Python progression path - From apprentice to guru - python

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I've been learning, working, and playing with Python for a year and a half now. As a biologist slowly making the turn to bio-informatics, this language has been at the very core of all the major contributions I have made in the lab. I more or less fell in love with the way Python permits me to express beautiful solutions and also with the semantics of the language that allows such a natural flow from thoughts to workable code.
What I would like to know is your answer to a kind of question I have seldom seen in this or other forums. This question seems central to me for anyone on the path to Python improvement but who wonders what his next steps should be.
Let me sum up what I do NOT want to ask first ;)
I don't want to know how to QUICKLY learn Python
Nor do I want to find out the best way to get acquainted with the language
Finally, I don't want to know a 'one trick that does it all' approach.
What I do want to know your opinion about, is:
What are the steps YOU would recommend to a Python journeyman, from apprenticeship to guru status (feel free to stop wherever your expertise dictates it), in order that one IMPROVES CONSTANTLY, becoming a better and better Python coder, one step at a time. Some of the people on SO almost seem worthy of worship for their Python prowess, please enlighten us :)
The kind of answers I would enjoy (but feel free to surprise the readership :P ), is formatted more or less like this:
Read this (eg: python tutorial), pay attention to that kind of details
Code for so manytime/problems/lines of code
Then, read this (eg: this or that book), but this time, pay attention to this
Tackle a few real-life problems
Then, proceed to reading Y.
Be sure to grasp these concepts
Code for X time
Come back to such and such basics or move further to...
(you get the point :)
I really care about knowing your opinion on what exactly one should pay attention to, at various stages, in order to progress CONSTANTLY (with due efforts, of course). If you come from a specific field of expertise, discuss the path you see as appropriate in this field.
EDIT: Thanks to your great input, I'm back on the Python improvement track! I really appreciate!

I thought the process of Python mastery went something like:
Discover list comprehensions
Discover generators
Incorporate map, reduce, filter, iter, range, xrange often into your code
Discover Decorators
Write recursive functions, a lot
Discover itertools and functools
Read Real World Haskell (read free online)
Rewrite all your old Python code with tons of higher order functions, recursion, and whatnot.
Annoy your cubicle mates every time they present you with a Python class. Claim it could be "better" implemented as a dictionary plus some functions. Embrace functional programming.
Rediscover the Strategy pattern and then all those things from imperative code you tried so hard to forget after Haskell.
Find a balance.

One good way to further your Python knowledge is to dig into the source code of the libraries, platforms, and frameworks you use already.
For example if you're building a site on Django, many questions that might stump you can be answered by looking at how Django implements the feature in question.
This way you'll continue to pick up new idioms, coding styles, and Python tricks. (Some will be good and some will be bad.)
And when you see something Pythony that you don't understand in the source, hop over to the #python IRC channel and you'll find plenty of "language lawyers" happy to explain.
An accumulation of these little clarifications over years leads to a much deeper understanding of the language and all of its ins and outs.

Understand (more deeply) Python's data types and their roles with regards to memory mgmt
As some of you in the community are aware, I teach Python courses, the most popular ones being the comprehensive Intro+Intermediate course as well as an "advanced" course which introduces a variety of areas of application development.
Quite often, I get asked a question quite similar to, "Should I take your intro or advanced course? I've already been programming Python for 1-2 years, and I think the intro one is too simple for me so I'd like to jump straight to the advanced... which course would you recommend?"
To answer their question, I probe to see how strong they are in this area -- not that it's really the best way to measure whether they're ready for any advanced course, but to see how well their basic knowledge is of Python's objects and memory model, which is a cause of many Python bugs written by those who are not only beginners but those who have gone beyond that.
To do this, I point them at this simple 2-part quiz question:
Many times, they are able to get the output, but the why is more difficult and much more important of an response... I would weigh the output as 20% of the answer while the "why" gets 80% credit. If they can't get the why, regardless how Python experience they have, I will always steer people to the comprehensive intro+intermediate course because I spend one lecture on objects and memory management to the point where you should be able to answer with the output and the why with sufficient confidence. (Just because you know Python's syntax after 1-2 years doesn't make you ready to move beyond a "beginner" label until you have a much better understanding as far as how Python works under the covers.)
A succeeding inquiry requiring a similar answer is even tougher, e.g.,
Example 3
x = ['foo', [1,2,3], 10.4]
y = list(x) # or x[:]
y[0] = 'fooooooo'
y[1][0] = 4
print x
print y
The next topics I recommend are to understanding reference counting well, learning what "interning" means (but not necessarily using it), learning about shallow and deep copies (as in Example 3 above), and finally, the interrelationships between the various types and constructs in the language, i.e. lists vs. tuples, dicts vs. sets, list comprehensions vs. generator expressions, iterators vs. generators, etc.; however all those other suggestions are another post for another time. Hope this helps in the meantime! :-)
ps. I agree with the other responses for getting more intimate with introspection as well as studying other projects' source code and add a strong "+1" to both suggestions!
pps. Great question BTW. I wish I was smart enough in the beginning to have asked something like this, but that was a long time ago, and now I'm trying to help others with my many years of full-time Python programming!!

Check out Peter Norvig's essay on becoming a master programmer in 10 years: I'd wager it holds true for any language.

Understand Introspection
write a dir() equivalent
write a type() equivalent
figure out how to "monkey-patch"
use the dis module to see how various language constructs work
Doing these things will
give you some good theoretical knowledge about how python is implemented
give you some good practical experience in lower-level programming
give you a good intuitive feel for python data structures

def apprentice():
experiment(interpreter, modules/files)
def master():
refer(PEPs/language reference)
read(good_python_code) # Eg. twisted, other libraries
write(basic_library) # reinvent wheel and compare to existing wheels
if have_interesting_ideas:
def guru():
pass # Not qualified to comment. Fix the GIL perhaps?

I'll give you the simplest and most effective piece of advice I think anybody could give you: code.
You can only be better at using a language (which implies understanding it) by coding. You have to actively enjoy coding, be inspired, ask questions, and find answers by yourself.
Got a an hour to spare? Write code that will reverse a string, and find out the most optimum solution. A free evening? Why not try some web-scraping. Read other peoples code. See how they do things. Ask yourself what you would do.
When I'm bored at my computer, I open my IDE and code-storm. I jot down ideas that sound interesting, and challenging. An URL shortener? Sure, I can do that. Oh, I learnt how to convert numbers from one base to another as a side effect!
This is valid whatever your skill level. You never stop learning. By actively coding in your spare time you will, with little additional effort, come to understand the language, and ultimately, become a guru. You will build up knowledge and reusable code and memorise idioms.

If you're in and using python for science (which it seems you are) part of that will be learning and understanding scientific libraries, for me these would be
knowing how to use the right libraries and vectorize your code is essential for scientific computing.
I wanted to add that, handling large numeric datasets in common pythonic ways(object oriented approaches, lists, iterators) can be extremely inefficient. In scientific computing, it can be necessary to structure your code in ways that differ drastically from how most conventional python coders approach data.

Google just recently released an online Python class ("class" as in "a course of study").
I know this doesn't answer your full question, but I think it's a great place to start!

Download Twisted and look at the source code. They employ some pretty advanced techniques.

Thoroughly Understand All Data Types and Structures
For every type and structure, write a series of demo programs that exercise every aspect of the type or data structure. If you do this, it might be worthwhile to blog notes on each one... it might be useful to lots of people!

I learned python first by myself over a summer just by doing the tutorial on the python site (sadly, I don't seem to be able to find that anymore, so I can't post a link).
Later, python was taught to me in one of my first year courses at university. In the summer that followed, I practiced with PythonChallenge and with problems from Google Code Jam.
Solving these problems help from an algorithmic perspective as well as from the perspective of learning what Python can do as well as how to manipulate it to get the fullest out of python.
For similar reasons, I have heard that code golf works as well, but i have never tried it for myself.

Learning algorithms/maths/file IO/Pythonic optimisation
This won't get you guru-hood but to start out, try working through the Project Euler problems
The first 50 or so shouldn't tax you if you have decent high-school mathematics and know how to Google. When you solve one you get into the forum where you can look through other people's solutions which will teach you even more. Be decent though and don't post up your solutions as the idea is to encourage people to work it out for themselves.
Forcing yourself to work in Python will be unforgiving if you use brute-force algorithms.
This will teach you how to lay out large datasets in memory and access them efficiently with the fast language features such as dictionaries.
From doing this myself I learnt:
File IO
Algorithms and techniques such as Dynamic Programming
Python data layout
Various combinations thereof, e.g. dictionaries to lists of tuples
Recursive functions
Developing Python libraries
Filesystem layout
Reloading them during an interpreter session
And also very importantly
When to give up and use C or C++!
All of this should be relevant to Bioinformatics
Admittedly I didn't learn about the OOP features of Python from that experience.

Have you seen the book "Bioinformatics Programming using Python"? Looks like you're an exact member of its focus group.

You already have a lot of reading material, but if you can handle more, I recommend you
learn about the evolution of python by reading the Python Enhancement Proposals, especially the "Finished" PEPs and the "Deferred, Abandoned, Withdrawn, and Rejected" PEPs.
By seeing how the language has changed, the decisions that were made and their rationales, you will absorb the philosophy of Python and understand how "idiomatic Python" comes about.

Attempt using Python

Teaching to someone else who is starting to learn Python is always a great way to get your ideas clear and sometimes, I usually get a lot of neat questions from students that have me to re-think conceptual things about Python.

Not precisely what you're asking for, but I think it's good advice.
Learn another language, doesn't matter too much which. Each language has it's own ideas and conventions that you can learn from. Learn about the differences in the languages and more importantly why they're different. Try a purely functional language like Haskell and see some of the benefits (and challenges) of functions free of side-effects. See how you can apply some of the things you learn from other languages to Python.

I recommend starting with something that forces you to explore the expressive power of the syntax. Python allows many different ways of writing the same functionality, but there is often a single most elegant and fastest approach. If you're used to the idioms of other languages, you might never otherwise find or accept these better ways. I spent a weekend trudging through the first 20 or so Project Euler problems and made a simple webapp with Django on Google App Engine. This will only take you from apprentice to novice, maybe, but you can then continue to making somewhat more advanced webapps and solve more advanced Project Euler problems. After a few months I went back and solved the first 20 PE problems from scratch in an hour instead of a weekend.


Good practices in writing MATLAB code? [closed]

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I would like to know the basic principles and etiquette of writing a well structured code.
Read Code Complete, it will do wonders for everything. It'll show you where, how, and when things matter. It's pretty much the Bible of software development (IMHO.)
These are the most important two things to keep in mind when you are writing code:
Don't write code that you've already written.
Don't write code that you don't need to write.
MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines by Richard Johnson is a good resource.
Well, if you want it in layman's terms:
I reccomend people to write the shortest readable program that works.
There are a lot more rules about how to format code, name variables, design classes, separate responsibilities. But you should not forget that all of those rules are only there to make sure that your code is easy to check for errors, and to ensure it is maintainable by someone else than the original author. If keep the above reccomendation in mind, your progam will be just that.
This list could go on for a long time but some major things are:
Descriptive variable names.
Descriptive class / function names.
Don't duplicate code. If it needs duplication put in a class / function.
Use gettors / settors.
Only expose what's necessary in your objects.
Single dependency principle.
Learn how to write good comments, not lots of comments.
Take pride in your code!
Two good places to start:
Clean-Code Handbook
If you want something to use as a reference or etiquette, I often follow the official Google style conventions for whatever language I'm working in, such as for C++ or for Python.
The Practice of Programming by Rob Pike and Brian W. Kernighan also has a section on style that I found helpful.
First of all, "codes" is not the right word to use. A code is a representation of another thing, usually numeric. The correct words are "source code", and the plural of source code is source code.
Writing good source code:
Comment your code.
Use variable names longer than several letters. Between 5 and 20 is a good rule of thumb.
Shorter lines of code is not better - use whitespace.
Being "clever" with your code is a good way to confuse yourself or another person later on.
Decompose the problem into its components and use hierarchical design to assemble the solution.
Remember that you will need to change your program later on.
Comment your code.
There are many fads in computer programming. Their proponents consider those who are not following the fad unenlightened and not very with-it. The current major fads seem to be "Test Driven Development" and "Agile". The fad in the 1990s was 'Object Oriented Programming'. Learn the useful core parts of the ideas that come around, but don't be dogmatic and remember that the best program is one that is getting the job done that it needs to do.
very trivial example of over-condensed code off the top of my head
for(int i=0,j=i; i<10 && j!=100;i++){
if i==j return i*j;
else j*=2;
while this is more readable:
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if i == j
return i * j;
j *= 2;
if(j == 100)
The second example has the logic for exiting the loop clearly visible; the first example has the logic entangled with the control flow. Note that these two programs do exactly the same thing. My programming style takes up a lot of lines of code, but I have never once encountered a complaint about it being hard to understand stylistically, while I find the more condensed approaches frustrating.
An experienced programmer can and will read both - the above may make them pause for a moment and consider what is happening. Forcing the reader to sit down and stare at the code is not a good idea. Code needs to be obvious. Each problem has an intrinsic complexity to expressing its solution. Code should not be more complex than the solution complexity, if at all possible.
That is the essence of what the other poster tried to convey - don't make the program longer than need be. Longer has two meanings: more lines of code (ie, putting braces on their own line), and more complex. Making a program more complex than need be is not good. Making it more readable is good.
Have a look to
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know.
It's free and contains a lot of gems like this one:
There is one quote that I think is
particularly good for all software
developers to know and keep close to
their hearts:
Beauty of style and harmony and grace
and good rhythm depends on simplicity.
— Plato
In one sentence I think this sums up
the values that we as software
developers should aspire to.
There are a number of things we strive
for in our code:
Speed of development
The elusive quality of beauty
Plato is telling us that the enabling
factor for all of these qualities is
The Python Style Guide is always a good starting point!
European Standards For Writing and Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code have been in my bookmarks, like forever. Also, there was a thread in here, since you are interested in MATLAB, on organising MATLAB code.
Personally, I've found that I learned more about programming style from working through SICP which is the MIT Intro to Comp SCI text (I'm about a quarter of the way through.) Than any other book. That being said, If you're going to be working in Python, the Google style guide is an excellent place to start.
I read somewhere that most programs (scripts anyways) should never be more than a couple of lines long. All the requisite functionality should be abstracted into functions or classes. I tend to agree.
Many good points have been made above. I definitely second all of the above. I would also like to add that spelling and consistency in coding be something you practice (and also in real life).
I've worked with some offshore teams and though their English is pretty good, their spelling errors caused a lot of confusion. So for instance, if you need to look for some function (e.g., getFeedsFromDatabase) and they spell database wrong or something else, that can be a big or small headache, depending on how many dependencies you have on that particular function. The fact that it gets repeated over and over within the code will first off, drive you nuts, and second, make it difficult to parse.
Also, keep up with consistency in terms of naming variables and functions. There are many protocols to go by but as long as you're consistent in what you do, others you work with will be able to better read your code and be thankful for it.
Pretty much everything said here, and something more. In my opinion the best site concerning what you're looking for (especially the zen of python parts are fun and true)
Talks about both PEP-20 and PEP-8, some easter eggs (fun stuff), etc...
You can have a look at the Stanford online course: Programming Methodology CS106A. The instructor has given several really good instruction for writing source code.
Some of them are as following:
write programs for people to read, not just for computers to read. Both of them need to be able to read it, but it's far more important that a person reads it and understands it, and that the computer still executes it correctly. But that's the first major software engineering principle to
think about.
How to make comments:
 put in comments to clarify things in the program, which are not obvious
How to make decomposition
One method solves one problem
Each method has code approximate 1~15lines
Give methods good names
Write comment for code
Unit Tests
Python and matlab are dynamic languages. As your code base grows, you will be forced to refactor your code. In contrast to statically typed languages, the compiler will not detect 'broken' parts in your project. Using unit test frameworks like xUnit not only compensate missing compiler checks, they allow refactoring with continuous verification for all parts of your project.
Source Control
Track your source code with a version control system like svn, git or any other derivative. You'll be able to back and forth in your code history, making branches or creating tags for deployed/released versions.
Bug Tracking
Use a bug tracking system, if possible connected with your source control system, in order to stay on top of your issues. You may not be able, or forced, to fix issues right away.
Reduce Entropy
While integrating new features in your existing code base, you will add more lines of code, and potentially more complexity. This will increase entropy. Try to keep your design clean, by introducing an interface, or inheritance hierarchy in order to reduce entropy again. Not paying attention to code entropy will render your code unmaintainable over time.
All of The Above Mentioned
Pure coding related topics, like using a style guide, not duplicating code, ...,
has already been mentioned.
A small addition to the wonderful answers already here regarding Matlab:
Avoid long scripts, instead write functions (sub routines) in separate files. This will make the code more readable and easier to optimize.
Use Matlab's built-in functions capabilities. That is, learn about the many many functions that Matlab offers instead of reinventing the wheel.
Use code sectioning, and whatever the other code structure the newest Matlab version offers.
Learn how to benchmark your code using timeit and profile . You'll discover that sometimes for loops are the better solution.
The best advice I got when I asked this question was as follows:
Never code while drunk.
Make it readable, make it intuitive, make it understandable, and make it commented.

General questions regarding Python language

I'm a newbie to programming and I've decided to start with Python. Just curious though, is it enough/recommended to learn Python from online tutorials or from books? I want to go further than simple "Hello World!" programs. I'm not sure if books will actually teach you how to make more advanced programs.
One example is Exif-py. How do you even start programming a program like this? Do you just sit down and start writing the code, or do you have to search for APIs or anything? I went through the code briefly and it all looked alien to me.
I'm not really sure how to express my questions into words, so do check back because I'll edit my question if the right words come to me.
Well, I learnt all my Python from online sources (not just tutorials, but reference documentation, blog posts and other texts). It's certainly possible, although some people prefer the "guided" way a book teaches you, particularly people new to programming (at that point I had already been programming for years).
To create a program such as, you would first have to know what you must do in broad terms BEFORE starting to program. You would study the EXIF format, then figure out how that is put into the image files, then you would have to formulate that in terms of the language you're using (in this case, Python). This usually requires that you're already familiar with it, otherwise it'll be a fairly slow process.
I'd suggest starting with simpler programs to begin with, or maybe follow a book such as Dive Into Python (free online), seeing as you're new to programming, and need to not only learn the language, but to think like a programmer.
The tutorials are there to teach you the language syntax and the standard library, not really on how to solve a particular programming problem. Think of what you learn there as your toolbox.
I think I understand what you are saying. You want to break above and beyond the simple applications and write your own stuff, right? Well, first you need to figure out what it is you want to make. Then comes the hard part; how are you going to make it? I'd suggest starting by trying to break it down into a number of small simple problems instead of tackling it as one large problem.
If you are trying to find examples of larger projects, I'd suggest looking at the Python Cheeseshop (package index) and download a few packages you've heard of to see how they did it. Also, people often post handy pieces of code on their personal blogs and that shows up on PlanetPython.
If stuff like recursion, modules, classes, iteration, exceptions, dictionaries, are indeed new to you, I suggest How to Think Like a Computer Scientist in Python (lovingly abbreviated as ThinkCSPy in the community ;-).
It is a bit outdated - for best results, use Python 2.6 or lower, but then again 3.0 is not that different.
EDIT: If ThinkCSPy has little to teach you, try Dive Into Python. It's advanced and pretty "real-world", but step-by-step.
If by 'newbie to programming' you mean that you just started it last week or something along the lines, then maybe you might want to give the MIT OpenCourseWare Introduction to Computer Science videos (and homework!) a bit of your time.
The opencourse covers the syntax of the Python language, some helpful hints and general do's and don'ts that apply to any programming paradigm.
Though, if by 'newbie to programming', that you already know the basic concepts you need to start writing basic programs (like adding, subtracting, multiplying, logical operations, functions etc).
If so, Project Euler is particularly good for exercising that cranial muscle in problem solving via programming, though most of the problems on the site require you at also have knowledge of mathematics (and if you don't, at least know how to google).
Just remember, if you get stuck on anything don't get put down! It's all part of learning! If you're really stuck, search SO!
There are a few very good online resources:
The Python Tutorial.
Dive Into Python. Python from novice to pro.
Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
Another list of resources: Essential Python Reading List.
Most Python books I've seen so far are "not that good" - but that depends
on your background / prior knowledge about Python and programming.
You study the EXIF format, study the GIF/JPEG format, open the binary file, scan it and get the data out.

I need a really good reason to use Python

I have been trying to make a case for using Python at my work. We use C# and ASP.NET for basically all of our development. 80% or more of our projects are web applications. It seems natural that we would look at some of the nice dynamic web languages (Ruby, Python, etc), and with things like IronRuby and IronPython, I started seriously investigating.
I love Python. It's a beautiful, expressive language. It's a joy to code in, for sure. The multitude of python modules and frameworks make it very appealing. Problem is, I cannot think of any specific problems, any specific hurdles that would require a language like Python. ASP.NET gives us RAD, it gives us a full-featured framework and all that good stuff. Also, we all already know C# and have lots of projects in C#, learning a new language just because doesn't quite work.
Can you guys help me think of something to finally convince my boss to really learn Python and start using it on projects?
Edit: I know that no problem requires only one language, I just meant, are there any specific problems in which dynamic languages excel over static languages.
Edit again: Let me also mention that my boss prompted ME to investigate this. He has put aside hours to research these languages, find a good one, learn it, and then figure out how we can use it. I'm at the last step here, I do not need a lecture on why I should consider my motivation for changing something my company does because they do it for a reason.
"Can you guys help me think of something to finally convince my boss to really learn Python and start using it on projects?"
Nothing succeeds like success. Use Python. Be successful. Make people jealous.
When asked why you're successful, you can talk about Python. Not before.
Choose projects wisely: things where a dynamic language has significant advantages. Things where the requirements are not nailed down in detail. Things like data transformations, log-file scraping, and super-sophisticated replacements for BAT files.
Use Python to get started doing something useful while everyone else is standing around trying to get enough business and domain information to launch a project to develop a complicated MVC design.
Edit: Some Python to the Rescue stories.
Exploratory Programming
Tooling to build test cases
What's Central Here?
Control-Break Reporting
One More Cool Thing About Python Is...
In Praise of Serialization
And that's just me.
Edit: "boss prompted ME to investigate", "figure out how we can use it" changes everything.
The "finally convince my boss to really learn Python" is misleading. You aren't swimming upstream. See How Do I Make the Business Case for Python for the "convince my boss" problem. The edit says you're past this phase.
Dynamic languages offer flexibility. Exploit that. My two sets of examples above are two areas where flexibility matters.
Requirements aren't totally nailed down. With a dynamic language, you can get started. Rework won't be a deal-breaker. With Java (and C++ and C#) you are reluctant to tackle devastating design changes because it's hard to break everything and get it to compile and work again. In Python, devastating changes aren't as expensive.
Design is in flux because you can't pick components. You can write Wrappers and Facades very easily in Python. It's a scripting language. And, Python modules compose into larger aggregates very simply.
Coding is in flux because requirements and design keep changing. It's scripted -- not compiled. You just make a change to the code and you're off and running. Testing is easier because the work cycle is shorter. It isn't code-compile-build-test it's code-test.
Testing is in flux because the requirements keep changing. Same as above. The work cycle is shorter and faster.
Almost no problem requires a specific programming language, that's just not how things work.
The easiest way to get a new language into an environment like yours is to start a new work project in your own time in the new language. Make it do something you need doing, and write it on your own time. Use it yourself, and other people will probably notice it. They then say "Can you send me that program?" and boom, they're using your new language.
If you really want to something, I would probably write a site in Django, simply because its admin interface blows everyone away.
The main point to remember is that if you start using python, that's one more thing everyone else has to learn, and it's another bullet point that will need to be on every prospective employee's resume. That can get expensive, and management won't like it.
Sneaking a language in is often done by automating tedious manual tasks (especially dynamic/scripting languages like Python/Ruby etc). Set it up so something like deploying builds, or shuffling backups, or whatever is done with Python.
Then casually slip in how easy it was to do, and try to spread some of the enthusiasm around.
Acceptance and awareness should slowly grow from that, and before you know it, management is seriously considering Python for a new project.
Can you guys help me think of
something to finally convince my boss
to really learn Python and start using
it on projects?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. As Harley said, no problem is going to require a specific language. The approach Harley suggested is also a good one. Learn on your time, build an useful app on your time, and maybe, just maybe, someone at your work will want to use it, like it, love it, then want to learn more about it.
Another approach you could take is to get a better understanding of why your company uses .Net (therefore, Windows Server, and probably SQL server) for nearly all development. Once you have a good understanding of why they aren't open to other languages, then you have some fire power to build a business case for the "why not?".
Why pay licensing costs when you have tools that can accomplish the same things? There are free alternatives out there, like Python, that run on free servers.
Why not give your team the chance to grow their professional tool-belt? This is my opinion, but a good developer is a developer that isn't afraid to learn new ways of doing the same thing they've done before.
But, in the end, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Bottom line, it costs money to introduce a new language/environment into an IT shop. Whether it's software, training, or employee rollover, there is a business reason behind utilizing a single language for a company, and sticking to it.
I'm in the exact scenario you're in. I work in a .Net shop, and that's not going to change any time soon. I get by, by working on my own projects in my "free" time. I enjoy it, and it makes for a good balance.
Hope this helps.
Take a step back, and look at your approach. "I know what I want the answer to be, but I can't find any evidence to support it."
Despite the fact that Python is my current first choice language, I am afraid I find myself on the side of your boss! Sorry.
I think you should open your mind and consider all the options from the stance of your organisation's best interest, and see if you don't come to a different conclusion about the best language.
There are many factors in the choice of language, and how pretty it is is a fairly minor one. The availability of staff is a key one. The cost of retraining, availability of the libraries and meta-tools, performance, etc. etc.
Once you have taken into consideration all the different factors (and not just "Oooh! It'd be fun!") and made a balanced assessment (rather than a predetermined answer), you may find that your boss is more willing to listen.
p.s. The suggestion to secretly use Python for work code, and leaving the company with a terrible code debt in a language they are not prepared for seems very unprofessional to me.
The best leverage you're likely going to have is tools and libraries; as others have pointed out, no language is required to solve any particular program. So let's look at Things You Can Leverage Using Python:
Google App Engine
Those are off the top of my head; finding what's applicable to your team and your company is left as an exercise for the questioner :)
Well, here's a view of why Python programmers make better Java programmers; the concepts are much the same as for your situation.
Essentially, people who learn a language because they want to show that they enjoy programming, like to learn new things, and are more likely to think outside the box.
...if a company chooses to write
its software in a comparatively
esoteric language, they'll be able to
hire better programmers, because
they'll attract only those who cared
enough to learn it. And for
programmers the paradox is even more
pronounced: the language to learn, if
you want to get a good job, is a
language that people don't learn
merely to get a job.
Not only that, but Python enforces "good looking" code and you don't have to do the whole code/compile routine. With IronPython, you can simply code in Python and use it as is; just another .NET tool.
Python got a good start in the Java world as Jython for unit testing. In fact many Java people started using it first that way. Its dynamic scripting nature makes it a great fit for unit tests. Just yesterday I was wishing I could use it or something like it for the unit tests I was writing for a VB.Net project. I'd have to say that it isn't so much about the individual language IronRuby or IronPython as it is about the style of development that they enable. You can write static language like code in either but you don't fully reap the benefits until you can start to think dynamically. Once you grasp those concepts you'll start to slowly change the way you code and your projects will require less classes and less code to implement. Testing, particularly unit tests will become a must since you give up the warm blanket known as a compiler with type safety checks for other efficiencies.
The language is almost never the key to success. Good programmers can be successful in a variety of languages, and you'll find successful projects in almost any language. You won't find the failures that much because those projects just go away never to be heard of again. If you're looking for a new language because you don't have good programmers, even the best language in the world isn't going to help.
And, you haven't said anything about the sort of work you're doing. Python might be a good choice because it has well-supported and widely-used libraries that are critical for you. On the other hand, C# might have better support for the stuff that you want to do. A tool outside of context has no intrinsic merit. You might love screwdrivers, but that doesn't help you row a boat.
If you want to use Python, or any other language, just because you like it, be honest with yourself and those around you. It looks like you've made a decision to switch, don't know why you are switching, and now need to rationalize it with reasons that had nothing to do with your desire to switch. If you had a good reason, you wouldn't be asking here :)
That's not entirely a bad thing, though. Programming is a human enterprise. If the programmers (at whatever level) insanely love a particular language, no matter how stupid the reason, they are probably going to produce more. It's just not a technological solution though.
Good luck, :)
I am pretty sure (100%) that you don't need to use Python for MS Windows at least.
In cases of other platforms you can use any language you like.

Contributing to Python

I'm a pretty inexperienced programmer (can make tk apps, text processing, sort of understand oop), but Python is so awesome that I would like to help the community. What's the best way for a beginner to contribute?
Add to the docs. it is downright crappy
Help out other users on the dev and user mailing lists.
TEST PYTHON. bugs in programming languages are real bad. And I have seen someone discover atleast 1 bug in python
Frequent the #python channel on
Build something cool in Python and share it with others. Small values of cool are still cool. Not everyone gets to write epic, world-changing software.
Every problem solved well using Python is a way of showing how cool Python is.
I guess one way would be to help with documentation (translation, updating), until you are aware enough about the language. Also following the devs and users mail groups would give you a pretty good idea of what is being done and needs to be done by the community.
I see two ways of going about it: working on Python directly or working on something that utilizes Python
Since you're a beginner, you're probably hesitant to work on the core Python language or feel that you can't contribute in a meaningful way, which is understandable. However, as a beginner, you're in a good position to help improve documentation and other items that are essential to learning Python.
For example, the Python tutorial is less of a tutorial (in the standard sense) and more of a feature listing, at least in my opinion. When I tried to learn from it, I never got the feeling that I was building up my knowledge, like creating an application. It felt more like I was being shown all the parts that make up Python but not how to put them together into a cohesive structure.
Once I became more comfortable with the language (mostly through books and lots of practice), I eventually wrote my own tutorial, trying to provide not only the technical information but also lessons learned and "newbie gotchas".
Alternatively, you can contribute to the Python world by using Python in programs. You can contribute to projects already established, e.g. Django, PyGame, etc., or you can make your own program to "scratch an itch". Either way, you not only build your knowledge of Python but you are giving back to the community.
Finally, you can become an advocate of Python, encouraging others to learn the language. I kept suggesting to my supervisor at my last job to use Python rather than Java when a considering what to use for a new project. I tell everyone I know about the joys of Python and encourage them to give it a try. I convinced the administrator of a computer forum I frequent to create a section for Python. And, as I already said, I wrote a tutorial for Python and I'm working on a new one for wxPython.
There are many ways you can contribute to Python that aren't necessarily programming related. As your programming skills grow, you may want to move further into code contributions. But you may gain more satisfaction by helping others find the same joy you found in Python.
If you aren't up to actually working on the Python core, there are still many ways to contribute.. 2 that immediately come to mind is:
work on documentation.. it can ALWAYS be improved. Take your favorite modules and check out the documentation and add where you can.
Reporting descriptive bugs is very helpful to the development process.
Get involved with the community:
Start by contributing to a Python project that you use and enjoy. This can be as simple as answering questions on the mailing list or IRC channel, offering to help with documentation and test writing or fixing bugs.

Best ways to teach a beginner to program? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Original Question
I am currently engaged in teaching my brother to program. He is a total beginner, but very smart. (And he actually wants to learn). I've noticed that some of our sessions have gotten bogged down in minor details, and I don't feel I've been very organized. (But the answers to this post have helped a lot.)
What can I do better to teach him effectively? Is there a logical order that I can use to run through concept by concept? Are there complexities I should avoid till later?
The language we are working with is Python, but advice in any language is welcome.
How to Help
If you have good ones please add the following in your answer:
Beginner Exercises and Project Ideas
Resources for teaching beginners
Screencasts / blog posts / free e-books
Print books that are good for beginners
Please describe the resource with a link to it so I can take a look. I want everyone to know that I have definitely been using some of these ideas. Your submissions will be aggregated in this post.
Online Resources for teaching beginners:
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Alice: a 3d program for beginners
Scratch (A system to develop programming skills)
How To Design Programs
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Learn To Program
Robert Read's How To Be a Programmer
Microsoft XNA
Spawning the Next Generation of Hackers
COMP1917 Higher Computing lectures by Richard Buckland (requires iTunes)
Dive into Python
Python Wikibook
Project Euler - sample problems (mostly mathematical)
pygame - an easy python library for creating games
Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python
Foundations of Programming for a next step beyond basics.
Squeak by Example
Snake Wrangling For Kids (It's not just for kids!)
Recommended Print Books for teaching beginners
Accelerated C++
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Code by Charles Petzold
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd Edition
I've had to work with several beginner (never wrote a line of code) programmers, and I'll be doing an after school workshop with high school students this fall. This is the closest thing I've got to documentation. It's still a work in progress, but I hope it helps.
1) FizzBuzz. Start with command line programs. You can write some fun games, or tools, very quickly, and you learn all of the language features very quickly without having to learn the GUI tools first. These early apps should be simple enough that you won't need to use any real debugging tools to make them work.
If nothing else things like FizzBuzz are good projects. Your first few apps should not have to deal with DBs, file system, configuration, ect. These are concepts which just confuse most people, and when you're just learning the syntax and basic framework features you really don't need more complexity.
Some projects:
Hello World!
Take the year of my birth, and calculate my age (just (now - then) no month corrections). (simple math, input, output)
Ask for a direction(Up, down, left, right), then tell the user their fate (fall in a hole, find a cake, ect). (Boolean logic)
FizzBuzz, but count once every second. (Loops, timers, and more logic)
Depending on their age some really like an app which calls the users a random insult at some interval. (Loops, arrays, timers, and random if you make the interval random)
2) Simple Project Once they have a good grasp of language features, you can start a project(simple, fun games work good.). You should try to have the first project be able to be completed within 6-12 hours. Don't spend time to architect it early. Let them design it even if it sucks. If it falls apart, talk about what happened and why it failed, then pick another topic and start again.
This is where you start introducing the debugging capabilities of your tools. Even if you can see the problem by reading the code you should teach them how to use the tools, and then show them how you could see it. That serves the dual purpose of teaching the debugging tools and teaching how to ID errors without tools.
Once, or if, the project gets functional you can use it to introduce refactoring tools. Its good if you can then expand the project with some simple features which you never planned for. This usually means refactoring and significant debugging, since very few people write even half decent code their first time.
Some projects:
Hangman game
Experimenting with robotics(Vex and Mindstorms are options)
3) Real Project Start a real project which may take some time. Use proper source control, and make a point to have a schedule. Run this project like a real project, if nothing else its good experience having to deal with the tools.
Obviously you need to adjust this for each person. The most important thing I've found is to make even the first simple apps apply to what the person is interested in.
Some projects:
Text file based blog engine
More advanced robotics work
You could try using Alice. It's a 3D program designed for use in introductory programming classes.
The two biggest obstacles for new programmers are often:
syntax errors
motivation (writing something meaningful and fun rather than contrived)
Alice uses a drag and drop interface for constructing programs, avoiding the possibility of syntax errors. Alice lets you construct 3D worlds and have your code control (simple) 3D characters and animation, which is usually a lot more interesting than implementing linked lists.
Experienced programmers may look down at Alice as a toy and scoff at dragging and dropping lines of code, but research shows that this approach works.
Disclaimer: I worked on Alice.
I recommend Logo (aka the turtle) to get the basic concepts down. It provides a good sandbox with immediate graphical feedback, and you can demostrate loops, variables, functions, conditionals, etc. This page provides an excellent tutorial.
After Logo, move to Python or Ruby. I recommend Python, as it's based on ABC, which was invented for the purpose of teaching programming.
When teaching programming, I must second EHaskins's suggestion of simple projects and then complex projects. The best way to learn is to start with a definite outcome and a measurable milestone. It keeps the lessons focused, allows the student to build skills and then build on those skills, and gives the student something to show off to friends. Don't underestimate the power of having something to show for one's work.
Theoretically, you can stick with Python, as Python can do almost anything. It's a good vehicle to teach object-oriented programming and (most) algorithms. You can run Python in interactive mode like a command line to get a feel for how it works, or run whole scripts at once. You can run your scripts interpreted on the fly, or compile them into binaries. There are thousands of modules to extend the functionality. You can make a graphical calculator like the one bundled with Windows, or you can make an IRC client, or anything else.
XKCD describes Python's power a little better:
You can move to C# or Java after that, though they don't offer much that Python doesn't already have. The benefit of these is that they use C-style syntax, which many (dare I say most?) languages use. You don't need to worry about memory management yet, but you can get used to having a bit more freedom and less handholding from the language interpreter. Python enforces whitespace and indenting, which is nice most of the time but not always. C# and Java let you manage your own whitespace while remaining strongly-typed.
From there, the standard is C or C++. The freedom in these languages is almost existential. You are now in charge of your own memory management. There is no garbage collection to help you. This is where you teach the really advanced algorithms (like mergesort and quicksort). This is where you learn why "segmentation fault" is a curse word. This is where you download the source code of the Linux kernel and gaze into the Abyss. Start by writing a circular buffer and a stack for string manipulation. Then work your way up.
A good python course is MIT's A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python. It's all free online, and you don't have to be an MIT uberstudent to understand it.
Edit [Justin Standard]
This course uses this free online book: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist
I'm definitely finding it quite useful.
Python package VPython -- 3D Programming for Ordinary Mortal (video tutorial).
Code example:
from visual import *
floor = box (pos=(0,0,0), length=4, height=0.5, width=4,
ball = sphere (pos=(0,4,0), radius=1,
ball.velocity = vector(0,-1,0)
dt = 0.01
while 1:
rate (100)
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.velocity*dt
if ball.y < ball.radius:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
ball.velocity.y = ball.velocity.y - 9.8*dt
VPython bouncing ball
Begin with Turtle graphics in Python.
I would use the turtle graphics which comes standard with Python. It is visual, simple and you could use this environment to introduce many programming concepts like iteration and procedure calls before getting too far into syntax. Consider the following interactive session in python:
>>> from turtle import *
>>> setup()
>>> title("turtle test")
>>> clear()
>>> down() #pen down
>>> forward(50) #move forward 50 units
>>> right(90) #turn right 90 degrees
>>> forward(50)
>>> right(90)
>>> forward(50)
>>> right(90)
>>> forward(50)
>>> clear()
>>> for i in range(4):
>>> def square(length):
for i in range(4):
>>> for i in range(50):
In trying to accomplish the last two assignments, they will have many failed attempts, but the failures will be visually interesting and they'll learn quickly as they try to figure out why it didn't draw what they expected.
The key thing is that the person in question needs to have some problem that they want solving. If you don't have a program that you want to write (and something sensible and well-defined, not "I want to write the next Quake!") then you can't learn to program, because you have nothing to motivate you. I mean, you could read a book and have a rough understanding of a language's syntax and semantics, but until you have a program that you want written you'll never grasp the nettle.
If that impetus exists then everything else is just minor details.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this here, yet, but You might want to check out Zed Shaw's Learn Python the Hard Way
Hope this Helps">Try Ruby (In Your Browser)
How to Design Programs
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs . Videos lectures at
This is a fantastic book which my little brothers used to learn:
Of course, the most important thing is to start on a real, useful program of some kind IMMEDIATELY after finishing the book.
If he's interested, aren't the minor details the good parts? Using python, you've already cut the GUI off of it so that confusion is gone. Why not pick a project, a game or something, and implement it. The classic hi-lo number guessing game can be simply implemented from the command line in 20-30 lines of code (depending on language of course) and gives you variables, conditions, loops, and user input.
I'd just let him write tons of code. Let him drive in everything you guys do, and just be available to answer questions.
Believe it or not, after a few months of writings tons of crappy code, he'll start to get the idea and start writing better programs. At that point, you can get bogged down in details (memory, etc), and also talk about general design principles.
I've heard that what separates the great artists from the mediocre ones, is that every time they practice, they improve on something, no matter how small. Let your brother practice, and he'll improve every time he sits down at the keyboard.
Edit: [Justin Standard]
Esteban, this reminds me of a recent coding horror post, and I do think you are right. But I think its still worthwhile to find methods to guide his practice. No question, I want him writing as much code as he knows how to do. Thats one reason I'm asking for sample projects.
First of all, start out like everyone else does: with a Hello World program. It's simple, and it gives them a basic feel for the layout of a program. Try and remember back to when you were first programming, and how difficult some of the concepts were - start simple.
After Hello World, move on to creating some basic variables, arithmetic, then onto boolean logic and if/else statements. If you've got one of your old programming textbooks, check out some of the early examples and have him run through those. Just don't try to introduce too much all at once, or it will be overwhelming and confusing.
Something you should be very mindful of while teaching your brother to program is for him not to rely too heavily on you. Often when I find myself helping others they will begin to think of me as answer book to all of their questions and instead of experimenting to find an answer they simply ask me. Often the best teacher is experimentation and every time your brother has a question like "What will happen if I add 2 to a string?" you should tell him to try it out and see for himself. Also I have noticed that when I cannot get a concept through to someone, it helps to see some sample code where we can look at each segment individually and explain it piece by piece. As a side note people new to programming often have trouble with the idea of object oriented programming, they will say they understand it when you teach it to them but will not get a clear concept of it until actually implementing it.
I used to teach programming and your brother has one main advantage over most of my students he wants to learn :)
If you decide to go with C a friend has a site that has the sort of programs those of use from older generations remember as basic type-ins. The more complex of them use ncurses which sort of negates their use as a teaching aid somewhat but some of them are tiny little things and you can learn loads without being taught to.
Personally I think Python and Ruby would make great first languages.
list of beginner programming assignments appeared overnight might be just what you are looking for.
It really depends on your brother's learning style. Many people learn faster by getting their hands dirty & just getting into it, crystallising the concepts and the big picture as they progress and build their knowledge.
Me, I prefer to start with the big picture and drill down into the nitty-gritty. The first thing I wanted to know was how it all fits together then all that Object-oriented gobbledygook, then about classes & instances and so-on. I like to know the underlying concepts and a bit of theory before I learn the syntax. I had a bit of an advantage because I wrote some games in BASIC 20 years ago but nothing much since.
Perhaps it is useful to shadow a production process by starting with an overall mission statement, then a plan and/or flowchart, then elaborate into some pseudo code (leaning towards the syntax you will ultimately use) before actually writing the code.
The golden rule here is to suss out your student's leaning style.
If your brother has access to iTunes, he can download video lectures of an introductory computer science course given by Richard Buckland at the University of New South Wales. He's an engaging instructor and covers fundamentals of computing and the C language. If nothing else, tell your brother to play the vids in the background and some concepts might sink in through osmosis. :)
COMP1917 Higher Computing - 2008 Session 1
If the link doesn't work, here's a path:
Home -> iTunes U --> Engineering --> COMP1917 Higher Computing - 2008 Session 1
there's a wikibook that is pretty good for learning python.
I don't know how the wikibooks are for other languages, but I personally learned python from the wikibook as it was in Feb 2007
ps - if you're unfamiliar with wikibooks, it's basically the wikipedia version of book authoring. it's sort of hard to describe, but if you check out a few of the books on there you'll see how it works
Python Programming for the absolute beginner
Python Programming for the absolute beginner cover
I think Python is a great idea. I would give him a few basic assignments to do on his own and tell him that any dead ends he hits can probably be resolved by a trip to google. For me, at least, solving a problem on my own always made it stick better than someone telling me the solution.
Some possible projects (in no particular order):
Coin flip simulator. Let the user input a desired number of trials for the coin flipping. Execute it and display the results along with the percentage for heads or tails.
Make a temperature converter with a menu that takes user input to choose which kind of conversion the user wants to do. After choosing the conversion and doing it, it should return to the main menu.
Here's an example of an extended converter with the same idea:
Make a program that takes a numeric input and displays the letter grade it would translate to. It'll end up evaluating the input against if and elif statements to find where it fits.
Make a simple quiz that goes through several multiple choice or fill in the blank questions. At the end it will display how the user did. He can pick any questions he wants.
Take an input of some (presumably large) number of pennies and convert it into bigger denominations. For example, 149 pennies = 1 dollar, 1 quarter, 2 dimes, and 4 pennies.
Create a simple list manager. Be able to add/delete lists and add/delete entries in those lists. Here's an example of a christmas list manager:
Create a program that will build and then test whether entered numbers form a magic square (with a 2D array). Here's some sample code, but it should really print out the square at each step in order to show where the user is in terms of buliding the square:
I would also suggest doing some stuff with xTurtle or another graphics module to mix things up and keep him from getting boring. Of course, this is very much practice programming and not the scripting that a lot of people would really be using python for, but the examples I gave are pretty much directly taken from when I was learning via python and it worked out great for me. Good luck!
Just make it fun !
Amazingly Scala might be the easiest if you try Kojo
If your brother likes puzzles, I would recommend Python Challenge. I wouldn't use it as a formal teaching tool in a 1 on 1 tutorial, but it's something he can do when you're not together to challenge himself and have some fun.
Python Challenge
After going through a few free e-books, I found the best book for learning to program was Head First Programming published by O'Reily Press. It uses Python as the language and gives you programs to work on from the very start. They are all more interesting that 'Hello World'.
It's well worth the money I spent on it, and since it's been out for a bit you may be able to find a cheaper used copy on Ebay or Amazon.
If you want to teach the basics of programming, without being language specific, there is an application called Scratch that was created in MIT. It's designed to help people develop programming skills. As users create Scratch projects, they learn to create conditions, loops, etc. There is a also a community of scratch projects, form which projects can be downloaded - that way you can explore other people's programs and see how they were built.
I think that once he has the basics (variables, loops, etc) down you should try to help him find something specific that he is interested in and help him learn the necessities to make it happen. I know that I am much more inclined and motivated to do something if it's of interest to me. Also, make sure to let him struggle though some of the tougher problems, nothing is more satisfying than the moment you figure it out on your own.
I was taught by learning how to solve problems in a language agnostic way using flowcharts and PDL (Program Design Language). After a couple weeks of that, I learned to convert the PDL I had written to a language. I am glad I learned that way because I have spent the majority of my years programming, solving problems without being tied to a language. What language I use has always been an implementation detail and not part of the design.
Having to solve the problem by breaking it down into it's basic steps is a key skill. I think it is one of the things that separates those that can program from those that can't.
As far as how you tackle the order of concepts of a language I believe the easiest way is to decide that is to have a project in mind and tackle the concepts as they are needed. This lets you apply them as they are needed on something that you are interested in doing. When learning a language it is good to have several simple projects in mind and a few with progressive complexity. Deciding on those will help you map out the concepts that are needed and their order.
I would recommend also watching some screencasts - they are generally created in context of a specific technology not a language, though if there's Python code displayed, that'll do :). The point is - they're created by some good programmers and watching how good programmers program is a good thing. You and your brother could do some peer programming as well, that might be an even better idea. Just don't forget to explain WHY you do something this way and not that way.
I think the best way to learn programming is from good examples and try not to even see the bad ones.
Robert Read wrote a useful guide, How to be a Programmer, which covers a wide area of programming issues that a beginner would find helpful.

