I am trying to have this function limit a user to only one vote per image. However it currently lets all votes through. If I change "if existing_vote != 0:" to "if existing_vote == 0:" it lets no votes through. Thoughts?
class VoteHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
#See if logged in
self.Session = Session()
if not 'userkey' in self.Session:
{'error' : 'Please login to vote'})
#If user hasn't voted - if user doesn't have a vote on that image object
key = self.request.get('photo_id')
vurl = models.Image.get_by_id(int(key))
#pull current site vote total & add 1
existing_vote = models.Vote.all().filter('user=', self.Session['userkey']).filter('photo=',vurl).count()
if existing_vote != 0:
self.redirect('/', { })
newvote = models.Vote(user=self.Session['userkey'], url=vurl)
vurl.votes += 1
logging.info('Adding a vote')
#Create a new Vote object
newvote = models.Vote(user=self.Session['userkey'], url=vurl)
self.redirect('/', { })
For the Models:
class User(db.Model):
account = db.StringProperty()
password = db.StringProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
class Image(db.Model):
user = db.ReferenceProperty(User)
photo_key = db.BlobProperty()
website = db.StringProperty()
text = db.StringProperty()
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
votes = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
class Vote(db.Model):
user = db.ReferenceProperty(User) #See if voted on this site yet
photo = db.ReferenceProperty(Image) #To apply vote to right URL
upvote = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
Looks like your filter on user is wiping out every existing vote, i.e., the equality there is never satisfied. And indeed I'm not sure how I'd satistfy an equality check on a reference propertly. Why not change
user = db.ReferenceProperty(User) #See if voted on this site yet
to, e.g.,
useraccount = db.StringProperty() # account of user who cast this vote
Then the comparison becomes a simple equality check between strings and is sure to work without any complication -- simplicity is generally preferable, when feasible.
On this line here:
existing_vote = models.Vote.all().filter('user=', self.Session['userkey']).filter('photo=',vurl).count()
You need to put a space between the 'photo' and the '=' in the filters - otherwise, it's attempting to filter for a property called 'photo='. This should work:
existing_vote = models.Vote.all().filter('user =', self.Session['userkey']).filter('photo =',vurl).count()
I am trying to create a social media type site that will allow a user to follow and unfollow another user. followers has a ManyToManyField because a user can have many followers.
class Follower(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default="")
followers = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name="followers")
def username(request, user):
#get user
user = get_object_or_404(User.objects, username=user)
posts = Post.objects.filter(user=user).order_by('-date_and_time')
#follow button code
follow_or_unfollow = ''
following = get_object_or_404(Follower, Q(
user=user) & Q(followers=request.user))
following = False
if following:
follow_or_unfollow = True
follow_or_unfollow = False
if request.POST.get('follow'):
follower = Follower.objects.create(user=request.user)
follow_or_unfollow = False
elif request.POST.get('unfollow'):
follow_or_unfollow = True
When it gets the 'follow' POST request, I want it to add the user who sent it (the one that is logged in) to be added to the followers. Right now, I am getting this error when I try to do that.
TypeError: django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.create_forward_many_to_many_manager.<locals>.ManyRelatedManager.add() argument after * must be an iterable, not User
I know it says that it has to be iterable, but is there any way to just add one object at a time. Also, how would you delete this particular object?
The * in the arguments converts a list to individual args. For example-
lst = [1,2,3,4,5]
can be just read as
You have used follower.followers.add(*user). Hence, user must be an iterable to be unpacked and passed as a list or arguments. But user is a single User object.
You should just use follower.followers.add(user) in this case.
New to Python and am working on a task my friend gave me. The objective for this portion is to find user information that was previously added to a dictionary. I am trying to find a way that if the user is searching for a particular user, only that user's info will be returned. So far this is the code I have for this portion of the project:
selection = input('Please select an option 1 - 4:\t')
if selection == '1':
print('Add user - Enter the information for the new user:\t')
first_name = input('First name:\t')
last_name = input('Last name:\t')
hair_color = input('Hair color:\t')
eye_color = input('Eye color:\t')
age = input('Age:\t')
user_info = {}
user_info['First name'] = first_name
user_info['Last name'] = last_name
user_info['Hair color'] = hair_color
user_info['Eye color'] = eye_color
user_info['Age'] = age
Skipping code for sake of space on post
if selection == '3':
print('\nChoose how to look up a user')
print('1 - First name')
print('2 - Last name')
print('3 - Hair color')
print('4 - Eye color')
print('5 - Age')
print('6 - Exit to main menu\n')
search_option = input('Enter option:\t')
if search_option == '1' or search_option == 'First name' or search_option == 'first name':
input('Enter the first name of the user you are looking for:\t')
Any and all help is much appreciated!!
Depending on your project, using a dictionary might be difficult in the future. Let's not go down a dark road. Take a moment and assess the situation.
We know that we want to collect some information from the user, such as:
first name
last name
hair color
We also want to store the User object to retrieve later based on a particular ID. In your code, you search for other users based on attributes, but what if two or more users share the same attribute, for example, first name?
What your asking for are attributes associated with a particular user. Why not create a class called User?
class User:
def __init__(self, id, first_name, last_name, hair_color):
# You can also check if any attributes are blank and throw an exception.
self._id = id
self._first_name = first_name
self._last_name = last_name
self._hair_color = hair_color
# add more attributes if you want
# a getter to access the self._id property
def id(self):
return self._id
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {self._id} Name: {self._first_name} {self._last_name}
Hair Color: {self._hair_color}"
In your main function, you can now ask for the user details and store them in a class which you can append to a List.
from User import User
def ask_for_input(question):
answer = input(question)
return answer.strip() # strip any user created white space.
def main():
# Store our users
users = []
# Collect the user info
id = ask_for_input(question = "ID ")
first_name = ask_for_input(question = "First Name ")
last_name = ask_for_input(question = "Last Name ")
hair_color= ask_for_input(question = "Hair Color ")
# Create our user object
user = User(id=id, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, hair_color=hair_color)
# accessing the id property
if __name__ == '__main__':
You may also want to improve on the above class, for example, error checking, and adding type hints to make the code more readable.
If you're just storing the user information, a data class might be more appropriate.
If your looking for a broad suggestion, you could use mongob, it makes a great way to store data to be retrieved later, here is an example i built for another question. The prerequisites is that you'd have to get the mongod server running before you can use the pip install:
Here is an example of how to get it going and how easy it easy to retrieve data like yours
pip3 install pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client.pymongo_test
posts = db.posts
post_data = {
'title': 'The title of this post',
'content': 'pymongo is awesome',
'author': 'Bill'
result = posts.insert_one(post_data)
print('One post: {0}'.format(result.inserted_id))
bills_post = posts.find_one({'author': 'Bill'})
#One post: 5dc61c0cc2b75ebc458da31f
#{'_id': ObjectId('5dc61bf76071bde943ca262b'), 'title': 'The title of this post', 'content': 'pymongo is awesome', 'author': 'Bill'}
I am creating a sample application storing user detail along with its class information.
Modal classes being used are :
Model class for saving user's class data
class MyData(ndb.Model):
subject = ndb.StringProperty()
teacher = ndb.StringProperty()
strength = ndb.IntegerProperty()
date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
Model class for user
class MyUser(ndb.Model):
user_name = ndb.StringProperty()
email_id = ndb.StringProperty()
my_data = ndb.StructuredProperty(MyData, repeated = True)
I am able to successfully store data into the datastore and can also make simple query on the MyUser entity using some filters based on email_id and user_name.
But when I try to query MyUser result using filter on a property from the MyUser modal's Structured property that is my_data, its not giving correct result.
I think I am querying incorrectly.
Here is my query function
function to query based upon the repeated structure property
def queryMyUserWithStructuredPropertyFilter():
shail_users_query = MyUser.query(ndb.AND(MyUser.email_id == "napolean#gmail.com", MyUser.my_data.strength > 30))
shail_users_list = shail_users_query.fetch(10)
for each_user in shail_users_list:
logging.info('NEW QUERY :: The user details are : %s %s'% (each_user.user_name, each_user.email_id))
# Class data
myData = each_user.my_data
for each_my_data in myData:
templist = [each_my_data.strength, str(each_my_data.date)]
logging.info('NEW QUERY :: The class data is : %s %s %s %s'% (each_my_data.subject, each_my_data.teacher, str(each_my_data.strength),str(each_my_data.date)))
return maindatalist
I want to fetch that entity with repeated Structured property (my_data) should be a list which has strength > 30.
Please help me in knowing where I am doing wrong.
Queries over StructuredProperties return objects for which at least one of the structured ones satisfies the conditions. If you want to filter those properties, you'll have to do it afterwards.
Something like this should do the trick:
def queryMyUserWithStructuredPropertyFilter():
shail_users_query = MyUser.query(MyUser.email_id == "napolean#gmail.com", MyUser.my_data.strength > 30)
shail_users_list = shail_users_query.fetch(10)
# Here, shail_users_list has at most 10 users with email being
# 'napolean#gmail.com' and at least one element in my_data
# with strength > 30
maindatalist = [
[[data.strength, str(data.date)] for data in user.my_data if data.strength > 30] for user in shail_users_list
# Now in maindatalist you have ONLY those my_data with strength > 30
return maindatalist
I'm trying to keep track of the answers from users who sends a "password" into the Twilio app so they can answer a series of questions. First, it'll probably be best to check that "from_number" exists in the database, then create a new Caller if it isn't.
In models.py:
class Callers(models.Model):
body = models.CharField()
from_number = models.CharField()
last_question = models.CharField(max_length=1, default="0")
In views.py:
def HelloThere(request):
body = request.REQUEST.get('Body', None)
from_number = request.REQUEST.get("From",None)
if Caller.objects.filter(from_number == from_number):
if last_question == "0":
caller = Caller(message = "first question". last_question = "1")
return HttpResponse(str(resp))
if last_question == '1':
# so on and so forth
caller = Caller(body=body, from_number=from_number, last_question='0')
message = "What is the password?"
I don't think I can use request.user.is_authenticated().
/Is it a bad idea to have so many of the same field names? "body=body=Body?
First about the model:
class Callers(models.Model):
body = models.CharField()
from_number = models.CharField()
last_question = models.IntegerField(default=0) # if you have more than 10 question then I guess using IntegerField is better here
Then the view:
def hello_there(request): # this is a function, so use lower case with underscore for name
body = request.REQUEST.get('Body', None)
from_number = request.REQUEST.get("From",None)
caller = Caller.objects.get(from_number=from_number) # using get() is better than filter here since I guess you want unique caller field in DB, right?
except Caller.DoesNotExist:
caller = None
if caller:
if caller.last_question == 0:
# update the caller ?
caller.last_question = 1
caller.body = 'Something'
# ... your code ...
return HttpResponse(str(resp))
if last_question == 1:
# so on and so forth
# if you have repeated process here, make a function to update caller to be DRY
new_caller = Caller(body=body, from_number=from_number, last_question=0)
message = "What is the password?"
request.user.is_authenticated() is only for User model so you can't use it. And it's okay to use same name for different things, for example body in your view can be variable or argument. If it isn't clear for you then you can pick different name then.
Hope it helps!
I have a model like below:
class StaffProfile(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
maas = models.FloatField()
maas_gunu = models.CharField(max_length=5)
When I try to insert data with a code like below:
staffprofilesay = StaffProfile.objects.filter(user = user_id).count()
if staffprofilesay > 0:
staffprofile = StaffProfile.objects.get(user = user_id)
staffprofile = StaffProfile()
staffprofile.user = user_id
staffprofile.maas = calisan_formu.cleaned_data["maas"]
staffprofile.maas_gunu = calisan_formu.cleaned_data["maas_gunu"]
I get an error like this:
Cannot assign "u'1'": "StaffProfile.user" must be a "User" instance.
What am I supposed to do?
PS: I'm using Django's User model
You need to assign a User object e.g.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
staffprofile.user = user
user needs to be an instance of the User model, not a unicode object (which is what you are passing it).
Yes you have to pass User instance in staffprofile.user = user_id user id place.
As #david-s pointed out in a comment, if you don't have a user instance, you have to fetch from DB with an additional query.
Instead you can directly do is
staffprofile.user_id = user_id because Django behind the scene append _id in table for foreign keys so staffprofile.user will end staffprofile.user_id