i want to pass xml format data into python from flex.i know how to pass from flex but my question is how can i get the passed data in python and then the data should be inserted into mysql.and aslo i want to retrieve the mysql data to the python(cgi),the python should convert all the data into xml format,and pass all the data to the flex..
Thank's in advance.....
See http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=208528 for more details, here is a breif overview of what I think you are looking for.
The SimpleXMLRPCServer library allows you to easily create a server. Here's about the simplest server you can create, which provides two services to manipulate strings:
import sys
from random import shuffle
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
class MyFuncs:
def reverse(self, str) :
x = list(str);
return ''.join(x);
def scramble(self, str):
x = list(str);
return ''.join(x);
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
Once you make a connection to the server, that server acts like a local object. You call the server's methods just like they're ordinary methods of that object.
This is about as clean an RPC implementation as you can hope for (and other Python RPC libraries exist; for example, CORBA clients). But it's all text based; not very satisfying when trying to create polished applications with nice GUIs. What we'd like is the best of all worlds -- Python (or your favorite language) doing the heavy lifting under the covers, and Flex creating the user experience.
To use the library, download it and unpack it somewhere. The package includes all the source code and the compiled as3-rpclib.swc library -- the .swc extension indicates an archive file, and pieces of this library can be pulled out and incorporated into your final .swf. To include the library in your project, you must tell Flexbuilder (you can get a free trial or just use the free command-line tools, and add on the Apollo portion) where the library is located by going to Project|Properties and selecting "Apollo Build Path," then choosing the "Library path" tab and pressing the "Add SWC..." button. Next, you add the namespace ak33m to your project as seen in the code below, and you're ready to create an XMLRPCObject.
Note: the only reason I used Apollo here was that I was thinking in terms of desktop applications with nice UIs. You can just as easily make it a Flex app.
Here's the entire Apollo application as a single MXML file, which I'll explain in detail:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:ApolloApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:ak33m="http://ak33m.com/mxml" layout="absolute">
<mx:FormHeading label="String Modifier"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Input String">
<mx:TextInput id="instring" change="manipulate()"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Reversed">
<mx:Text id="reversed"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Scrambled">
<mx:Text id="scrambled"/>
<ak33m:XMLRPCObject id="server" endpoint="http://localhost:8000"/>
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.ItemResponder;
private function manipulate() : void {
server.reverse(instring.text).addResponder(new ItemResponder(reverseResult, onFault));
server.scramble(instring.text).addResponder(new ItemResponder(scrambleResult, onFault));
private function reverseResult(event : ResultEvent, token : AsyncToken = null) : void {
reversed.text = event.result.toString();
private function scrambleResult(event : ResultEvent, token : AsyncToken = null) : void {
scrambled.text = event.result.toString();
private function onFault (event : FaultEvent, token : AsyncToken = null) : void {
Alert.show(event.fault.faultString, event.fault.faultCode);
So, using PyQt5's QWebEngineView and the .setHTML and .setContent methods have a 2 MB size limitation. When googling for solutions around this, I found two methods:
Use SimpleHTTPServer to serve the file. This however gets nuked by a firewall employed in the company.
Use File Urls and point to local files. This however is a rather bad solution, as the HTML contains confidential data and I can't leave it on the harddrive, under any circumstance.
The best solution I currently see is to use file urls, and get rid of the file on program exit/when loadCompleted reports it is done, whichever comes first.
This is however not a great solution and I wanted to ask if there is a solution I'm overlooking that would be better?
Why don't you load/link most of the content through a custom url scheme handler?
webEngineView->page()->profile()->installUrlSchemeHandler("app", new UrlSchemeHandler(e));
class UrlSchemeHandler : public QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler
void requestStarted(QWebEngineUrlRequestJob *request) {
QUrl url = request->requestUrl();
QString filePath = url.path().mid(1);
// get the data for this url
QByteArray data = ..
if (!data.isEmpty())
QMimeDatabase db;
QString contentType = db.mimeTypeForFileNameAndData(filePath,data).name();
QBuffer *buffer = new QBuffer();
connect(request, SIGNAL(destroyed()), buffer, SLOT(deleteLater()));
request->reply(contentType.toUtf8(), buffer);
} else {
you can then load a website by webEngineView->load(new QUrl("app://start.html"));
All relative pathes from inside will also be forwarded to your UrlSchemeHandler..
And rember to add the respective includes
#include <QWebEngineUrlRequestJob>
#include <QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler>
#include <QBuffer>
One way you can go around this is to use requests and QWebEnginePage's method runJavaScript:
web_engine = QWebEngineView()
web_page = web_engine.page()
url = 'https://youtube.com'
page_content = requests.get(url).text
# document.write writes a string of text to a document stream
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/write
# And backtick symbol(``) is for multiline strings
I have here a part of a code in Python which is for AWS SendEmailRequest(SES)
response = boto3.client('ses').send_raw_email(
FromArn='response = boto3.client('ses').send_raw_email(
'Data': msg
This is working as expected. My problem is that I also need to have this in my Java script but I'm confused how to incorporate it. I've been trying but it seems to be not working. This is the existing Java script part below:
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
RawMessage rawMessage = new RawMessage(ByteBuffer.wrap(outputStream.toByteArray()));
SendRawEmailRequest rawEmailRequest = new SendRawEmailRequest(rawMessage)
I think the FromArn and SourceArn should be incorporated in the rawMessage or rawEmailRequest but I couldn't make it work. On the top of the code, there are values declared like this:
public class SESEMail {
static final String FROM = "example#web.com";
static final String key = Config.key;
static final String privatekey = Config.privateKey;
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SESEMail.class);
public static Variables variables;
I've been reading this one but still confused with how Java language works. http://javadox.com/com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-ses/1.10.29/com/amazonaws/services/simpleemail/model/SendRawEmailRequest.html#getSourceArn()
I am a very inexperienced programmer with no formal education. Details will be extremely helpful in any responses.
I have made several basic python scripts to call SOAP APIs, but I am running into an issue with a specific API function that has an embedded array.
Here is a sample excerpt from a working XML format to show nested data:
<bomData xsi:type="urn:inputBOM" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="urn:bomItem[]">
I have tried 3 different things to get this to work to no avail.
I can generate the near exact XML from my script, but a key attribute missing is the 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType="urn:bomItem[]"' in the above XML example.
Option 1 was using MessagePlugin, but I get an error because my section is like the 3 element and it always injects into the first element. I have tried body[2], but this throws an error.
Option 2 I am trying to create the object(?). I read a lot of stack overflow, but I might be missing something for this.
Option 3 looked simple enough, but also failed. I tried setting the values in the JSON directly. I got these examples by an XML sample to JSON.
I have also done a several other minor things to try to get it working, but not worth mentioning. Although, if there is a way to somehow do the following, then I'm all ears:
bomItem[]: bomData = {"bomItem"[{...,...,...}]}
Here is a sample of my script:
# for python 3
# using pip install suds-py3
from suds.client import Client
from suds.plugin import MessagePlugin
# Config
#option 1: trying to set it as an array using plugin
class MyPlugin(MessagePlugin):
def marshalled(self, context):
body = context.envelope.getChild('Body')
bomItem = body[0]
bomItem.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', 'urn:bomItem[]')
URL = "http://localhost/application/soap?wsdl"
client = Client(URL, plugins=[MyPlugin()])
transact_info = {
#WIP - trying to get bomData below working first
inputData = {
"fieldname": "",
"fielddata": ""
#option 2: trying to create the element here and define as an array
#inputbom = client.factory.create('ns3:inputBOM')
#inputbom._type = "SOAP-ENC:arrayType"
#inputbom.value = "urn:bomItem[]"
bomData = {
#Option 3: trying to set the time and array type in JSON
response = client.service.transactUnit(transact_info,inputData,bomData)
print("RESPONSE: ")
except Exception as e:
#handle error here
I appreciate any help and hope it is easy to solve.
I have found the answer I was looking for. At least a working solution.
In any case, option 1 worked out. I read up on it at the following link:
You can review at the '!MessagePlugin' section.
I found a solution to get message plugin working from the following post:
unmarshalling Error: For input string: ""
A user posted an example how to crawl through the XML structure and modify it.
Here is my modified example to get my script working:
#Using MessagePlugin to modify elements before sending to server
class MyPlugin(MessagePlugin):
# created method that could be reused to modify sections with similar
# structure/requirements
def addArrayType(self, dataType, arrayType, transactUnit):
# this is the code that is key to crawling through the XML - I get
# the child of each parent element until I am at the right level for
# modification
data = transactUnit.getChild(dataType)
if data:
data.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', arrayType)
def marshalled(self, context):
# Alter the envelope so that the xsd namespace is allowed
context.envelope.nsprefixes['xsd'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'
body = context.envelope.getChild('Body')
transactUnit = body.getChild("transactUnit")
if transactUnit:
self.addArrayType('inputData', 'urn:dataItem[]', transactUnit)
self.addArrayType('bomData', 'urn:bomItem[]', transactUnit)
I've got an Apache Beam pipeline that uses Java only firestore transforms in a python pipeline with the help of an expansion service that exposes the firestore read transforms.
Here I am trying to list all my documents in the collection named pokemon
This is my python pipeline:
def run():
"""Main function that defines pipeline and runs it."""
pipeline_options = get_pipeline_options(**vars(args))
request = ListDocumentsRequest()
request.parent = 'projects/PROJECT_ID/databases'
request.collection_id = 'pokemon'
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as pipeline:
_ = (pipeline
| 'Create Requests' >> beam.Create([request.transaction])
| 'Read from JavaFirestore' >> beam.ExternalTransform(
ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder({'parent': request.parent,
'collectionId': request.collection_id}),
| 'Write' >> WriteToText('output_files/output')
This is the Java code that exposes the transform/URN in the expansion service:
public static class FirestoreListDocumentsBuilder implements
ExternalTransformBuilder<FirestoreTransformsConfiguration, PCollection<ListDocumentsRequest>, PCollection<Document>> {
public PTransform<PCollection<ListDocumentsRequest>, PCollection<Document>> buildExternal(
FirestoreTransformsConfiguration configuration) {
return FirestoreIO.v1().read().listDocuments().build();
public class FirestoreTransformsRegistrar implements ExternalTransformRegistrar {
final static String URN_LIST_DOCS = "my.beam.transform.firestore_list_documents";
public Map<String, ExternalTransformBuilder<?, ?, ?>> knownBuilderInstances() {
return ImmutableMap.of(
URN_LIST_DOCS,new FirestoreListDocumentsBuilder()
But I am getting the following error when running the python pipeline this:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown Coder URN beam:coder:pickled_python:v1. Known URNs: [beam:coder:avro:generic:v1, beam:coder:bytes:v1, beam:coder:bool:v1, beam:coder:string_utf8:v1, beam:coder:kv:v1, beam:coder:varint:v1, beam:coder:interval_window:v1, beam:coder:iterable:v1, beam:coder:timer:v1, beam:coder:length_prefix:v1, beam:coder:global_window:v1, beam:coder:windowed_value:v1, beam:coder:param_windowed_value:v1, beam:coder:double:v1, beam:coder:row:v1, beam:coder:sharded_key:v1, beam:coder:custom_window:v1]
I am struggling to find the solution to this problem, anyone that could help me out?
This is because (surprisingly) List is not a "standard" cross-language coder. Try using with_output_types(typing.Iterable[bytes]) instead. (Your java code will have to change to take a PCollection of Iterable<byte[]> to match.)
For some additional information, please take a look on this page.
I need to write a test using cucumber for a course.
Select first item link,
Add item to the shopping cart,
Proceed shopping cart page,
Check the item on that list is correct,
Proceed to checkout,
Complete and Logout.
The point I don't understand is, do I need to open a feature file for each step and do I need to close and reopen the browser for each step? How should I do this? What kind of path should I follow?
(Note that I am a beginner and my English skills are limited, so I need a simple explanation.)
Yes, you should make a new file for each feature. For example, login.gherkin, upload.gherkin, logout.gherkin.
PS. Sorry, I didn't realize you said Python, but it's the same idea.
Each file should have a layout like this:
# Created by Mick Jagger at 1/13/2021
Feature: Login
Scenario: Login to Website Homepage
When Launch website
Then Enter username and password
And Log in
Then make the corresponding step file like this:
package glue;
import cucumber.api.java.en.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import java.util.List;
public class LoginSteps extends Driver {
public String username = "username";
public String password = "password";
#When("Launch Website")
public void launch_website() throws Throwable {
#Then("^Enter username and password$")
public void enter_credentials() throws Throwable {
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#aria-label='Phone number, username, or email']")).sendKeys(username);
#And("^Log in$")
public void log_in() throws Throwable {
List<WebElement> buttons = driver.findElements(By.tagName("button"));
buttons = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//button[#tabindex='0']"));
If you're new to browser automation, I recommend learning the "Page Object Model Methodology". Also, I stopped using this annoying framework, it's supposed to make things easier but to me it just adds extra work.