I wonder if it's possible to create and delete events with Google API in a secondary calendar. I know well how to do it in main calendar so I only ask, how to change calendar_service to read and write to other calendar.
I've tried loging with secondary calendar email, but that's not possible with BadAuthentication Error. The URL was surely correct, becouse it was read by API.
Waiting for your help.
A'm answering my own question so I can finally accept this one. The problem has been solved some time ago.
The most important answer is in this documentation.
Each query can be run with uri as argument. For example "InsertEvent(event, uri)". Uri can be set manually (from google calendar settings) or automatically, as written in post below. Note, that CalendarEventQuery takes only username, not the whole url.
The construction of both goes this way:
user = "abcd1234#group.calendar.google.com"
uri = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/{{ user }}/private/full-noattendees"
What's useful, is that you can run queries with different uri and add/delete events to many different calendars in one script.
Hope someone finds it helpful.
I got the same issue but I found this solution (I do not remember where)
This solution is to extract the secondary calendar user from its src url provided by google
This is probably not the better one but it's a working one
Note:the code is extracted from a real project [some part has been removed] and must be adapted to your particular case and is provide as sample just to have a support for explaination (It will not work as is)
# 1 - Connect using the main user email address in a classical way
cal_client = gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService()
# insert here after connection stuff
# 2 - For each existing calendars
feed = cal_client.GetAllCalendarsFeed():
# a loop the find the calendar by it's title (cal_title)
for a_calendar in feed.entry:
if cal_title in a_calendar.title.text:
cal_user = a_calendar.content.src.split('/')[5].replace('%40','#')
# If you print a_calendar.content.src.split you will see that the url
# contains an email like definition. This is the one to used to work
# with the calendar
Then you just have to replace the default user by the cal_user in the api to work on the secondary calendar.
Replace call is required because google api function are doing internal conversion on special characters like '%'
I hope this will help you.
I have eight calendars in Google Calendar each having a bunch of events. I would like to export each of these calendars (with all of their events) to their own file. I'll be using Python to write the script, and the script would run nightly from my crontab.
Does the GCal API actually have (a) method(s) for doing this type of export? How would I go about doing this?
Apologies for such a generalized question -- I'm having trouble even getting started with this problem:
I've looked through the Calendar API Reference and was unable to find any clear method for exporting a calendar to a file.
I searched StackOverflow for [google-calendar-api] export and read through the first nine pages of results and there was only one question resembling my problem. The answer is about three years old and doesn't adequately answer the question (or, I just don't understand the answer enough to make use of it).
There is no method to export calendars in the Calendar API. Also depending on what is your desired output format, the adequate answer may be different. Here are some options that come to my mind:
Using the Google Calendar API. First of all you would need to call CalendarList.list() to obtain all your calendars, and after that use the Events.list() call to obtain every event for each calendar.
Import your calendar as an ICAL file using the Secret Address. The idea is that you can obtain a link to a download file that includes all your calendar information, and you simply have to issue a GET request to it. Bear in mind, however, that this address has to be kept private, as anybody possessing it can access all of your calendar information. You can read more about this in the official documentation here.
I'm coming to you with the following issue:
I have a bunch of physical boxes onto which I still stick QR codes generated using a python module named qrcode. In a nutshell, what I would like to do is everytime someone wants to take the object contained in a box, he scans the qr code with his phone, then takes it and put it back when he is done, not forgetting to scan the QR code again.
Pretty simple, isn't it?
I already have a django table containing all my objects.
Now my question is related to the design. I suspect the easiest way to achieve that is to have a POST request link in the QR code which will create a new entry in a table with the name of the object that has been picked or put back, the time (I would like to store this information).
If that's the correct way to do, how would you approach it? I'm not too sure I see how to make a POST request with a QR code. Would you have any idea?
PS: Another alternative I can think of would be to a link in the QR code to a form with a dummy button the user would click on. Once clicked the button would update the database. But I would fine a solution without any button more convenient...
The question boils down to a few choices: (a) what data do you want to encode into the QR code; (b) what app will you use to scan the QR code; and (c) how do you want the app to use / respond to the encoded data.
If you want your users to use off-the-shelf QR code readers (like free smartphone apps), then encoding a full URL to the appropriate API on your backend makes sense. Whether this should be a GET or POST depends on the QR code reader. I'd expect most to use GET, but you should verify that for your choice of app. That should be functionally fine, if you don't have any concerns about who should be able to scan the code.
If you want more control, e.g. you'd like to keep track of who scanned the code or other info not available to the server side just from a static URL request, you need a different approach. Something like, store the item ID (not URL) in the QR code; create your own simple QR code scanner app (many good examples exist) and add a little extra logic to that client, like requiring the user to log in with an ID + password, and build the URL dynamically from the item ID and the user ID. Many security variations possible (like JWT token) -- how you do that won't be dictated by the contents of the QR code. You could do a lot of other things in that QR code scanner / client, like add GPS location, ask the user to indicate why or where they're taking the item, etc.
So you can choose between a simple way with no controls, and a more complex way that would allow you to layer in whatever other controls and extra data you need.
If security is not a big concern: an API with a simple get method that takes as argument the object id and I will presume you have the code to make sure if the object is given as taken it will be switched to returned.
And why not post? POST needs headers that you can't include in qr unless you have a dedicated app, so GET and the ability to use example.com/api/leaseandret?id=12345 is a better alternative that allows for better usage with a QR.
A summary of the methods*
* A note here is that GET is not forbidden from being used to modify data and send data to a server GET is exclusively for getting data from a REST purist standpoint.
I'm using Python 2.7 and Zeep to call SuiteTalk v2017_2_0, the SOAP-based NetSuite web service API. The command I'm running is search like so:
from zeep import Client
netsuite = Client(WSDL)
TransactionSearchAdvanced = netsuite.get_type(
TransactionSearchRow = netsuite.get_type('ns19:TransactionSearchRow')
# login removed for brevity
r = netsuite.service.search(TransactionSearchAdvanced(
savedSearchId=search, columns=TransactionSearchRow()))
Now the results of this include all the data I want but I can't figure out how (if at all) I can determine the display columns that the website would show for this saved search and the order they go in.
I figure I could probably netsuite.service.get() and pass the internalId of the saved search but what type do I specify? Along those lines, has anyone found a decent reference for all the objects, type enumerations, etc.?
Check out the above link regarding Search Preferences. It explains how to limit columns returned to those only in the search.
I am trying to grab the event data from the google calendar here. I am having trouble understanding where to find the calendar id in order to use the api, so the example provided on the api hasnt helped me yet. The only link I can find skimming through the html is this:
as far as I can tell, one of the strings following the src= is supposed to be the calendar id, but ive tried them all. One example is: phoenixcsd.net_peaa7tsif8bdk54fs61at335ks#group.calendar.google.com
I tried verifying with this, but they all gave errors.
I believe I am missing something simple, so how do I
Access the google calendar in my code
Use the api to extract all events (or at least events between two dates) from the calendar
Store the events in a dataframe
thank you for any help
This Python Quickstart should answer the first two questions. You use Events.list to fetch all the events from your calendar.
I am very new to the Graph API and trying to write a simple python script that first identifies all pages that a user has liked and all groups that he/she is a part of. To do this, I used the following:
To get the groups he has joined:
API: /{user-id}/groups
Permissions req: user_groups
To get the pages he has liked:
API: /{user-id}/likes
Permissions req: user_likes
url='https://graph.facebook.com/'+userId+'/likes?access_token='+accessToken +'&limit='+str(limit)
Now that I can see the id's of the groups in the JSON output, I want to hit them one by one and fetch all content (posts, comments, photos etc.) posted within that group. Is this possible and if yes, how can I do it? What API calls do I have to make?
That's quite a broad question, before asking here you should have give a try searching on SO.
Anyways, I'll tell you broadly how can you do it.
First of all go through the official documentation of Graph API: Graph API Reference.
You'll find each and every API which can be used to fetch the data. For example: /group, /page. You'll get to know what kind of access token with what permissions are required for an API call.
Here are some API calls useful to you-
to fetch the group/page's posts- /{group-id/page-id}/posts
to fetch the comments of a post- {post-id}/comments
to fetch the group/page's photos- /{group-id/page-id}/photos
and so on. Once you'll go through the documentation and test some API calls, the things would be much clear. It's quite easy!
Hope it helps. Good luck!
Here's an example using facepy:
from facepy import GraphAPI
import json
graph = GraphAPI(APP_TOKEN)
groupIDs = ("[id here]","[etc]")
outfile_name ="teacher-groups-summary-export-data.csv"
f = csv.writer(open(outfile_name, "wb+"))
for gID in groupIDs:
groupData = graph.get(gID + "/feed", page=True, retry=3, limit=500)
for data in groupData:
json_data=json.dumps(data, indent = 4,cls=DecimalEncoder)
decoded_response = json_data.decode("UTF-8")
data = json.loads(decoded_response)
print "Paging group data..."
for item in data["data"]:
...etc, dealing with items...
Check the API reference. You should use feed.
You can use /{group-id}/feed to get an array of Post objects of the group. Remember to include a user access token for a member of the group.