My tkinter application has several controls, and I'd like to know when any changes occur to them so that I can update other parts of the application.
Is there anything that I can do short of writing an updater function, and looping at the end with:
root.after(0, updaterfunction)
This method has worked in the past but I'm afraid that it might be expensive if there are many things to check on.
Even if I did use this method, could I save resources by only updating items with changed variables? If so, please share how, as I'm not sure how to detect specific changes outside of the update function.
Many tkinter controls can be associated with a variable. For those you can put a trace on the variable so that some function gets called whenever the variable changes.
In the following example the callback will be called whenever the variable changes, regardless of how it is changed.
def callback(*args):
print(f"the variable has changed to '{var.get()}'")
root = tk.Tk()
var = tk.StringVar(value="one")
var.trace("w", callback)
For more information about the arguments that are passed to the callback see this answer
To have an event fired when a selection is made set the command option for OptionMenu
def OptionMenu_SelectionEvent(event): # I'm not sure on the arguments here, it works though
## do something
var = StringVar()
options = ["one", "two", "three"]
OptionMenu(frame, var, *(options), command = OptionMenu_SelectionEvent).pack()
If you are using a Tkinter Variable class like StringVar() for storing the variables in your Tkinter OptionMenu or Checkbutton, you can use its trace() method.
trace(), basically, monitors the variable when it is read from or written to.
The trace() method takes 2 arguments - mode and function callback.
trace(mode, callback)
The mode argument is one of “r” (call observer when variable is read by someone), “w” (call when variable is written by someone), or “u” (undefine; call when the variable is deleted).
The callback argument is the call you want to make to the function when the variable is changed.
This is how it is used -
def callback(*args):
print("variable changed!")
var = StringVar()
var.trace("w", callback)
Source :
This will print the dropdown selection to the console. but my suggestion is to avoid console in GUI based applications. create a text indicator and print output to it
use the function in below code
from tkinter import *
tk = Tk()
def OptionMenu_SelectionEvent(event):
var = StringVar(); var.set("one")
options = ["one", "two", "three"]
OptionMenu(tk, var, *(options), command = OptionMenu_SelectionEvent).pack()
I'm developing an application what have its functions set in different files.
The main file have a tkinter interface and the buttons, entrys and labels are in other file, like this:
from tkinter import *
class Program:
def __init__(self, root):
self.main_frame = Frame(root)
import Buttons
self.branch = Buttons.New_Button(self.main_frame)
#Here i wuold like to verify the hipotetic variable after the main_frame were destroyed
if self.branch.hipotetic_variable:
app = Program(Tk())
from tkinter import *
import functools
class New_Button:
def __init__(self, using_frame):
self.button_1 = Button(using_frame, text = 'Button 1', command=functools.partial(self.Func, using_frame))
def Func(self, to_destroy):
#Here is the hipotetic variable what i would like to verify with if statment
self.hipotetic_variable = True
The problem is that I want to keep managing the program in the main file calling the other functions and implementing it, but I cannot verify if it's time to update the screen because mainloop makes impossible to verify it using a while loop and an hipotetic variable that's created after user pressed button.
I wold like to know if there is an way to update an variable contained in the file on to keep implementing all other canvas in this file.
Your if self.branch.hipotetic_variable: check in the Program.__init__() method is only going to be executed when the Program class instance gets created initially, which is before the button that could change the value of the variable could have been pressed. You also don't want to make the hipotetic_variable an attribute of the Button because that will be destroyed along with the Frame it is in when that's destroyed in the button callback function.
Tkinter applications are user-event driven, meaning that they're "run" by responding to events (that's what mainloop is all about). This type of programming paradigm is different from the procedural or imperative one you're probably used to.
Therefore to do what you want requires setting things up so an event that the program can respond to will be generated, which in this case to when the frame is destroyed. One way to do that is by taking advantage of tkinter Variable classes to hold this hipotetic variable you're interested in. It looks like a boolean, so I used a tkinter BooleanVar to hold its value. One interesting thing about Variables is that you can have changes to their values "traced" by defining functions to be called whenever that happens. That's what I have done in the code below, and the callback function in this case — check_hipotetic_variable() — updates a Label to display the new value of the variable when it's called.
Below is your code with the modifications necessary to use a tkinter BooleanVar and trace changes to its value.
from tkinter import *
import Buttons
class Program:
def __init__(self, root):
self.main_frame = Frame(root)
self.notice_lbl = Label(root, text='')
self.hipotetic_variable = BooleanVar(value=False)
# Set up a trace "write" callback for whenever its contents are changed.
self.hipotetic_variable.trace('w', self.check_hipotetic_variable)
self.branch = Buttons.New_Button(self.main_frame, self.hipotetic_variable)
def check_hipotetic_variable(self, *args):
"""Display value of the hipotetic variable."""
value = self.hipotetic_variable.get()
self.notice_lbl.config(text=f'hipotetic variable is: {value}')
app = Program(Tk())
from tkinter import *
import functools
class New_Button:
def __init__(self, using_frame, variable):
self.button_1 = Button(using_frame, text = 'Button 1',
command=functools.partial(self.Func, using_frame))
self.variable = variable # Save for use in callback.
def Func(self, to_destroy):
self.variable.set(True) # # Change value of the variable.
P.S. I noticed you're not following the PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code, which makes reading your code harder to read and follow that if you're were following them — for that reason I strongly suggest you read the guide and start following the suggestions, especially the Naming Conventions which apply to functions and variable names, as well as the names of script files.
When I run the following code, I receive the following error: NameError: name 'barE' is not defined.
Does Tkinter's Entry work from one function to another? I have a global window and frame in this program and it passes the user's input without error using the same syntax as below.
def newSearchForm():
frame = Frame(window2)
frame.pack(side="top", expand=True, fill="both")
barcode=Label(frame,text="Please Enter The Barcode", font='time 15'),y=90)
isbn=Label(frame,text="Please Enter The ISBN", font='time 15'),y=130)
repeatSearchButton=Button(frame,text="Enter", command=newSearch,width=12,bg='gray'),y=170)
def newSearch():
uB = barE.get()
uI = isbE.get()
carlSearch(uB, uI)
I tried using the lambda command to explicitly pass the variables and that didn't work.
I tried using anexising window and that didn't work, so I destroyed it and created a new one.
I would suggest you to use text variable. You can create a text variable by StringVar and assign it in the entry widget.
For more details on why to use text variable see Should I use Entry's .get() or its textvariable's for Tkinter in Python?
To get value use barE_var.get().
Does Tkinter's Entry work from one function to another?
It does work, but have to use global keyword to access them.
def newSearch():
global barE_var
this is my first project using Tkinter so please excuse me if the question is very simple to solve.
Depending on what option the user chooses from a dropdown, I call a function that creates and places certain widgets (e.g. an entry) on a frame. Then, when another button is pushed I want to access the text inside this entry. However, this seems to be giving me errors (saying that the widget is undefined) because I want to access a widget which I create when a function is called.
An obvious solution I see is to create all possible widgets I want to use outside the function, and only place them when the function is called. This seems quite sloppy and creates many more issues. Is there another fix?
Thanks in advance!
This is the function where I create and place the widgets on the frame.
def loadBook():
print("book is loaded")
labelAuth1 = tk.Label(frame, text="Author 1 Name:")
entryAuth1 = tk.Entry(frame), relheight=0.08, rely=0.1), relwidth=0.18, relx=0.3, rely=0.1)
This is a snippet of a function which uses input from the entry widget I created above:
def isBook():
if len(entryAuthSur1.get())==0:
bookString = ""
bookString += entryAuthSur1.get()
When the second function executes, I get a runtime error that entryAuthSur1 is not defined.
All variables inside functions are local. That means that it is deleted after the function call ends. As your variable (entryAuth1) wasn't global so it only existed inside the function and was deleted when the loadBook function ended. This is the working code:
import tkinter as tk
# Making a window for the widgets
root = tk.Tk()
def loadBook():
global entryAuth1 # make the entry global so all functions can access it
print("book is loaded")
labelAuth1 = tk.Label(root, text="Author 1 Name:")
entryAuth1 = tk.Entry(root)
# I will check if the user presses the enter key to run the second function
entryAuth1.bind("<Return>", lambda e: isBook())
def isBook():
global entryAuth1 # make the entry global so all functions can access it
# Here you had `entryAuthSur1` but I guess it is the same as `entryAuth1`
if len(entryAuth1.get())==0:
bookString = ""
bookString += entryAuth1.get()
print(bookString) # I am going to print the result to the screen
# Call the first function
Below is some code that I'm testing with. In this code, I am able to create a window and have a Label on top and a Entry field on bottom. When I type in that entry field, I can dynamically change what's in the label. Now, I have included a function that is trying to evaluate a variable assigned to "tex", by storing what is predefined in the Entry widget. Which is "cat". This is picked up by:
tex = e.get()
I understand that get() is not changing dynamically as I change the text in the entry widget. So it cannot change to "dog" when I change the string in the entry widget. Is this possible? Here is the code:
from Tkinter import *
import time
root = Tk()
def change():
if tex == ("cat"):
e.delete(0, END)
e.insert(0, "dog")
v = StringVar()
e = Entry(root, textvariable=v)
e.insert(0, "cat")
tex = e.get() #When text is defined with get(), it does not change
#dynamically with the entry widget
l = Label(root, textvariable=v)
Any help would be appreciated.
To answer your specific question, no, there is no way for tex to magically keep updated when the entry widget changes. That feature is exactly why the textvariable attribute exists -- it causes the variable to always be updated with the value in the entry widget. If you need the data in another variable, you will have to call the .get() method.
That being said, you can set a trace on the variable, or a binding on the entry widget, and have it call code that can update tex to whatever you want when the entry widget changes.
For example, the following code shows how to have callback called whenever the value in the entry widget changes:
def callback(*args):
global tex
tex = e.get()
v.trace("w", callback)
For more information about what arguments are passed to the callback, see What are the arguments to Tkinter variable trace method callbacks?
All that being said, you have a couple of critical flaws in your code. First, you are creating the StringVar incorrectly. It needs to be v = StringVar() (note the trailing ()).
Also, you should never call sleep in the main thread of a GUI program. Read up on the after method if you want to execute some code after some time has elapsed.
I'm using TKinter (I'm new with GUI tools), and I would like to know if it is possible to add (or activate) a entry with base on the answer of a option menu. Below is a part of the code
from Tkinter import *
Label(win, text="Is This a Data Cube?",font='20').grid(row=14, column=0,sticky=W)
DataCubeValue = StringVar(win)
DataCube = OptionMenu(win,DataCubeValue,"True","False")
DataCube.grid(row=15, column=0,sticky=W)
If the answer is True is choosen I would like to display this:
Label(win, text="X and Y values (x,y)",font='20').grid(row=14, column=1,sticky=W)
XYValue = StringVar(win)
XY = Entry(win,textvariable=XYValue)
XY.grid(row=15, column=1,sticky=W)
A central idea of GUI programming is to register code to be executed in reaction of user actions. Such code is usually named callback (the toolkit call it back depending on user actions on the interface).
You can bind to DataCubeValue changes with the following line. callback method (to be defined before) will be cause each time the value of DataCubeValue change.
DataCubeValue.trace("w", callback)
In the callback method, you can either choose to place the block of code with Label and Entry instantiation, but think that callback will be called every time the user change the OptionMenu value. You could either deactivate the OptionMenu once the user used it, but I would advise to instantiate your widgets in the initial run, and just display or hide them from the callback.
def callback(*args):
if DataCubeValue.get() == "True":
label.grid(row=14, column=1,sticky=W)
XY.grid(row=15, column=1,sticky=W)