How to capture frames from Apple iSight using Python and PyObjC? - python

I am trying to capture a single frame from the Apple iSight camera built into a Macbook Pro using Python (version 2.7 or 2.6) and the PyObjC (version 2.2).
As a starting point, I used this old StackOverflow question. To verify that it makes sense, I cross-referenced against Apple's MyRecorder example that it seems to be based on. Unfortunately, my script does not work.
My big questions are:
Am I initializing the camera correctly?
Am I starting the event loop correctly?
Was there any other setup I was supposed to do?
In the example script pasted below, the intended operation is that after calling startImageCapture(), I should start printing "Got a frame..." messages from the CaptureDelegate. However, the camera's light never turns on and the delegate's callback is never executed.
Also, there are no failures during startImageCapture(), all functions claim to succeed, and it successfully finds the iSight device. Analyzing the session object in pdb shows that it has valid input and output objects, the output has a delegate assigned, the device is not in use by another processes, and the session is marked as running after startRunning() is called.
Here's the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import sys
import os
import time
import objc
import QTKit
import AppKit
from Foundation import NSObject
from Foundation import NSTimer
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
class CaptureDelegate(NSObject):
def captureOutput_didOutputVideoFrame_withSampleBuffer_fromConnection_(self, captureOutput,
videoFrame, sampleBuffer,
# This should get called for every captured frame
print "Got a frame: %s" % videoFrame
class QuitClass(NSObject):
def quitMainLoop_(self, aTimer):
# Just stop the main loop.
print "Quitting main loop."
def startImageCapture():
error = None
# Create a QT Capture session
session = QTKit.QTCaptureSession.alloc().init()
# Find iSight device and open it
dev = QTKit.QTCaptureDevice.defaultInputDeviceWithMediaType_(QTKit.QTMediaTypeVideo)
print "Device: %s" % dev
if not dev.open_(error):
print "Couldn't open capture device."
# Create an input instance with the device we found and add to session
input = QTKit.QTCaptureDeviceInput.alloc().initWithDevice_(dev)
if not session.addInput_error_(input, error):
print "Couldn't add input device."
# Create an output instance with a delegate for callbacks and add to session
output = QTKit.QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput.alloc().init()
delegate = CaptureDelegate.alloc().init()
if not session.addOutput_error_(output, error):
print "Failed to add output delegate."
# Start the capture
print "Initiating capture..."
def main():
# Open camera and start capturing frames
# Setup a timer to quit in 10 seconds (hack for now)
quitInst = QuitClass.alloc().init()
# Start Cocoa's main event loop
print "After event loop"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks for any help you can provide!

OK, I spent a day diving through the depths of PyObjC and got it working.
For future record, the reason the code in the question did not work: variable scope and garbage collection. The session variable was deleted when it fell out of scope, which happened before the event processor ran. Something must be done to retain it so it is not freed before it has time to run.
Moving everything into a class and making session a class variable made the callbacks start working. Additionally, the code below demonstrates getting the frame's pixel data into bitmap format and saving it via Cocoa calls, and also how to copy it back into Python's world-view as a buffer or string.
The script below will capture a single frame
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -- by Trevor Bentley (02/04/2011)
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
# Run from the command line on an Apple laptop running OS X 10.6, this script will
# take a single frame capture using the built-in iSight camera and save it to disk
# using three methods.
import sys
import os
import time
import objc
import QTKit
from AppKit import *
from Foundation import NSObject
from Foundation import NSTimer
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
class NSImageTest(NSObject):
def init(self):
self = super(NSImageTest, self).init()
if self is None:
return None
self.session = None
self.running = True
return self
def captureOutput_didOutputVideoFrame_withSampleBuffer_fromConnection_(self, captureOutput,
videoFrame, sampleBuffer,
self.session.stopRunning() # I just want one frame
# Get a bitmap representation of the frame using CoreImage and Cocoa calls
ciimage = CIImage.imageWithCVImageBuffer_(videoFrame)
rep = NSCIImageRep.imageRepWithCIImage_(ciimage)
bitrep = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithCIImage_(ciimage)
bitdata = bitrep.representationUsingType_properties_(NSBMPFileType, objc.NULL)
# Save image to disk using Cocoa
t0 = time.time()
bitdata.writeToFile_atomically_("grab.bmp", False)
t1 = time.time()
print "Cocoa saved in %.5f seconds" % (t1-t0)
# Save a read-only buffer of image to disk using Python
t0 = time.time()
bitbuf = bitdata.bytes()
f = open("python.bmp", "w")
t1 = time.time()
print "Python saved buffer in %.5f seconds" % (t1-t0)
# Save a string-copy of the buffer to disk using Python
t0 = time.time()
bitbufstr = str(bitbuf)
f = open("python2.bmp", "w")
t1 = time.time()
print "Python saved string in %.5f seconds" % (t1-t0)
# Will exit on next execution of quitMainLoop_()
self.running = False
def quitMainLoop_(self, aTimer):
# Stop the main loop after one frame is captured. Call rapidly from timer.
if not self.running:
def startImageCapture(self, aTimer):
error = None
print "Finding camera"
# Create a QT Capture session
self.session = QTKit.QTCaptureSession.alloc().init()
# Find iSight device and open it
dev = QTKit.QTCaptureDevice.defaultInputDeviceWithMediaType_(QTKit.QTMediaTypeVideo)
print "Device: %s" % dev
if not dev.open_(error):
print "Couldn't open capture device."
# Create an input instance with the device we found and add to session
input = QTKit.QTCaptureDeviceInput.alloc().initWithDevice_(dev)
if not self.session.addInput_error_(input, error):
print "Couldn't add input device."
# Create an output instance with a delegate for callbacks and add to session
output = QTKit.QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput.alloc().init()
if not self.session.addOutput_error_(output, error):
print "Failed to add output delegate."
# Start the capture
print "Initiating capture..."
def main(self):
# Callback that quits after a frame is captured
# Turn on the camera and start the capture
# Start Cocoa's main event loop
print "Frame capture completed."
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = NSImageTest.alloc().init()

QTKit is deprecated and PyObjC is a big dependency (and seems to be tricky to build if you want it in HomeBrew). Plus PyObjC did not have most of AVFoundation so I created a simple camera extension for Python that uses AVFoundation to record a video or snap a picture, it requires no dependencies (Cython intermediate files are committed to avoid the need to have Cython for most users).
It should be possible to build it like this:
pip install -e git+
Then we can use it to take a picture:
import pyavfcam
# Open the default video source
cam = pyavfcam.AVFCam(sinks='image')
frame = cam.snap_picture('test.jpg') # frame is a memory buffer np.asarray(frame) can retrieve
Not related to this question, but if the AVFCam class is sub-classed, the overridden methods will be called with the result.


Output sys.stdout and sys.stderr to a file

I have a module that redirects console outputs to the Tkinter window, which I found here on StackOverflow. It works perfectly, however, I realized I also need to save the console output to a file. But everything I tried either doesn't work, breaks the module, or nothing happens.
EDIT: I need to modify the following module so it also SAVES THE CONSOLE OUTPUT to the .txt document. BUT preserving it's current functionality
Here is the code for the module:
# Code derived from Bryan Olson's source posted in this related Usenet discussion:
# See the comments and doc string below.
# Here's a module to show stderr output from console-less Python
# apps, and stay out of the way otherwise. I plan to make a ASPN
# recipe of it, but I thought I'd run it by this group first.
# To use it, import the module. That's it. Upon import it will
# assign sys.stderr.
# In the normal case, your code is perfect so nothing ever gets
# written to stderr, and the module won't do much of anything.
# Upon the first write to stderr, if any, the module will launch a
# new process, and that process will show the stderr output in a
# window. The window will live until dismissed; I hate, hate, hate
# those vanishing-consoles-with-critical-information.
# The code shows some arguably-cool tricks. To fit everthing in
# one file, the module runs the Python interpreter on itself; it
# uses the "if __name__ == '__main__'" idiom to behave radically
# differently upon import versus direct execution. It uses tkinter
# for the window, but that's in a new process; it does not import
# tkinter into your application.
# To try it out, save it to a file -- I call it "" -
# - and import it into some subsequently-incorrect code. For
# example:
# import errorwindow
# a = 3 + 1 + nonesuchdefined
# should cause a window to appear, showing the traceback of a
# Python NameError.
# --
# --Bryan
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# martineau - Modified to use subprocess.Popen instead of the os.popen
# which has been deprecated since Py 2.6. Changed so it
# redirects both stdout and stderr. Added numerous
# comments, and also inserted double quotes around paths
# in case they have embedded space characters in them, as
# they did on my Windows system.
# Recently updated it to work in both Python 2 and Python 3.
Import this module into graphical Python apps to provide a
sys.stderr. No functions to call, just import it. It uses
only facilities in the Python standard distribution.
If nothing is ever written to stderr, then the module just
sits there and stays out of your face. Upon write to stderr,
it launches a new process, piping it error stream. The new
process throws up a window showing the error messages.
import subprocess
import sys
import thread
except ModuleNotFoundError: # Python 3
import _thread as thread
import os
EXC_INFO_FILENAME = 'exc_info.txt'
if __name__ == '__main__': # When spawned as separate process.
# create window in which to display output
# then copy stdin to the window until EOF
# will happen when output is sent to each OutputPipe created
from Tkinter import BOTH, END, Frame, Text, TOP, YES
import tkFont
import Queue
except ModuleNotFoundError: # Python 3
from tkinter import BOTH, END, Frame, Text, TOP, YES
import tkinter.font as tkFont
import queue as Queue
Q_EMPTY = Queue.Empty # An exception class.
queue = Queue.Queue(1000) # FIFO
def read_stdin(app, bufsize=4096):
fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # File descriptor for calls.
read =
put = queue.put
while True:
put(read(fd, bufsize))
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None, font_size=8, text_color='#0000AA', rows=25, cols=100):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
# Create title based on the arguments passed to the spawned script:
# argv[0]: name of this script (ignored)
# argv[1]: name of script that imported this module
# argv[2]: name of redirected stream (optional)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
title = "Output stream from unknown source"
elif len(sys.argv) < 3:
title = "Output stream from %s" % (sys.argv[1],)
else: # Assume it's a least 3.
title = "Output stream '%s' from %s" % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1])
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
font = tkFont.Font(family='Courier', size=font_size)
width = font.measure(' ' * (cols+1))
height = font.metrics('linespace') * (rows+1)
self.configure(width=width, height=height)
self.pack_propagate(0) # Force frame to be configured size.
self.logwidget = Text(self, font=font)
self.logwidget.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
# Disallow key entry, but allow text copying with <Control-c>
self.logwidget.bind('<Key>', lambda x: 'break')
self.logwidget.bind('<Control-c>', lambda x: None)
self.logwidget.insert(END, '==== Start of Output Stream ====\n\n')
self.after(200, self.start_thread) # Start queue polling thread.
def start_thread(self):
thread.start_new_thread(read_stdin, (self,))
self.after(200, self.check_q)
def check_q(self):
log = self.logwidget
log_insert = log.insert
log_see = log.see
queue_get_nowait = queue.get_nowait
go = True
while go:
data = queue_get_nowait().decode() # Must decode for Python 3.
if not data:
data = '[EOF]'
go = False
log_insert(END, data)
except Q_EMPTY:
self.after(200, self.check_q)
go = False
app = Application()
else: # when module is first imported
import traceback
class OutputPipe(object):
def __init__(self, name=''):
self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() = name
def flush(self): # no-op.
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'pipe': # Attribute doesn't exist, so create it.
# Launch this module as a separate process to display any output
# it receives.
# Note: It's important to put double quotes around everything in
# case any have embedded space characters.
command = '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (sys.executable, # executable
__file__, # argv[0]
os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), # argv[1] # argv[2]
# Typical command and arg values on receiving end:
# C:\Python3\python[w].exe # executable
# C:\vols\Files\PythonLib\Stack Overflow\ # argv[0]
# # argv[1]
# stderr # argv[2]
# Execute this script directly as __main__ with a stdin PIPE for sending
# output to it.
# Had to also make stdout and stderr PIPEs too, to work with pythonw.exe
self.pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0,
except Exception:
# Output exception info to a file since this module isn't working.
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
msg = ('%r exception in %s\n' %
(exc_type.__name__, os.path.basename(__file__)))
with open(EXC_INFO_FILENAME, 'wt') as info:
info.write('fatal error occurred spawning output process')
info.write('exeception info:' + msg)
sys.exit('fatal error occurred')
return super(OutputPipe, self).__getattribute__(attr)
def write(self, data):
with self.lock:
data = data.encode() # Must encode for Python 3.
self.pipe.write(data) # First reference to pipe attr will cause an
# OutputPipe process for the stream to be created.
# Clean-up any left-over debugging file.
os.remove(EXC_INFO_FILENAME) # Delete previous file, if any.
except Exception:
# Redirect standard output streams in the process that imported this module.
sys.stderr = OutputPipe('stderr')
sys.stdout = OutputPipe('stdout')
I tried inserting this code after, before, and in between the module, but it didn't work or broke the module:
import sys path = 'output.txt' sys.stdout = open(path, 'w')
I also tried to do something like this, but it didn't work either.
f = open("output.txt", "w")
f.write(sys.stdout) # or "f.write(OutputPipe('stdout')" or " 'f.write(data)' between - 'def write(self, data):' "
sys.stdout = open('file.txt', 'w')
# some working code
# close file.txt
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
Update. You can write your custom logging class to suit your needs
import sys
class Logger:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.console = sys.stdout
self.file = open(filename, 'w')
def write(self, message):
def flush(self):
sys.stdout = Logger('file.txt')
I managed to solve my issue by adding a few lines to the code. I'll share here the full modified module code in the unlikely case that someone stumbles upon this same issue.
# Code derived from Bryan Olson's source posted in this related Usenet discussion:
# See the comments and doc string below.
# Here's a module to show stderr output from console-less Python
# apps, and stay out of the way otherwise. I plan to make a ASPN
# recipe of it, but I thought I'd run it by this group first.
# To use it, import the module. That's it. Upon import it will
# assign sys.stderr.
# In the normal case, your code is perfect so nothing ever gets
# written to stderr, and the module won't do much of anything.
# Upon the first write to stderr, if any, the module will launch a
# new process, and that process will show the stderr output in a
# window. The window will live until dismissed; I hate, hate, hate
# those vanishing-consoles-with-critical-information.
# The code shows some arguably-cool tricks. To fit everthing in
# one file, the module runs the Python interpreter on itself; it
# uses the "if __name__ == '__main__'" idiom to behave radically
# differently upon import versus direct execution. It uses tkinter
# for the window, but that's in a new process; it does not import
# tkinter into your application.
# To try it out, save it to a file -- I call it "" -
# - and import it into some subsequently-incorrect code. For
# example:
# import errorwindow
# a = 3 + 1 + nonesuchdefined
# should cause a window to appear, showing the traceback of a
# Python NameError.
# --
# --Bryan
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# martineau - Modified to use subprocess.Popen instead of the os.popen
# which has been deprecated since Py 2.6. Changed so it
# redirects both stdout and stderr. Added numerous
# comments, and also inserted double quotes around paths
# in case they have embedded space characters in them, as
# they did on my Windows system.
# Recently updated it to work in both Python 2 and Python 3.
Import this module into graphical Python apps to provide a
sys.stderr. No functions to call, just import it. It uses
only facilities in the Python standard distribution.
If nothing is ever written to stderr, then the module just
sits there and stays out of your face. Upon write to stderr,
it launches a new process, piping it error stream. The new
process throws up a window showing the error messages.
import subprocess
import sys
import thread
except ModuleNotFoundError: # Python 3
import _thread as thread
import os
EXC_INFO_FILENAME = 'exc_info.txt'
if __name__ == '__main__': # When spawned as separate process.
# create window in which to display output
# then copy stdin to the window until EOF
# will happen when output is sent to each OutputPipe created
from Tkinter import BOTH, END, Frame, Text, TOP, YES
import tkFont
import Queue
except ModuleNotFoundError: # Python 3
from tkinter import BOTH, END, Frame, Text, TOP, YES
import tkinter.font as tkFont
import queue as Queue
Q_EMPTY = Queue.Empty # An exception class.
queue = Queue.Queue(1000) # FIFO
def read_stdin(app, bufsize=4096):
fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # File descriptor for calls.
read =
put = queue.put
while True:
put(read(fd, bufsize))
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None, font_size=8, text_color='#0000AA', rows=25, cols=100):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
# Create title based on the arguments passed to the spawned script:
# argv[0]: name of this script (ignored)
# argv[1]: name of script that imported this module
# argv[2]: name of redirected stream (optional)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
title = "Output stream from unknown source"
elif len(sys.argv) < 3:
title = "Output stream from %s" % (sys.argv[1],)
else: # Assume it's a least 3.
title = "Output stream '%s' from %s" % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1])
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
font = tkFont.Font(family='Courier', size=font_size)
width = font.measure(' ' * (cols+1))
height = font.metrics('linespace') * (rows+1)
self.configure(width=width, height=height)
self.pack_propagate(0) # Force frame to be configured size.
self.logwidget = Text(self, font=font)
self.logwidget.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
# Disallow key entry, but allow text copying with <Control-c>
self.logwidget.bind('<Key>', lambda x: 'break')
self.logwidget.bind('<Control-c>', lambda x: None)
self.logwidget.insert(END, '==== Start of Output Stream ====\n\n')
# Writes the console output to file!!! :) MOD
with open("Output.txt", "a") as f:
f.write('==== Start of Output Stream ====\n\n')
self.after(200, self.start_thread) # Start queue polling thread.
def start_thread(self):
thread.start_new_thread(read_stdin, (self,))
self.after(200, self.check_q)
def check_q(self):
log = self.logwidget
log_insert = log.insert
log_see = log.see
queue_get_nowait = queue.get_nowait
go = True
while go:
data = queue_get_nowait().decode() # Must decode for Python 3.
with open("Output.txt", "a") as f: # Writes the console output to file!!! :) MOD
if not data:
data = '[EOF]'
go = False
with open("Output.txt", "a") as f: # Writes the '[EOF]' to file!!! :) MOD
f.write(str('\n' + '============ [EOF] =============' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n'))
log_insert(END, data)
except Q_EMPTY:
self.after(200, self.check_q)
go = False
app = Application()
else: # when module is first imported
import traceback
class OutputPipe(object):
def __init__(self, name=''):
self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() = name
def flush(self): # no-op.
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'pipe': # Attribute doesn't exist, so create it.
# Launch this module as a separate process to display any output
# it receives.
# Note: It's important to put double quotes around everything in
# case any have embedded space characters.
command = '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (sys.executable, # executable
__file__, # argv[0]
os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), # argv[1] # argv[2]
# Typical command and arg values on receiving end:
# C:\Python3\python[w].exe # executable
# C:\vols\Files\PythonLib\Stack Overflow\ # argv[0]
# # argv[1]
# stderr # argv[2]
# Execute this script directly as __main__ with a stdin PIPE for sending
# output to it.
# Had to also make stdout and stderr PIPEs too, to work with pythonw.exe
self.pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0,
except Exception:
# Output exception info to a file since this module isn't working.
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
msg = ('%r exception in %s\n' %
(exc_type.__name__, os.path.basename(__file__)))
with open(EXC_INFO_FILENAME, 'wt') as info:
info.write('fatal error occurred spawning output process')
info.write('exeception info:' + msg)
sys.exit('fatal error occurred')
return super(OutputPipe, self).__getattribute__(attr)
def write(self, data):
with self.lock:
data = data.encode() # Must encode for Python 3.
self.pipe.write(data) # First reference to pipe attr will cause an
# OutputPipe process for the stream to be created.
# Clean-up any left-over debugging file.
os.remove(EXC_INFO_FILENAME) # Delete previous file, if any.
except Exception:
# Redirect standard output streams in the process that imported this module.
sys.stderr = OutputPipe('stderr')
sys.stdout = OutputPipe('stdout')

Memory Error Exception using PIL to Process Video Stream on Raspberry Pi

I have written a Python script that runs on a Raspberry Pi and utilizes the PiCamera library to capture video, the Python Image Library (PIL) to extract individual frames, and then does some image processing on it using DIPLib and OpenCV. The goal of the program is to continuously capture frames of 3D printer filament and return the diameter value. The actual image processing portion works just fine- it's the frame capture that is causing me issues.
I am following the PiCamera Rapid Capture and processing tutorial from PiCamera and using the Python Threading library as they have done to ideally utilize more of th Pi's processor for processing and not getting bottlenecked and falling behind.
The implementation of this code is built to "Drop Frames" when there are not any threads available for processing. As I understand it, this should prevent the Pi from storing any extra frames in the buffer for processing, thus preventing a memory overflow (not sure if that's the correct terminology) from happening. Unfortunately this is exactly what is happening.
I am running the PiCamera at about 3 frames-per-second which gives ~10 threads the ability to process all the incoming images, that is until the memory starts to overflow. However, if I leave the script running for 5-10 minutes, the memory (as shown using htop) slowly compounds until it reaches maximum capacity- at which point the script basically drops all incoming frames.
UPDATE: here is the error it shows:
Exception has occurred: MemoryError
exception: no description
File "/home/pi/Desktop/FilamentPuller_01/", line 45, in run
img = np.array(
My theory is that the video recording functionality of PiCamera is holding a buffer of some sort, but I am not sure how to see it or how to stop it from doing that. I've been using VSCode on the Pi to debug, and each thread doesn't seem to holding any more data at a time than they should- essentially there should be no reason for them to compound more data from one cycle to the next as all the variables are reused.
I have included my code below, please let me know what other information I can provide to help with solving this issue. Thank you for any insight you might have
import io
import sys
import time
import threading
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
import picamera
from PIL import Image
import csv
from diameter_detection import diameter_detection
from moving_average import MovingAverageFilter
from serial_write import serial_write
##### CAMERA SETTINGS ######
focalValue = 40 # focus
cameraResolution = (1080, 1000)
cameraZoom = (0.3,0,0.3,0.8)
cameraFrameRate = 1
# create an array for storing filtered diameter values
filtered_dia_meas = []
# create moving average filter
ma5_filter = MovingAverageFilter(2)
class ImageProcessor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, owner):
super(ImageProcessor, self).__init__() = io.BytesIO()
self.event = threading.Event()
self.terminated = False
self.owner = owner
def run(self):
# This method runs in a separate thread
while not self.terminated:
# Wait for an image to be written to the stream
if self.event.wait(1):
# Read the image and do some processing on it
img = np.array(
diameter = diameter_detection(img)
print('Could not read diameter, pausing and retrying...')
# add the diameter to the filter
# display the current filtered diameter to the Terminal
# attempt to send the diameter to the connected serial device
print('Serial write failed!')
# Set done to True if you want the script to terminate
# at some point
# Reset the stream and event
# Return ourselves to the available pool
with self.owner.lock:
class ProcessOutput(object):
def __init__(self):
self.done = False
# Construct a pool of 10 image processors along with a lock
# to control access between threads
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.pool = [ImageProcessor(self) for i in range(10)]
print('Threaded processes created')
self.processor = None
def write(self, buf):
if buf.startswith(b'\xff\xd8'):
# New frame; set the current processor going and grab
# a spare one
if self.processor:
with self.lock:
if self.pool:
self.processor = self.pool.pop()
# No processor's available, we'll have to skip this frame
print('Frame Skipped!')
self.processor = None
if self.processor:
def flush(self):
# When told to flush (end of recording), shut
# down in an orderly fashion. First, add the current processor
# back to the pool
if self.processor:
with self.lock:
self.processor = None
# Now, empty the pool, joining each thread as we go
while True:
with self.lock:
proc = self.pool.pop()
except IndexError:
pass # pool is empty
proc.terminated = True
with picamera.PiCamera(resolution=cameraResolution) as camera:
print('Succesfully created camera object')
camera.framerate = cameraFrameRate
camera.zoom = (0.3,0,0.3,0.8)
# set focus motor
os.system("i2cset -y 0 0x0c %d %d" % (focalValue,0))
print('Camera focus set')
print('Starting recording...')
output = ProcessOutput()
camera.start_recording(output, format='mjpeg')
while not output.done:

Combining two nodes using a launch-file , and cv2.imwrite() not working as a result

(I am using ros melodic, on ubuntu 18.04, and turtlebot-2)
I have two python files which keeps moving the turtlebot forward untill we terminate using ctrl+C, and, which uses the camera to take photos at 1 second intervals, and saves them to the cwd (and keeps running until we terminate using ctrl+C).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
class GoForward():
def __init__(self):
# initiliaze
rospy.init_node('GoForward', anonymous=False)
# tell user how to stop TurtleBot
rospy.loginfo("To stop TurtleBot CTRL + C")
# What function to call when you ctrl + c
# Create a publisher which can "talk" to TurtleBot and tell it to move
# Tip: You may need to change cmd_vel_mux/input/navi to /cmd_vel if you're not using TurtleBot2
self.cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel_mux/input/navi', Twist, queue_size=10)
#TurtleBot will stop if we don't keep telling it to move. How often should we tell it to move? 10 HZ
r = rospy.Rate(10);
# Twist is a datatype for velocity
move_cmd = Twist()
# let's go forward at 0.2 m/s
move_cmd.linear.x = 0.2
# let's turn at 0 radians/s
move_cmd.angular.z = 0
# as long as you haven't ctrl + c keeping doing...
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# publish the velocity
# wait for 0.1 seconds (10 HZ) and publish again
def shutdown(self):
# stop turtlebot
rospy.loginfo("Stop TurtleBot")
# a default Twist has linear.x of 0 and angular.z of 0. So it'll stop TurtleBot
# sleep just makes sure TurtleBot receives the stop command prior to shutting down the script
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.loginfo("GoForward node terminated.")
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import rospy
import cv2
from std_msgs.msg import String
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
class TakePhoto:
def __init__(self):
self.bridge = CvBridge()
self.image_received = False
# Connect image topic
img_topic = "/camera/rgb/image_raw"
self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber(img_topic, Image, self.callback)
# Allow up to one second to connection
def callback(self, data):
# Convert image to OpenCV format
cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
except CvBridgeError as e:
self.image_received = True
self.image = cv_image
def take_picture(self, img_title):
if self.image_received:
# Save an image
cv2.imwrite(img_title, self.image)
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize
rospy.init_node('take_photo', anonymous=False)
camera = TakePhoto()
# Take a photo
# Use '_image_title' parameter from command line
# Default value is 'photo.jpg'
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
img_title = rospy.get_param('~image_title', 'photo1.jpg')
if camera.take_picture(img_title):
rospy.loginfo("Saved image " + img_title)
rospy.loginfo("No images received")
# Sleep to give the last log messages time to be sent
These two programs individually, are running flawlessly. I can see the turtlebot moving in the environment. I can also see that the images taken are saved to the working directory. Now, I wanted to use these nodes simultaneously, and the way to do so is to create launch files.
So I created a launchfile that had these two nodes in it:
<node pkg="turtlebot_teleop" type= "" name="GoForward" output="screen" />
<node pkg="turtlebot_teleop" type= "" name="take_photo" output="screen"/>
Upon launching the launch file, I get no errors. The terminal looks like:
It appears as if both nodes have started. In the gazebo world, the turtlebot starts to move forward as expected. Now the terminal does print the lines "saved image..." and "received", however, the image taken is not being saved in the directory.
The fact that the line "received" is printed means that it is going through the cv2.imwrite line, why then is the image not being saved?
This wasn't a problem when I ran that python program individually (without the launchfile), so maybe the launchfile is interfering with the image saving process....what changes should I make to the launchfile if this is the case?
The launch file isn't exactly breaking the image saving process, but the way it behaves isn't as you expect. The images will be getting saved in whatever directory your script is being run out of; i.e. most likely <your_ws>/install/lib/<package>/.
Also, since you know the filename you can also confirm the directory by running find ~/<your_ws> -name "photo1.jpg"

Writing to easygui textbox as function is running?

I am currently running a script using easygui to receive the user input. The old script that ran in a command line would just print anything the user needed to know in the command line, but I've changed it to output notifications in new easygui boxes when there are required inputs.
Want I want to do is have the progress, each action inside the functions that are running, print into a text box as they complete. In command line I could just use print "text" but I can't get it to happen realtime in easygui. Currently I'm appending a list so I have a textbox that displays the results of the function once everything is complete, but I'd like for the large textbox window to pop up and print the line out whenever a process of note completes. Is this doable?
Here is how I'm appending the list:
result_list = []
record_str = "\n Polling has completed for 502."
eg.textbox("Polling Status", "Daily polling completion status:", result_list)
I don't think there's any simple way of getting EasyGUI's textbox function to do what you want short of modifying the module. Since it's a function not a class, you can't even derive a subclass from it in order to easily reuse its code.
However it's completely feasible to create a separate Tkinter window that just displays lines of text as they are sent to it using an enhanced version of some code I found once in a thread on the comp.lang.python newsgroup.
The original code was designed to catch and display only stderr output from a GUI application which normally doesn't have stderr output handle, so the module was named errorwindow. However I modified it to be able redirect both stderr and stdout to such windows in one easygui-based app I developed, but I never got around to renaming it or updating the comments in it to also mention stdout redirection. ;¬)
Anyway, the module works by defining and creating two instances of a file-like class named OutputPipe when it's imported and assigns them to the sys.stdout and sys.stderr I/O stream file objects which are usually None in a Python .pyw GUI applications (on Windows). When output is first sent to either one of these, the same module is launched as separate Python process with its stdin, stdout, and stderr I/O handles piped with the original process.
There's a lot going on, but if nothing else, with a little study of it might give you some ideas about how to get easygui's textbox to do what you want. Hope this helps.
Note: The code posted is for Python 2.x, there's a modified version that will work in both Python 2 and 3 in my answer to another question, if anyone is interested.
# Code derived from Bryan Olson's source posted in this related Usenet discussion:
# Here's a module to show stderr output from console-less Python
# apps, and stay out of the way otherwise. I plan to make a ASPN
# recipe of it, but I thought I'd run it by this group first.
# To use it, import the module. That's it. Upon import it will
# assign sys.stderr.
# In the normal case, your code is perfect so nothing ever gets
# written to stderr, and the module won't do much of anything.
# Upon the first write to stderr, if any, the module will launch a
# new process, and that process will show the stderr output in a
# window. The window will live until dismissed; I hate, hate, hate
# those vanishing-consoles-with-critical-information.
# The code shows some arguably-cool tricks. To fit everthing in
# one file, the module runs the Python interpreter on itself; it
# uses the "if __name__ == '__main__'" idiom to behave radically
# differently upon import versus direct execution. It uses TkInter
# for the window, but that's in a new process; it does not import
# TkInter into your application.
# To try it out, save it to a file -- I call it "" -
# - and import it into some subsequently-incorrect code. For
# example:
# import errorwindow
# a = 3 + 1 + nonesuchdefined
# should cause a window to appear, showing the traceback of a
# Python NameError.
# --
# --Bryan
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# martineau - Modified to use subprocess.Popen instead of the os.popen
# which has been deprecated since Py 2.6. Changed so it
# redirects both stdout and stderr. Added numerous
# comments, and also inserted double quotes around paths
# in case they have embedded space characters in them, as
# they did on my Windows system.
Import this module into graphical Python apps to provide a
sys.stderr. No functions to call, just import it. It uses
only facilities in the Python standard distribution.
If nothing is ever written to stderr, then the module just
sits there and stays out of your face. Upon write to stderr,
it launches a new process, piping it error stream. The new
process throws up a window showing the error messages.
import subprocess
import sys
import thread
import os
if __name__ == '__main__': # when spawned as separate process
# create window in which to display output
# then copy stdin to the window until EOF
# will happen when output is sent to each OutputPipe created
from Tkinter import BOTH, END, Frame, Text, TOP, YES
import tkFont
import Queue
queue = Queue.Queue(100)
def read_stdin(app, bufsize=4096):
fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # gets file descriptor
read =
put = queue.put
while True:
put(read(fd, bufsize))
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None, font_size=8, text_color='#0000AA', rows=25, cols=100):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
# argv[0]: name of this script (not used)
# argv[1]: name of script that imported this module
# argv[2]: name of redirected stream (optional)
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
title = "Output Stream from %s" % (sys.argv[1],)
title = "Output Stream '%s' from %s" % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1])
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
font = tkFont.Font(family='Courier', size=font_size)
width = font.measure(' '*(cols+1))
height = font.metrics('linespace')*(rows+1)
self.configure(width=width, height=height)
self.pack_propagate(0) # force frame to be configured size
self.logwidget = Text(self, font=font)
self.logwidget.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
# Disallow key entry, but allow copy with <Control-c>
self.logwidget.bind('<Key>', lambda x: 'break')
self.logwidget.bind('<Control-c>', lambda x: None)
#self.logwidget.insert(END, '==== Start of Output Stream ====\n\n')
self.after(200, self.start_thread, ())
def start_thread(self, _):
thread.start_new_thread(read_stdin, (self,))
self.after(200, self.check_q, ())
def check_q(self, _):
log = self.logwidget
log_insert = log.insert
log_see = log.see
queue_get_nowait = queue.get_nowait
go = True
while go:
data = queue_get_nowait()
if not data:
data = '[EOF]'
go = False
log_insert(END, data)
except Queue.Empty:
self.after(200, self.check_q, ())
go = False
app = Application()
else: # when module is first imported
import traceback
class OutputPipe(object):
def __init__(self, name=''):
self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() = name
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'pipe': # pipe attribute hasn't been created yet
# launch this module as a separate process to display any output
# it receives.
# Note: It's important to put double quotes around everything in case
# they have embedded space characters.
command = '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (sys.executable, # command
__file__, # argv[0]
os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), # argv[1] # argv[2]
# sample command and arg values on receiving end:
# E:\Program Files\Python\python[w].exe # command
# H:\PythonLib\TestScripts\PyRemindWrk\ # argv[0]
# # argv[1]
# stderr # argv[2]
# execute this script as __main__ with a stdin PIPE for sending output to it
# had to make stdout and stderr PIPEs too, to make it work with pythonw.exe
self.pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0,
except Exception:
# output exception info to a file since this module isn't working
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
msg = ('%r exception in %s\n' %
(exc_type.__name__, os.path.basename(__file__)))
with open('exc_info.txt', 'wt') as info:
info.write('msg:' + msg)
sys.exit('fatal error occurred spawning output process')
return super(OutputPipe, self).__getattribute__(attr)
def write(self, data):
with self.lock:
self.pipe.write(data) # 1st reference to pipe attr will cause it to be created
# redirect standard output streams in the process importing the module
sys.stderr = OutputPipe('stderr')
sys.stdout = OutputPipe('stdout')

libvlc and dbus interface

I'm trying a to create a basic media player using libvlc which will be controlled through dbus. I'm using the gtk and libvlc bindings for python. The code is based on the official example from the vlc website
The only thing I modified is to add the dbus interface to the vlc instance
# Create a single vlc.Instance() to be shared by (possible) multiple players.
instance = vlc.Instance()
print vlc.libvlc_add_intf(instance, "dbus"); // this is what i added. // returns 0 which is ok
All is well, the demo works and plays any video files. but for some reason the dbus control module doesn't work (I can't believe I just said the dreaded "doesn't work" words):
I already have the working client dbus code which binds to the MPRIS 2 interface. I can control a normal instance of a VLC media player - that works just fine, but with the above example nothing happens. The dbus control module is loaded properly, since libvlc_add_intf doesn't return an error and i can see the MPRIS 2 service in D-Feet (org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc).
Even in D-Feet, trying to call any of the methods of the dbus vlc object returns no error but nothing happens.
Do I need to configure something else in order to make the dbus module control the libvlc player?
It seems that creating the vlc Instance and setting a higher verbosity, shows that the DBus calls are received but they have no effect whatsoever on the player itself.
Also, adding the RC interface to the instance instead of DBus, has some problems too: When I run the example from the command line it drops me to the RC interface console where i can type the control commands, but it has the same behaviour as DBus - nothing happens, no error, nada, absolutely nothing. It ignores the commands completely.
Any thoughts?
Here is the code that uses libvlc to create a basic player:
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
import gtk
import gobject
import sys
import vlc
from gettext import gettext as _
# Create a single vlc.Instance() to be shared by (possible) multiple players.
instance = vlc.Instance("--one-instance --verbose 2")
class VLCWidget(gtk.DrawingArea):
"""Simple VLC widget.
Its player can be controlled through the 'player' attribute, which
is a vlc.MediaPlayer() instance.
def __init__(self, *p):
self.player = instance.media_player_new()
def handle_embed(*args):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return True
self.connect("map", handle_embed)
self.set_size_request(640, 480)
class VideoPlayer:
"""Example simple video player.
def __init__(self):
self.vlc = VLCWidget()
def main(self, fname):
w = gtk.Window()
w.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default = True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not sys.argv[1:]:
print "You must provide at least 1 movie filename"
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 1:
# Only 1 file. Simple interface
the script can be run from the command line like:
python file.avi
The client code which connects to the vlc dbus object is too long to post so instead pretend that i'm using D-Feet to get the bus connection and post messages to it.
Once the example is running, i can see the players dbus interface in d-feet, but i am unable to control it. Is there anything else that i should add to the code above to make it work?
I can't see your implementation of your event loop, so it's hard to tell what might be causing commands to not be recognized or to be dropped. Is it possible your threads are losing the stacktrace information and are actually throwing exceptions?
You might get more responses if you added either a psuedo-code version of your event loop and DBus command parsing or a simplified version?
The working programs found on use ctypes. One which acted as a server used rpyc. Ignoring that one.
The advantages of ctypes over dbus is a huge speed advantage (calling the C library code, not interacting using python) as well as not requiring the library to implement the dbus interface.
Didn't find any examples using gtk or dbus ;-(
Notable examples
Milonga Tango DJing program
Using dbus / gtk
dbus uses gobject mainloop, not gtk mainloop. Totally different beasts. Don't cross the streams! Some fixes:
Don't need this. Threads are evil.
gtk.main_quit() shouldn't work when using gobject Mainloop. gobject mainloop can't live within ur class.
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = gobject.MainLoop()
Pass in loop into ur class. Then call to quit the app
dbus (notify) / gtk working example
Not going to write ur vlc app for u. But here is a working example of using dbus / gtk. Just adapt to vlc. Assumed u took my advise on gtk above. As u know any instance of DesktopNotify must be called while using gobject.Mainloop . But u can place it anywhere within ur main class.
from __future__ import print_function
import gobject
import time, dbus
from dbus.exceptions import DBusException
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
class DesktopNotify(object):
""" Notify-OSD ubuntu's implementation has a 20 message limit. U've been warned. When queue is full, delete old message before adding new messages."""
#Static variables
dbus_loop = None
dbus_proxy = None
dbus_interface = None
loop = None
def dbus_name(self):
return ("org.freedesktop.Notifications")
def dbus_path(self):
return ("/org/freedesktop/Notifications")
def dbus_interface(self):
return self.dbus_name
def __init__(self, strInit="initializing passive notification messaging")
strProxyInterface = "<class 'dbus.proxies.Interface'>"
""" Reinitializing dbus when making a 2nd class instance would be bad"""
if str(type(DesktopNotify.dbus_interface)) != strProxyInterface:
DesktopNotify.dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
bus = dbus.SessionBus(mainloop=DesktopNotify.dbus_loop)
DesktopNotify.dbus_proxy = bus.get_object(self.dbus_name, self.dbus_path)
DesktopNotify.dbus_interface = dbus.Interface(DesktopNotify.dbus_proxy, self.dbus_interface )
DesktopNotify.dbus_proxy.connect_to_signal("NotificationClosed", self.handle_closed)
def handle_closed(self, *arg, **kwargs):
""" Notification closed by user or by code. Print message or not"""
lngNotificationId = int(arg[0])
lngReason = int(arg[1])
def pop(self, lngID):
""" ID stored in database, but i'm going to skip this and keep it simple"""
except DBusException as why:
print(self.__class__.__name__ + ".pop probably no message with id, lngID, why)
def push(self, strMsgTitle, strMsg, dictField):
""" Create a new passive notification (took out retrying and handling full queues)"""
now = time.localtime( time.time() )
strMsgTime = strMsg + " " + time.asctime(now)
del now
strMsgTime = strMsgTime % dictField
app_name="[your app name]"
app_icon = ''
actions = ''
hint = ''
expire_timeout = 10000 #Use seconds * 1000
summary = strMsgTitle
body = strMsgTime
lngNotificationID = None
lngNotificationID = DesktopNotify.dbus_interfacec.Notify(app_name, 0, app_icon, summary, body, actions, hint, expire_timeout)
except DBusException as why:
#Excellent spot to delete oldest notification and then retry
print(self.__class__.__name__ + ".push Being lazy. Posting passive notification was unsuccessful.", why)
#Excellent spot to add to database upon success

