and the code successfully scrapes the entire binary file and decrypts it. If I do not add the plus it fails and cannot read the entire file...
Another section of the code (for downloading individual files) reads (and works flawlessly no matter the OS):
algo = CipherType('AES-256', 'CBC')
decrypt = DecryptCipher(algo, cur_share.key[:32], cur_share.key[-16:])
file = open(settings.STORAGE_ROOT + 'f_' + str(cur_file.id), 'rb')
filename = smart_str(cur_file.name, errors='replace')
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/octet-stream')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"'
data = file.read(settings.READ_SIZE)
while data:
dec_data = decrypt.update(data)
data = file.read(settings.READ_SIZE)
# no dumps to be taken when finishing up the decrypt process...
final_data = decrypt.finish()
The cipher error is likely because the file was not read in its entirety. For example, I have a 500MB file I am reading in at 64*1024 bytes at a time. I read until I receive no more bytes, when I don't specify b in windows it cycles through the loop twice and returns some crappy data (because python thinks it is interacting with a string file not a binary file).
When I specify b it takes 10-15 seconds to completely read in the file, but it does it succesfully, and the code completes normally.
When I am concurrently writing to another file as i read in from the source file (as in the first example) if I do not specify rb+ it displays the same behavior as not even specifying b which is, that it only reads a couple segments from the file before closing the handle and moving on, i end up with an incomplete file and the decryption fails.
I'm going to take a guess here:
You have some other program that's continually replacing the files you're trying to read.
On linux, this other program works by atomically replacing the file (that is, writing to a temporary file, then moving the temporary file to the path). So, when you open a file, you get the version from 8 seconds ago. A few seconds later, someone comes along and unlinks it from the directory, but that doesn't affect your file handle in any way, so you can read the entire file at your leisure.
On Windows, there is no such thing as atomic replacement. There are a variety of ways to work around that problem, but what many people do is to just rewrite the file in-place. So, when you open a file, you get the version from 8 seconds ago, start reading it… and then suddenly someone else blanks the file to rewrite it. That does affect your file handle, because they've rewritten the same file. So you hit an EOF.
Opening the file in r+ mode doesn't do anything to solve the problem, but it adds a new problem that hides it: You're opening the file with sharing settings that prevent the other program from rewriting the file. So, now the other program is failing, meaning nobody is interfering with this one, meaning this one appears to work.
In fact, it could be even more subtle and annoying than this. Later versions of Windows try to be smart. If I try to open a file while someone else has it locked, instead of failing immediately, it may wait a short time and try again. The rules for exactly how this works depend on the sharing and access you need, and aren't really documented anywhere. And effectively, whenever it works the way you want, it means you're relying on a race condition. That's fine for interactive stuff like dragging a file from Explorer to Notepad (better to succeed 99% of the time instead of 10% of the time), but obviously not acceptable for code that's trying to work reliably (where succeeding 99% of the time just means the problem is harder to debug). So it could easily work differently between r and r+ modes for reasons you will never be able to completely figure out, and wouldn't want to rely on if you could…
Anyway, if any variation of this is your problem, you need to fix that other program, the one that rewrites the file, or possibly both programs in cooperation, to properly simulate atomic file replacement on Windows. There's nothing you can do from just this program to solve it.*
* Well, you could do things like optimistic check-read-check and start over whenever the modtime changes unexpectedly, or use the filesystem notification APIs, or… But it would be much more complicated than fixing it in the right place.
In IronPython 2.6*, I'm trying to build a function that "corrects" a string; I have two arguments, FILE and EXTN. The idea is for them to be concatenated as necessary later in the program, but you know some people don't read instructions and you're bound to have someone enter "FILE.*" as their FILE, which would mess everything up.
I'm looking for a way to take FILE, have my function detect and strip .* (any extension of any length) from FILE if .* exists; It doesn't need to be in the string, and the user will be entering the same extension into EXTN**, so it needs not be prepared, merely consistently stripped.
My current method has me passing FILE and EXTN separately, but it's not inconceivable to redo things to take FILE.EXTN and break that into FILE and EXTN if need be; I don't want to if I don't have to, though, as my program is built around the former system.
*A note regarding IronPython 2.6; I'm trying to avoid IronPython-specific codes and use as simple of ones as possible, for UNIX-WIN cross-compatibility's sake. So far, everything I've done works in Python 2.7 IDE's, but obviously will not work in Python 3.x
**A note regaring EXTN; I want users to enter the proper extension into EXTN too, but as we know, we can't be sure of this and so the method for stripping .i from FILE must not automatically include EXTN as part of it.
Here is a snippet of code that may help as a reference for what I have so far. The FILE and EXTN variables have been added, and in practice, are pulled in through a middle-man program from an XML file into the script at run-time.
FILE = "test"
PATH = "C:\\"
EXTN = ".txt"
def CheckCorrect_FILE(srcFile): #Check-corrects FILE
#Meh, I got nothin'...
def CheckCorrect_PATH(srcPath): #Check-corrects PATH
if srcPath.endswith('\\') == False:
srcPath = srcPath + "\\"
srcPath = srcPath
return srcPath
You can do this using os.path.splitext. The following will always remove an extension if one exists (and do nothing if it doesn't):
import os
FILE = os.path.splitext(FILE)[0]
Ok, so I am trying to write a Python script for XCHAT that will allow me to type "/hookcommand filename" and then will print that file line by line into my irc buffer.
EDIT: Here is what I have now
__module_name__ = "scroll.py"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "script to scroll contents of txt file on irc"
import xchat, random, os, glob, string
def gg(ascii):
ascii = glob.glob("F:\irc\as\*.txt")
for textfile in ascii:
f = open(textfile, 'r')
def gg_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
ascii = gg(word[0])
xchat.command("msg %s %s"%(xchat.get_info('channel'), ascii))
return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("gg", gg_cb, help="/gg filename to use")
Well, your first problem is that you're referring to a variable ascii before you define it:
ascii = gg(ascii)
Try making that:
ascii = gg(word[0])
Next, you're opening each file returned by glob... only to do absolutely nothing with them. I'm not going to give you the code for this: please try to work out what it's doing or not doing for yourself. One tip: the xchat interface is an extra complication. Try to get it working in plain Python first, then connect it to xchat.
There may well be other problems - I don't know the xchat api.
When you say "not working", try to specify exactly how it's not working. Is there an error message? Does it do the wrong thing? What have you tried?