Multiplying transformation matrix to a vector - python

I have done a series of transformations using glMultMatrix. How do I multiply a vector (nX, nY, nZ, 1) to the matrix I have from the transformation? How do I get that matrix to multiply with a vector? invalid operation
I am getting above error if I use glMultMatrix. I need to call this multiplication between glBegin and glEnd.

If I'm reading your question right, you want something that returns the result of a Matrix-vector product between the current ModelView/Projection matrix and a vector you specify.
In that case, OpenGL can't do the multiplication for you. Instead, you need to extract the current matrix and do the multiplication yourself:
import numpy as np
someVector = np.array([2,3,4,5])
modelViewMatrix = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)
result =, someVector)
Depending on what you're trying to do, you might need to get both the ModelView and Projection matrices and multiply them first.


Calculating a vectors with its transposed vector

I'm working on a calculation for a within matrix scatter where i have a 50x20 vector and something that occured to me is that multiplying transposed vectors by the original vector, gives me a dimensional error, saying the following:
operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (50,20) (20,50)
What i tried is: array = my_array * my_array_transposed and got the aforementioned error.
The alternative was to do, then:
new_array =, np.transpose(my_array))
In Octave for instance, this would've been a lot easier, but due to the size of the vector, it's kinda hard for me to confirm for ground truth if this is the way to do the following calculation:
Because as far as i know, there is something related as to whether the multiplication is element wise.
My question is, am i applying that formula the right way? If not, whats the right way to multiply a transposed vector by the non-tranposed vector?
Yes, the formula is the correct one. If you write array = my_array * my_array_transposed you are asking Python to perform component-wise multiplication. Instead you need a row-by-column multiplication which is achieved in numpy with

House-Holder Reflection for QR Decomposition

I am trying to implement the QR decomposition via householder reflectors. While attempting this on a very simple array, I am getting weird numbers. Anyone who can tell me, also, why using the # vs * operator between vec and vec.T on the last line of the function definition gets major bonus points.
This has stumped two math/comp sci phds as of this morning.
import numpy as np
def householder(vec):
vec[0] += np.sign(vec[0])*np.linalg.norm(vec)
vec = vec/vec[0]
gamma = 2/(np.linalg.norm(vec)**2)
return np.identity(len(vec)) - gamma*(vec*vec.T)
array = np.array([1, 3 ,4])
Q = householder(array)
array([-4.06557377, -7.06557377, -6.06557377])
Where it should be:
array([5.09, 0, 0])
* is elementwise multiplication, # is matrix multiplication. Both have their uses, but for matrix calculations you most likely want the matrix product.
vec.T for an array returns the same array. A simple array only has one dimension, there is nothing to transpose. vec*vec.T just returns the elementwise squared array.
You might want to use vec=vec.reshape(-1,1) to get a proper column vector, a one-column matrix. Then vec*vec.T does "by accident" the correct thing. You might want to put the matrix multiplication operator there anyway.

Calculate a trace of large matrix in python

I have a matrix X and I need to write a function, which calculate a trace of matrix .
I wrote a next script:
import numpy as np
def test(matrix):
return (, matrix.T)).trace()
matrix = np.random.uniform(size=(1000, 1))
It works fine on small matrix, but when I try to calculate on large matrix (for example on matrix with shape (50000, 1)), it gives me a memory error.
I tried to find a solution to the problem in other questions on the site, but nothing helped me. I would be grateful for any advice!
The number you're trying to compute is just the sum of the squares of all entries of X. Sum the squares instead of computing a giant matrix product full of entries you don't want:
return (X**2).sum()
Or ravel the matrix and use dot, which is probably faster for contiguous X:
raveled = X.ravel()
Actually, ravel is probably faster for non-contiguous X, too - even when ravel needs to copy, it's not doing more allocation than (X**2).sum().

Solve broadcasting error without for loop, speed up code

I may be misunderstanding how broadcasting works in Python, but I am still running into errors.
scipy offers a number of "special functions" which take in two arguments, in particular the eval_XX(n, x[,out]) functions.
My program uses many orthogonal polynomials, so I must evaluate these polynomials at distinct points. Let's take the concrete example scipy.special.eval_hermite(n, x, out=None).
I would like the x argument to be a matrix shape (50, 50). Then, I would like to evaluate each entry of this matrix at a number of points. Let's define n to be an a numpy array narr = np.arange(10) (where we have imported numpy as np, i.e. import numpy as np).
So, calling
scipy.special.eval_hermite(narr, matrix)
should return Hermitian polynomials H_0(matrix), H_1(matrix), H_2(matrix), etc. Each H_X(matrix) is of the shape (50,50), the shape of the original input matrix.
Then, I would like to sum these values. So, I call
matrix1 = np.sum( [scipy.eval_hermite(narr, matrix)], axis=0 )
but I get a broadcasting error!
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (10,) (50,50)
I can solve this with a for loop, i.e.
matrix2 = np.sum( [scipy.eval_hermite(i, matrix) for i in narr], axis=0)
This gives me the correct answer, and the output matrix2.shape = (50,50). But using this for loop slows down my code, big time. Remember, we are working with entries of matrices.
Is there a way to do this without a for loop?
eval_hermite broadcasts n with x, then evaluates Hn(x) at each point. Thus, the output shape will be the result of broadcasting n with x. So, if you want to make this work, you'll have to make n and x have compatible shapes:
import scipy.special as ss
import numpy as np
matrix = np.ones([100,100]) # example
narr = np.arange(10) # example
ss.eval_hermite(narr[:,None,None], matrix).shape # => (10, 100, 100)
But note that this might actually be faster:
out = np.zeros_like(matrix)
for n in narr:
out += ss.eval_hermite(n, matrix)
In testing, it appears to be between 5-10% faster than np.sum(...) of above.
The documentation for these functions is skimpy, and a lot of the code is compiled, so this is just based on experimentation:
special.eval_hermite(n, x, out=None)
n apparently is a scalar or array of integers. x can be an array of floats.
special.eval_hermite(np.ones(5,int)[:,None],np.ones(6)) gives me a (5,6) result. This is the same shape as what I'd get from np.ones(5,int)[:,None] * np.ones(6).
The np.ones(5,int)[:,None] is a (5,1) array, np.ones(6) a (6,), which for this purpose is equivalent of (1,6). Both can be expanded to (5,6).
So as best I can tell, broadcasting rules in these special functions is the same as for operators like *.
Since special.eval_hermite(nar[:,None,None], x) produces a (10,50,50), you just apply sum to axis 0 of that to produce the (50,50).
special.eval_hermite(nar[:,Nar,Nar], x).sum(axis=0)
Like I wrote before, the same broadcasting (and summing) rules apply for this hermite as they do for a basic operation like *.

Null matrix with constant diagonal, with same shape as another matrix

I'm wondering if there is a simple way to multiply a numpy matrix by a scalar. Essentially I want all values to be multiplied by the constant 40. This would be an nxn matrix with 40's on the diagonal, but I'm wondering if there is a simpler function to use to scale this matrix. Or how would I go about making a matrix with the same shape as my other matrix and fill in its diagonal?
Sorry if this seems a bit basic, but for some reason I couldn't find this in the doc.
If you want a matrix with 40 on the diagonal and zeros everywhere else, you can use NumPy's function fill_diagonal() on a matrix of zeros. You can thus directly do:
N = 100; value = 40
b = np.zeros((N, N))
np.fill_diagonal(b, value)
This involves only setting elements to a certain value, and is therefore likely to be faster than code involving multiplying all the elements of a matrix by a constant. This approach also has the advantage of showing explicitly that you fill the diagonal with a specific value.
If you want the diagonal matrix b to be of the same size as another matrix a, you can use the following shortcut (no need for an explicit size N):
b = np.zeros_like(a)
np.fill_diagonal(b, value)
N = 100
a = np.eye(N) # Diagonal Identity 100x100 array
b = 40*a # Multiply by a scalar
If you actually want a numpy matrix vs an array, you can do a = np.asmatrix(np.eye(N)) instead. But in general * is element-wise multiplication in numpy.

