Vim syntax highlighting not working (but works in gvim?) - python

I've followed all instructions given on this site with an empty .vim folder, but for some reason, python highlighting is not working on my system. It only highlights the comments and a few variables - nothing like the picture.
Is there some other setting I am forgetting?
I'm also using ubuntu 10.04 if that matters.
A weird other note - it works in gvim, but not vim?

If you don't want to change the colorscheme, you should check out CSApprox.vim. It allows you to use colorschemes made for gvim in vim.

The colorscheme used in that tutorial is only for gvim. Try changing your colorscheme.

I think ubuntu installs vim in a minimal package (vim-tiny) with some features missing. You can try to upgrade your vim to the full version:
sudo apt-get install vim-full


Visual Studio Code syntax highlighting not working

I am using Visual Studio Code (VSC) as my IDE. My computer just updated to Catalina 10.15.2 (19C57) and since the update, now VSC is not highlighting syntax errors. The extensions I have seem to be working and it recognizes my miniconda python environment.
Is there a solution for this yet? I was avoiding Catalina as I know it has caused lots of errors, but now that I was forced to install it I need a solution as I love VSC.
I also had the same problem for typescript react files. Tried many things and nothing worked. Finally I checked the extensions I've installed for typescript react. Disabling JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly extension worked for me
In my case, the Catalina installation didn't remove my Python installation.
After checking as suggested by #Brett Cannon in his comment, the update to Catalina uninstalled some extensions from VS Code. These are not available in the VS Code extension Marketplace anymore, so there must be an issue regarding compatibility. I fixed it after I opened my command palette (Command + Shift + p) and typed python: select linter. Then selected pylint, selected the install with conda option, Close/Open VS Code and now it's working(though it's still not shown in my extensions section in VS Code). It's necessary to point out that you will have to install pylint in every Python environment you are using. In my case I have multiple Conda environments.
It's very specific but for me it was a missing semicolon in my css (styled-component). I use styled-components in react and it didn't throw an error for missing semicolon but highlighting was suddenly gone.
I had given up and left it that way until I came up with the solution quite by accident.
If you were using the global install of Python then that was removed in Catalina which would break your virtual environment. A new install of Python and recreating the virtual environment should fix things.
Had similar issue on new vscode setup - my problem was rather that eslint warnings are not being highlighted, only errors.
After opening my eslint setup for the project - .eslintrc.js file, saw message saying that eslint needed permission accessing some files, which I did by clicking the lightbulb next to module.exports and hitting accept button.

How do I use YCM after installing Anaconda?

Getting error: requires Vim compiled with Python (2.7.1+ or 3.4+) support.
It is installed with Python3. YCM was working great until installing Anaconda. To fix I tried adding this to my .vimrc:
let g:ycm_path_to_python_interpreter = '/usr/bin/python'
I have also referred to the YCM FAQ and tried adding this to my
def Settings(**kwargs):
return {
'interpreter_path': '/path/to/anaconda/python'
However nothing has removed or changed the error.
I have recompiled with anaconda python and then redid it with normal python when that didn't work either. It seems from others who asked this question it does need to be compiled with non-anaconda python.
I have seen suggestions to remove the anaconda path from .bash_profile but doesn't that defeat the purpose of having Anaconda?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Solved the problem by commenting out the Anaconda path in my .bash_profile. 'which' python still points to Anaconda python, but YCM compiles and works again.
No idea why this approach works, but it does.
I couldn't compile Youcompleteme successfully, which really made me confused.
Finally I found that is caused by Anaconda. So I used the default version python to recompile it again.
$ /usr/bin/python ~/.vim/bundle/Youcompleteme/
It works perfectly.

Ubuntu, how do you remove all Python 3 but not 2

I have recently get hold of a RackSpace Ubuntu server and it has pythons all over the place:
iPython in 3.5, Pandas in 3.4 &2.7, modules I need like pyodbc etc. are only in 2,7
Therefore, I am keen to clean up the box and, as a 2.7 users, keep everything in 2.7.
So the key question is, is there a way to remove both 3.4 and 3.5 efficiently at the same time while keeping Python 2.7?
Removing Python 3 was the worst thing I did since I recently moved to the world of Linux. It removed Firefox, my launcher and, as I read while trying to fix my problem, it may also remove your desktop and terminal! Finally fixed after a long daytime nightmare. Just don't remove Python 3. Keep it there!
If that happens to you, here is the fix:
EDIT: As pointed out in recent comments, this solution may BREAK your system.
You most likely don't want to remove python3.
Please refer to the other answers for possible solutions.
Outdated answer (not recommended)
sudo apt-get remove 'python3.*'
So I worked out at the end that you cannot uninstall 3.4 as it is default on Ubuntu.
All I did was simply remove Jupyter and then alias python=python2.7 and install all packages on Python 2.7 again.
Arguably, I can install virtualenv but me and my colleagues are only using 2.7. I am just going to be lazy in this case :)
First of all, don't try the following command as suggested by Germain above.
`sudo apt-get remove 'python3.*'`
In Ubuntu, many software depends upon Python3 so if you will execute this command it will remove all of them as it happened with me. I found following answer useful to recover it.
If you want to use different python versions for different projects then create virtual environments it will be very useful. refer to the following link to create virtual environments.
Creating Virtual Environment also helps in using Tensorflow and Keras in Jupyter Notebook.
neither try any above ways nor sudo apt autoremove python3 because it will remove all gnome based applications from your system including gnome-terminal. In case if you have done that mistake and left with kernal only than trysudo apt install gnome on kernal.
try to change your default python version instead removing it. you can do this through bashrc file or export path command.
Its simple
just try:
sudo apt-get remove python3.7 or the versions that you want to remove

Installing jedi-vim fails: vim says wrongly that +python is not compiled

I am trying to install jedi-vim. I am doing this at work - so I have to use gVim in Windows. I have already read several other posts in this forum. This has somehow made me smarter but still does not solve my problem.
I did the following things:
installed Pathogen
cloned jedi vim from and copied it to the bundle/ folder in the vim-dir.
Now, when I open a *.py-file vim always tells me
jedi-vim requires vim compiled with +python
but ':version' tells me that it's compiled with +python/dyn and +python3/dyn.
So what is the problem?
Additional infos:
vim version: 7.4
When I use ctrl+space to autocomplete a python key word, it tells me:
Error detected while processing function jedi#completions: line 1: E492: Not an editor command: Python jedi_vim.completions()
Error detected while processing function jedi#completions: line 1: E492: Not an editor command: Python jedi_vim.completions()
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I'm not sure if your are still experiencing the same issue, but after looking around I found this blog post that solved the problem for me. Essentially, it's just about re-installing vim (don't delete any config files) and then reinstalling from the source at the vim mercurial repo with the right flags. There might be a shorter/simpler version of doing this, but after trying back and forth many solutions, this one was the only one that worked:
Compiling Vim with Python and Ruby support on Ubuntu
These are the steps:
Check if Vim is compiled with Python:
$ vim --version | ack '(python)'
Remove Vim version installed:
$ sudo apt-get remove vim-common vim-runtime
Install dependencies needed to compile Vim:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep vim
Clone Vim repository, compile it and install the new version:
$ hg clone vim
$ cd vim
$ ./configure --enable-pythoninterp
$ make
$ sudo make install
+python/dyn means that Python support isn't statically compiled it, it's loaded dynamically when needed at runtime.
This is described in the python-dynamic help section:
On MS-Windows the Python library can be loaded dynamically. The |:version| output then includes |+python/dyn|.
This means that Vim will search for the Python DLL file only when needed.
When you don't use the Python interface you don't need it, thus you can use
Vim without this DLL file.
To use the Python interface the Python DLL must be in your search path. In a console window type "path" to see what directories are used.
The name of the DLL must match the Python version Vim was compiled with.
Currently the name is "python24.dll". That is for Python 2.4. To know for
sure edit "gvim.exe" and search for "python\d*.dll\c".
(Don't worry about the 2.4 there; I just happened to find docs from a few years ago. Read the help in your own copy of vim—or, better, do what the last paragraph says.)
So, either you don't have Python, you have the wrong version of Python, it's not on your %PATH%, vim is searching for it incorrectly, or it's failing to load.
At that time the problem was another one. I mixed up the architectures for vim and python - I used vim64Bit, but pyhton for 32bit.
I repaired that already some time ago but the other day I had to restart my computer and do some microsoft-Updates.
Unfortunately my vim (7.4) was totally broken. I had to re-set my home-dir. Then at least my vimrc was accessible again, but still my jedi in vim does not work.
Python is available in vim but still jedi does not seem to load correctly.
When I type "len(" in the beginning of a .py-file, at the place where arguments should be explained there are some strange characters, similar to this:
==jedi=0, == (_object_*) ==jedi==
When I type "self.", it says "unknown function: pythoncomplete#Complete"
I think it's only a configuration-issue, because it worked before the reboot.
Jedi is installed systemwide (with pip). If I try to install it "again", pip says that jedi is already installed.
I would appreciate your help very much ;-)

How do I integrate Pylint with Geany so that I can use Geany as a python IDE?
This blog says to set build command as
pylint -r no "%f"
and set a custom error regex
The commenter suggests that with command
PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:$(dirname %d) pylint --output-format=parseable --reports=n "%f"
that it is possible to click on a line number in log and be brought there by geany. I tried this and it has not worked for me.
In my project file, I have added
After reloading the file, same result. Am I setting the error_regex correctly? Why doesnt this work?
I'm the commenter on the blog post you cite.
I'm using a Debian-based system at the moment (Linux Mint Debian, to be precise), and using Geany 0.20. What I have is a file named filetypes.python in ~/.config/geany/filedefs which contains this:
FT_00_CM=pep8 --repeat --count "%f"
FT_01_LB=PyLint (basic)
FT_01_CM=PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:"%d" pylint --output-format=parseable --reports=n --errors-only "%f"
FT_02_LB=PyLint (full)
FT_02_CM=PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:"%d" pylint --output-format=parseable "%f"
Note that the key difference between my setup and the blog post is that i'm using --output-format=pareseable, and my error_regex is a little less pylint-specific, so that it will work for pep8 too.
The PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:"%d" bit is to add the current working directory to my custom python path, and I guess, off the top of my head, it won't work like that on Windows, so if you're on Windows you'll certainly need to modify (or drop) that bit. In fact, if you're on Windows, please indicate that, as there might be a few bits that need changing.
I have written a plugin which checks your code with pep8 pylint and pyflakes the code is available on launchpad and is packaged for ubuntu in a ppa.
maybe useful for some one, you can toggle some options on and off as well like checking of line length.

