Detect marker with opencv and python - python

I am trying to detect a marker in a webcam video feed and overlay it with a 3d object - pretty much exactly like this:
I know artoolkit is the best module for this, but I was hoping to just use opencv in python since I dont know nearly enough c/c++ to be able to use artoolkit. I am hoping someone will be able to get me on the right track towards detecting the marker and determining its location and orientation etc since I have no idea how best to go about this or what functions I should be using.

OpenCV doesn't have marker detection / tracking functionality out of box. However it provides all algorithms needed so it's fairly easy to implement your own one.
The article you are referring to uses OpenCV only for video grabbing. The marker detection is done by NyARToolkit which is derived from ARToolkit. NyARToolkit have versions for Java, C# and ActionScript.
ARToolkit is mostly written in plain C without using fancy C++ features. It's probably easier to use than you thought. The documentation contains well explained tutorials. e.g
The introductory documentation can help you understand the process of marker detection even if you decide not to use ARToolkit.

I think the most used way to perform marker detection using python and open CV is to use SURF Descriptors.
I have found very useful this video and the linked code you can find in this page. Here you can download the code. I don't know how to overlay it with a 3d object but I'm sure you can do something with pygame or matplotlib.


Is there a way to draw a line behind a bounding box with OpenCV in Python?

I'm writing an application for my undergrad dissertation which, at the fundamental level allows tracking of multiple objects from a video feed using the OpenCV library. To develop this idea a bit more, I'd like to be able to draw a line on the screen displaying the history of where the bounding box has been around the object I'm tracking.
I've noticed there's no sort of inbuilt function for doing this, so any pointers towards crafting something like this would be useful, since there isn't much online about this topic.

Plot vertex as image in Igraph

I'm wondering if it is possible to plot a vertex as image (loaded from a file or directly) in Igraph. Any ideas?
This is definitley possible in the R version of iGraph using the raster function, however a brief search did not reveal any implementation of this function in Python (it's not in the igraph documentation anyway).
If this is essential to your work, then I would consider switching to R, or possibly another tool such as Gephi. For Python, however, you might consider using something like pyvis. This package is small but powerful in terms of visualization. I've been playing around with it over the past few days and its very easy to display a graph with pictures as nodes, and it comes with the added benefit of providing interactive functioning. Take a look at the tutorial here, which will highlight what this package can provide.

Object Detection using opencv python

fig:Shoe in the red circle is to be detected
I am trying to create a python script using cv2 that can recognize the shoe of the baller and determine whether the shoe is beyond, on or before the white line(refer to the image).
I have no idea about any kind of approach to use, what kind of algorithms might be helpful. Need some guideline, please help!
(Image is attached)
I realize this would work better as a comment because it isn't a full answer, but I don't have enough rep yet to leave comments, haha.
You may be interested in OpenCV's Canny Edge detection algorithm:
This will allow you to find shapes within your image.
Also, you can find similarly colored blobs using SimpleBlobDetector:
This should make it fairly easy to detect the white line.
In order to detect a more complex object like the shoe, you'll probably have to make something like a object detection cascade file and use a CascadeClassifier to find it:
Basically, you take a bunch of pictures to "teach" what the object looks like, and output that info to a file that a CascadeClassifier can use to detect objects in input images. It may be hard to distinguish between different brands of shoe though, if you need it to be that specific. Also, you may need to adjust the input images (saturation, brightness, etc) before trying to detect objects in order to get good results.

Detection of symmetries in Python

I want to detect symmetries (rotation, translation, etc) of a simple figure or a shape in a image. That is, if I find one symmetry I want to replicate my original figure with it.
Are there any function or module?
I have thought in python-opencv, but I did not find nothing.
Let me just throw some packages at you: OpenCV for Python Cookbook might be a good start. A search for "opencv" on the Python Package Index yields several bindings of OpenCV for Python.
Concerning the detection of symmetries: The answer to question how to detect simple geometric shapes using OpenCV? might be a good start. After you find similar objects, check their orientation. Replacing then should be a piece of cake.

Python - Identifying/Processing an Image

I'm looking in to learning about processing and handling images with Python. I'm experimenting with searching the inside of an image for a specific picture. For example, this picture has two images in it that are the same;
In Python, how would I go about detecting which two images are the same?
I would recommend you to take a look at OpenCV and PIL, if you want to implement simple (or complex) algorithms on your own.
Furthermore you can integrate OpenCV with PIL and also numpy, which makes it a really powerful tool for this kind of jobs.

