I've written a Django application which interacts with a third-party API (Disqus, although this detail is unimportant) via a Python wrapper. When the service is unavailable, the Python wrapper raises an exception.
The best way for the application to handle such exceptions is to suppress them so that the rest of the page's content can still be displayed to the user. The following works fine.
except somemodule.APIError:
Certain views contain several such calls. Is wrapping each call in try/except the best way to suppress possible exceptions?
Making API calls from views is not so good idea. You should probably create another module, that does the job.
ie. when I make Facebook apps I create publish.py file to store all "publish to live stream" calls. Functions in that module are named based on when they should be called. Ie.:
# publish.py
def authorise_application(user):
# API call "User joined app."
def post_anwser(anwser):
# API call "User posted anwser to quiz".
Then your views are very clean:
# views.py
def post_anwser(request):
if form.is_valid():
When you have your code organised that way, you can create decorator for ignoring exceptions:
# publish.py
def ignore_api_error(fun):
def res(*args, **kwargs):
return fun(*args, **kwargs):
except someservice.ApiError:
return None
return res
def authorised_application(user):
# API call "User joined app."
def posted_anwser(user, anwser):
# API call "User posted anwser to quiz".
Also you can create function, that is not "ignored" by default, and add ignore code in view:
# publish.py
def some_function(user, message):
# views.py
def my_view():
publish.ignore_api_error(publish.some_function)(user, message)
Certain views contain several such calls. Is wrapping each call in try/except the best way to suppress possible exceptions?
You can wrap the API call inside another function. Say:
def make_api_call(*args, **kwargs):
return somemodule.method_that_may_raise_exception(*args, **kwargs)
except somemodule.APIError:
This function can be called instead of the try/except block in each view. This will at least serve to reduce the number of lines of code you write and provide a common place for handling such exceptions.
#Yorirou is correct. Changing code to add this good practice.
Since the #route decorator has to register the view with the current callback given to the decorator, it has to be the outermost decorator to receive the correct function to invoke when handling a request.
This creates a possible situation where a view has been decorated, but since the decorators are in the wrong order, the decorated function is not invoked. If used for decorating views that require the user to be logged in, have a certain role or have a specific flag, the check will be left out silently.
Our current fix is to have the standard action be to deny access to the resource, then requiring a decorator to allow access. In that case, if the decorator isn't invoked when the request is being handled, the request will fail.
But there are use-cases where this becomes cumbersome since it requires you to decorate all views, except for those few that should be exempt. For a pure hierarchical layout this may work, but for checking single flags the structure can get complicated.
Is there a proper way to detect that we're being invoked in a useful place in the decoratory hierarchy? I.e. can we detect that there hasn't already been a route decorator applied to function we get to wrap?
# wrapped in wrong order - #require_administrator should be after #app.route
#app.route('/users', methods=['GET'])
Implemented as:
def require_administrator(func):
def has_administrator(*args, **kwargs):
if not getattr(g, 'user') or not g.user.is_administrator:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return has_administrator
Here I'd like to detect if my custom decorator is being wrapped after #app.route, and thus, never will be invoked when the request is handled.
Using functools.wraps replaces the wrapped function with the new one in all ways, so looking at __name__ of the function to be wrapped will fail. This also happens at each step of the decorator wrapping process.
I've tried looking at both traceback and inspect, but haven't found any decent way of determining if the sequence is correct.
My currently best solution is to check the called function name against the set of registered endpoints. But since a Route() decorator can change the name of the endpoint, I'll have to support that for my decorator as well in that case, and it'll silently pass if a different function has used the same endpoint name as the current function.
It also have to iterate the set of registered endpoints since I weren't able to find a simple way to check if just the endpoint name exists (possibly more efficient by attempting to build an URL with it and catch the exception).
def require_administrator_checked(func):
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
if func.__name__ == rule.endpoint:
raise DecoratorOrderError(f"Wrapped endpoint '{rule.endpoint}' has already been registered - wrong order of decorators?")
# as above ..
Update 2: See my other answer for a more reusable, less hack-y solution.
Here is an decidedly less hack-y solution. However, it requires you to use a
custom function instead of app.route. It takes an arbitrary number of decorators, and applies them in the order given, and then makes sure that app.route is called as the final function.
This requires that you use only this decorator for every function.
def safe_route(rule, app, *decorators, **options):
def _route(func):
for decorator in decorators:
func = decorator(func)
return app.route(rule, **options)(func)
return _route
You can then use it like this:
def require_administrator(func):
def has_administrator(*args, **kwargs):
print("Would check admin now")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return has_administrator
#safe_route("/", app, require_administrator, methods=["GET"])
def test2():
return "foo"
This prints:
Would check admin now
So if all supplied decorators use functools.wraps, this also conserves the test2 name.
Old answer:
If you are OK with an admittedly hack-y solution, you can roll your own inspection by reading the file line by line. Here is a very rough function that does this. You can refine this quite a bit, e.g. at the moment it relies on the app being called "app",
function definitions having at least one empty line before them (normal PEP-8 behavior, but still might be an issue), ...
Here is the complete code I used to test it.
import flask
import functools
from itertools import groupby
class DecoratorOrderError(TypeError):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def require_administrator(func):
def has_administrator(*args, **kwargs):
print("Would check admin now")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return has_administrator
#require_administrator # Will raise a custom exception
#app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def test():
return "ok"
def check_route_is_topmost_decorator():
# Read own source
with open(__file__) as f:
content = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
# Split source code on line breaks
split_by_lines = [list(group) for k, group in groupby(content, lambda x: x == "") if not k]
# Find consecutive decorators
decorator_groups = dict()
for line_group in split_by_lines:
decorators = []
for line in line_group:
if line.startswith("#"):
elif decorators:
decorator_groups[line] = decorators
# Check if app.route is the last one (if it exists)
for func_def, decorators in decorator_groups.items():
is_route = [dec.startswith("#app.route") for dec in decorators]
if sum(is_route) > 1 or (sum(is_route) == 1 and not decorators[0].startswith("#app.route")):
raise DecoratorOrderError(f"#app.route is not the topmost decorator for '{func_def}'")
This snippet will give you the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vXYZ/test_sso.py", line 51, in <module>
File "/home/vXYZ/test_sso.py", line 48, in check_route_is_topmost_decorator
raise DecoratorOrderError(f"#app.route is not the topmost decorator for '{func_def}'")
__main__.DecoratorOrderError: #app.route is not the topmost decorator for 'def test():'
If you switch the order of the decorator for the test() function, it simply does nothing.
One downside is that you have to call this method explicitly in every file.
I don't exactly know how reliable this is, I admit it is pretty ugly, and I won't take any responsibility if it breaks, but it's a start! I am sure there must be a better way.
I am adding another answer, because now I have something that is the least amount of hacky (read: I am using inspect to read to source code of a given function instead of reading the whole file myself), works across modules, and can be reused for any other decorators that should always be the last one. You also do not have to use a different syntax for app.route as in the update of my other answer.
Here is how to do this (Warning: This is quite a closure-inception):
import flask
import inspect
class DecoratorOrderError(TypeError):
def assert_last_decorator(final_decorator):
Converts a decorator so that an exception is raised when it is not the last decorator to be used on a function.
This only works for decorator syntax, not if somebody explicitly uses the decorator, e.g.
final_decorator = some_other_decorator(final_decorator) will still work without an exception.
:param final_decorator: The decorator that should be made final.
:return: The same decorator, but it checks that it is the last one before calling the inner function.
def check_decorator_order(func):
# Use inspect to read the code of the function
code, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(func)
decorators = []
for line in code:
if line.startswith("#"):
# Remove the "#", function calls, and any object calls, such as "app.route". We just want the name of the decorator function (e.g. "route")
decorator_names_only = [dec.replace("#", "").split("(")[0].split(".")[-1] for dec in decorators]
is_final_decorator = [final_decorator.__name__ == name for name in decorator_names_only]
num_finals = sum(is_final_decorator)
if num_finals > 1 or (num_finals == 1 and not is_final_decorator[0]):
raise DecoratorOrderError(f"'{final_decorator.__name__}' is not the topmost decorator of function '{func.__name__}'")
return func
def handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
# Used to pass the arguments to the final decorator
def handle_function(f):
# Which function should be decorated by the final decorator?
return final_decorator(*args, **kwargs)(check_decorator_order(f))
return handle_function
return handle_arguments
You can now replace the app.route function with this function, applied to the app.route function. This is important and has to be done before any use of the app.route decorator, so I suggest to just do it when creating the app.
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.route = assert_last_decorator(app.route)
def require_administrator(func):
def has_administrator(*args, **kwargs):
print("Would check admin now")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return has_administrator
#app.route("/good", methods=["GET"]) # Works
def test_good():
return "ok"
#app.route("/bad", methods=["GET"]) # Raises an Exception
def test_bad():
return "not ok"
I believe this is pretty much what you wanted in your question.
Currently working on python and redis. I have Flask as my framework and working on Blueprints.
Looking into implementing cache with redis for my APIs, I have tried Flask-Cache and redis-simple-cache.
Downside are Flask-Cache saves the function even when you change the parameter of the function. It only saves it once per function.
As per redis-simple-cache, it save its keys as SimpleCache-<key name> which not advisable on my end.
So my question is, how can you create a decorator which save and retrieve or check if there is a key existing for the specific key.
I know a save decorator is possible. But is a retrieve or check decorator possible?? Please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you.
You seem to not have read the Flask-Cache documentation very closely. Caching does not ignore parameters and the cache key is customisable. The decorators the project supplies already give you the functionality you seek.
From the Caching View Functions section:
This decorator will use request.path by default for the cache_key.
So the default cache key is request.path, but you can specify a different key. Since Flask view functions get their arguments from path elements, the default request.path makes a great key.
From the #cached() decorator documentation:
cached(timeout=None, key_prefix='view/%s', unless=None)
By default the cache key is view/request.path. You are able to use this decorator with any function by changing the key_prefix. If the token %s is located within the key_prefix then it will replace that with request.path. You are able to use this decorator with any function by changing the key_prefix.
key_prefix – [...] Can optionally be a callable which takes no arguments but returns a string that will be used as the cache_key.
So you can set key_prefix to a function, and it'll be called (without arguments) to produce the key.
The returned decorated function now has three function attributes assigned to it. These attributes are readable/writable:
A function used in generating the cache_key used.
This function is passed the same arguments the view function is passed. In all, this allows you to produce any cache key you want; either use key_prefix and pull out more information from the request or g or other sources, or assign to view_function.make_cache_key and access the same arguments the view function receives.
Then there is the #memoize() decorator:
memoize(timeout=None, make_name=None, unless=None)
Use this to cache the result of a function, taking its arguments into account in the cache key.
So this decorator caches return values purely based on the arguments passed into the function. It too supports a make_cache_key function.
I've used both decorators to make a Google App Engine Flask project scale to double-digit millions of views per month for a CMS-backed site, storing results in the Google memcached structure. Doing this with Redis would only require setting a configuration option.
You can use this cache decorator, the cache object you create will have to be a flask cache object instead of django one i.e. should support cache.get and cache.set methods, this is pretty flexible based on how you want to create cache keys, i.e.
based on what parameters being passed to the method
in what cases to cache/not cache the result
Use same cache even if kwarg order is changed, i.e. same cache for my_method(a=1,b=2) and my_method(b=2,a=1) call.
__author__ = 'Dhruv Pathak'
import cPickle
import logging
import time
from functools import wraps
from django.conf import settings
import traceback
"""following imports are from datautils.py in this repo, datautils
also contains many other useful data utility methods/classes
from datautils import mDict, mList, get_nested_ordered_dict, nested_path_get
"""following import is specific to django framework, and can be altered
based on what type of caching library your code uses"""
from django.core.cache import cache, caches
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def cache_result(cache_key=None, cache_kwarg_keys=None, seconds=900, cache_filter=lambda x: True, cache_setup = "default"):
def set_cache(f):
def x(*args, **kwargs):
if settings.USE_CACHE is not True:
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
return result
# cache_conn should be a cache object supporting get,set methods
# can be from python-memcached, pylibmc, django, django-redis-cache, django-redis etc
cache_conn = caches[cache_setup]
except Exception, e:
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
return result
final_cache_key = generate_cache_key_for_method(f, kwargs, args, cache_kwarg_keys, cache_key)
result = cache_conn.get(final_cache_key)
except Exception, e:
result = None
if settings.DEBUG is True:
logger.exception("Cache get failed,k::{0},ex::{1},ex::{2}".format(final_cache_key, str(e), traceback.format_exc()))
if result is not None and cache_filter(result) is False:
result = None
logger.debug("Cache had invalid result:{0},not returned".format(result))
if result is None: # result not in cache
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result, (mDict, mList)):
result.ot = int(time.time())
if cache_filter(result) is True:
cache_conn.set(final_cache_key, result, seconds)
except Exception, e:
if settings.DEBUG is True:
logger.exception("Cache set failed,k::{0},ex::{1},ex::{2},dt::{3}".format(final_cache_key, str(e), traceback.format_exc(), str(result)[0:100],))
# logger.debug("Result :{0} failed,not cached".format(result))
else: # result was from cache
if isinstance(result, (mDict, mList)):
result.src = "CACHE_{0}".format(cache_setup)
return result
return x
return set_cache
def generate_cache_key_for_method(method, method_kwargs, method_args, cache_kwarg_keys=None, cache_key=None):
if cache_key is None:
if cache_kwarg_keys is not None and len(cache_kwarg_keys) > 0:
if len(method_args) > 0:
raise Exception("cache_kwarg_keys mode needs set kwargs,args should be empty")
method_kwargs = get_nested_ordered_dict(method_kwargs)
cache_kwarg_values = [nested_path_get(method_kwargs, path_str=kwarg_key, strict=False) for kwarg_key in cache_kwarg_keys]
if any([kwarg_value is not None for kwarg_value in cache_kwarg_values]) is False:
raise Exception("all cache kwarg keys values are not set")
final_cache_key = "{0}::{1}::{2}".format(str(method.__module__), str(method.__name__), hash(cPickle.dumps(cache_kwarg_values)))
final_cache_key = "{0}::{1}".format(str(method.__module__), str(method.__name__))
final_cache_key += "::{0}".format(str(hash(cPickle.dumps(method_args, 0)))) if len(method_args) > 0 else ''
final_cache_key += "::{0}".format(str(hash(cPickle.dumps(method_kwargs, 0)))) if len(method_kwargs) > 0 else ''
final_cache_key = "{0}::{1}::{2}".format(method.__module__, method.__name__, cache_key)
return final_cache_key
2-3 utility methods are imported from this file in same repo, you can just put them in same file.
I'm writing test cases for code that is called via a route under Flask. I don't want to test the code by setting up a test app and calling a URL that hits the route, I want to call the function directly. To make this work I need to mock flask.request and I can't seem to manage it. Google / stackoverflow searches lead to a lot of answers that show how to set up a test application which again is not what I want to do.
The code would look something like this.
from flask import request
def method_called_from_route():
data = request.values
# do something with data here
import unittest
import somefile
class SomefileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_method_called_from_route(self, mock_request):
# want to mock the request.values here
I'm having two issues.
(1) Patching the request as I've sketched out above does not work. I get an error similar to "AttributeError: 'Blueprint' object has no attribute 'somefile'"
(2) I don't know how to exactly mock the request object if I could patch it. It doesn't really have a return_value since it isn't a function.
Again I can't find any examples on how to do this so I felt a new question was acceptable.
Try this
import unittest
import somefile
import mock
class SomefileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_method_called_from_route(self):
m = mock.MagicMock()
m.values = "MyData"
with mock.patch("somefile.request", m):
from flask import request
def method_called_from_route():
data = request.values
assert(data == "MyData")
This is going to mock the entire request object.
If you want to mock only request.values while keeping all others intact, this would not work.
A few years after the question was asked, but this is how I solved this with python 3.9 (other proposed solutions stopped working with python 3.8 see here). I'm using pytest and pytest-mock, but the idea should be the same across testing frameworks, as long as you are using the native unittest.mock.patch in some capacity (pytest-mock essentially just wraps these methods in an easier to use api). Unfortunately, it does require that you set up a test app, however, you do not need to go through the process of using test_client, and can just invoke the function directly.
This can be easily handled by using the Application Factory Design Pattern, and injecting application config. Then, just use the created app's .test_request_context as a context manager to mock out the request object. using .test_request_context as a context manager, gives everything called within the context access to the request object. Here's an example below.
import pytest
from app import create_app
def request_context():
"""create the app and return the request context as a fixture
so that this process does not need to be repeated in each test
app = create_app('module.with.TestingConfig')
return app.test_request_context
def test_something_that_requires_global_request_object(mocker, request_context):
"""do the test thing"""
with request_context():
# mocker.patch is just pytest-mock's way of using unittest.mock.patch
mock_request = mocker.patch('path.to.where.request.is.used')
# make your mocks and stubs
mock_request.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
mock_request.get_json.return_value = {'some': 'json'}
# now you can do whatever you need, using mock_request, and you do not
# need to remain within the request_context context manager
assert 1 == 1
# etc.
pytest is great because it allows you to easily setup fixtures for your tests as described above, but you could do essentially the same thing with UnitTest's setUp instance methods. Happy to provide an example for the Application Factory design pattern, or more context, if necessary!
with help of Gabrielbertouinataa on this article: https://medium.com/#vladbezden/how-to-mock-flask-request-object-in-python-fdbc249de504:
def print_request_data():
flask_app = flask.Flask('test_flask_app')
with flask_app.test_request_context() as mock_context:
mock_context.request.data = "request_data"
mock_context.request.path = "request_path"
Here is an example of how I dealt with it:
test_common.py module
import pytest
import flask
def test_user_name(mocker):
# GIVEN: user is provided in the request.headers
given_user_name = "Some_User"
request_mock = mocker.patch.object(flask, "request")
request_mock.headers.get.return_value = given_user_name
# WHEN: request.header.get method is called
result = common.user_name()
# THEN: user name should be returned
request_mock.headers.get.assert_called_once_with("USERNAME", "Invalid User")
assert result == given_user_name
common.py module
import flask
def user_name():
return flask.request.headers.get("USERNAME", "Invalid User")
What you're trying to do is counterproductive. Following the RFC 2616 a request is:
A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use.
Mocking the Flask request you need to rebuild its structure, what certainly, you will not to want to do!
The best approach should be use something like Flask-Testing or use some recipes like this, and then, test your method.
In flask, I can do this:
render_template("foo.html", messages={'main':'hello'})
And if foo.html contains {{ messages['main'] }}, the page will show hello. But what if there's a route that leads to foo:
def do_foo():
# do some logic here
return render_template("foo.html")
In this case, the only way to get to foo.html, if I want that logic to happen anyway, is through a redirect:
def do_baz():
if some_condition:
return render_template("baz.html")
return redirect("/foo", messages={"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})
# above produces TypeError: redirect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'messages'
So, how can I get that messages variable to be passed to the foo route, so that I don't have to just rewrite the same logic code that that route computes before loading it up?
You could pass the messages as explicit URL parameter (appropriately encoded), or store the messages into session (cookie) variable before redirecting and then get the variable before rendering the template. For example:
from flask import session, url_for
def do_baz():
messages = json.dumps({"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})
session['messages'] = messages
return redirect(url_for('.do_foo', messages=messages))
def do_foo():
messages = request.args['messages'] # counterpart for url_for()
messages = session['messages'] # counterpart for session
return render_template("foo.html", messages=json.loads(messages))
(encoding the session variable might not be necessary, flask may be handling it for you, but can't recall the details)
Or you could probably just use Flask Message Flashing if you just need to show simple messages.
I found that none of the answers here applied to my specific use case, so I thought I would share my solution.
I was looking to redirect an unauthentciated user to public version of an app page with any possible URL params. Example:
/app/4903294/my-great-car?email=coolguy%40gmail.com to
Here's the solution that worked for me.
return redirect(url_for('app.vehicle', vid=vid, year_make_model=year_make_model, **request.args))
Hope this helps someone!
I'm a little confused. "foo.html" is just the name of your template. There's no inherent relationship between the route name "foo" and the template name "foo.html".
To achieve the goal of not rewriting logic code for two different routes, I would just define a function and call that for both routes. I wouldn't use redirect because that actually redirects the client/browser which requires them to load two pages instead of one just to save you some coding time - which seems mean :-P
So maybe:
def super_cool_logic():
# execute common code here
def do_foo():
# do some logic here
return render_template("foo.html")
def do_baz():
if some_condition:
return render_template("baz.html")
return render_template("foo.html", messages={"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})
I feel like I'm missing something though and there's a better way to achieve what you're trying to do (I'm not really sure what you're trying to do)
You can however maintain your code and simply pass the variables in it separated by a comma: if you're passing arguments, you should rather use render_template:
def do_baz():
if some_condition:
return render_template("baz.html")
return render_template("/foo", messages={"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})
So far I've found it impossible to produce usable tracebacks when Mako templates aren't coded correctly.
Is there any way to debug templates besides iterating for every line of code?
Mako actually provides a VERY nice way to track down errors in a template:
from mako import exceptions
template = lookup.get_template(uri)
print template.render()
print exceptions.html_error_template().render()
Looking at the Flask-Mako source, I found an undocumented configuration parameter called MAKO_TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS.
Set this to False in your Flask app config and you'll get nice exceptions bubbling up from the template. This accomplishes the same thing as #Mariano suggested, without needing to edit the source. Apparently, this parameter was added after Mariano's answer.
I break them down into pieces, and then reassemble the pieces when I've found the problem.
Not good, but it's really hard to tell what went wrong in a big, complex template.
My main frustration with Mako was that it was hard to see what was happening in the template. As the template code is a runnable object that is in-memory, no debugger can look into it.
One solution is to write the template code to file, and re-run the template using this file as a standard python module. Then you can debug to your hearts content.
An example:
import sys
from mako import exceptions, template
from mako.template import DefTemplate
from mako.runtime import _render
<Do Great Stuff>
# Try to re-create the error using a proper file template
# This will give a clearer error message.
with open('failed_template.py', 'w') as out:
import failed_template
data = dict(callable=failed_template.render_body, **arguments)
_render(DefTemplate(template, failed_template.render_body),
msg = '<An error occurred when rendering template for %s>\n'%arguments
msg += exceptions.text_error_template().render()
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
Using flask_mako, I find it's easier to skip over the TemplateError generation and just pass up the exception. I.e. in flask_mako.py, comment out the part that makes the TemplateError and just do a raise:
def _render(template, context, app):
"""Renders the template and fires the signal"""
rv = template.render(**context)
template_rendered.send(app, template=template, context=context)
return rv
#translated = TemplateError(template)
#raise translated
Then you'll see a regular python exception that caused the problem along with line numbers in the template.
Combining the two top answers with my own special sauce:
from flask.ext.mako import render_template as render_template_1
from mako import exceptions
app.config['MAKO_TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = False # seems to be necessary
def render_template(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs2 = dict(**kwargs)
kwargs2['config'] = app.config # this is irrelevant, but useful
return render_template_1(*args, **kwargs2)
if app.config.get('DEBUG'):
return exceptions.html_error_template().render()
It wraps the stock "render_template" function:
catch exceptions, and
if debugging, render a backtrace
if not debugging, raise the exception again so it will be logged
make config accessible from the page (irrelevant)