Running Selenium RC tests in firefox in offline mode - python

Is there a way to run Selenium test in offline mode? If I set the offline mode in the firefox profile, selenium is stuck at selenium.start(). I'm using the python client driver. The code is as below
sel = selenium('localhost', 4444, '*firefox', 'file:///home/user/selenium/selenium-python/client-driver-1.0.1/inputs/input.html')

The following description in a blog helped me to fix the same problem, but using selenium with java junit tests.
Without knowing to much about running selenium from python, I do not see where you are starting the selenium RC server with the firefox profile.
java -jar selenium-server.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate “”


How to start selenium chromedriver script with already opened profile in chrome

I'm using selenium chromedriver with Google Chrome profiles on Mac OS and Windows. As I understand it, in the usual case the selenium script will not work if another profile in Google Chrome is open. This causes some inconvenience as a regular google chrome user - every time before I run the script I have to close the browser completely.
I would not be comfortable switching to the gecko driver because firefox does not allow me to install the extensions I need. Are there any other options on how to solve this problem?

What modules are best to imitate selenium style of being able to login into accounts and place orders? Without opening web browser [duplicate]

I have been trying to do web automation using Selenium. Is there any way to use a browser like Chrome or Firefox without actually installing them, like using some alternate options, or having portable versions of them. If I can use portable versions how do I tell Selenium to use it?
To use the browsers like google-chrome and firefox you have to install the full-blown browser.
You can find a detailed discussion in Is Chrome installation needed or only chromedriver when using Selenium?
As an alternative you can use the headless phantomjs browser as follows:
Code Block:
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\phantomjs.exe', service_args=['--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--ssl-protocol=tslv1.0'])
driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
You can find a detailed discussion in PhantomJS can't load correctly web page
A couple of relevent discussions:
Do headless web browser need selenium WebDriver?
Difference of Headless browsers for automation
Install Selenium typing pip install selenium.
It comes with a portable version of Chrome browser, no need to manually install any browser for this.
Chrome will show this message to indicate that it is being 'remote controlled:
"Chrome is controlled by automated test software"

Run selenium with chrome driver on centos without Gui

I write some code with python selenium using chrome driver as web driver. When I run code in my system ( mac os ), the code works. Chrome browser was opened, and selenium works correctly. But when I want to run my code in Centos 7 without GUI, selenium can't match with web driver and run the code. Although I install google-chrome-stable and use the same web driver for it, selenium can't run web driver.
driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path=chromedrive75)
So, I don't know how to fix the code and running on my centos operating system.
#Vahid, please check the chrome web browser version which is compatible with server, also try running in headless mode.

py2app selenium without firefox install

I am wondering if there is a way within py2app to include the Firefox browser, or if there is a way for Selenium to use Firefox without having to install Firefox on the host machine.
I have created an app with py2app that uses Selenium, however, I have Firefox installed on my machine, but not everyone that will receive the app will have Firefox installed. I am looking for a way to either include Firefox in the distribution or go around this.
Script will not run if Firefox is not preinstalled.
You can test your script with other browser, for example Chrome. If it works on Chrome also, then you can edit script like this:
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
except WebDriverException:
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
You can add same for few more browsers (IE, Opera, Safari...) to be sure that script will run on users machine

How to run Selenium Scripts in webservers?

I have written a few Selenium [Python] webdriver scripts, and while they are running fine on my system, they are not running on my website's server. It is showing errors with Firefox. Firefox is installed on the server. The webserver is Ubuntu. What do I have to do to run those scripts? Please help, I am a newbie.
Selenium requires a running browser and browsers need some kind of X server in order to run. There are many types of X servers and one of them is Xvfb aka X virtual framebuffer that does all the operations in memory and thus requires no screen.
In Wikipedia you could find very nice examples.
This is a nice example too.
You probably need to open the browser headless when executing your scripts on the server.
Here is the Java code for Firefox (Python code should be similar):
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxBinary;
WebDriver openHeadless() throws Exception
FirefoxBinary binary = new FirefoxBinary(new File("/usr/local/bin/firefox"));
return new FirefoxDriver(binary,null); // or 'binary,profile' if you have a profile
Make sure that you have Firefox installed on the server at /usr/local/bin/firefox.
If you want simply do web browser testing you can use libraries like Casper JS this creates a server side browser for web browser testing, it doesn't need a display driver.
I ended up using pyvirtualdisplay which is a Python wrapper for Xvfb and Xephyr. If anyone is having same issues [and I am sure newbies will], You can try THIS. Also you can use xvfbwrapper. Tutorial for xvfbwrapper HERE.

