Paypal integration with Google application engine-python - python

I have to integrate paypal with my application which is built on app engine patch with python.
I searched over the web and found some issues reported in paypal integration with google application engine like here:
There is a paypalx-gae-toolkit but this is for java.
Is there a similar toolkit for python?
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.

We have no problem accessing the paypal URL's FWIW...
The thread you are referencing is from 2008...

The official toolkit for Python wasn't released yet, so a promising library seems to be
paypal-python. It is actively developed at least. One problem is that it requires Python 2.6 or 2.7, but maybe it would not be hard to backport it to Python 2.5.
There are also some projects on Google Code, but none seems very updated.

Paypal-python works in 2.5.

Looks like an interesting post on IPN here. I haven't tried it.


How to use python to do the web development (or how to set uo cgi)

As the title said, just wonderring how to use python or anyhow to include executable python script into HTML
Using django to do this.
django official web:
I would look into the python documentation here for learning about Python in the web. But more specifically, there is documentation here explaining Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and how to use it. I recommend looking into this first because I am unsure what exactly you need help with, if it is simply wondering how it works, then these links will explain that just fine.
Flask is very simple micro framework for writing web applications in python.

SUDS or SOAPpy: google app engine python

Am very new on WSDL (SOAP) web service on GAE python,
i read some services like SOAPpy, SUDS
actually i couldn't able to figure-out which is best and easy for consuming the services.
Guys, Could you please share me your experiences with this or any other best services which i can use in my app.
Note: am using Windows7 for development with Python2.5, GAE 1.6.1v
SUDS is very nice and would be my preferred choice, but AFAIK doesn't work on GAE without modifications. It stores the WSDL cache on file system, while on GAE you'd want to store in memcached instead. Fixing it shouldn't be too difficult, if you search you should find a couple of blog postings on the issue. There are also several versions on github, perhaps some of those support GAE.
That's my blog post linked in the above comment. I'm glad it was helpful, but I'm surprised that my is still useful. I've gone ahead and made it a gist to make it easier to get to/find and so you can easily fork it:

Facebook integration using python library

I created a simple web app using django and was wondering if there is any python library out there that could help me integrate my app with facebook.
A simple search for "facebook" on PyPI
gives two django related modules with the first two hits.
Apart from that there is always the official Facebook SDK (on PyPI) that you will find on Github (also carrying several forks of the SDK):
google "facebook sdk python"
Please some more research next time....

openid in pylons (not using authkit)

So I'm trying to authenticate users on a Pylons web application using openid. I don't want to use authkit, seeing as it is no longer maintained.
I'm currently trying to use python-openid (available from git at and having a hard time with it. The pylons framework isn't making it easy for me to interact with the python-openid classes, which are basically looking for instances of python's HTTPServer and SimpleCookie classes...
Any assistance available? Has anyone solved this problem? TIA.
OpenId with pylons through repoze.what works OK. Please see the following discussion in the pylons mailing list to find some pointers:

Which development environment should I use for developing Google App Engine with Python?

I would like to ask which IDE should I use for developing applications for Google App Engine with Python language?
Is Eclipse suitable or is there any other development environment better?
Please give me some advices!
Thank you!
Eclipse with the PyDev plugin is very nice. Recent versions even go out of their way to support App Engine, with builtin support for uploading your project, etc without having to use the command line scripts.
See the Pydev blog for more documentation on the App Engine integration.
I think the answers you are looking for are here
Best opensource IDE for building applications on Google App Engine?
I use Komodo Edit; for more information, visit the website.
I've always been using Vim (with or without plugins to make it more IDE-like) for Python programming, it's simple but powerful enough.
Wing IDE is a pretty solid IDE for python. It's not free though (open source or $$).

