I am updating some code from using libglade to GtkBuilder, which is supposed to be the way of the future.
With gtk.glade, you could call glade_xml.signal_autoconnect(...) repeatedly to connect signals onto objects of different classes corresponding to different windows in the program. However Builder.connect_signals seems to work only once, and (therefore) to give warnings about any handlers that aren't defined in the first class that's passed in.
I realize I can connect them manually but this seems a bit laborious. (Or for that matter I could use some getattr hackery to let it connect them through a proxy to all the objects...)
Is it a bug there's no function to hook up handlers across multiple objects? Or am I missing something?
Someone else has a similar problem http://www.gtkforums.com/about1514.html which I assume means this can't be done.
Here's what I currently have. Feel free to use it, or to suggest something better:
class HandlerFinder(object):
"""Searches for handler implementations across multiple objects.
# See <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4637792> for why this is
# necessary.
def __init__(self, backing_objects):
self.backing_objects = backing_objects
def __getattr__(self, name):
for o in self.backing_objects:
if hasattr(o, name):
return getattr(o, name)
raise AttributeError("%r not found on any of %r"
% (name, self.backing_objects))
I have been looking for a solution to this for some time and found that it can be done by passing a dict of all the handlers to connect_signals.
The inspect module can extract methods using
inspect.getmembers(instance, predicate=inspect.ismethod
These can then be concatenated into a dictionary using d.update(d3), watching out for duplicate functions such as on_delete.
Example code:
import inspect
handlers = {}
for c in [win2, win3, win4, self]: # self is the main window
methods = inspect.getmembers(c, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
This will not pick up alias method names declared using #alias. For an example of how to do that, see the code for Builder.py, at def dict_from_callback_obj.
I'm only a novice but this is what I do, maybe it can inspire;-)
I instantiate the major components from a 'control' and pass the builder object so that the instantiated object can make use of any of the builder objects (mainwindow in example) or add to the builder (aboutDialog example). I also pass a dictionary (dic) where each component adds "signals" to it.
Then the 'connect_signals(dic)' is executed.
Of course I need to do some manual signal connecting when I need to pass user arguments to the callback method, but those are few.
class Control:
def __init__(self):
# Load the builder obj
guibuilder = gtk.Builder()
# Create a dictionnary to store signal from loaded components
dic = {}
# Instanciate the components...
aboutdialog = modules.aboutdialog.AboutDialog(guibuilder, dic)
mainwin = modules.mainwindow.MainWindow(guibuilder, dic, self)
del dic
class AboutDialog:
def __init__(self, builder, dic):
dic["on_OpenAboutWindow_activate"] = self.on_OpenAboutWindow_activate
self.builder = builder
def on_OpenAboutWindow_activate(self, menu_item):
self.aboutdialog = self.builder.get_object("aboutdialog")
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self, builder, dic, controller):
self.control = controller
# get gui xml and/or signals
dic["on_file_new_activate"] = self.control.newFile
dic["on_file_open_activate"] = self.control.openFile
dic["on_file_save_activate"] = self.control.saveFile
dic["on_file_close_activate"] = self.control.closeFile
# get needed gui objects
self.mainWindow = builder.get_object("mainWindow")
Edit: alternative to auto attach signals to callbacks:
Untested code
def start_element(name, attrs):
if name == "signal":
if attrs["handler"]:
handler = attrs["handler"]
#Insert code to verify if handler is part of the collection
#we want.
def extractSignals(uiFile)
import xml.parsers.expat
p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
p.StartElementHandler = self.start_element
self.handlerList = []
for handler in handlerList:
dic[handler] = eval(''. join(["self.", handler, "_cb"]))
"on_window_destroy" : gtk.main_quit,
"on_buttonQuit_clicked" : gtk.main_quit
I have classes that contain unpickleable attributes, e.g. COM interfaces. When I pickle the classes I can remove those attributes to make the whole instance of this class pickleable.
But when I unpickle the dumped data again, of course I want to re-establish those previously removed attributes. The easiest for me would be to provide the new values, e.g. the COM interfaces, as additional parameters to __setstate__() but of course this is not possible.
Is there another nice solution to this without setting all those attributes one by another from externally? Maybe something using __getnewargs__(), which I have not really understood yet?
Here is a minimal example:
import win32com.client as COM
import pickle
class Test:
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
def __getstate__(self):
attr = self.__dict__.copy()
# Remove the unpicklable entries.
attr['app'] = None
return attr
def __setstate__(self, attr):
# FIXME: Re-establish COM interfaces here! Would be nice to provide
# app as parameter an do self.app = app here.
# This must be done outside the class since it is only that easy in this
# minimal example.
app = COM.Dispatch('designer.Application')
test = Test(app)
with open('Test.pickle', 'wb') as fid:
pickle.dump(test, fid)
with open('Test.pickle', 'rb') as fid:
test_new = pickle.load(fid)
# Of course now I could do
# test_new.app = app
# But this is cumbersome with a lot of such attributes to be set...
print(test.app, test_new.app)
I use an external tool in my Python code. In order to initialize this tool, I have to create a couple of objects. The external tool in question provides two quite different APIs, and no one of these APIs is capable of creating all objects the tool needs. Let's say, the tool is trafic simulation tool, where car objects are created using API 1 and bikes are created using API 2.
I have played with inheritance, tried to pick an appropriate design pattern but all my solutions look ugly to me.
The most simple way to represent what I am trying to achieve is:
class ObjectHandler():
api_1_types = ('type1', 'foo')
api_2_types = ('type2', 'bar')
def __init__(self):
self.handler1 = ObjectHandler1()
self.handler2 = ObjectHandler2()
def create(self, obj_type):
if obj_type in self.api_1_types:
return self.handler1.create()
elif obj_type in self.api_2_types:
return self.handler2.create()
raise NotImplementedError
class ObjectHandler1():
def __init__(self):
# load external module that defines API 1
def create(self):
# return an object created via API 1
class ObjectHandler2():
def __init__(self):
# load external module that defines API 2
def create(self):
# return an object created via API 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
handler = ObjectHandler()
object_1 = handler.create('type1') # must be created by ObjectHandler1
object_2 = handler.create('type2') # must be created by ObjectHandler2
I am now searching for a good OO and pythonic way to achieve this.
Your method looks ok. Should use sets for in tests but it doesn't really matter. An alternative could be the following but I don't know if it is better:
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = dict()
handler1 = ObjectHandler1()
for type in api_1_types:
# These won't be copied but simply be a reference to the object
self.handlers[type] = handler1
# Repeat for the other one
def create(self, obj_type):
return self.handlers[obj_type].create()
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError
I struggled to think of a good title so I'll just explain it here. I'm using Python in Maya, which has some event callback options, so you can do something like on save: run function. I have a user interface class, which I'd like it to update when certain events are triggered, which I can do, but I'm looking for a cleaner way of doing it.
Here is a basic example similar to what I have:
class test(object):
def __init__(self, x=0):
self.x = x
def run_this(self):
print self.x
def display(self):
print 'load user interface'
#Here's the main stuff that used to be just 'test().display()'
callbacks = [callback1, callback2, ...]
except NameError:
for i in callbacks:
except RuntimeError:
ui = test(5)
callback1 = OpenMaya.MEventMessage.addEventCallback('SomeEvent', ui.run_this)
callback2 = OpenMaya.MEventMessage.addEventCallback('SomeOtherEvent', ui.run_this)
callback3 = ......
The callback persists until Maya is restarted, but you can remove it using removeCallback if you pass it the value that is returned from addEventCallback. The way I have currently is just check if the variable is set before you set it, which is a lot more messy than the previous one line of test().display()
Would there be a way that I can neatly do it in the function? Something where it'd delete the old one if I ran the test class again or something similar?
There are two ways you might want to try this.
You can an have a persistent object which represents your callback manager, and allow it to hook and unhook itself.
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.cmds as cmds
class CallbackHandler(object):
def __init__(self, cb, fn):
self.callback = cb
self.function = fn
self.id = None
def install(self):
if self.id:
print "callback is currently installed"
return False
self.id = om.MEventMessage.addEventCallback(self.callback, self.function)
return True
def uninstall(self):
if self.id:
self.id = None
return True
print "callback not currently installed"
return False
def __del__(self):
def test_fn(arg):
print "callback fired 2", arg
cb = CallbackHandler('NameChanged', test_fn)
# callback is active
# callback not active
# callback on again
del(cb) # or cb = None
# callback gone again
In this version you'd store the CallbackHandlers you create for as long as you want the callback to persist and then manually uninstall them or let them fall out of scope when you don't need them any more.
Another option would be to create your own object to represent the callbacks and then add or remove any functions you want it to trigger in your own code. This keeps the management entirely on your side instead of relying on the api, which could be good or bad depending on your needs. You'd have an Event() class which was callable (using __call__() and it would have a list of functions to fire then its' __call__() was invoked by Maya. There's an example of the kind of event handler object you'd want here
I want to write application with a tree view widget in witch I will store my objects of class 'Item'.
I know that in order to do so my 'Item' class must inherit from GObject class. Unfortunately something is wrong and I don't see text of items on my tree. I only get this warning:
Warning: unable to set property 'text' of type 'gchararray' from value of type '__main__+Item'
What I will have to do to fix this?
This sample program is demonstrates problem and it's ready to test fixes:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import GObject
class Item(GObject.GObject):
text = GObject.property(type=str, default='item', flags=GObject.PARAM_READWRITE)
def __init__(self, title):
self.__title = title
def __str__(self):
return self.__title
class MainWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
self.connect('destroy', self.on_destroy)
tree_model = Gtk.TreeStore(Item.__gtype__)
# tree_model = Gtk.TreeStore(str)
text_renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
text_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, text_renderer)
text_column.add_attribute(text_renderer, 'text', 0)
tree_view = Gtk.TreeView(tree_model)
tree_model.append(None, (Item('test'),))
# tree_model.append(None, ('It works!',))
def on_destroy(self, e):
if __name__ == '__main__':
GtkCellRendererText requires string (gchararray) data for its text property, and it is receiving custom GObject values. The __str__ function works on the Python level and is never invoked by GObject.
Fortunately, what you want to achieve doesn't require subclassing GObject. You need to do the following:
Specify the tree store column as GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT. This will allow you to append your instances to the tree store without inheritance from GObject or special properties.
Use set_cell_data_func on the tree view columns to extract textual data from your instances stored in the model.
See this answer for a working example of this technique.
from traits.api import HasTraits, List
import cPickle
class Client(HasTraits):
data = List
class Person(object):
def __init__(self):
self.client = Client()
# dynamic handler
def report(self,obj,name,old,new):
print 'client added-- ' , new.added
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Person()
p.client.data = [1,2,3]
The above code reports a dynamic trait. Everything works as expected in this code. However, using a new python process and doing the following:
>>> from traits_pickle_problem import Person, Client
>>> p=cPickle.load(open('testTraits.pkl','rb'))
>>> p.client.data.append(1000)
causes no report of the list append. However, re-establishing the listener separately as follows:
>>> p.client.on_trait_event(p.report,'data_items')
>>> p.client.data.append(1000)
client added-- [1000]
makes it work again.
Am I missing something or does the handler need to be re-established in __setstate__ during the unpickling process.
Any help appreciated. This is for Python 2.7 (32-bit) on windows with traits version 4.30.
Running pickletools.dis(cPickle.dumps(p)), you can see the handler object being referenced:
213: c GLOBAL 'traits.trait_handlers TraitListObject'
But there's no further information on how it should be wired to the report method. So either the trait_handler doesn't pickle itself out properly, or it's an ephemeral thing like a file handle that can't be pickled in the first place.
In either case, your best option is to overload __setstate__ and re-wire the event handler when the object is re-created. It's not ideal, but at least everything is contained within the object.
class Person(object):
def __init__(self):
self.client = Client()
# dynamic handler
self.client.on_trait_event(self.report, 'data_items')
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.client = d['client']
self.client.on_trait_event(self.report, 'data_items')
def report(self, obj, name, old, new):
print 'client added-- ', new.added
Unpickling the file now correctly registers the event handler:
>>> client added-- [1000]
You might find this talk Alex Gaynor did at PyCon interesting. It goes into the high points of how pickling work under the hood.
EDIT - initial response used on_trait_change - a typo that appears to work. Changed it back to on_trait_event for clarity.
I had the same problem but came around like this: Imaging I want to pickle only parts of a quiet big class and some of the objects has been set so transient=True so they're not pickled because there is nothing important to save, e.g.
class LineSpectrum(HasTraits):
andor_cam = Instance(ANDORiKonM, transient=True)
In difference to objects which should be saved, e.g.
spectrometer = Instance(SomeNiceSpectrometer)
In my LineSpectrum class, I have a
def __init__(self, f):
super(LineSpectrum, self).__init__()
def __setstate__(self, state): # WORKING!
print("LineSpectrum: __setstate__ with super(...) call")
super(LineSpectrum, self).__init__() # this has to be done, otherwise pickled sliders won't work, also first update __dict__!
self.from_pickle = True # is not needed by traits, need it for myself
self.andor_cam = ANDORiKonM(self.filename)
In my case, this works perfectly - all sliders are working, all values set at the time the object has been pickled are set back.
Hope this works for you or anybody who's having the same problem. Got Anaconda Python 2.7.11, all packages updated.
PS: I know the thread is old, but didn't want to open a new one just for this.