I'm using Python 3.8.3 on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
I'm currently building an online chat and this is my person.py code:
class Person:
Represents a person, hold name, socket client and client addr
def __init__(self, addr, client):
self.addr = addr
self.client = client
self.name = None
def set_name(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return f"Person({self.addr}, {self.name})"
And this is my server.py coding:
from threading import Thread
import time
from person import Person
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 5500
BUFSIZ = 512
persons = []
SERVER.bind(ADDR) # set up server
def broadcast(msg, name):
send new messages to all clients
:param msg: bytes["utf8"]
:param name: str
for person in persons:
client = person.client
client.send(bytes(name, "utf8") + msg)
def client_communication(person):
Thread to handle all messages from client
:param person: Person
:return: None
client = person.client
# get persons name
name = client.recv(BUFSIZ).decode("utf8")
msg = bytes(f"{name} has joined the chat!", "utf8")
broadcast(msg, "") # broadcast welcome message
while True:
msg = client.recv(BUFSIZ)
if msg == bytes("{quit}", "utf8"):
broadcast(f"{name} has left the chat...", "")
print(f"[DISCONNECTED] {name} disconnected")
broadcast(msg, name+": ")
print(f"{name}: ", msg.decode("utf8"))
except Exception as e:
print("[EXCEPTION]", e)
def wait_for_connection():
Wait for connetion from new clients, start new thread once connected
:return: None
run = True
while run:
client, addr = SERVER.accept()
person = Person(addr, client)
print(f"[CONNECTION] {addr} connected to the server at {time.time()}")
Thread(target=client_communication, args=(person,)).start()
except Exception as e:
print("[EXCEPTION]", e)
run = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
SERVER.listen(MAX_CONNECTIONS) # listen for connections
print("[STARTED] Waiting for connections...")
ACCEPT_THREAD = Thread(target=wait_for_connection)
The problem is, everytime i try to run the program, it gives me this error:
from person import Person
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'person'
Does somebody know how to solve this problem?
The Problem
Most likely, this is a path-finding error. The Python Path will look in the installation's lib and site-packages folders. It will also look at the current working directory. So if you're running one file from another folder but trying to import something it will look in your running directory instead of where the file you're running. Here are two solutions to this problem.
First Solution
You can make the working directory the same as the file you're running. Giving the following file structure:
+-- thecode
|-- server.py
+-- person.py
You have the current working directory aka where you're running your command as workingdir so a terminal might look like this:
workingdir % python thecode/server.py
Thus you need to change the working directory to thecode instead. Do cd thecode to get there.
Second Solution
You can instead add the file's directory to the python path. This is held in sys.path, and gets at the end of each python run. Thus, it is best to add to the path at the beginning of your server.py file so that person.py is in your path before you import it. Use something like the following code to do this.
import sys
import os.path
# now you may import Person.
from person import Person
The first two modules, sys and os, are pretty standard and will give you the tools to append to the Python path. The os.path.abspath gets the absolute path of your current file, in this case it's server.py. Then os.path.split will get the trailing (all the directories) and the head (the filename) of your absolute path. Finally appending to the sys.path allows Python to find person.py in your file's directory.
Other Solutions (That probably won't be used in this case)
You can also create a custom Python package and install it using pip. This isn't very useful in this case since the import problem is just one file, however, if you ever want to create a custom Python project that other's may use this Python docs article will help.
The final solution (which admittedly I used to do and isn't the best workaround) is to put your file in a folder that's already in the Python path. In this case, it would probably be the lib folder. For me, running Python 3.8 the path is /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8, for any Python 3.x version this will be the same but the version replaced. Python 2.x has different locations sometimes.
Windows 10 + python 3.6.3 64 bit (also tried 32 bit). I am a python developer trying to use COM for (nearly) the first time and hit this huge blocker.
I have had various errors when trying to use an IRTDServer implemented in a dll (not written by me), via either win32com or comtypes. Using win32com turned out to be more difficult. I have an included an example unittest for both libraries below.
Accessing the server from Excel 2016 works as expected; this returns the expected value:
=RTD("foo.bar", , "STAT1", "METRIC1")
Code using win32com library
Here is a simple test case which should connect to the server but doesn't. (This is just one version, as I have changed it many times trying to debug the problem.)
from unittest import TestCase
class COMtest(TestCase):
def test_win32com(self):
import win32com.client
from win32com.server.util import wrap
class RTDclient:
# are these only required when implementing the server?
_com_interfaces_ = ["IRTDUpdateEvent"]
_public_methods_ = ["Disconnect", "UpdateNotify"]
_public_attrs_ = ["HeartbeatInterval"]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._comObj = win32com.client.Dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
def connect(self):
self._rtd = win32com.client.CastTo(self._comObj, 'IRtdServer')
result = self._rtd.ServerStart(wrap(self))
assert result > 0
def UpdateNotify(self):
print("UpdateNotify() callback")
def Disconnect(self):
print("Disconnect() called")
HeartbeatInterval = -1
_rtd = RTDclient("foo.bar")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "env\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 532, in EnsureDispatch
ti = disp._oleobj_.GetTypeInfo()
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147467263, 'Not implemented', None, None)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test\test.py", line 23, in test_win32com
File "test\test.py", line 16, in connect
self._rtd = win32com.client.CastTo(dispatch, 'IRtdServer')
File "env\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 134, in CastTo
ob = gencache.EnsureDispatch(ob)
File "env\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 543, in EnsureDispatch
raise TypeError("This COM object can not automate the makepy process - please run makepy manually for this object")
TypeError: This COM object can not automate the makepy process - please run makepy manually for this object
Following those directions, I ran the makepy script successfully:
> env\Scripts\python.exe env\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\makepy.py "foo.bar"
Generating to C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\3.5\longuuid1x0x1x0.py
Building definitions from type library...
Importing module
(I replaced the UUID on stackoverflow for privacy. This UUID is the same as the typelib UUID for "foo.bar".)
The generated file contains various the function and type definitions of both IRtdServer and IRTDUpdateEvent. But in this file, both interfaces are subclasses of win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass, while according to OleViewDotNet, they should be subclasses of IUnknown?
However, when I attempted to run the unittest again, I received the exact same error as before. It is as if the lookup mechanism is not finding the generated module?
Also, GetTypeInfo returning Not implemented is alarming me. From my understanding, win32com uses that method (part of IDispatch COM interface) to determine the argument and return types for all other functions in other interfaces, including IRtdServer. If it's not implemented, it would be unable to determine the types correctly. Yet, the generated file seems to include this information, which is also perplexing.
Code using comtypes library
from unittest import TestCase
class COMtest(TestCase):
def test_comtypes(self):
import comtypes.client
class RTDclient:
# are these for win32com only?
_com_interfaces_ = ["IRTDUpdateEvent"]
_public_methods_ = ["Disconnect", "UpdateNotify"]
_public_attrs_ = ["HeartbeatInterval"]
def __init__(self, clsid):
self._comObj = comtypes.client.CreateObject(clsid)
def connect(self):
self._rtd = self._comObj.IRtdServer()
result = self._rtd.ServerStart(self)
assert result > 0
def UpdateNotify(self):
print("UpdateNotify() callback")
def Disconnect(self):
print("Disconnect() called")
HeartbeatInterval = -1
_rtd = RTDclient("foo.bar")
File "test\test.py", line 27, in test_comtypes
File "test\test.py", line 16, in connect
self._rtd = self._comObj.IRTDServer()
File "env\lib\site-packages\comtypes\client\dynamic.py", line 110, in __getattr__
dispid = self._comobj.GetIDsOfNames(name)[0]
File "env\lib\site-packages\comtypes\automation.py", line 708, in GetIDsOfNames
self.__com_GetIDsOfNames(riid_null, arr, len(names), lcid, ids)
_ctypes.COMError: (-2147352570, 'Unknown name.', (None, None, None, 0, None))
Some other solutions I've tried
(Based on googling and answers in the comments below)
(Re-)Registered the DLL
Registered the 32 bit version of the DLL and tried python 32 bit
Set compatibility mode of python.exe to Windows XP SP3
Tried not instantiating IRtdServer, that is, replacing these two lines:
self._rtd = self._comObj.IRtdServer()
result = self._rtd.ServerStart(self)
result = self._comObj.ServerStart(self)
The error this time is:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
That would seem to indicate that the ServerStart function exists, but is undefined? (Seems really weird. There must be more to this mystery.)
Tried passing interface="IRtdServer" parameter to CreateObject:
def __init__(self, clsid):
self._comObj = comtypes.client.CreateObject(clsid, interface="IRtdServer")
def connect(self):
result = self._comObj.ServerStart(self)
The error received is:
File "test\test.py", line 13, in __init__
self._comObj = comtypes.client.CreateObject(clsid, interface="IRtdServer")
File "env\lib\site-packages\comtypes\client\__init__.py", line 238, in CreateObject
obj = comtypes.CoCreateInstance(clsid, clsctx=clsctx, interface=interface)
File "env\lib\site-packages\comtypes\__init__.py", line 1223, in CoCreateInstance
p = POINTER(interface)()
TypeError: Cannot create instance: has no _type_
Tracing code in the comtypes library, that would seem to indicate that the interface parameter wants an interface class, not a string. I found various interfaces defined in the comtypes library: IDispatch, IPersist, IServiceProvider. All are subclasses of IUnknown. According to OleViewDotNet, IRtdServer is also a subclass of IUnknown. This leads me to believe that I need to similarly write an IRtdServer class in python in order to use the interface, but I don't know how to do that.
I noticed the dynamic parameter of CreateObject. The code indicates this is mutually exclusive to the interface parameter, so I tried that:
def __init__(self, clsid):
self._comObj = comtypes.client.CreateObject(clsid, dynamic=True)
def connect(self):
self._rtd = self._comObj.IRtdServer()
result = self._rtd.ServerStart(self)
But the error is the same as my original error: IRtdServer has _ctypes.COMError: (-2147352570, 'Unknown name.', (None, None, None, 0, None))
Any help or clues would be greatly be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
(Not really knowing what I'm doing,) I tried to use OleViewDotNet to look at the DLL:
I ran into same problem.
I also tried using win32com to get excel run that for me, that's a bit unstable to be honest...I cannot even touch my Excel.
Therefore I spent some time looking into this. The problem lies with CastTo. Think that COM object you (and I) loaded just does not contain enough information to be casted (some methods like GetTypeInfo are not implemented etc...)
Therefore I created a wrapper that makes methods of those COM objects callable...not obvious. And this seems working for me.
Client code is modified from a project called pyrtd, which didn't work for various reasons (think due to change of RTD model...return of RefreshData is just completely different now).
import functools
import pythoncom
import win32com.client
from win32com import universal
from win32com.client import gencache
from win32com.server.util import wrap
EXCEL_TLB_GUID = '{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'
['IRtdServer', 'IRTDUpdateEvent'])
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
class ObjectWrapperCOM:
This object can act as a wrapper for an object dispatched using win32com.client.Dispatch
Sometimes the object written by 3rd party is not well constructed that win32com will not be able to obtain
type information etc in order to cast the object to a certain interface. win32com.client.CastTo will fail.
This wrapper class will enable the object to call its methods in this case, even if we do not know what exactly
the wrapped object is.
LCID = 0x0
def __init__(self, obj):
self._impl = obj # type: win32com.client.CDispatch
def __getattr__(self, item):
flags, dispid = self._impl._find_dispatch_type_(item)
if dispid is None:
raise AttributeError("{} is not a valid property or method for this object.".format(item))
return functools.partial(self._impl._oleobj_.Invoke, dispid, self.LCID, flags, True)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
class RTDUpdateEvent:
Implements interface IRTDUpdateEvent from COM imports
_com_interfaces_ = ['IRTDUpdateEvent']
_public_methods_ = ['Disconnect', 'UpdateNotify']
_public_attrs_ = ['HeartbeatInterval']
# Implementation of IRTDUpdateEvent.
HeartbeatInterval = -1
def __init__(self, event_driven=True):
self.ready = False
self._event_driven = event_driven
def UpdateNotify(self):
if self._event_driven:
self.ready = True
def Disconnect(self):
class RTDClient:
Implements a Real-Time-Data (RTD) client for accessing COM data sources that provide an IRtdServer interface.
def __init__(self, class_id):
:param classid: can either be class ID or program ID
self._class_id = class_id
self._rtd = None
self._update_event = None
self._topic_to_id = {}
self._id_to_topic = {}
self._topic_values = {}
self._last_topic_id = 0
def connect(self, event_driven=True):
Connects to the RTD server.
Set event_driven to false if you to disable update notifications.
In this case you'll need to call refresh_data manually.
dispatch = win32com.client.Dispatch(self._class_id)
self._update_event = RTDUpdateEvent(event_driven)
self._rtd = win32com.client.CastTo(dispatch, 'IRtdServer')
except TypeError:
# Automated makepy failed...no detailed construction available for the class
self._rtd = ObjectWrapperCOM(dispatch)
def update(self):
Check if there is data waiting and call RefreshData if necessary. Returns True if new data has been received.
Note that you should call this following a call to pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages(). If you neglect to
pump the message loop you'll never receive UpdateNotify callbacks.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
if self._update_event.ready:
self._update_event.ready = False
return True
return False
def refresh_data(self):
Grabs new data from the RTD server.
(ids, values) = self._rtd.RefreshData(self.MAX_REGISTERED_TOPICS)
for id_, value in zip(ids, values):
if id_ is None and value is None:
# This is probably the end of message
assert id_ in self._id_to_topic, "Topic ID {} is not registered.".format(id_)
topic = self._id_to_topic[id_]
self._topic_values[topic] = value
def get(self, topic: tuple):
Gets the value of a registered topic. Returns None if no value is available. Throws an exception if
the topic isn't registered.
assert topic in self._topic_to_id, 'Topic %s not registered.' % (topic,)
return self._topic_values.get(topic)
def register_topic(self, topic: tuple):
Registers a topic with the RTD server. The topic's value will be updated in subsequent data refreshes.
if topic not in self._topic_to_id:
id_ = self._last_topic_id
self._last_topic_id += 1
self._topic_to_id[topic] = id_
self._id_to_topic[id_] = topic
self._rtd.ConnectData(id_, topic, True)
def unregister_topic(self, topic: tuple):
Un-register topic so that it will not get updated.
:param topic:
assert topic in self._topic_to_id, 'Topic %s not registered.' % (topic,)
def disconnect(self):
Closes RTD server connection.
There seems to already be both server/client for Excel 2002.
Looking at that source, once you create a dispatch object, then it seems to be cast to IRtdServer.
Extract related parts, it becomes below.
from win32com import client, universal
from win32com.server.util import wrap
def __init__(self, classid):
self._classid = classid
self._rtd = None
def connect(self, event_driven=True):
dispatch = client.Dispatch(self._classid)
self._rtd = client.CastTo(dispatch, 'IRtdServer')
if event_driven:
Please refer to client.py and examples/rtdtime.py of the following sources.
pyrtd - default
Currently I am working on jython script that can execute an external jython script. The executed (external) jython script must run in the same weblogic session where my script runs in order to be able to cancel the session (in case of error) or activate it. The weblogic connection is being created in my script and the called script has to use the created (with ‘startEdit()’) session.
I found a hybrid solution but perhaps it can be done better.
The executed script in the working solution:
import wlst_operations as wl
print 'Start'
print wl.cmo
print wl.cmo
wl.cd('/JDBCSystemResources/pasDataSource/JDBCResource/pasDataSource/JDBCConnectionPoolPara ms/pasDataSource')
print wl.cmo
The wlst_operations jython was taken from http://www.javamonamour.org/2013/08/wlst-nameerror-cd.html.
As you can see an object like reference (‘wl.’) must be put in front of each WLST command…
The output is fine:
When I don’t use the object reference:
from wlstModule import *
print 'user defined'
print cmo
print cmo
print cmo
Then the output is:
Problem invoking WLST - Traceback (innermost last):
File "/tmp/lv30083/./orchestrator.py", line 83, in ?
File "/tmp/lv30083/./orchestrator.py", line 66, in main
File "/tmp/lv30083/./utils/orch_wl.py", line 55, in execute
File "user_defined_script_incorrect.py", line 11, in ?
AttributeError: setInitialCapacity
i.e. the cd commands are executed (not getting error) but it just doesn’t jump to the datasource…
My script is
import orch_logging
import sys
from wlstModule import *
class WeblogicManager(object):
def connect_to_server(self, p_ssl, p_domainName, p_userConfigFile, p_userKeyFile):
logger = orch_logging.Logger()
logger.info('Trying to connect to the node manager. domainName='+p_domainName+',userConfigFile='+p_userConfigFile+',ssl='+p_ssl+',p_userKeyFile='+p_userKeyFile)
return True
logger.error("Error while trying to connect to node manager!")
return False
def startEdit(self):
def activate(self):
def undo(self):
def disconnect(self):
def execute(self, path):
Is there any way to use the WLST commands without using the 'wl.' reference in front of them?
I had to modify my script. All the operations are now in one context (in the context of my script)
import sys
from wlstModule import *
from weblogic.management.scripting.utils import WLSTUtil
import sys
# needed to execute normal (without object reference) WLST commands in child scripts
origPrompt = sys.ps1
theInterpreter = WLSTUtil.ensureInterpreter();
theInterpreter = None
sys.ps1 = origPrompt
modules = WLSTUtil.getWLSTModules()
for mods in modules:
wlstPrompt = "false"
class WeblogicManager(object):
def execute(self, path):
I've looked around quite a bit, but haven't found an error quite like this. When I execute my code (below), I get the exception ControllerFactory instance has no attribute 'startedConnecting'. I tried adding the method with the body just being pass, but that simply causes it to stall without transmitting anything, leading me to believe that the problem lies within the way I've set up the classes.
This code is based on code from the twisted website. It's meant to be able to transmit python files, which the server saves, then later transmit arguments for running the python file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
import argparse
file_header = "pfile:"
run_header = "runwith:"
class Controller(protocol.Protocol):
def sendMessage(self,message):
class ControllerFactory(protocol.Factory):
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
cont = Controller()
cont.factory = self
return cont
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if(args.file and args.args):
raise Exception("Can't send file and args at same time.")
reactor.connectTCP(args.address, 1337, ControllerFactory())
a = open(args.file)
factory.connectedProtocol.sendMessage(file_header + a.read())
factory.connectedProtocol.sendMessage(run_header + args.args)
Use twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory for clients (instead of twisted.internet.protocol.Factory). Or use something from twisted.internet.endpoints instead of twisted.internet.reactor.connectTCP.
Also, note that reactor.run() blocks. All of your code that follows that line will not run in any useful way.
I'm trying to run Flask as a simple CGI app through IIS.
I have the following code:
from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def main():
return 'Woo woo!'
I'm runing Python 3.3 on Windows. I get the following error:
File "C:\Python33\lib\wsgiref\handlers.py",
line 509, in __init__(self, sys.stdin.buffer, sys.stdout.buffer, sys.stderr, )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'buffer' ".
I added some logging code, and it turns out that sys.stdin is None.
Python is added to IIS as a CGI Handler as follows:
Request path: *.py
Executable: C:\Windows\py.exe -3 %s %s
So, why is sys.stdin None, and how can I fix it?
It looks like sys.stdin is None because the file descriptor is invalid.
Interesting. You've answered half your own question. The other half ("how do I fix it") is easy enough, just open some suitable thing (os.devnull is the obvious one) and set sys.stdin to point there. You'll need to do sys.stdout and sys.stderr as well, presumably, so something like this:
import os, sys
for _name in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
if getattr(sys, _name) is None:
setattr(sys, _name, open(os.devnull, 'r' if _name == 'stdin' else 'w'))
del _name # clean up this module's name space a little (optional)
from wsgiref.handlers ...
should do the trick.