I have a data set that I know has a Pareto distribution. Can someone point me to how to fit this data set in Scipy? I got the below code to run but I have no idea what is being returned to me (a,b,c). Also, after obtaining a,b,c, how do I calculate the variance using them?
import scipy.stats as ss
import scipy as sp
Be very careful fitting power laws!! Many reported power laws are actually badly fitted by a power law. See Clauset et al. for all the details (also on arxiv if you don't have access to the journal). They have a companion website to the article which now links to a Python implementation. Don't know if it uses Scipy because I used their R implementation when I last used it.
Here's a quickly written version, taking some hints from the Reference page that Rupert gave.
This is currently work in progress in scipy and statsmodels and requires MLE with some fixed or frozen parameters, which is only available in the trunk versions.
No standard errors on the parameter estimates or other result statistics are available yet.
'''estimating pareto with 3 parameters (shape, loc, scale) with nested
minimization, MLE inside minimizing Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
running some examples looks good
Author: josef-pktd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, optimize
#the following adds my frozen fit method to the distributions
#scipy trunk also has a fit method with some parameters fixed.
import scikits.statsmodels.sandbox.stats.distributions_patch
true = (0.5, 10, 1.) # try different values
shape, loc, scale = true
rvs = stats.pareto.rvs(shape, loc=loc, scale=scale, size=1000)
rvsmin = rvs.min() #for starting value to fmin
def pareto_ks(loc, rvs):
est = stats.pareto.fit_fr(rvs, 1., frozen=[np.nan, loc, np.nan])
args = (est[0], loc, est[1])
return stats.kstest(rvs,'pareto',args)[0]
locest = optimize.fmin(pareto_ks, rvsmin*0.7, (rvs,))
est = stats.pareto.fit_fr(rvs, 1., frozen=[np.nan, locest, np.nan])
args = (est[0], locest[0], est[1])
print 'estimate'
print args
print 'kstest'
print stats.kstest(rvs,'pareto',args)
print 'estimation error', args - np.array(true)
Let's say you data is formated like this
import openturns as ot
data = [
sample = ot.Sample([[v] for v in data])
You can easily fit a Pareto distribution using ParetoFactory of OpenTURNS library:
distribution = ot.ParetoFactory().build(sample)
You can of course print it:
>>> Pareto(beta = 0.00317985, alpha=0.147365, gamma=1.0283)
or plot its PDF:
from openturns.viewer import View
pdf_graph = distribution.drawPDF()
View(pdf_graph, add_legend=False)
More details on the ParetoFactory are provided in the documentation.
Before passing the data to build() function in OPENTURNS, make sure to convert it this way:
data = [[i] for i in data]
Because Sample() function may return an error.
FYI #Tropilio
Given an array of values, I want to be able to fit a density function to it and find the pdf of an arbitrary input value. Is this possible, and how would I go about it? There aren't necessarily assumptions of normality, and I don't need the function itself.
For instance, given:
x = array([ 0.62529759, -0.08202699, 0.59220673, -0.09074541, 0.05517865,
0.20153703, 0.22773723, -0.26229708, 0.76137555, -0.61229314,
0.27292745, 0.35596795, -0.01373896, 0.32464979, -0.22932331,
1.14796175, 0.17268531, 0.40692172, 0.13846154, 0.22752953,
0.13087359, 0.14111479, -0.09932381, 0.12800392, 0.02605917,
0.18776078, 0.45872642, -0.3943505 , -0.0771418 , -0.38822433,
-0.09171721, 0.23083624, -0.21603973, 0.05425592, 0.47910286,
0.26359565, -0.19917942, 0.40182097, -0.0797546 , 0.47239264,
-0.36654449, 0.4513859 , -0.00282486, -0.13950512, -0.05375369,
0.03331833, 0.48951555, -0.13760504, 2.788 , -0.15017848,
0.02930675, 0.10910646, 0.03868301, -0.048482 , 0.7277376 ,
0.08841259, -0.10968462, 0.50371324, 0.86379698, 0.01674877,
0.19542421, -0.06639165, 0.74500856, -0.10148342, 0.02482331,
0.79195804, 0.40401969, 0.25120005, 0.21020794, -0.01767013,
-0.13453783, -0.09605592, -0.88044229, 0.04689623, 0.09043851,
0.21232286, 0.34129982, -0.3736799 , 0.17313858])
I would like to find how a value of 0.3 compares to all of the above, and what percent of the above values it is greater than.
I personally like using the scipy.stats package. It has a useful implementation of Kernel Density Estimation. Bascially what this does is it estimates a probability density function of certain data, using combinations of gaussian (or other) distributions. Which distributions are used is a parameter you can set. Look at the documentation and related examples here: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/stats.html#kernel-density-estimation
And for more about KDE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation
Once you have built your KDE, then you can perform the same operations on it to get probabilities. For example, if you want to calculate the probability that a value occurs that is as large or larger than 0.3 you would do the following:
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(np.array(x))
#visualize KDE
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
x_eval = np.linspace(-.2, .2, num=200)
ax.plot(x_eval, kde(x_eval), 'k-')
#get probability
kde.integrate_box_1d( 0.3, np.inf)
Calculate a KDE, then use the KDE as if it were a PDF.
You can use openTURNS for that. You can use a Gaussian kernel smoothing to do that easily! From the doc:
import openturns as ot
kernel = ot.KernelSmoothing()
estimated = kernel.build(x)
That's it, now you have a distribution object :)
This library is very cool for statistics! (I am not related to them).
We have first to create the Sample from the Numpy array.
Then we compute the complementary CDF with the complementaryCDF method of the distribution (a small improvement over Yoda's answer).
import numpy as np
x = np.array([ 0.62529759, -0.08202699, 0.59220673, -0.09074541, 0.05517865,
0.20153703, 0.22773723, -0.26229708, 0.76137555, -0.61229314,
0.27292745, 0.35596795, -0.01373896, 0.32464979, -0.22932331,
1.14796175, 0.17268531, 0.40692172, 0.13846154, 0.22752953,
0.13087359, 0.14111479, -0.09932381, 0.12800392, 0.02605917,
0.18776078, 0.45872642, -0.3943505 , -0.0771418 , -0.38822433,
-0.09171721, 0.23083624, -0.21603973, 0.05425592, 0.47910286,
0.26359565, -0.19917942, 0.40182097, -0.0797546 , 0.47239264,
-0.36654449, 0.4513859 , -0.00282486, -0.13950512, -0.05375369,
0.03331833, 0.48951555, -0.13760504, 2.788 , -0.15017848,
0.02930675, 0.10910646, 0.03868301, -0.048482 , 0.7277376 ,
0.08841259, -0.10968462, 0.50371324, 0.86379698, 0.01674877,
0.19542421, -0.06639165, 0.74500856, -0.10148342, 0.02482331,
0.79195804, 0.40401969, 0.25120005, 0.21020794, -0.01767013,
-0.13453783, -0.09605592, -0.88044229, 0.04689623, 0.09043851,
0.21232286, 0.34129982, -0.3736799 , 0.17313858])
import openturns as ot
kernel = ot.KernelSmoothing()
sample = ot.Sample(x,1)
distribution = kernel.build(sample)
q = distribution.computeComplementaryCDF(0.3)
which prints:
I want to use sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture to store a gaussian mixture model so that I can later use it to generate samples or a value at a sample point using score_samples method. Here is an example where the components have the following weight, mean and covariances
import numpy as np
weights = np.array([0.6322941277066596, 0.3677058722933399])
mu = np.array([[0.9148052872961359, 1.9792961751316835],
[-1.0917396392992502, -0.9304220945910037]])
sigma = np.array([[[2.267889129267119, 0.6553245618368836],
[0.6553245618368835, 0.6571014653342457]],
[[0.9516607767206848, -0.7445831474157608],
[-0.7445831474157608, 1.006599716443763]]])
Then I initialised the mixture as follow
from sklearn import mixture
gmix = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=2, covariance_type='full')
gmix.weights_ = weights # mixture weights (n_components,)
gmix.means_ = mu # mixture means (n_components, 2)
gmix.covariances_ = sigma # mixture cov (n_components, 2, 2)
Finally I tried to generate a sample based on the parameters which resulted in an error:
x = gmix.sample(1000)
NotFittedError: This GaussianMixture instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method.
As I understand GaussianMixture is intended to fit a sample using a mixture of Gaussian but is there a way to provide it with the final values and continue from there?
You rock, J.P.Petersen!
After seeing your answer I compared the change introduced by using fit method. It seems the initial instantiation does not create all the attributes of gmix. Specifically it is missing the following attributes,
The first three are introduced when the given inputs are assigned. Among the rest, for my application the only attribute that I need is precisions_cholesky_ which is cholesky decomposition of the inverse covarinace matrices. As a minimum requirement I added it as follow,
gmix.precisions_cholesky_ = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(sigma)).transpose((0, 2, 1))
It seems that it has a check that makes sure that the model has been trained. You could trick it by training the GMM on a very small data set before setting the parameters. Like this:
gmix = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=2, covariance_type='full')
gmix.fit(rand(10, 2)) # Now it thinks it is trained
gmix.weights_ = weights # mixture weights (n_components,)
gmix.means_ = mu # mixture means (n_components, 2)
gmix.covariances_ = sigma # mixture cov (n_components, 2, 2)
x = gmix.sample(1000) # Should work now
To understand what is happening, what GaussianMixture first checks that it has been fitted:
Which triggers the following check:
def _check_is_fitted(self):
check_is_fitted(self, ['weights_', 'means_', 'precisions_cholesky_'])
And finally the last function call:
def check_is_fitted(estimator, attributes, msg=None, all_or_any=all):
which only checks that the classifier already has the attributes.
So in short, the only thing you have missing to have it working (without having to fit it) is to set precisions_cholesky_ attribute:
gmix.precisions_cholesky_ = 0
should do the trick (can't try it so not 100% sure :P)
However, if you want to play safe and have a consistent solution in case scikit-learn updates its contrains, the solution of #J.P.Petersen is probably the best way to go.
As a slight alternative to #hashmuke's answer, you can use the precision computation that is used inside GaussianMixture directly:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import invwishart as IW
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture as GMM
from sklearn.mixture._gaussian_mixture import _compute_precision_cholesky
n_dims = 5
mu1 = np.random.randn(n_dims)
mu2 = np.random.randn(n_dims)
Sigma1 = IW.rvs(n_dims, 0.1 * np.eye(n_dims))
Sigma2 = IW.rvs(n_dims, 0.1 * np.eye(n_dims))
gmm = GMM(n_components=2)
gmm.weights_ = np.array([0.2, 0.8])
gmm.means_ = np.stack([mu1, mu2])
gmm.covariances_ = np.stack([Sigma1, Sigma2])
gmm.precisions_cholesky_ = _compute_precision_cholesky(gmm.covariances_, 'full')
X, y = gmm.sample(1000)
And depending on your covariance type you should change full accordingly as input to _compute_precision_cholesky (will be one of full, diag, tied, spherical).
I want to transform data
[0.54667, 0.471447, 0.826591, 0.330514, 0.7263, 0.496063, 0.520698, 0.321594, 0.351358, 0.894333]
to distribution
'dgamma(a=0.91, loc=0.48, scale=0.15)'
How to do in python
First of all, you don't need to generate an distribution object in advance. All you need would be the distribution params using codes below.
from scipy.stats import gamma
import numpy as np
data = [1,2,3,4,5] # your data
fit_alpha, fit_loc, fit_beta = gamma.fit(np.array(data), floc=0, fscale=1)
Then, you can use scipy.stats.gamma funtions to get PDF/CDF/ec. Like:
print(gamma.pdf(0.9, fit_alpha))
Check out the documentations to find the useful calls.
This is perhaps a silly question.
I'm trying to fit data to a very strange PDF using MCMC evaluation in PyMC. For this example I just want to figure out how to fit to a normal distribution where I manually input the normal PDF. My code is:
data = [];
for count in range(1000): data.append(random.gauss(-200,15));
mean = mc.Uniform('mean', lower=min(data), upper=max(data))
std_dev = mc.Uniform('std_dev', lower=0, upper=50)
# #mc.potential
# def density(x = data, mu = mean, sigma = std_dev):
# return (1./(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*np.exp(-((x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))))
mc.Normal('process', mu=mean, tau=1./std_dev**2, value=data, observed=True)
model = mc.MCMC([mean,std_dev])
print "!"
The examples I've found all use something like mc.Normal, or mc.Poisson or whatnot, but I want to fit to the commented out density function.
Any help would be appreciated.
An easy way is to use the stochastic decorator:
import pymc as mc
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(-200,15,size=1000)
mean = mc.Uniform('mean', lower=min(data), upper=max(data))
std_dev = mc.Uniform('std_dev', lower=0, upper=50)
def custom_stochastic(value=data, mean=mean, std_dev=std_dev):
return np.sum(-np.log(std_dev) - 0.5*np.log(2) -
0.5*np.log(np.pi) -
(value-mean)**2 / (2*(std_dev**2)))
model = mc.MCMC([mean,std_dev,custom_stochastic])
print "!"
Note that my custom_stochastic function returns the log likelihood, not the likelihood, and that it is the log likelihood for the entire sample.
There are a few other ways to create custom stochastic nodes. This doc gives more details, and this gist contains an example using pymc.Stochastic to create a node with a kernel density estimator.
Can anyone help me out in fitting a gamma distribution in python? Well, I've got some data : X and Y coordinates, and I want to find the gamma parameters that fit this distribution... In the Scipy doc, it turns out that a fit method actually exists but I don't know how to use it :s.. First, in which format the argument "data" must be, and how can I provide the second argument (the parameters) since that's what I'm looking for?
Generate some gamma data:
import scipy.stats as stats
alpha = 5
loc = 100.5
beta = 22
data = stats.gamma.rvs(alpha, loc=loc, scale=beta, size=10000)
# [ 202.36035683 297.23906376 249.53831795 ..., 271.85204096 180.75026301
# 364.60240242]
Here we fit the data to the gamma distribution:
fit_alpha, fit_loc, fit_beta=stats.gamma.fit(data)
print(fit_alpha, fit_loc, fit_beta)
# (5.0833692504230008, 100.08697963283467, 21.739518937816108)
print(alpha, loc, beta)
# (5, 100.5, 22)
I was unsatisfied with the ss.gamma.rvs-function as it can generate negative numbers, something the gamma-distribution is supposed not to have. So I fitted the sample through expected value = mean(data) and variance = var(data) (see wikipedia for details) and wrote a function that can yield random samples of a gamma distribution without scipy (which I found hard to install properly, on a sidenote):
import random
import numpy
data = [6176, 11046, 670, 6146, 7945, 6864, 767, 7623, 7212, 9040, 3213, 6302, 10044, 10195, 9386, 7230, 4602, 6282, 8619, 7903, 6318, 13294, 6990, 5515, 9157]
# Fit gamma distribution through mean and average
mean_of_distribution = numpy.mean(data)
variance_of_distribution = numpy.var(data)
def gamma_random_sample(mean, variance, size):
"""Yields a list of random numbers following a gamma distribution defined by mean and variance"""
g_alpha = mean*mean/variance
g_beta = mean/variance
for i in range(size):
yield random.gammavariate(g_alpha,1/g_beta)
# force integer values to get integer sample
grs = [int(i) for i in gamma_random_sample(mean_of_distribution,variance_of_distribution,len(data))]
print("Original data: ", sorted(data))
print("Random sample: ", sorted(grs))
# Original data: [670, 767, 3213, 4602, 5515, 6146, 6176, 6282, 6302, 6318, 6864, 6990, 7212, 7230, 7623, 7903, 7945, 8619, 9040, 9157, 9386, 10044, 10195, 11046, 13294]
# Random sample: [1646, 2237, 3178, 3227, 3649, 4049, 4171, 5071, 5118, 5139, 5456, 6139, 6468, 6726, 6944, 7050, 7135, 7588, 7597, 7971, 10269, 10563, 12283, 12339, 13066]
If you want a long example including a discussion about estimating or fixing the support of the distribution, then you can find it in https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/1359 and the linked mailing list message.
Preliminary support to fix parameters, such as location, during fit has been added to the trunk version of scipy.
OpenTURNS has a simple way to do this with the GammaFactory class.
First, let's generate a sample:
import openturns as ot
gammaDistribution = ot.Gamma()
sample = gammaDistribution.getSample(100)
Then fit a Gamma to it:
distribution = ot.GammaFactory().build(sample)
Then we can draw the PDF of the Gamma:
import openturns.viewer as otv
which produces:
More details on this topic at: http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/user_manual/_generated/openturns.GammaFactory.html
1): the "data" variable could be in the format of a python list or tuple, or a numpy.ndarray, which could be obtained by using:
where the 2nd data in the above line should be a list or a tuple, containing your data.
2: the "parameter" variable is a first guess you could optionally provide to the fitting function as a starting point for the fitting process, so it could be omitted.
3: a note on #mondano's answer. The usage of moments (mean and variances) to work out the gamma parameters are reasonably good for large shape parameters (alpha>10), but could yield poor results for small values of alpha (See Statistical methods in the atmospheric scineces by Wilks, and THOM, H. C. S., 1958: A note on the gamma distribution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 86, 117–122.
Using Maximum Likelihood Estimators, as that implemented in the scipy module, is regarded a better choice in such cases.