Say I have a simple table that contains username, firstname, lastname.
How do I express this in berkeley Db?
I'm currently using bsddb as the interface.
You have to pick one "column" as the key (must be unique; I imagine that would be "username" in your case) -- the only way searches will ever possibly happen. The other columns can be made to be the single string value of that key by any way you like, from pickling to simple joining with a character that's guaranteed to never occur in any of the columns, such as `\0' for many kind of "readable text strings".
If you need to be able to search by different keys you'll need other, supplementary and separate bsddb databases set up as "indices" into your main table -- it's lots of work, and there's lots of literature on the subject. (Alternatively, you move to a higher-abstraction technology, such as sqlite, which handles the indexing neatly on your behalf;-).
tl,dr: To express multiple columns in an ordered key value store like berkley db you need to learn about key composition. Look up my other answers about bsddb to learn more.
There is several ways to do that using ordered key/value store.
The simplest solution is to store documents as json values with a correct key.
Now you probably want to build index over those columns to retrieve documents without having to iterate over all the hashmap to find the correct object. For that you can use a secondaryDB that will build automatically the index for you. Or you can build the index yourself.
If you don't want to deal with key packing (and it's a good idea for starting up), you can take advantage of DB.set_bt_compare which will allow you to use cpickle, json or msgpack for both keys and values while still having an order that makes sens to create indices and doing queries. This is slower method but introduce the pattern of key composition.
To fully take advantage what ordered key is, you can make use of Cursor.set_range(key) to set the position of the db at the beginning of a query.
Another pattern, is called the EAV pattern stores tuples that follow the scheme (entity, attribute, value) and then you build various index by using permutation of that tuple. I learned this pattern studing datomic.
For less ressource hungry database, you will go the "static typed" way and store as much as possible of common information in the "metadata" table and split documents (which are really RDBMS tables) into their own hashmap.
To get you started here is an example database using bsddb (but you could build it using another ordered key/value store like wiredtiger or leveldb) that implements the EAV pattern. In this implementation I swap EAV for IKV which translates to Unique identifier, Key, Value. The overal result is that you have a fully indexed schema less document database. I think it's a good compromise between efficiency and ease-of-use.
import struct
from json import dumps
from json import loads
from bsddb3.db import DB
from bsddb3.db import DBEnv
from bsddb3.db import DB_BTREE
from bsddb3.db import DB_CREATE
from bsddb3.db import DB_INIT_MPOOL
from bsddb3.db import DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE
def pack(*values):
def __pack(value):
if type(value) is int:
return '1' + struct.pack('>q', value)
elif type(value) is str:
return '2' + struct.pack('>q', len(value)) + value
data = dumps(value, encoding='utf-8')
return '3' + struct.pack('>q', len(data)) + data
return ''.join(map(__pack, values))
def unpack(packed):
kind = packed[0]
if kind == '1':
value = struct.unpack('>q', packed[1:9])[0]
packed = packed[9:]
elif kind == '2':
size = struct.unpack('>q', packed[1:9])[0]
value = packed[9:9+size]
packed = packed[size+9:]
size = struct.unpack('>q', packed[1:9])[0]
value = loads(packed[9:9+size])
packed = packed[size+9:]
if packed:
values = unpack(packed)
values.insert(0, value)
values = [value]
return values
class TupleSpace(object):
"""Generic database"""
def __init__(self, path):
self.env = DBEnv()
self.env.set_cache_max(10, 0)
self.env.set_cachesize(5, 0)
flags = (
self.env.log_set_config(DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE, True)
self.env.set_lg_max(1024 ** 3)
# create vertices and edges k/v stores
def new_store(name):
flags = DB_CREATE
elements = DB(self.env)
return elements
self.tuples = new_store('tuples')
self.index = new_store('index')
self.txn = None
def get(self, uid):
cursor = self.tuples.cursor()
def __get():
record = cursor.set_range(pack(uid, ''))
if not record:
key, value = record
while True:
other, key = unpack(key)
if other == uid:
value = unpack(value)[0]
yield key, value
record =
if record:
key, value = record
tuples = dict(__get())
return tuples
def add(self, uid, **properties):
for key, value in properties.items():
self.tuples.put(pack(uid, key), pack(value))
self.index.put(pack(key, value, uid), '')
def delete(self, uid):
# delete item from main table and index
cursor = self.tuples.cursor()
index = self.index.cursor()
record = cursor.set_range(pack(uid, ''))
if record:
key, value = record
raise Exception('not found')
while True:
other, key = unpack(key)
if other == uid:
# remove tuple from main index
# remove it from index
value = unpack(value)[0]
index.set(pack(key, value, uid))
# continue
record =
if record:
key, value = record
def update(self, uid, **properties):
self.add(uid, **properties)
def close(self):
def debug(self):
for key, value in self.tuples.items():
uid, key = unpack(key)
value = unpack(value)[0]
print(uid, key, value)
def query(self, key, value=''):
"""return `(key, value, uid)` tuples that where
`key` and `value` are expressed in the arguments"""
cursor = self.index.cursor()
match = (key, value) if value else (key,)
record = cursor.set_range(pack(key, value))
if not record:
while True:
key, _ = record
other = unpack(key)
ok = reduce(
lambda previous, x: (cmp(*x) == 0) and previous,
zip(match, other),
if ok:
yield other
record =
if not record:
db = TupleSpace('tmp')
# you can use a tuple to store a counter
db.add(0, counter=0)
# And then have a procedure doing the required work
# to alaways have a fresh uid
def make_uid():
counter = db.get(0)
counter['counter'] += 1
return counter['counter']
amirouche = make_uid()
db.add(amirouche, username="amirouche", age=30)
Is there an elegant way to do an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in SQLAlchemy? I mean something with a syntax similar to inserter.insert().execute(list_of_dictionaries) ?
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE post version-1.2 for MySQL
This functionality is now built into SQLAlchemy for MySQL only. somada141's answer below has the best solution:
If you want the generated SQL to actually include ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, the simplest way involves using a #compiles decorator.
The code (linked from a good thread on the subject on reddit) for an example can be found on github:
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert
def append_string(insert, compiler, **kw):
s = compiler.visit_insert(insert, **kw)
if 'append_string' in insert.kwargs:
return s + " " + insert.kwargs['append_string']
return s
my_connection.execute(my_table.insert(append_string = 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE foo=foo'), my_values)
But note that in this approach, you have to manually create the append_string. You could probably change the append_string function so that it automatically changes the insert string into an insert with 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' string, but I'm not going to do that here due to laziness.
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE functionality within the ORM
SQLAlchemy does not provide an interface to ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE or MERGE or any other similar functionality in its ORM layer. Nevertheless, it has the session.merge() function that can replicate the functionality only if the key in question is a primary key.
session.merge(ModelObject) first checks if a row with the same primary key value exists by sending a SELECT query (or by looking it up locally). If it does, it sets a flag somewhere indicating that ModelObject is in the database already, and that SQLAlchemy should use an UPDATE query. Note that merge is quite a bit more complicated than this, but it replicates the functionality well with primary keys.
But what if you want ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE functionality with a non-primary key (for example, another unique key)? Unfortunately, SQLAlchemy doesn't have any such function. Instead, you have to create something that resembles Django's get_or_create(). Another StackOverflow answer covers it, and I'll just paste a modified, working version of it here for convenience.
def get_or_create(session, model, defaults=None, **kwargs):
instance = session.query(model).filter_by(**kwargs).first()
if instance:
return instance
params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if not isinstance(v, ClauseElement))
if defaults:
instance = model(**params)
return instance
I should mention that ever since the v1.2 release, the SQLAlchemy 'core' has a solution to the above with that's built in and can be seen under here (copied snippet below):
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
insert_stmt = insert(my_table).values(
data='inserted value')
on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(,
Based on phsource's answer, and for the specific use-case of using MySQL and completely overriding the data for the same key without performing a DELETE statement, one can use the following #compiles decorated insert expression:
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert
def append_string(insert, compiler, **kw):
s = compiler.visit_insert(insert, **kw)
if insert.kwargs.get('on_duplicate_key_update'):
fields = s[s.find("(") + 1:s.find(")")].replace(" ", "").split(",")
generated_directive = ["{0}=VALUES({0})".format(field) for field in fields]
return s + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " + ",".join(generated_directive)
return s
It's depends upon you. If you want to replace then pass OR REPLACE in prefixes
def bulk_insert(self,objects,table):
#table: Your table class and objects are list of dictionary [{col1:val1, col2:vale}]
for counter,row in enumerate(objects):
inserter = table.__table__.insert(prefixes=['OR IGNORE'], values=row)
except Exception as E:
print E
if counter % 100 == 0:
Here commit interval can be changed to speed up or speed down
My way
import typing
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
class MyRepository:
def model(self):
return MySqlAlchemyModel
def upsert(self, data: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
if not data:
model = self.model()
if hasattr(model, 'created_at'):
for item in data:
item['created_at'] =
stmt = mysql.insert(getattr(model, '__table__')).values(data)
for_update = []
for k, v in data[0].items():
dup = {k: getattr(stmt.inserted, k) for k in for_update}
stmt = stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(**dup)
"field11": "value11",
"field21": "value21",
"field31": "value31",
"field12": "value12",
"field22": "value22",
"field32": "value32",
The other answers have this covered but figured I'd reference another good example for mysql I found in this gist. This also includes the use of LAST_INSERT_ID, which may be useful depending on your innodb auto increment settings and whether your table has a unique key. Lifting the code here for easy reference but please give the author a star if you find it useful.
from app import db
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
def upsert(model, insert_dict):
"""model can be a db.Model or a table(), insert_dict should contain a primary or unique key."""
inserted = insert(model).values(**insert_dict)
upserted = inserted.on_duplicate_key_update(
id=func.LAST_INSERT_ID(, **{k: inserted.inserted[k]
for k, v in insert_dict.items()})
res = db.engine.execute(upserted)
return res.lastrowid
use upset func based on on_duplicate_key_update
class Model():
__input_data__ = dict()
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
self.__input_data__ = kwargs
self.session = Session(engine)
def save(self):
def upsert(self, *, ingore_keys = []):
column_keys = self.__table__.columns.keys()
udpate_data = dict()
for key in self.__input_data__.keys():
if key not in column_keys:
udpate_data[key] = self.__input_data__[key]
insert_stmt = insert(self.__table__).values(**udpate_data)
all_ignore_keys = ['id']
if isinstance(ingore_keys, list):
all_ignore_keys =[*all_ignore_keys, *ingore_keys]
udpate_columns = dict()
for key in self.__input_data__.keys():
if key not in column_keys or key in all_ignore_keys:
udpate_columns[key] = insert_stmt.inserted[key]
on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(
# self.session.add(self)
class ManagerAssoc(ORM_Base, Model):
def __init__(self, **kwargs): = idWorker.get_id()
column_keys = self.__table__.columns.keys()
udpate_data = dict()
for key in kwargs.keys():
if key not in column_keys:
udpate_data[key] = kwargs[key]
ORM_Base.__init__(self, **udpate_data)
Model.__init__(self, **kwargs, id =
# you can call it as following:
manager.upsert(ingore_keys = ['manager_id'])
Got a simpler solution:
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert
def replace_string(insert, compiler, **kw):
s = compiler.visit_insert(insert, **kw)
s = s.replace("INSERT INTO", "REPLACE INTO")
return s
my_connection.execute(my_table.insert(replace_string=""), my_values)
I just used plain sql as:
insert_stmt = "REPLACE INTO tablename (column1, column2) VALUES (:column_1_bind, :columnn_2_bind) "
session.execute(insert_stmt, data)
As none of these solutions seem all the elegant. A brute force way is to query to see if the row exists. If it does delete the row and then insert otherwise just insert. Obviously some overhead involved but it does not rely on modifying the raw sql and it works on non orm stuff.
I'm trying to find the best way to get a list of all LDAP user accounts that belong to groups which are members of a groupOfNames using python-ldap. This is on an OpenLDAP server, not AD. I wrote the function below, which does the job but takes forever to run. I'm hoping either python-ldap has some builtin function that I'm not aware of, or there's something I can modify to make this run more quickly. If not, hopefully someone else will find this code useful. Thanks in advance for any help!
def get_nested_members(con, dn):
con : LDAPObject
An authenticated python-ldap connection object
dn : string
The dn of the groupOfNames to be checked
members : list
A list of all accounts that are members of the given dn
members = []
searched = []
to_search = [dn]
while len(to_search) > 0:
current_dn = to_search.pop()
cn = current_dn.split(',')[0]
r = con.search_s(base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, cn, [])[0][1]
if 'groupOfNames' in r['objectClass']:
if 'member' in r:
for i in r['member']:
if((i != current_dn) and (i not in searched)):
elif 'posixGroup' in r['objectClass']:
if 'memberUid' in r:
for i in r['memberUid']:
elif 'posixAccount' in r['objectClass']:
if 'uid' in r:
print('ERROR: encountered record of unknown type:')
pprint(str([current_dn, r]))
return list(set(members))
I realized that running ldapsearch repeatedly was the limiting factor, so I made a new version which builds a dictionary of ALL group and groupOfNames records first. It takes up a bit more memory than the old solution, but is less taxing on the LDAP server and runs significantly faster (down from ~15 minutes to <1 second for my application). I'll leave the original code below the new version for a reference of what not to do. Credit for the merge_dicts() function goes to Aaron Hall.
import ldap
def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
"""Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict,
precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
result = {}
for dictionary in dict_args:
return result
def get_nested_members(con, dn, base_dn='dc=example'):
"""Search a groupOfNames and return all posixAccount members from all its subgroups
con: LDAPObject
An authenticated LDAP connection object
dn: string
The dn of the groupOfNames to be searched for members
(optional) base_dn: string
The base dn to search on. Make sure to change the default value to fit your LDAP server
members: list
A list of all nested members from the provided groupOfNames
"""'Getting nested members of ' + str(dn))
print('Getting nested members of ' + str(dn))
if type(dn) is list:
to_search = [] + dn
elif type(dn) is str:
to_search = [dn]
print('ERROR: Invalid dn value. Please supply either a sting or list of strings.')
return []
members = []
searched = []
groupOfNames_list = con.search_s(base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'objectClass=groupOfNames', ['dn', 'member', 'cn'])
groupOfNames_dict = {}
for g in range(len(groupOfNames_list)):
groupOfNames_dict[groupOfNames_list[g][0]] = groupOfNames_list[g][1]
groupOfNames_list = None #To free up memory
group_list = con.search_s(base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'objectClass=posixGroup', ['dn', 'memberUid', 'cn'])
group_dict = {}
for g in range(len(group_list)):
group_dict[group_list[g][0]] = group_list[g][1]
group_list = None #To free up memory
all_groups = merge_dicts(groupOfNames_dict, group_dict)
group_dict = None #To free up memory
groupOfNamesdict = None #To free up memory
while len(to_search) > 0:
search_dn = to_search.pop()
g = all_groups[search_dn]
if 'memberUid' in g:
members += g['memberUid']
elif 'member' in g:
m = g['member']
for i in m:
if i.startswith('uid='):
elif i.startswith('cn='):
if i not in searched:
return list(set(members))
My goal is to optimize a framework based on a stack of modifiers for CSV-sourced lists. Each modifier uses a header list to work on a named basis.
CSV example (including header):
13/02/2013;New York
15/04/2012;Buenos Aires
I have written some code based on namedtuple in order to be able to use lists generated by csv module without reorganizing data every time. Generated code below :
class MyNamedList(object):
__slots__ = ("__values")
_fields = ['date', 'ignore', 'place']
def __init__(self, values):
self.__values = values
if len(self.__values) <= 151:
for i in range(len(self.__values), 151):
self.__values += [None,]
def date(self):
return self.__values[0]
def date(self, val):
self.__values[0] = val
def ignore(self):
return self.__values[150]
def ignore(self, val):
self.__values[150] = val
def place(self):
return self.__values[1]
def place(self, val):
self.__values[1] = val
I must say i am very disappointed with performance using this class. Calling a simple modifier function (which changes "ignore" to True 100 times. Yes i know it is useless) for each line of a 70000-line csv file takes 9 seconds (with pypy. 5.5 using original python) whereas equivalent code using a list named foo takes 1.1 second (same with pypy and original python).
Is there anything i could do to get comparable performance between both approaches ? To me, record.ignore = True could be directly inlined (or so) and therefore translated into record[150] = True. Is there any blocking point i don't see to get this to happen ?
Note that the record i am modifying is actually (for now) not created for each line in the CSV file, meaning adding more items into the list happens only once, before the iteration.
Update : sample codes
--> Using namedlist
import namedlist
MyNamedList=namedlist.namedlist("MyNamedList", {"a":1, "b":2, "ignore":150})
test = MyNamedList([0,1])
def foo(a):
test.ignore = True # x100 times
import csv
stream = csv.reader(open("66666.csv", "rb"))
for i in stream:
--> Not using namedlist
import namedlist
import csv
MyNamedList=namedlist.namedlist("MyNamedList", {"a":1, "b":2, "ignore":150})
test = MyNamedList([0,1])
sample_data = []
for i in range(len(sample_data), 151):
sample_data += [None,]
def foo(a):
sample_data[150] = True # x100 times
stream = csv.reader(open("66666.csv", "rb"))
for i in stream:
Update #2 : code for (heavily based on
# Retrieved from
# Licensed under the PSF license
from keyword import iskeyword as _iskeyword
import sys as _sys
def namedlist(typename, field_indices, verbose=False, rename=False):
# Parse and validate the field names. Validation serves two purposes,
# generating informative error messages and preventing template injection attacks.
field_names = field_indices.keys()
for name in [typename,] + field_names:
if not min(c.isalnum() or c=='_' for c in name):
raise ValueError('Type names and field names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores: %r' % name)
if _iskeyword(name):
raise ValueError('Type names and field names cannot be a keyword: %r' % name)
if name[0].isdigit():
raise ValueError('Type names and field names cannot start with a number: %r' % name)
seen_names = set()
for name in field_names:
if name.startswith('_') and not rename:
raise ValueError('Field names cannot start with an underscore: %r' % name)
if name in seen_names:
raise ValueError('Encountered duplicate field name: %r' % name)
# Create and fill-in the class template
numfields = len(field_names)
argtxt = repr(field_names).replace("'", "")[1:-1] # tuple repr without parens or quotes
reprtxt = ', '.join('%s=%%r' % name for name in field_names)
for name in field_names:
index = field_indices[name]
if max_index < index:
max_index = index
max_index += 1
template = '''class %(typename)s(object):
__slots__ = ("__values") \n
_fields = %(field_names)r \n
def __init__(self, values):
self.__values = values
if len(self.__values) <= %(max_index)s:
for i in range(len(self.__values), %(max_index)s):
self.__values += [None,]'''% locals()
for name in field_names:
index = field_indices[name]
template += ''' \n
def %s(self):
return self.__values[%d]
def %s(self, val):
self.__values[%d] = val''' % (name, index, name, name, index)
if verbose:
print template
# Execute the template string in a temporary namespace
namespace = {'__name__':'namedtuple_%s' % typename,
'_property':property, '_tuple':tuple}
exec template in namespace
except SyntaxError, e:
raise SyntaxError(e.message + ':\n' + template)
result = namespace[typename]
# For pickling to work, the __module__ variable needs to be set to the frame
# where the named tuple is created. Bypass this step in enviroments where
# sys._getframe is not defined (Jython for example) or sys._getframe is not
# defined for arguments greater than 0 (IronPython).
result.__module__ = _sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
return result
I'm trying to create a google app engine data model with the following attributes:
store string, value pair into BigTable
if string, value pair DOES NOT exist, create the record
if string, value pair DOES exist, update the record, incrementing a counter
class stringListRecord(db.Model):
type = db.StringProperty();
value = db.StringProperty();
refs = db.IntegerProperty(default=1);
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
key = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ FROM stringListRecord WHERE type = :1 AND value = :2", kw['type'], kw['value']).get();
if key != None:
kw['key'] = key;
db.Model.__init__(self, *args, **kw);
def increment_counter(self, key):
obj = db.get(key);
obj.refs += 1;
def put(self):
if self.key() != None:
#db.run_in_transaction(self.increment_counter, self.key());
When I run the commented out code, i.e. db.run_in_transaction() I get:
Only ancestor queries are allowed inside transactions.
Is there a better way to get this functionality out of GAE?
I'm using Python 3, but the question isn't really tied to the specific language.
I have class Table that implements a table with a primary key. An instance of that class contains the actual data (which is very large).
I want to allow users to create a sub-table by providing a filter for the rows of the Table. I don't want to copy the table, so I was planning to keep in the sub-table just the subset of the primary keys from the parent table.
Obviously, the sub-table is just a view into the parent table; it will change if the parent table changes, will become invalid if the parent table is destroyed, and will lose some of its rows if they are deleted from the parent table. [EDIT: to clarify, if parent table is changed, I don't care what happens to the sub-table; any behavior is fine.]
How should I connect the two classes? I was thinking of:
class Subtable(Table):
def __init__(self, table, filter_function):
# ...
My assumption was that Subtable keeps the interface of Table, except slightly overrides the inherited methods just to check if the row is in. Is this a good implementation?
The problem is, I'm not sure how to initialize the Subtable instance given that I don't want to copy the table object passed to it. Is it even possible?
Also I was thinking to give class Table an instance method that returns Subtable instance; but that creates a dependency of Table on Subtable, and I guess it's better to avoid?
I'm going to use the following (I omitted many methods such as sort, which work quite well in this arrangement; also omitted error handling):
class Table:
def __init__(self, *columns, pkey = None):
self.pkey = pkey
self.__columns = columns
self.__data = {}
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.__data
def __iter__(self):
for key in self.__order:
yield key
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__data)
def items(self):
for key in self.__order:
yield key, self.__data[key]
def insert(self, *unnamed, **named):
if len(unnamed) > 0:
row_dict = {}
for column_id, column in enumerate(self.__columns):
row_dict[column] = unnamed[column_id]
row_dict = named
key = row_dict[self.pkey]
self.__data[key] = row_dict
class Subtable(Table):
def __init__(self, table, row_filter):
self.__order = []
self.__data = {}
for key, row in table.items():
if row_filter(row):
self.__data[key] = row
Essentially, I'm copying the primary keys only, and create references to the data tied to them. If a row in the parent table is destroyed, it will still exist in the sub-table. If a row is modified in the parent table, it is also modified in the sub-table. This is fine, since my requirements was "anything goes when parent table is modified".
If you see any issues with this design, let me know please.