List comprehension for running total - python

I want to get a running total from a list of numbers.
For demo purposes, I start with a sequential list of numbers using range
a = range(20)
runningTotal = []
for n in range(len(a)):
new = runningTotal[n-1] + a[n] if n > 0 else a[n]
# This one is a syntax error
# runningTotal = [a[n] for n in range(len(a)) if n == 0 else runningTotal[n-1] + a[n]]
for i in zip(a, runningTotal):
print "{0:>3}{1:>5}".format(*i)
0 0
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 15
6 21
7 28
8 36
9 45
10 55
11 66
12 78
13 91
14 105
15 120
16 136
17 153
18 171
19 190
As you can see, I initialize an empty list [], then append() in each loop iteration. Is there a more elegant way to this, like a list comprehension?

A list comprehension has no good (clean, portable) way to refer to the very list it's building. One good and elegant approach might be to do the job in a generator:
def running_sum(a):
tot = 0
for item in a:
tot += item
yield tot
to get this as a list instead, of course, use list(running_sum(a)).

If you can use numpy, it has a built-in function named cumsum that does this.
import numpy as np
tot = np.cumsum(a) # returns a np.ndarray
tot = list(tot) # if you prefer a list

I'm not sure about 'elegant', but I think the following is much simpler and more intuitive (at the cost of an extra variable):
a = range(20)
runningTotal = []
total = 0
for n in a:
total += n
The functional way to do the same thing is:
a = range(20)
runningTotal = reduce(lambda x, y: x+[x[-1]+y], a, [0])[1:]
...but that's much less readable/maintainable, etc.
#Omnifarous suggests this should be improved to:
a = range(20)
runningTotal = reduce(lambda l, v: (l.append(l[-1] + v) or l), a, [0])
...but I still find that less immediately comprehensible than my initial suggestion.
Remember the words of Kernighan: "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."

This can be implemented in 2 lines in Python.
Using a default parameter eliminates the need to maintain an aux variable outside, and then we just do a map to the list.
def accumulate(x, l=[0]): l[0] += x; return l[0];
map(accumulate, range(20))

Use itertools.accumulate(). Here is an example:
from itertools import accumulate
a = range(20)
runningTotals = list(accumulate(a))
for i in zip(a, runningTotals):
print "{0:>3}{1:>5}".format(*i)
This only works on Python 3. On Python 2 you can use the backport in the more-itertools package.

When we take the sum of a list, we designate an accumulator (memo) and then walk through the list, applying the binary function "x+y" to each element and the accumulator. Procedurally, this looks like:
def mySum(list):
memo = 0
for e in list:
memo = memo + e
return memo
This is a common pattern, and useful for things other than taking sums — we can generalize it to any binary function, which we'll supply as a parameter, and also let the caller specify an initial value. This gives us a function known as reduce, foldl, or inject[1]:
def myReduce(function, list, initial):
memo = initial
for e in list:
memo = function(memo, e)
return memo
def mySum(list):
return myReduce(lambda memo, e: memo + e, list, 0)
In Python 2, reduce was a built-in function, but in Python 3 it's been moved to the functools module:
from functools import reduce
We can do all kinds of cool stuff with reduce depending on the function we supply as its the first argument. If we replace "sum" with "list concatenation", and "zero" with "empty list", we get the (shallow) copy function:
def myCopy(list):
return reduce(lambda memo, e: memo + [e], list, [])
> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
If we add a transform function as another parameter to copy, and apply it before concatenating, we get map:
def myMap(transform, list):
return reduce(lambda memo, e: memo + [transform(e)], list, [])
myMap(lambda x: x*2, range(10))
> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
If we add a predicate function that takes e as a parameter and returns a boolean, and use it to decide whether or not to concatenate, we get filter:
def myFilter(predicate, list):
return reduce(lambda memo, e: memo + [e] if predicate(e) else memo, list, [])
myFilter(lambda x: x%2==0, range(10))
> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
map and filter are sort of unfancy ways of writing list comprehensions — we could also have said [x*2 for x in range(10)] or [x for x in range(10) if x%2==0]. There's no corresponding list comprehension syntax for reduce, because reduce isn't required to return a list at all (as we saw with sum, earlier, which Python also happens to offer as a built-in function).
It turns out that for computing a running sum, the list-building abilities of reduce are exactly what we want, and probably the most elegant way to solve this problem, despite its reputation (along with lambda) as something of an un-pythonic shibboleth. The version of reduce that leaves behind copies of its old values as it runs is called reductions or scanl[1], and it looks like this:
def reductions(function, list, initial):
return reduce(lambda memo, e: memo + [function(memo[-1], e)], list, [initial])
So equipped, we can now define:
def running_sum(list):
first, rest = list[0], list[1:]
return reductions(lambda memo, e: memo + e, rest, first)
> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45]
While conceptually elegant, this precise approach fares poorly in practice with Python. Because Python's list.append() mutates a list in place but doesn't return it, we can't use it effectively in a lambda, and have to use the + operator instead. This constructs a whole new list, which takes time proportional to the length of the accumulated list so far (that is, an O(n) operation). Since we're already inside the O(n) for loop of reduce when we do this, the overall time complexity compounds to O(n2).
In a language like Ruby[2], where array.push e returns the mutated array, the equivalent runs in O(n) time:
class Array
def reductions(initial, &proc)
self.reduce [initial] do |memo, e|
memo.push, e)
def running_sum(enumerable)
first, rest = enumerable.first, enumerable.drop(1)
rest.reductions(first, &:+)
running_sum (0...10)
> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45]
same in JavaScript[2], whose array.push(e) returns e (not array), but whose anonymous functions allow us to include multiple statements, which we can use to separately specify a return value:
function reductions(array, callback, initial) {
return array.reduce(function(memo, e) {
memo.push(callback(memo[memo.length - 1], e));
return memo;
}, [initial]);
function runningSum(array) {
var first = array[0], rest = array.slice(1);
return reductions(rest, function(memo, e) {
return x + y;
}, first);
function range(start, end) {
return(Array.apply(null, Array(end-start)).map(function(e, i) {
return start + i;
runningSum(range(0, 10));
> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45]
So, how can we solve this while retaining the conceptual simplicity of a reductions function that we just pass lambda x, y: x + y to in order to create the running sum function? Let's rewrite reductions procedurally. We can fix the accidentally quadratic problem, and while we're at it, pre-allocate the result list to avoid heap thrashing[3]:
def reductions(function, list, initial):
result = [None] * len(list)
result[0] = initial
for i in range(len(list)):
result[i] = function(result[i-1], list[i])
return result
def running_sum(list):
first, rest = list[0], list[1:]
return reductions(lambda memo, e: memo + e, rest, first)
> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45]
This is the sweet spot for me: O(n) performance, and the optimized procedural code is tucked away under a meaningful name where it can be re-used the next time you need to write a function that accumulates intermediate values into a list.
The names reduce/reductions come from the LISP tradition, foldl/scanl from the ML tradition, and inject from the Smalltalk tradition.
Python's List and Ruby's Array are both implementations of an automatically resizing data structure known as a "dynamic array" (or std::vector in C++). JavaScript's Array is a little more baroque, but behaves identically provided you don't assign to out of bounds indices or mutate Array.length.
The dynamic array that forms the backing store of the list in the Python runtime will resize itself every time the list's length crosses a power of two. Resizing a list means allocating a new list on the heap of twice the size of the old one, copying the contents of the old list into the new one, and returning the old list's memory to the system. This is an O(n) operation, but because it happens less and less frequently as the list grows larger and larger, the time complexity of appending to a list works out to O(1) in the average case. However, the "hole" left by the old list can sometimes be difficult to recycle, depending on its position in the heap. Even with garbage collection and a robust memory allocator, pre-allocating an array of known size can save the underlying systems some work. In an embedded environment without the benefit of an OS, this kind of micro-management becomes very important.

Starting Python 3.8, and the introduction of assignment expressions (PEP 572) (:= operator), we can use and increment a variable within a list comprehension:
# items = range(7)
total = 0
[(x, total := total + x) for x in items]
# [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6), (4, 10), (5, 15), (6, 21)]
Initializes a variable total to 0 which symbolizes the running sum
For each item, this both:
increments total by the current looped item (total := total + x) via an assignment expression
and at the same time returns the new value of total as part of the produced mapped tuple

I wanted to do the same thing to generate cumulative frequencies that I could use bisect_left over - this is the way I've generated the list;
[ sum( a[:x] ) for x in range( 1, len(a)+1 ) ]

Here's a linear time solution one liner:
list(reduce(lambda (c,s), a: (chain(c,[s+a]), s+a), l,(iter([]),0))[0])
l = range(10)
list(reduce(lambda (c,s), a: (chain(c,[s+a]), s+a), l,(iter([]),0))[0])
>>> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45]
In short, the reduce goes over the list accumulating sum and constructing an list. The final x[0] returns the list, x[1] would be the running total value.

Another one-liner, in linear time and space.
def runningSum(a):
return reduce(lambda l, x: l.append(l[-1]+x) or l if l else [x], a, None)
I'm stressing linear space here, because most of the one-liners I saw in the other proposed answers --- those based on the pattern list + [sum] or using chain iterators --- generate O(n) lists or generators and stress the garbage collector so much that they perform very poorly, in comparison to this.

I would use a coroutine for this:
def runningTotal():
accum = 0
yield None
while True:
accum += yield accum
tot = runningTotal()
running_total = [tot.send(i) for i in xrange(N)]

You are looking for two things: fold (reduce) and a funny function that keeps a list of the results of another function, which I have called running. I made versions both with and without an initial parameter; either way these need to go to reduce with an initial [].
def last_or_default(list, default):
if len(list) > 0:
return list[-1]
return default
def initial_or_apply(list, f, y):
if list == []:
return [y]
return list + [f(list[-1], y)]
def running_initial(f, initial):
return (lambda x, y: x + [f(last_or_default(x,initial), y)])
def running(f):
return (lambda x, y: initial_or_apply(x, f, y))
totaler = lambda x, y: x + y
running_totaler = running(totaler)
running_running_totaler = running_initial(running_totaler, [])
data = range(0,20)
running_total = reduce(running_totaler, data, [])
running_running_total = reduce(running_running_totaler, data, [])
for i in zip(data, running_total, running_running_total):
print "{0:>3}{1:>4}{2:>83}".format(*i)
These will take a long time on really large lists due to the + operator. In a functional language, if done correctly, this list construction would be O(n).
Here are the first few lines of output:
0 0 [0]
1 1 [0, 1]
2 3 [0, 1, 3]
3 6 [0, 1, 3, 6]
4 10 [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
5 15 [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
6 21 [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21]

This is inefficient as it does it every time from beginning but possible it is:
a = range(20)
runtot=[sum(a[:i+1]) for i,item in enumerate(a)]
for line in zip(a,runtot):
print line

with Python 3.8 and above you can now use walrus operator
xs = range(20)
total = 0
run = [(total := total + d) for d in xs]


Optimizing a factorial function in python

So i have achieved this function with unpacking parameter(*x), but i want to make it display the result not return it , and i want a good optimization meaning i still need it to be a two lines function
1.def fac(*x):
2.return (fac(list(x)[0], list(x)[1] - 1)*list(x)[1]) if list(x)[1] > 0 else 1//here i need the one line to print the factorial
i tried achieving this by implementing lambda but i didn't know how to pass the *x parameter
Your factorial lambda is correct. I take it that you would like to calculate the factorials for a list say [1, 2, 3] and output the results, this is how you can achieve this.
fact = lambda x: x*fact(x-1) if x > 0 else 1
print(*[fact(i) for i in [1, 2, 3]])
Which will output: 1, 2, 6
Another option, if you have python 3.8 is to use a list comprehension with the new walrus operator (:=), this is a bit more tricky but will calculate and output all factorials up to n inclusive whilst still fitting in your required two lines.
fac, n = 1, 5
print(*[fac for i in range(1, n+1) if (fac := fac*i)])
Which will output: 1, 2, 6, 24, 120
The optimized factorial number is display by the function that i have created below.
def fact(n):
list_fact = []
if n > 1 and n not in list_fact:
list_fact.extend(list(range(1, n + 1)))
return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, list_fact)
print(fact(9000)) # it will display output within microseconds.
while iteration i saved all previous values into a list, so that computation of each value is not going to happen each time.

How can I create the fibonacci series using a list comprehension?

I am new to python, and I was wondering if I could generate the fibonacci series using python's list comprehension feature. I don't know how list comprehensions are implemented.
I tried the following (the intention was to generate the first five fibonacci numbers):
series += [series[k-1]+series[k-2] for k in range(2,5)]
This piece of code throws the error: IndexError: list index out of range.
Let me know if it is even possible to generate such a series using a list comprehension.
You cannot do it like that: the list comprehension is evaluated first, and then that list is added to series. So basically it would be like you would have written:
temp = [series[k-1]+series[k-2] for k in range(2,5)]
series += temp
You can however solve this by using list comprehension as a way to force side effects, like for instance:
[series.append(series[k-1]+series[k-2]) for k in range(2,5)]
Note that we here do not add the result to series. The list comprehension is only used such that .append is called on series. However some consider list comprehensions with side effects rather error prone: it is not very declarative and tends to introduce bugs if not done carefully.
We could write it as a clean Python list comprehension (or generator) using it's relationship to the golden ratio:
>>> series = [int((((1 + 5**0.5) / 2)**n - ((1 - 5**0.5) / 2)**n) / 5**0.5) for n in range(1, 21)]
>>> series
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765]
or a little more nicely as:
>>> square_root_of_five = 5**0.5
>>> Phi = (1 + square_root_of_five) / 2
>>> phi = (1 - square_root_of_five) / 2
>>> series = [int((Phi**n - phi**n) / square_root_of_five) for n in range(1, 21)]
>>> series
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765]
If you know how many terms of the series you will need then you can write the code compactly without a list comprehension like this.
def Fibonacci(n):
f0, f1 = 1, 1
for _ in range(n):
yield f0
f0, f1 = f1, f0+f1
fibs = list(Fibonacci(10))
print (fibs)
If you want some indefinite number of terms then you could use this, which is very similar.
def Fibonacci():
f0, f1 = 1, 1
while True:
yield f0
f0, f1 = f1, f0+f1
fibs = []
for f in Fibonacci():
if f>100:
print (fibs)
When you need a potentially infinite collection of items you should perhaps consider either a function with one or more yield statements or a generator expression. I'd love to be able to make Fibonacci numbers with a generator expression but apparently one can't.
Using Assignment Expression (python >= 3.8):
s = [0, 1]
s += [(s := [s[1], s[0] + s[1]]) and s[1] for k in range(10)]
print (s)
# [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
To build on what Willem van Onsem said:
The conventional way to calculate the nth term of the fibonacci sequence is to sum the n-1 and n-2 terms, as you're aware. A list comprehension is designed to create a list with no side effects during the comprehension (apart from the creation of the single list). Storing the last 2 terms of the sequence during calculation of the sequence is a side-effect, therefore a list comprehension is ill-suited to the task on its own.
A safe way around this would be to make a closure generator (essentially a generator with some associated private state) that can be passed to the list comprehension such that the list comprehension does not have to worry about the details of what's being stored:
def fib_generator(n):
def fib_n_generator():
last = 1
curr = 1
if n == 0:
yield last
if n == 1:
yield curr
if n == 2:
ii = 2
while ii < n:
next = curr + last
yield next
last = curr
curr = next
ii += 1
return fib_n_generator()
fib = [xx for xx in fib_generator(10)]
Here's a one-line list comprehension solution that avoids the separate initialization step with nested ternary operators and the walrus operator (so needs Python 3.8), and also avoids the rapid onset of overflow problems that the explicit form can give you (with its **n component):
0 if not i else
(x := [0, 1]) and 1 if i == 1 else
not x.append(x[-2] + x[-1]) and x[-1]
for i in range(10)
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
This is faster than the explicit form for generating all of the values up to N. If, however, you don't want all of the values then the explicit form could be much faster, but it does suffer from overflow for some N between 1000 and 2000:
n = 2000
int((((1 + 5**0.5) / 2)**n - ((1 - 5**0.5) / 2)**n) / 5**0.5)
gives for me:
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')
whereas the "adding the last two values" approach can generate higher values for larger N. On my machine, I can keep going until some N between 300000 and 400000 before I run out of memory.
Thanks to Jonathan Gregory for leading me most of the way to this approach.
List comprehension of the fibonacci serie, based on the explicit formula 1:
[int((0.5+5**0.5/2)**n/5**0.5+0.5) for n in range(21)]
From Python One-Liners by Christian Mayer.
n = 10
x = [0,1]
fibs = x[0:2] + [x.append(x[-1] + x[-2]) or x[-1] for i in range(n-2)]
# [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
The answer is you can do this with a list comprehension without the assignment operator (works even in Python 2).
I did it this way:
def Phi(number:int):
n = [1,1]
[n.append(n[i-2]+n[i-1])for i in range(2,number)]
return n
Simplification of #dhassel version (requires python 3.8 or later)
series = [i0 := 0, i1 := 1]+[i1 := i0 + (i0 := i1) for j in range(2, 5)]
One can also be written as a generator expression, but it's a bit tricky because for some reason, the obvious answer: fibo = (v for g in ((i0 := 0, i1 := 1), (i1 := i0 + (i0 := i1) for j in range(2,10))) for v in g) doesn't work (I do not exclude a bug). However, it is OK if you get the subgenerators list outside :
glist = ((i0 := 0, i1 := 1), (i1 := i0 + (i0 := i1) for j in range(2, 5)))
fibo = (v for g in glist for v in g)
# Get a number from the user.
number = int(input("enter a number"))
# Create a empty list
# create list comprehension following fibonaci series
[mylist.append(0) if n==0 else mylist.append(1) if n==1 else mylist.append(mylist[-2]+mylist[-1]) for n in range(number+1)]
Using List comprehension :
n = int(input())
fibonacci_list = [0,1]
[fibonacci_list.append(fibonacci_list[k-1]+fibonacci_list[k-2]) for k in range(2,n)]
if n<=0:
print('+ve numbers only')
elif n == 1:
fibonacci_list = [fibonacci_list[0]]
maybe it's a feasible solution for this problem...

Mapping a specific iteration number to an n-dimensional list/array

I'm aware that there's itertools.product for loops, but I wanted to write something that would return an arbitrary coordinate in n-space given the iteration number that would yield it in a loop. I've already written something that's similar, viz.
def clock(iteration_number, axis_lengths):
coordinate = []
for i in range(dimension):
s = axis_lengths[dimension-i-1:dimension-i][0]
g = iteration_number % s
iteration_number /= s
coordinate += [g]
return tuple(reversed(coordinate))
but I'm hoping that, with the help of the built-in function divmod (or another) it may be compressed to a list comprehension; I've been trying to use lambda functions and map as well, but to no avail, so I'm stuck. For example, running the above function on an array A with axes lengths [6, 14, 9, 13, 17] (i.e. a 5-dimensional array) for iteration number 98000 results in the coordinate (3, 7, 2, 5, 12). How can I do this, i.e. map a specific iteration number to its location in an n-dimensional array? And again, my goal is not to write another function like that above.
I'm not sure about the example you give (your code yields a different result from the one you quote). But the built-in one-liner to do the same operation is np.unravel_index:
import numpy as np
import operator
def product(iterable):
return reduce(operator.mul, iterable)
def clock_1(iteration_number, axis_lengths):
coordinate = []
for i in range(dimension):
s = axis_lengths[dimension-i-1:dimension-i][0]
g = iteration_number % s
iteration_number //= s
coordinate += [g]
return tuple(reversed(coordinate))
def clock_2(iteration_number, axis_lengths):
return np.unravel_index(iteration_number % product(axis_lengths), axis_lengths)
print "clock_1:", clock_1(98000, (6,14,9,3,17))
print "clock_2:", clock_2(98000, (6,14,9,3,17))
clock_1: (3, 3, 4, 1, 12)
clock_2: (3, 3, 4, 1, 12)

How does reduce function work?

As far as I understand, the reduce function takes a list l and a function f. Then, it calls the function f on first two elements of the list and then repeatedly calls the function f with the next list element and the previous result.
So, I define the following functions:
The following function computes the factorial.
def fact(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return fact(n-1) * n
def reduce_func(x,y):
return fact(x) * fact(y)
lst = [1, 3, 1]
print reduce(reduce_func, lst)
Now, shouldn't this give me ((1! * 3!) * 1!) = 6? But, instead it gives 720. Why 720? It seems to take the factorial of 6 too. But, I need to understand why.
Can someone explains why this happens and a work-around?
I basically want to compute the product of factorials of all the entries in the list.
The backup plan is to run a loop and compute it. But, I would prefer using reduce.
The other answers are great. I'll simply add an illustrated example that I find pretty good to understand reduce():
>>> reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [47,11,42,13])
will be computed as follows:
(Source) (mirror)
The easiest way to understand reduce() is to look at its pure Python equivalent code:
def myreduce(func, iterable, start=None):
it = iter(iterable)
if start is None:
start = next(it)
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError('reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value')
accum_value = start
for x in iterable:
accum_value = func(accum_value, x)
return accum_value
You can see that it only makes sense for your reduce_func() to apply the factorial to the rightmost argument:
def fact(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return fact(n-1) * n
def reduce_func(x,y):
return x * fact(y)
lst = [1, 3, 1]
print reduce(reduce_func, lst)
With that small revision, the code produces 6 as you expected :-)
Your function calls fact() on both arguments. You are calculating ((1! * 3!)! * 1!). The workaround is to only call it on only the second argument, and pass reduce() an initial value of 1.
From the Python reduce documentation,
reduce(function, sequence) returns a single value constructed by calling the (binary) function on the first two items of the sequence, then on the result and the next item, and so on.
So, stepping through. It computes reduce_func of the first two elements, reduce_func(1, 3) = 1! * 3! = 6. Then, it computes reduce_func of the result and the next item: reduce_func(6, 1) = 6! * 1! = 720.
You missed that, when the result of the first reduce_func call is passed as input to the second, it's factorialized before the multiplication.
Ok, got it:
I need to map the numbers to their factorials first and then call reduce with multiply operator.
So, this would work:
lst_fact = map(fact, lst)
reduce(operator.mul, lst_fact)
You could also implement factorial using reduce.
def factorial(n):
return(reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,range(n+1)[1:]))
Beyond the trivial examples, here is one where I find reduce to be actually quite useful:
Imagine an iterable of ordered int values, often with some runs of contiguous values, and that we'd like to "summarize" it as a list of tuples representing ranges. (Note also that this iterable could be a generator of a very long sequence --another reason to use reduce and not some operation on an in-memory collection).
from functools import reduce
def rle(a, b):
if a and a[-1][1] == b:
return a[:-1] + [(a[-1][0], b + 1)]
return a + [(b, b + 1)]
reduce(rle, [0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9], [])
# [(0, 3), (5, 6), (8, 10)]
Notice the use of a proper initial value ([] here) for reduce.
Corner cases handled as well:
reduce(rle, [], [])
# []
reduce(rle, [0], [])
# [(0, 1)]
Well, first of all, your reduce_func doesn't have the structure of a fold; it doesn't match your description of a fold (which is correct).
The structure of a fold is: def foldl(func, start, iter): return func(start, foldl(func, next(iter), iter)
Now, your fact function doesn't operate on two elements - it just calculates factorial.
So, in sum, you're not using a fold, and with that definition of factorial, you don't need to.
If you do want to play around with factorial, check out the y-combinator:
If you want to learn about folds, look at my answer to this question, which demonstrates its use to calculate cumulative fractions: creating cumulative percentage from a dictionary of data
Reduce executes the function in parameter#1 successively through the values provided by the iterator in parameter#2
print '-------------- Example: Reduce(x + y) --------------'
def add(x,y): return x+y
x = 5
y = 10
import functools
tot = functools.reduce(add, range(5, 10))
print 'reduce('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')=' ,tot
def myreduce(a,b):
tot = 0
for i in range(a,b):
tot = tot+i
print i,tot
print 'myreduce('+str(a)+','+str(b)+')=' ,tot
print '-------------- Example: Reduce(x * y) --------------'
def add(x,y): return x*y
x = 5
y = 10
import functools
tot = functools.reduce(add, range(5, 10))
print 'reduce('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')=' ,tot
def myreduce(a,b):
tot = 1
for i in range(a,b):
tot = tot * i
print i,tot
print 'myreduce('+str(a)+','+str(b)+')=' ,tot

List comprehension python

What is the equivalent list comprehension in python of the following Common Lisp code:
(loop for x = input then (if (evenp x)
(/ x 2)
(+1 (* 3 x)))
collect x
until (= x 1))
A list comprehension is used to take an existing sequence and perform some function and/or filter to it, resulting in a new list. So, in this case a list comprehension is not appropriate since you don't have a starting sequence. An example with a while loop:
numbers = []
while x != 1:
if x % 2 == 0: x /= 2
else: x = 3 * x + 1
I believe you are writing the hailstone sequence, although I could be wrong since I am not fluent in Lisp.
As far as I know, you can't do this in only a list comprehension, since each element depends on the last.
How I would do it would be this
def hailstone(n):
yield n
while n!=1
if n%2 == 0: # even
n = n / 2
else: # odd
n = 3 * n + 1
yield n
list = [ x for x in hailstone(input) ]
Of course, input would hold whatever your input was.
My hailstone function could probably be more concise. My goal was clarity.
Python doesn't have this kind of control structure built in, but you can generalize this into a function like this:
def unfold(evolve, initial, until):
state = initial
yield state
while not until(state):
state = evolve(state)
yield state
After this your expression can be written as:
def is_even(n): return not n % 2
unfold(lambda x: x/2 if is_even(x) else 3*x + 1,
initial=input, until=lambda x: x == 1)
But the Pythonic way to do it is using a generator function:
def produce(x):
yield x
while x != 1:
x = x / 2 if is_even(x) else 3*x + 1
yield x
The hackery referred to by Laurence:
You can do it in one list comprehension, it just ends up being AWFUL python. Unreadable python. Terrible python. I only present the following as a curiosity, not as an actual answer. Don't do this in code you actually want to use, only if you fancy having a play with the inner workings on python.
So, 3 approaches:
Helping List 1
1: Using a helping list, answer ends up in the helping list. This appends values to the list being iterated over until you've reached the value you want to stop at.
A = [10]
print [None if A[-1] == 1
else A.append(A[-1]/2) if (A[-1]%2==0)
else A.append(3*A[-1]+1)
for i in A]
print A
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
[10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
Helping List 2
2: Using a helping list, but with the result being the output of the list comprehension. This mostly relies on list.append(...) returning None, not None evaluating as True and True being considered 1 for the purposes of arithmetic. Sigh.
print [A[0]*(not A.append(A[0])) if len(A) == 1
else 1 if A[-1] == 2 else (A[-1]/2)*(not A.append(A[-1]/2)) if (A[-1]%2==0)
else (3*A[-1]+1)*(not A.append(3*A[-1]+1))
for i in A]
[10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
Referencing the List Comprehension from within
3: Not using a helping list, but referring back to the list comprehension as it's being built. This is a bit fragile, and probably wont work in all environments. If it doesn't work, try running the code on its own:
from itertools import chain, takewhile
initialValue = 10
print [i if len(locals()['_[1]']) == 0
else (locals()['_[1]'][-1]/2) if (locals()['_[1]'][-1]%2==0)
else (3*locals()['_[1]'][-1]+1)
for i in takewhile(lambda x:x>1, chain([initialValue],locals()['_[1]']))]
[10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
So, now forget that you read this. This is dark, dark and dingy python. Evil python. And we all know python isn't evil. Python is lovely and nice. So you can't have read this, because this sort of thing can't exist. Good good.
As Kiv said, a list comprehension requires a known sequence to iterate over.
Having said that, if you had a sequence and were fixated on using a list comprehension, your solution would probably include something like this:
[not (x % 2) and (x / 2) or (3 * x + 1) for x in sequence]
Mike Cooper's answer is a better solution because it both retains the x != 1 termination, and this line doesn't read cleanly.
I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain.
In all seriousness though, I don't believe you can do this with Python list comprehensions. They have basically the same power as map and filter, so you can't break out or look at previous values without resorting to hackery.

