I tried to use the jquery plugin "uploadify" to upload multiple files to My App in Google App-Engine, and then save them with blobstore, but it failed. I traced the code into get_uploads, it seems field.type_options is empty, and of course does not have 'blob-key'. Where does the key 'blob-key' come from?
the code like this:
def upload(request):
for blob in blogstorehelper.get_uploads(request, 'Filedata'):
file = File()
file.blobref = blob
return ……
but, blogstorehelper.get_uploads(request, 'Filedata') is always empty. In fact, the request has contained the uploaded file(I print the request). I debugged into the blogstorehelper.get_uploads, and found that field.type_options is empty. who can tell me why? thank you! here is the source about get_uploads: http://appengine-cookbook.appspot.com/recipe/blobstore-get_uploads-helper-function-for-django-request/?id=ahJhcHBlbmdpbmUtY29va2Jvb2tyjwELEgtSZWNpcGVJbmRleCI4YWhKaGNIQmxibWRwYm1VdFkyOXZhMkp2YjJ0eUZBc1NDRU5oZEdWbmIzSjVJZ1pFYW1GdVoyOE0MCxIGUmVjaXBlIjphaEpoY0hCbGJtZHBibVV0WTI5dmEySnZiMnR5RkFzU0NFTmhkR1ZuYjNKNUlnWkVhbUZ1WjI4TTIxDA
InvalidS3ObjectException when calling the AnalyzeDocument operation: Unable to get object metadata from S3. Check object key, region and/or access permissions."
I keep getting this error. Over. And. Over. This program worked with my test cases of what I'm bringing in, the json with a {"body":"imagename.jpg"}. But the very moment I try to utilize the actual code my JS brings in, I get this error. The thing that confuses me is that I've checked the regions and they are fine. I went into my account and created users with full access to all AWS and S3 features, and utilized those logins, I've used my root account, everything. All I'm trying to do is access an image from my s3 bucket. Why won't it work? Below is my code. It works if I utilize the test case I provided above, but the moment I try and use the website it's connected to, it doesn't work.
def main(event, context):
key_map, value_map, block_map = get_kv_map(event) #Take map variables in to get the key and value map we need.
It goes to this function...
def get_kv_map(event):
filePath = event
fileExt = filePath.get('body')
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
bucket = s3.Bucket('react-images-ex')
obj = bucket.Object(bucket)
client = boto3.client('textract') #We utilize boto3's textract lib
response = client.analyze_document(Document={'S3Object': {'Bucket': 'react-images-ex', 'Name': fileExt}}, FeatureTypes=['FORMS'])
# Get the text blocks
blocks=response['Blocks'] #We make a blocks variable that will be the blocks we find in the document
# get key and value maps
key_map = {}
value_map = {}
block_map = {}
for block in blocks: #Traverse the blocks found in the document
block_id = block['Id'] #Set variable for blockId to the Id's found on that block location
block_map[block_id] = block #Make the block map at that ID be the block variable
if block['BlockType'] == "KEY_VALUE_SET": #if we see that the type of block we're on is a key and value set pair, we check if it's a key or not. If it's not a key, we know it's a value. We send it to the respective map.
if 'KEY' in block['EntityTypes']:
key_map[block_id] = block
value_map[block_id] = block
return key_map, value_map, block_map #Return the maps we need after they're filled.
I have been told before this code is fine, and it should work. So why exactly is it that I get this error?
Based on the comments.
The issue with body was that it was json string, not actual json object.
The solution was to parse the string into json:
fileExt = json.loads(filePath.get('body'))
Try awscli to see if you can access the image in s3:
aws s3 ls s3://react-images-ex/<some-fileExt>
Either you are parsing the fileExt wrongly, or you don't have S3 permission to access the file. The awscli command will help to verify this.
I finally got over the hurdle of uploading files into SharePoint which enabled me to answer my own question here:
Office365-REST-Python-Client Access Token issue
However, the whole point of my project was to add metadata to the files being uploaded to make it possible to filter on them. For the avoidance of double, I am talking about column information in Sharepoints Document Libraries.
Ideally, I would like to do this when I upload the files in the first place but my understanding of the rest API is that you have to upload first and then use a PUT request to update its metadata.
The link to the Git Hub for Office365-REST-Python-Client:
This Libary seems to be the answer but the closest I can find to documentation is under the examples folder. Sadly the example for update file metadata does not exist. I think part of the reason for this stems from the only option being to use a PUT request on a list item.
According to the REST API documentation, which this library is built on, an item's metadata must be operated on as part of a list.
REST API Documentation for file upload:
REST API Documentation for updating list metadata:
There is an example for updating a list item:
'https://github.com/vgrem/Office365-REST-Python-Client/blob/master/examples/sharepoint/listitems_operations_alt.py' but it returns a 401. If you look at my answer to my own question in the link-up top you will see that I granted this App full control. So an unauthorized response and stopped has stopped me dead in my tracks wondering what to do next.
So after all that, my question is:
How do I upload a file to a Sharepoint Document Libary and add Metadata to its column information using Office365-REST-Python-Client?
Kind Regards
Upload endpoint request
url: http://site url/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/Shared Documents')/Files/Add(url='file name', overwrite=true)
method: POST
body: contents of binary file
Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken
X-RequestDigest: form digest value
content-type: "application/json;odata=verbose"
content-length:length of post body
could be converted to the following Python example:
ctx = ClientContext(url, ctx_auth)
file_info = FileCreationInformation()
file_info.content = file_content
file_info.url = os.path.basename(path)
file_info.overwrite = True
target_file = ctx.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url("Shared Documents").files.add(file_info)
Once file is uploaded, it's metadata could be set like this:
list_item = target_file.listitem_allfields # get associated list item
list_item.set_property("Title", "New title")
I'm glad I stumbled upon this post and Office365-REST-Python-Client in general. However, I'm currently stuck trying to update a file's metadata, I keep receiving:
'File' object has no attribute 'listitem_allfields'
Any help is greatly appreciated. Note, I also updated this module to v 2.3.1
Here's my code:
list_title = "Documents"
target_folder = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title).root_folder
target_file = target_folder.upload_file(filename, filecontents)
list_item = target_file.listitem_allfields
I've also tried:
library_root = ctx.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url('Shared Documents')
file_info = FileCreationInformation()
file_info.overwrite = True
file_info.content = filecontent
file_info.url = filename
upload_file = library_root.files.add(file_info)
list_item = upload_file.listitem_allfields
I've also tried to get the uploaded file item directly with the same result:
target_folder = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title).root_folder
target_file = target_folder.upload_file(filename, filecontent)
uploaded_file = ctx.web.get_file_by_server_relative_url(target_file.serverRelativeUrl)
list_item = uploaded_file.listitem_allfields
All variations return:
'File' object has no attribute 'listitem_allfields'
What am I missing? How to add metadata to a new SPO file/list item uploaded via Python/Office365-REST-Python-Client
The problem was I was looking for the wrong property of the uploaded file. The correct attribute is:
Note the correct casing. Hopefully my question/answer may help someone else who's is as ignorant as me of attribute/object casing.
Given the sample code:
import cloudstorage
from django.shortcuts import render
def list_files(request):
file_list = []
bucket_name = my_bucket
gcs_list_obj = cloudstorage.listbucket('/' + bucket_name, delimiter="/")
for item in gcs_list_obj:
except Exception, e:
raise e
return render(request, 'default.htm', {'file_list': file_list,
'bucket_name': bucket_name})
The expectation would be to see a populated array of iterated objects from cloudstorage.listbucket Instead Django throws an InternalError with the message
What are the common steps for troubleshooting Storage buckets in django?
Did you want to add to file_list GCSFileStat objects (and are you handling it correctly in the template) or just the filenames.
If the latter than you can add item.filename instead.
After much frustration, it seems there the issue was related to my project NOT having a default bucket.
Navigating to:
Then uploading a few files / folders seems to have resolved the issue, and the sample code works as expected.
Is there a python equivalent to the getPublicUrl PHP method?
$public_url = CloudStorageTools::getPublicUrl("gs://my_bucket/some_file.txt", true);
I am storing some files using the Google Cloud Client Library for Python, and I'm trying to figure out a way of programatically getting the public URL of the files I am storing.
Please refer to https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/reference-uris on how to build URLs.
For public URLs, there are two formats:
bucket = 'my_bucket'
file = 'some_file.txt'
gcs_url = 'https://%(bucket)s.storage.googleapis.com/%(file)s' % {'bucket':bucket, 'file':file}
print gcs_url
Will output this:
You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.
Daniel, Isaac - Thank you both.
It looks to me like Google is deliberately aiming for you not to directly serve from GCS (bandwidth reasons? dunno). So the two alternatives according to the docs are either using Blobstore or Image Services (for images).
What I ended up doing is serving the files with blobstore over GCS.
To get the blobstore key from a GCS path, I used:
blobKey = blobstore.create_gs_key('/gs' + gcs_filename)
Then, I exposed this URL on the server -
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/blobstore/serve', scripts.FileServer.GCSServingHandler),
class GCSServingHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreDownloadHandler):
def get(self):
blob_key = self.request.get('id')
if (len(blob_key) > 0):
self.response.write('no id given')
It's not available, but I've filed a bug. In the meantime, try this:
import urlparse
def GetGsPublicUrl(gsUrl, secure=True):
u = urlparse.urlsplit(gsUrl)
if u.scheme == 'gs':
return urlparse.urlunsplit((
'https' if secure else 'http',
'%s.storage.googleapis.com' % u.netloc,
u.path, '', ''))
For example:
>>> GetGsPublicUrl('gs://foo/bar.tgz')
I've got a Pylons controller with an action called serialize returning content_type=text/csv. I'd like the response of the action to be named based on the input patameter, i.e. for the following route, produced csv file should be named {id}.csv : /app/PROD/serialize => PROD.csv (so a user can open the file in Excel with a proper name directly via a webbrowser)
map.connect('/app/{id}/serialize',controller = 'csvproducer',action='serialize')
I've tried to set different HTTP headers and properties of the webob's response object with no luck. However, I figured out a workaround by simply adding a new action to the controller and dynamically redirecting the original action to that new action, i.e.:
map.connect('/app/{id}/serialize',controller = 'csvproducer',action='serialize')
map.connect('/app/csv/{foo}',controller = 'csvproducer', action='tocsv')
The controller's snippet:
def serialize(self,id):
session['key'] = self.service.serialize(id) #produces csv content
redirect_to(str("/app/csv/%s.csv" % id))
except Exception,e:
def tocsv(self):
csv = session.pop("rfa.enviornment.serialize")
except Exception,e:
if csv:
The above setup works perfectly fine, however, is there a better/slicker/neater way of doing it? Ideally I wouldn't like to redirect the request; instead I'd like to either rename location or set content-disposition: attachment; filename='XXX.csv' [ unsuccessfully tried both :( ]
Am I missing something obvious here?
Thanks to ebo I've managed to do fix content-disposition. Should better read W3C specs next time ;)
You should be able to set the content-disposition header on a response object.
If you have already tried that, it may not have worked because the http standard says that the quotes should be done by double-quote marks.