In my previous question I got an excellent answer that helped me detect where a paw hit a pressure plate, but now I'm struggling to link these results to their corresponding paws:
I manually annotated the paws (RF=right front, RH= right hind, LF=left front, LH=left hind).
As you can see there's clearly a repeating pattern and it comes back in almost every measurement. Here's a link to a presentation of 6 trials that were manually annotated.
My initial thought was to use heuristics to do the sorting, like:
There's a ~60-40% ratio in weight bearing between the front and hind paws;
The hind paws are generally smaller in surface;
The paws are (often) spatially divided in left and right.
However, I’m a bit skeptical about my heuristics, as they would fail on me as soon as I encounter a variation I hadn’t thought off. They also won’t be able to cope with measurements from lame dogs, whom probably have rules of their own.
Furthermore, the annotation suggested by Joe sometimes get's messed up and doesn't take into account what the paw actually looks like.
Based on the answers I received on my question about peak detection within the paw, I’m hoping there are more advanced solutions to sort the paws. Especially because the pressure distribution and the progression thereof are different for each separate paw, almost like a fingerprint. I hope there's a method that can use this to cluster my paws, rather than just sorting them in order of occurrence.
So I'm looking for a better way to sort the results with their corresponding paw.
For anyone up to the challenge, I have pickled a dictionary with all the sliced arrays that contain the pressure data of each paw (bundled by measurement) and the slice that describes their location (location on the plate and in time).
To clarfiy: walk_sliced_data is a dictionary that contains ['ser_3', 'ser_2', 'sel_1', 'sel_2', 'ser_1', 'sel_3'], which are the names of the measurements. Each measurement contains another dictionary, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] (example from 'sel_1') which represent the impacts that were extracted.
Also note that 'false' impacts, such as where the paw is partially measured (in space or time) can be ignored. They are only useful because they can help recognizing a pattern, but
won't be analyzed.
And for anyone interested, I’m keeping a blog with all the updates regarding the project!
Alright! I've finally managed to get something working consistently! This problem pulled me in for several days... Fun stuff! Sorry for the length of this answer, but I need to elaborate a bit on some things... (Though I may set a record for the longest non-spam stackoverflow answer ever!)
As a side note, I'm using the full dataset that Ivo provided a link to in his original question. It's a series of rar files (one-per-dog) each containing several different experiment runs stored as ascii arrays. Rather than try to copy-paste stand-alone code examples into this question, here's a bitbucket mercurial repository with full, stand-alone code. You can clone it with
hg clone
There are essentially two ways to approach the problem, as you noted in your question. I'm actually going to use both in different ways.
Use the (temporal and spatial) order of the paw impacts to determine which paw is which.
Try to identify the "pawprint" based purely on its shape.
Basically, the first method works with the dog's paws follow the trapezoidal-like pattern shown in Ivo's question above, but fails whenever the paws don't follow that pattern. It's fairly easy to programatically detect when it doesn't work.
Therefore, we can use the measurements where it did work to build up a training dataset (of ~2000 paw impacts from ~30 different dogs) to recognize which paw is which, and the problem reduces to a supervised classification (With some additional wrinkles... Image recognition is a bit harder than a "normal" supervised classification problem).
Pattern Analysis
To elaborate on the first method, when a dog is walking (not running!) normally (which some of these dogs may not be), we expect paws to impact in the order of: Front Left, Hind Right, Front Right, Hind Left, Front Left, etc. The pattern may start with either the front left or front right paw.
If this were always the case, we could simply sort the impacts by initial contact time and use a modulo 4 to group them by paw.
However, even when everything is "normal", this doesn't work. This is due to the trapezoid-like shape of the pattern. A hind paw spatially falls behind the previous front paw.
Therefore, the hind paw impact after the initial front paw impact often falls off the sensor plate, and isn't recorded. Similarly, the last paw impact is often not the next paw in the sequence, as the paw impact before it occured off the sensor plate and wasn't recorded.
Nonetheless, we can use the shape of the paw impact pattern to determine when this has happened, and whether we've started with a left or right front paw. (I'm actually ignoring problems with the last impact here. It's not too hard to add it, though.)
def group_paws(data_slices, time):
# Sort slices by initial contact time
data_slices.sort(key=lambda s: s[-1].start)
# Get the centroid for each paw impact...
paw_coords = []
for x,y,z in data_slices:
paw_coords.append([(item.stop + item.start) / 2.0 for item in (x,y)])
paw_coords = np.array(paw_coords)
# Make a vector between each sucessive impact...
dx, dy = np.diff(paw_coords, axis=0).T
#-- Group paws -------------------------------------------
paw_code = {0:'LF', 1:'RH', 2:'RF', 3:'LH'}
paw_number = np.arange(len(paw_coords))
# Did we miss the hind paw impact after the first
# front paw impact? If so, first dx will be positive...
if dx[0] > 0:
paw_number[1:] += 1
# Are we starting with the left or right front paw...
# We assume we're starting with the left, and check dy[0].
# If dy[0] > 0 (i.e. the next paw impacts to the left), then
# it's actually the right front paw, instead of the left.
if dy[0] > 0: # Right front paw impact...
paw_number += 2
# Now we can determine the paw with a simple modulo 4..
paw_codes = paw_number % 4
paw_labels = [paw_code[code] for code in paw_codes]
return paw_labels
In spite of all of this, it frequently doesn't work correctly. Many of the dogs in the full dataset appear to be running, and the paw impacts don't follow the same temporal order as when the dog is walking. (Or perhaps the dog just has severe hip problems...)
Fortunately, we can still programatically detect whether or not the paw impacts follow our expected spatial pattern:
def paw_pattern_problems(paw_labels, dx, dy):
"""Check whether or not the label sequence "paw_labels" conforms to our
expected spatial pattern of paw impacts. "paw_labels" should be a sequence
of the strings: "LH", "RH", "LF", "RF" corresponding to the different paws"""
# Check for problems... (This could be written a _lot_ more cleanly...)
problems = False
last = paw_labels[0]
for paw, dy, dx in zip(paw_labels[1:], dy, dx):
# Going from a left paw to a right, dy should be negative
if last.startswith('L') and paw.startswith('R') and (dy > 0):
problems = True
# Going from a right paw to a left, dy should be positive
if last.startswith('R') and paw.startswith('L') and (dy < 0):
problems = True
# Going from a front paw to a hind paw, dx should be negative
if last.endswith('F') and paw.endswith('H') and (dx > 0):
problems = True
# Going from a hind paw to a front paw, dx should be positive
if last.endswith('H') and paw.endswith('F') and (dx < 0):
problems = True
last = paw
return problems
Therefore, even though the simple spatial classification doesn't work all of the time, we can determine when it does work with reasonable confidence.
Training Dataset
From the pattern-based classifications where it worked correctly, we can build up a very large training dataset of correctly classified paws (~2400 paw impacts from 32 different dogs!).
We can now start to look at what an "average" front left, etc, paw looks like.
To do this, we need some sort of "paw metric" that is the same dimensionality for any dog. (In the full dataset, there are both very large and very small dogs!) A paw print from an Irish elkhound will be both much wider and much "heavier" than a paw print from a toy poodle. We need to rescale each paw print so that a) they have the same number of pixels, and b) the pressure values are standardized. To do this, I resampled each paw print onto a 20x20 grid and rescaled the pressure values based on the maximum, mininum, and mean pressure value for the paw impact.
def paw_image(paw):
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
ny, nx = paw.shape
# Trim off any "blank" edges around the paw...
mask = paw > 0.01 * paw.max()
y, x = np.mgrid[:ny, :nx]
ymin, ymax = y[mask].min(), y[mask].max()
xmin, xmax = x[mask].min(), x[mask].max()
# Make a 20x20 grid to resample the paw pressure values onto
numx, numy = 20, 20
xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, numx)
yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, numy)
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
# Resample the values onto the 20x20 grid
coords = np.vstack([yi.flatten(), xi.flatten()])
zi = map_coordinates(paw, coords)
zi = zi.reshape((numy, numx))
# Rescale the pressure values
zi -= zi.min()
zi /= zi.max()
zi -= zi.mean() #<- Helps distinguish front from hind paws...
return zi
After all of this, we can finally take a look at what an average left front, hind right, etc paw looks like. Note that this is averaged across >30 dogs of greatly different sizes, and we seem to be getting consistent results!
However, before we do any analysis on these, we need to subtract the mean (the average paw for all legs of all dogs).
Now we can analyize the differences from the mean, which are a bit easier to recognize:
Image-based Paw Recognition
Ok... We finally have a set of patterns that we can begin to try to match the paws against. Each paw can be treated as a 400-dimensional vector (returned by the paw_image function) that can be compared to these four 400-dimensional vectors.
Unfortunately, if we just use a "normal" supervised classification algorithm (i.e. find which of the 4 patterns is closest to a particular paw print using a simple distance), it doesn't work consistently. In fact, it doesn't do much better than random chance on the training dataset.
This is a common problem in image recognition. Due to the high dimensionality of the input data, and the somewhat "fuzzy" nature of images (i.e. adjacent pixels have a high covariance), simply looking at the difference of an image from a template image does not give a very good measure of the similarity of their shapes.
To get around this we need to build a set of "eigenpaws" (just like "eigenfaces" in facial recognition), and describe each paw print as a combination of these eigenpaws. This is identical to principal components analysis, and basically provides a way to reduce the dimensionality of our data, so that distance is a good measure of shape.
Because we have more training images than dimensions (2400 vs 400), there's no need to do "fancy" linear algebra for speed. We can work directly with the covariance matrix of the training data set:
def make_eigenpaws(paw_data):
"""Creates a set of eigenpaws based on paw_data.
paw_data is a numdata by numdimensions matrix of all of the observations."""
average_paw = paw_data.mean(axis=0)
paw_data -= average_paw
# Determine the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the data
cov = np.cov(paw_data.T)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
# Sort the eigenvectors by ascending eigenvalue (largest is last)
eig_idx = np.argsort(eigvals)
sorted_eigvecs = eigvecs[:,eig_idx]
sorted_eigvals = eigvals[:,eig_idx]
# Now choose a cutoff number of eigenvectors to use
# (50 seems to work well, but it's arbirtrary...
num_basis_vecs = 50
basis_vecs = sorted_eigvecs[:,-num_basis_vecs:]
return basis_vecs
These basis_vecs are the "eigenpaws".
To use these, we simply dot (i.e. matrix multiplication) each paw image (as a 400-dimensional vector, rather than a 20x20 image) with the basis vectors. This gives us a 50-dimensional vector (one element per basis vector) that we can use to classify the image. Instead of comparing a 20x20 image to the 20x20 image of each "template" paw, we compare the 50-dimensional, transformed image to each 50-dimensional transformed template paw. This is much less sensitive to small variations in exactly how each toe is positioned, etc, and basically reduces the dimensionality of the problem to just the relevant dimensions.
Eigenpaw-based Paw Classification
Now we can simply use the distance between the 50-dimensional vectors and the "template" vectors for each leg to classify which paw is which:
codebook = np.load('codebook.npy') # Template vectors for each paw
average_paw = np.load('average_paw.npy')
basis_stds = np.load('basis_stds.npy') # Needed to "whiten" the dataset...
basis_vecs = np.load('basis_vecs.npy')
paw_code = {0:'LF', 1:'RH', 2:'RF', 3:'LH'}
def classify(paw):
paw = paw.flatten()
paw -= average_paw
scores = / basis_stds
diff = codebook - scores
diff *= diff
diff = np.sqrt(diff.sum(axis=1))
return paw_code[diff.argmin()]
Here are some of the results:
Remaining Problems
There are still some problems, particularly with dogs too small to make a clear pawprint... (It works best with large dogs, as the toes are more clearly seperated at the sensor's resolution.) Also, partial pawprints aren't recognized with this system, while they can be with the trapezoidal-pattern-based system.
However, because the eigenpaw analysis inherently uses a distance metric, we can classify the paws both ways, and fall back to the trapezoidal-pattern-based system when the eigenpaw analysis's smallest distance from the "codebook" is over some threshold. I haven't implemented this yet, though.
Phew... That was long! My hat is off to Ivo for having such a fun question!
Using the information purely based on duration, I think you could apply techniques from modeling kinematics; namely Inverse Kinematics. Combined with orientation, length, duration, and total weight it gives some level of periodicity which, I would hope could be the first step trying to solve your "sorting of paws" problem.
All that data could be used to create a list of bounded polygons (or tuples), which you could use to sort by step size then by paw-ness [index].
Can you have the technician running the test manually enter the first paw (or first two)? The process might be:
Show tech the order of steps image and require them to annotate the first paw.
Label the other paws based on the first paw and allow the tech to make corrections or re-run the test. This allows for lame or 3-legged dogs.
I have a set of approximately 10,000 vectors max (random directions) in 3d space and I'm looking for a new direction v_dev (vector) which deviates from all other directions in the set by e.g. a minimum of 5 degrees. My naive initial try is the following, which has of course bad runtime complexity but succeeds for some cases.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
numVecs = 10000
vecs = np.random.rand(numVecs, 3)
randVec = np.random.rand(1, 3)
iter = 1
for vec in vecs:
angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.vdot(vec, foundVec)/(np.linalg.norm(vec) * np.linalg.norm(foundVec))))
print("angle: %f\n" % angle)
while notFound:
for vec in vecs:
angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.vdot(vec, randVec)/(np.linalg.norm(vec) * np.linalg.norm(randVec))))
if angle < 5:
if below:
randVec = np.random.rand(1, 3)
print("iteration no. %i" % iter)
iter = iter + 1
Any hints how to approach this problem (language agnostic) would be appreciate.
Consider the vectors in a spherical coordinate system (u,w,r), where r is always 1 because vector length doesn't matter here. Any vector can be expressed as (u,w) and the "deadzone" around each vector x, in which the target vector t cannot fall, can be expressed as dist((u_x, w_x, 1), (u_x-u_t, w_x-w_t, 1)) < 5°. However calculating this distance can be a bit tricky, so converting back into cartesian coordinates might be easier. These deadzones are circular on the spherical shell around the origin and you're looking for a t that doesn't hit any on them.
For any fixed u_t you can iterate over all x and using the distance function can find the start and end point of a range of w_t, that are blocked because they fall into the deadzone of the vector x. The union of all 10000 ranges build the possible values of w_t for that given u_t. The same can be done for any fixed w_t, looking for a u_t.
Now comes the part that I'm not entirely sure of: Given that you have two unknows u_t and w_t and 20000 knowns, the system is just a tad overdetermined and if there's a solution, it should be possible to find it.
My suggestion: Set u_t fixed to a random value and check which w_t are possible. If you find a non-empty range, great, you're done. If all w_t are blocked, select a different u_t and try again. Now, selecting u_t at random will work eventually, yet a smarter iteration should be possible. Maybe u_t(n) = u_t(n-1)*phi % 360°, where phi is the golden ratio. That way the u_t never repeat and will cover the whole space with finer and finer granularity instead of starting from one end and going slowly to the other.
Edit: You might also have more luck on the mathematics stackexchange since this isn't so much a code question as it is a mathematics question. For example I'm not sure what I wrote is all that rigorous, so I don't even know it works.
One way would be two build a 2d manifold (area on the sphere) of forbidden areas. You start by adding a point, then, the forbidden area is a circle on the sphere surface.
While true, pick a point on the boundary of the area. If this is not close (within 5 degrees) to any other vector, then, you're done, return it. If not, you just found a new circle of forbidden area. Add it to your manifold of forbidden area. You'll need to chop the circle in line or arc segments and build the boundary as a list.
If the set of vector has no solution, you boundary will collapse to an empty point. Then you return failure.
It's not the easiest approach, and you'll have to deal with the boundaries of a complex shape over a sphere. But it's guaranteed to work and should have reasonable complexity.
I am trying to analyze the shift and deforming of a pressure test on a block of concrete.
I have two measurements: one of a height (vector h) and one of the diameter (vector d) at that specific height. I have these measurements for different pressures deforming the block. I will denote the height and diameter for different pressures with the index i (h_1 to h_n, d_i respectively). len(h_i) is not necessarily equal to len(h_j)
I want to find a way to fit (deform and shift) the graph
G_1 = (h_1, d_1) to the graph
G_2 = (h_2, d_2)
I thought of minimizing the square error like it is done in functional fitting, I do however have some problems:
I do not know how to introduce the shift in the height/ x-direction
i.e. f(h_(i+1))=f(h_i - h_shift)
I do not know how to introduce the compression in the height/ x-direction
i.e. f(h_(i+1))=f(a*h_i )
I am not sure how I can introduce the "normal" fitting deforming diameter depending on the height. (say I want to add a deforming of the form d_(i+1)=d_i+ah²+bh+c)
I want to stress again that I do not try to manipulate a function to fit data-points but that I try to manipulate a set of points to fit a different set of points.
UPDATE: I have stored illustrations here on Google Drive
Note that there are two different kinds of shift: one small one (sample_fitting_1.png) and one large one (sample_fitting_2.png).
I am trying not to loose the fine structure of the data as I would by fitting a curve through it.
The goal is to shift and deform one of the graphs onto the other one by manipulating it as described above as well in x as in y-direction.
Thanks in advance
I am trying to look at astronomical spectra using Python, and I'm using numpy.correlate to try and find a radial velocity shift. I'm comparing each spectrum I have to one template spectrum. The problem that I'm encountering is that, no matter which spectra I use, numpy.correlate states that the maximal value of the correlation function occurs with a shift of zero pixels, i.e. the spectra already line up, which is very clearly not true. Here is some of the relevant code:
corr = np.correlate(temp_data, imag_data, mode='same')
ax1.plot(delta_data, corr, c='g')
ax1.plot(delta_data, 100*temp_data, c='b')
ax1.plot(delta_data, 100*imag_data, c='r')
The output of this code is shown here:
What I Have
Note that the cross-correlation function peaks at an offset of zero pixels despite the template (blue) and observed (red) spectra clearly showing an offset. What I would expect to see would be something a bit like (albeit not exactly like; this is merely the closest representation I could produce):
What I Want
Here I have introduced an artificial offset of 50 pixels in the template data, and they more or less line up now. What I would like is, for a case like this, for a peak to appear at an offset of 50 pixels rather than at zero (I don't care if the spectra at the bottom appear lined up; that is merely for visual representation). However, despite several hours of work and research online, I can't find someone who even describes this problem, let alone a solution. I've attempted to use ScyPy's correlate and MatLib's xcorr, and bot show this same thing (although I'm led to believe that they are essentially the same function).
Why is the cross-correlation not acting the way I expect, and how to do I get it to act in a useful way?
The issue you're experiencing is probably because your spectra are not zero-centered; their RMS value looks to be about 100 in whichever units you're plotting, instead of 0. The reason this is an issue is because numpy.correlate works by "sliding" imag_data over temp_data to get their dot product at each possible offset between the two series. (See the wikipedia on cross-correlation to understand the operation itself.) When using mode='same' to produce an output that is the same length as your first input (temp_data), NumPy has to "pad" a bunch of dummy values--zeroes--to the ends of imag_data in order to be able to calculate the dot products of all the shifted versions of the imag_data. When we have any non-zero offset between the spectra, some of the values in temp_data are being multiplied by those dummy zero-padding values instead of the values in image_data. If the values in the spectra were centered around zero (RMS=0), then this zero-padding would not impact our expectation of the dot product, but because these spectra have RMS values around 100 units, that dot product (our correlation) is largest when we lay the two spectra on top of one another with no offset.
Notice that your cross-correlation result looks like a triangular pulse, which is what you might expect from the cross-correlation of two square pulses (c.f. Convolution of a Rectangular "Pulse" With Itself. That's because your spectra, once padded, look like a step function from zero up to a pulse of slightly noisy values around 100. You can try convolving with mode='full' to see the entire response of the two spectra you're correlating, or, notice that with mode='valid' that you should only get one value in return, since your two spectra are the exact same length, so there is only one offset (zero!) where you can entirely line them up.
To sidestep this issue, you can try either subtracting away the RMS value of the spectra so that they are zero-centered, or manually padding the beginning and end of imag_data with (len(temp_data)/2-1) dummy values equal to np.sqrt(np.mean(imag_data**2))
In response to your questions in the comments, I thought I'd include a graphic to make the point I'm trying to describe a little clearer.
Say we have two vectors of values, not entirely unlike your spectra, each with some large non-zero mean.
# Generate two noisy, but correlated series
t = np.linspace(0,250,250) # time domain from 0 to 250 steps
# signal_model = narrow_peak + gaussian_noise + constant
f = 10*np.exp(-((t-90)**2)/8) + np.random.randn(250) + 40
g = 10*np.exp(-((t-180)**2)/8) + np.random.randn(250) + 40
f has a spike around t=90, and g has a spike around t=180. So we expect the correlation of g and f to have a spike around a lag of 90 timesteps (in the case of spectra, frequency bins instead of timesteps.)
But in order to get an output that is the same shape as our inputs, as in np.correlate(g,f,mode='same'), we have to "pad" f on either side with half its length in dummy values: np.correlate pads with zeroes. If we don't pad f (as in np.correlate(g,f,mode='valid')), we will only get one value in return (the correlation with zero offset), because f and g are the same length, and there is no room to shift one of the signals relative to the other.
When you calculate the correlation of g and f after that padding, you find that it peaks when the non-zero portion of signals aligns completely, that is, when there is no offset between the original f and g. This is because the RMS value of the signals is so much higher than zero--the size of the overlap of f and g depends much more strongly on the number of elements overlapping at this high RMS level than on the relatively small fluctuations each function has around it. We can remove this large contribution to the correlation by subtracting the RMS level from each series. In the graph below, the gray line on the right shows the cross-correlation the two series before zero-centering, and the teal line shows the cross-correlation after. The gray line is, like your first attempt, triangular with the overlap of the two non-zero signals. The teal line better reflects the correlation between the fluctuation of the two signals, as we desired.
xcorr = np.correlate(g,f,'same')
xcorr_rms = np.correlate(g-40,f-40,'same')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5,2,figsize=(18,18),gridspec_kw={'width_ratios':[5,2]})
for n, axis in enumerate(axes):
offset = (0,75,125,215,250)[n]
fp = np.pad(f,[offset,250-offset],mode='constant',constant_values=0.)
gp = np.pad(g,[125,125],mode='constant',constant_values=0.)
if n==0:
if n == 0:
axis[1].legend(["$g \star f$","$g' \star f'$","offset"],loc='upper left')
I have two time series of 3D accelerometer data that have different time bases (clocks started at different times, with some very slight creep during the sampling time), as well as containing many gaps of different size (due to delays associated with writing to separate flash devices).
The accelerometers I'm using are the inexpensive GCDC X250-2. I'm running the accelerometers at their highest gain, so the data has a significant noise floor.
The time series each have about 2 million data points (over an hour at 512 samples/sec), and contain about 500 events of interest, where a typical event spans 100-150 samples (200-300 ms each). Many of these events are affected by data outages during flash writes.
So, the data isn't pristine, and isn't even very pretty. But my eyeball inspection shows it clearly contains the information I'm interested in. (I can post plots, if needed.)
The accelerometers are in similar environments but are only moderately coupled, meaning that I can tell by eye which events match from each accelerometer, but I have been unsuccessful so far doing so in software. Due to physical limitations, the devices are also mounted in different orientations, where the axes don't match, but they are as close to orthogonal as I could make them. So, for example, for 3-axis accelerometers A & B, +Ax maps to -By (up-down), +Az maps to -Bx (left-right), and +Ay maps to -Bz (front-back).
My initial goal is to correlate shock events on the vertical axis, though I would eventually like to a) automatically discover the axis mapping, b) correlate activity on the mapped aces, and c) extract behavior differences between the two accelerometers (such as twisting or flexing).
The nature of the times series data makes Python's numpy.correlate() unusable. I've also looked at R's Zoo package, but have made no headway with it. I've looked to different fields of signal analysis for help, but I've made no progress.
Anyone have any clues for what I can do, or approaches I should research?
Update 28 Feb 2011: Added some plots here showing examples of the data.
My interpretation of your question: Given two very long, noisy time series, find a shift of one that matches large 'bumps' in one signal to large bumps in the other signal.
My suggestion: interpolate the data so it's uniformly spaced, rectify and smooth the data (assuming the phase of the fast oscillations is uninteresting), and do a one-point-at-a-time cross correlation (assuming a small shift will line up the data).
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
sig1 and sig 2 are assumed to be large, 1D numpy arrays
sig1 is sampled at times t1, sig2 is sampled at times t2
t_start, t_end, is your desired sampling interval
t_len is your desired number of measurements
t = numpy.linspace(t_start, t_end, t_len)
sig1 = numpy.interp(t, t1, sig1)
sig2 = numpy.interp(t, t2, sig2)
#Now sig1 and sig2 are sampled at the same points.
Rectify and smooth, so 'peaks' will stand out.
This makes big assumptions about your data;
these assumptions seem true-ish based on your plots.
sigma = 10 #Tune this parameter to get the right smoothing
sig1, sig2 = abs(sig1), abs(sig2)
sig1, sig2 = gaussian_filter(sig1, sigma), gaussian_filter(sig2, sigma)
Now sig1 and sig2 should look smoothly varying, with humps at each 'event'.
Hopefully we can search a small range of shifts to find the maximum of the
cross-correlation. This assumes your data are *nearly* lined up already.
max_xc = 0
best_shift = 0
for shift in range(-10, 10): #Tune this search range
xc = (numpy.roll(sig1, shift) * sig2).sum()
if xc > max_xc:
max_xc = xc
best_shift = shift
print 'Best shift:', best_shift
If best_shift is at the edges of your search range,
you should expand the search range.
If the data contains gaps of unknown sizes that are different in each time series, then I would give up on trying to correlate entire sequences, and instead try cross correlating pairs of short windows on each time series, say overlapping windows twice the length of a typical event (300 samples long). Find potential high cross correlation matches across all possibilities, and then impose a sequential ordering constraint on the potential matches to get sequences of matched windows.
From there you have smaller problems that are easier to analyze.
This isn't a technical answer, but it might help you come up with one:
Convert the plot to an image, and stick it into a decent image program like gimp or photoshop
break the plots into discrete images whenever there's a gap
put the first series of plots in a horizontal line
put the second series in a horizontal line right underneath it
visually identify the first correlated event
if the two events are not lined up vertically:
select whichever instance is further to the left and everything to the right of it on that row
drag those things to the right until they line up
This is pretty much how an audio editor works, so you if you converted it into a simple audio format like an uncompressed WAV file, you could manipulate it directly in something like Audacity. (It'll sound horrible, of course, but you'll be able to move the data plots around pretty easily.)
Actually, audacity has a scripting language called nyquist, too, so if you don't need the program to detect the correlations (or you're at least willing to defer that step for the time being) you could probably use some combination of audacity's markers and nyquist to automate the alignment and export the clean data in your format of choice once you tag the correlation points.
My guess is, you'll have to manually build an offset table that aligns the "matches" between the series. Below is an example of a way to get those matches. The idea is to shift the data left-right until it lines up and then adjust the scale until it "matches". Give it a try.
#Generate the x1 and x2 data
n1 <- rnorm(500)
n2 <- rnorm(200)
x1 <- c(n1, rep(0,100), n2, rep(0,150))
x2 <- c(rep(0,50), 2*n1, rep(0,150), 3*n2, rep(0,50))
#Build the panel function that will draw/update the graph
lvm.draw <- function(panel) {
plot(x=(1:length(panel$dat3))+panel$off, y=panel$dat3, ylim=panel$dat1, xlab="", ylab="y", main=paste("Alignment Graph Offset = ", panel$off, " Scale = ", panel$sca, sep=""), typ="l")
lines(x=1:length(panel$dat3), y=panel$sca*panel$dat4, col="red")
#Build the panel
xlimdat <- c(1, length(x1))
ylimdat <- c(-5, 5)
panel <- rp.control(title = "Eye-Ball-It", dat1=ylimdat, dat2=xlimdat, dat3=x1, dat4=x2, off=100, sca=1.0, size=c(300, 160))
rp.slider(panel, var=off, from=-500, to=500, action=lvm.draw, title="Offset", pos=c(5, 5, 290, 70), showvalue=TRUE)
rp.slider(panel, var=sca, from=0, to=2, action=lvm.draw, title="Scale", pos=c(5, 70, 290, 90), showvalue=TRUE)
It sounds like you want to minimize the function (Ax'+By) + (Az'+Bx) + (Ay'+Bz) for a pair of values: Namely, the time-offset: t0 and a time scale factor: tr. where Ax' = tr*(Ax + t0), etc..
I would look into SciPy's bivariate optimize functions. And I would use a mask or temporarily zero the data (both Ax' and By for example) over the "gaps" (assuming the gaps can be programmatically determined).
To make the process more efficient, start with a coarse sampling of A and B, but set the precision in fmin (or whatever optimizer you've selected) that is commensurate with your sampling. Then proceed with progressively finer-sampled windows of the full dataset until your windows are narrow and are not down-sampled.
Edit - matching axes
Regarding the issue of trying to identify which axis is co-linear with a given axis, and not knowing at thing about the characteristics of your data, i can point towards a similar question. Look into pHash or any of the other methods outlined in this post to help identify similar waveforms.
I have two dimensional discrete spatial data. I would like to make an approximation of the spatial boundaries of this data so that I can produce a plot with another dataset on top of it.
Ideally, this would be an ordered set of (x,y) points that matplotlib can plot with the plt.Polygon() patch.
My initial attempt is very inelegant: I place a fine grid over the data, and where data is found in a cell, a square matplotlib patch is created of that cell. The resolution of the boundary thus depends on the sampling frequency of the grid. Here is an example, where the grey region are the cells containing data, black where no data exists.
1st attempt
OK, problem solved - why am I still here? Well.... I'd like a more "elegant" solution, or at least one that is faster (ie. I don't want to get on with "real" work, I'd like to have some fun with this!). The best way I can think of is a ray-tracing approach - eg:
from xmin to xmax, at y=ymin, check if data boundary crossed in intervals dx
y=ymin+dy, do 1
do 1-2, but now sample in y
An alternative is defining a centre, and sampling in r-theta space - ie radial spokes in dtheta increments.
Both would produce a set of (x,y) points, but then how do I order/link neighbouring points them to create the boundary?
A nearest neighbour approach is not appropriate as, for example (to borrow from Geography), an isthmus (think of Panama connecting N&S America) could then close off and isolate regions. This also might not deal very well with the holes seen in the data, which I would like to represent as a different plt.Polygon.
The solution perhaps comes from solving an area maximisation problem. For a set of points defining the data limits, what is the maximum contiguous area contained within those points To form the enclosed area, what are the neighbouring points for the nth point? How will the holes be treated in this scheme - is this erring into topology now?
Apologies, much of this is me thinking out loud. I'd be grateful for some hints, suggestions or solutions. I suspect this is an oft-studied problem with many solution techniques, but I'm looking for something simple to code and quick to run... I guess everyone is, really!
OK, here's attempt #2 using Mark's idea of convex hulls:
alt text
For this I used qconvex from the qhull package, getting it to return the extreme vertices. For those interested:
cat [data] | qconvex Fx > out
The sampling of the perimeter seems quite low, and although I haven't played much with the settings, I'm not convinced I can improve the fidelity.
I think what you are looking for is the Convex Hull of the data That will give a set of points that if connected will mean that all your points are on or inside the connected points
I may have mixed something, but what's the motivation for simply not determining the maximum and minimum x and y level? Unless you have an enormous amount of data you could simply iterate through your points determining minimum and maximum levels fairly quickly.
This isn't the most efficient example, but if your data set is small this won't be particularly slow:
import random
data = [(random.randint(-100, 100), random.randint(-100, 100)) for i in range(1000)]
x_min = min([point[0] for point in data])
x_max = max([point[0] for point in data])
y_min = min([point[1] for point in data])
y_max = max([point[1] for point in data])