Sinusoids in python - python

Write the function sinusoid(a, w, n) that will return a list of ordered pairs representing n cycles of a sinusoid with amplitude a and frequency w. Each cycle should contain 180 ordered pairs.
So far I have:
def sinusoid(a,w,n):
return [a*sin(x) for x in range 180]

Please consider the actual functional form of a sinusoidal wave and how the frequency comes into the equation. (Hint:
Not sure what is meant exactly by 'ordered pairs', but I would assume it means the x,y pairs. Currently you're only returning a list of single values. Also you might want to take a look at the documentation for Python's sin function.

Okay, we know this is a homework assignment and we're not going to do it for you. However, I'll give you a couple hints.
The instructions:
Write the function sinusoid(a, w, n) that will return a list of ordered pairs representing n cycles of a sinusoid with amplitude a and frequency w. Each cycle should contain 180 ordered pairs.
... translated into a bullet list of requirements:
Write a function
... named sinusoid()
... taking three arguments: a, w, and n
returning a list
... of n cycles(?)
... (each consisting of?) 180 "ordered pairs"
The example you've given does define a function, by the correct name, and taking the correct number of arguments. That's a start (not much of one, frankly, but it's something).
The obvious failings are that it doesn't use two of the arguments that are required and it doesn't return pairs of anything. It seems that it would return 180 numbers which are based on the argument supplied to its first parameter.
Surely you can do a bit better than that.
Let's start with a stub:
def sinusoid(a, w, n):
'''Return n cycles of the sinusoid for a given amplitude and frequence
where each cycle consists of 180 ordered pairs
results = list()
# do stuff here
return results
That's a function, takes three arguments and returns a list. Now for that list to contain anything before we return it we'll have to append some things to it ... and the instructions tell us how many things it should return (n times 180) and what sorts of things they should be (ordered pairs).
That sounds quite a bit like we'll need a loop (for n) and another (for 180). Hmmm ...
That might look like:
for each_cycle in range(n):
for each_pair in range(180):
# do something here
results.append(something) # where something is a tuple ... an "ordered pair"
... or it might look like:
for each_cycle in range(n):
this_cycle = list()
for each_pair in range(180):
... or it might even look like:
for each_pair in range(n*180):
... though, frankly, that seems unlikely. (If you try flattening the inner loop to the outer loop in this way you might find that you're having to use modulo arithmetic to get n back out for some other intermediate computational purposes).
I have no idea what the instructor is actually asking for. It seems likely that the math.sin() function will be involved and I guess "ordered pairs" might be co-ordinates mapped to some sort of graphics subsystem and suitable for plotting a graph. I guess 180 of these to show the sinusoid wave through a full range of its values. Maybe you're supposed to multiply something by the amplitude and/or divide something else by the frequency and maybe you're supposed to even add something for each cycle ... some sort of offset to keep the plot moving towards the right or something.
But it seems like you might start with that stub of a function definition and try pasting in one or another of these loop bodies and then figuring out how to actually return meaningful values in the parts where I've used "something" as a placeholder.
Going with the assumption that these "ordered pairs" are co-ordinates, for plotting, then it seems likely that each of the things you append to your results should be of the form (x,y) where x is monotonically increasing (fancy way of saying it keeps going up, never goes down) and might even always be the range(0,n*180) and y is probably math.sin() of something involved a and w ... but that's just speculation on my part.


how can I verify that this hash function is not gonna give me same result for two diiferent strings?

Consider two different strings to be of same length.
I am implementing robin-karp algorithm and using the hash function below:
def hs(pat):
l = len(pat)
pathash = 0
for x in range(l):
pathash += ord(pat[x])*prime**x # prime is global variable equal to 101
return pathash
It's a hash. There's, by definition, no guarantee there will be no collisions - otherwise, the hash would have to be as long as the hashed value, at least.
The idea behind what you're doing is based in number theory: powers of a number that is coprime to the size of your finite group (which probably the original author meant to be something like 2^N) can give you any number in that finite group, and it's hard to tell which one these were.
Sadly, the interesting part of this hash function, namely the size limiting/modulo operation of the hash, has been left out of this code – which makes one wonder where your code comes from. As far as I can immediately see, has little to do with Rabin-Karb.

Sorting points on multiple lines

Given that we have two lines on a graph (I just noticed that I inverted the numbers on the Y axis, this was a mistake, it should go from 11-1)
And we only care about whole number X axis intersections
We need to order these points from highest Y value to lowest Y value regardless of their position on the X axis (Note I did these pictures by hand so they may not line up perfectly).
I have a couple of questions:
1) I have to assume this is a known problem, but does it have a particular name?
2) Is there a known optimal solution when dealing with tens of billions (or hundreds of millions) of lines? Our current process of manually calculating each point and then comparing it to a giant list requires hours of processing. Even though we may have a hundred million lines we typically only want the top 100 or 50,000 results some of them are so far "below" other lines that calculating their points is unnecessary.
Your data structure is a set of tuples
lines = {(y0, Δy0), (y1, Δy1), ...}
You need only the ntop points, hence build a set containing only
the top ntop yi values, with a single pass over the data
top_points = choose(lines, ntop)
EDIT --- to choose the ntop we had to keep track of the smallest
one, and this is interesting info, so let's return also this value
from choose, also we need to initialize decremented
top_points, smallest = choose(lines, ntop)
decremented = top_points
and start a loop...
while True:
Generate a set of decremented values
decremented = {(y-Δy, Δy) for y, Δy in top_points}
decremented = {(y-Δy, Δy) for y, Δy in decremented if y>smallest}
if decremented == {}: break
Generate a set of candidates
candidates = top_lines.union(decremented)
generate a new set of top points
new_top_points, smallest = choose(candidates, ntop)
The following is no more necessary
check if new_top_points == top_points
if new_top_points == top_points: break
top_points = new_top_points</strike>
of course we are in a loop...
The difficult part is the choose function, but I think that this
answer to the question
How can I sort 1 million numbers, and only print the top 10 in Python?
could help you.
It's not a really complicated thing, just a "normal" sorting problem.
Usually sorting requires a large amount of computing time. But your case is one where you don't need to use complex sorting techniques.
You on both graphs are growing or falling constantly, there are no "jumps". You can use this to your advantage. The basic algorithm:
identify if a graph is growing or falling.
write a generator, that generates the values; from left to right if raising, form right to left if falling.
get the first value from both graphs
insert the lower on into the result list
get a new value from the graph that had the lower value
repeat the last two steps until one generator is "empty"
append the leftover items from the other generator.

Getting Keys Within Range/Finding Nearest Neighbor From Dictionary Keys Stored As Tuples

I have a dictionary which has coordinates as keys. They are by default in 3 dimensions, like dictionary[(x,y,z)]=values, but may be in any dimension, so the code can't be hard coded for 3.
I need to find if there are other values within a certain radius of a new coordinate, and I ideally need to do it without having to import any plugins such as numpy.
My initial thought was to split the input into a cube and check no points match, but obviously that is limited to integer coordinates, and would grow exponentially slower (radius of 5 would require 729x the processing), and with my initial code taking at least a minute for relatively small values, I can't really afford this.
I heard finding the nearest neighbor may be the best way, and ideally, cutting down the keys used to a range of +- a certain amount would be good, but I don't know how you'd do that when there's more the one point being used.Here's how I'd do it with my current knowledge:
dimensions = 3
minimumDistance = 0.9
#example dictionary + input
keyToAdd = [0,1,1]
closestMatch = 2**1000
tooClose = False
for keys in dictionary:
#calculate distance to new point
originalCoordinates = str(split( dictionary[keys], "," ) ).replace("(","").replace(")","")
for i in range(dimensions):
distanceToPoint = #do pythagors with originalCoordinates and keyToAdd
#if you want the overall closest match
if distanceToPoint < closestMatch:
closestMatch = distanceToPoint
#if you want to just check it's not within that radius
if distanceToPoint < minimumDistance:
tooClose = True
However, performing calculations this way may still run very slow (it must do this to millions of values). I've searched the problem, but most people seem to have simpler sets of data to do this to. If anyone can offer any tips I'd be grateful.
You say you need to determine IF there are any keys within a given radius of a particular point. Thus, you only need to scan the keys, computing the distance of each to the point until you find one within the specified radius. (And if you do comparisons to the square of the radius, you can avoid the square roots needed for the actual distance.)
One optimization would be to sort the keys based on their "Manhattan distance" from the point (that is, add the component offsets), since the Euclidean distance will never be less than this. This would avoid some of the more expensive calculations (though I don't think you need and trigonometry).
If, as you suggest later in the question, you need to handle multiple points, you can obviously process each individually, or you could find the center of those points and sort based on that.

Mapping a range of integers to a single integer

I have a function which receives an integer as an input and depending on what range this input lies in, assigns to it a difficulty value. I know that this can be done using if else loops. I was wondering whether there is a more efficient/cleaner way to do it.
I tried to do something like this
But found out that we can use range as a key in dict(right?). So is there a better way to do this?
You can implement an interval tree. This kind of data structures are able to return all the intervals that intersect a given input point.
In your case intervals don't overlap, so they would always return 1 interval.
Centered interval trees run in O(log n + m) time, where m is the number of intervals returned (1 in your case). So this would reduce the complexity from O(n) to O(log n).
The idea of these interval trees is the following:
You consider the interval that encloses all the intervals you have
Take the center of that interval and partition the given intervals into those that end before that point, those that contain that point and those that start after it.
Recursively construct the same kind of tree for the intervals ending before the center and those starting after it
Keep the intervals that contain the center point in two sorted sequences. One sorted by starting point, and the other sorted by ending point
When searching go left or right depending on the center point. When you find an overlap you use binary search on the sorted sequence you want to check (this allows for looking up not only intervals that contain a given point but intervals that intersect or contain a given interval).
It's trivial to modify the data structure to return a specific value instead of the found interval.
This said, from the context I don't think you actually need to reduce the efficiency of this lookup and you should probably use the simpler and more readable solution since it would be more maintainable and there are less chances to make mistakes.
However reading about the mroe efficient data structure can turn out useful in the future.
The simplest way is probably just to write a short function:
def convert(n, difficulties=[0, 46, 91, 136, 201]):
if n < difficulties[0]:
raise ValueError
for difficulty, end in enumerate(difficulties):
if n < end:
return difficulty
return len(difficulties)
>>> convert(32)
>>> convert(68)
>>> convert(150)
>>> convert(250)
As a side note: You can use a range as a dictionary key in Python 3.x, but not directly in 2.x (because range returns a list). You could do:
TIME_RATING_KEY = {tuple(range(0, 46)): 1, ...}
However that won't be much help!

Memoized to DP solution - Making Change

Recently I read a problem to practice DP. I wasn't able to come up with one, so I tried a recursive solution which I later modified to use memoization. The problem statement is as follows :-
Making Change. You are given n types of coin denominations of values
v(1) < v(2) < ... < v(n) (all integers). Assume v(1) = 1, so you can
always make change for any amount of money C. Give an algorithm which
makes change for an amount of money C with as few coins as possible.
[on problem set 4]
I got the question from here
My solution was as follows :-
def memoized_make_change(L, index, cost, d):
if index == 0:
return cost
if (index, cost) in d:
return d[(index, cost)]
count = cost / L[index]
val1 = memoized_make_change(L, index-1, cost%L[index], d) + count
val2 = memoized_make_change(L, index-1, cost, d)
x = min(val1, val2)
d[(index, cost)] = x
return x
This is how I've understood my solution to the problem. Assume that the denominations are stored in L in ascending order. As I iterate from the end to the beginning, I have a choice to either choose a denomination or not choose it. If I choose it, I then recurse to satisfy the remaining amount with lower denominations. If I do not choose it, I recurse to satisfy the current amount with lower denominations.
Either way, at a given function call, I find the best(lowest count) to satisfy a given amount.
Could I have some help in bridging the thought process from here onward to reach a DP solution? I'm not doing this as any HW, this is just for fun and practice. I don't really need any code either, just some help in explaining the thought process would be perfect.
I recall reading that function calls are expensive and is the reason why bottom up(based on iteration) might be preferred. Is that possible for this problem?
Here is a general approach for converting memoized recursive solutions to "traditional" bottom-up DP ones, in cases where this is possible.
First, let's express our general "memoized recursive solution". Here, x represents all the parameters that change on each recursive call. We want this to be a tuple of positive integers - in your case, (index, cost). I omit anything that's constant across the recursion (in your case, L), and I suppose that I have a global cache. (But FWIW, in Python you should just use the lru_cache decorator from the standard library functools module rather than managing the cache yourself.)
To solve for(x):
If x in cache: return cache[x]
Handle base cases, i.e. where one or more components of x is zero
Make one or more recursive calls
Combine those results into `result`
cache[x] = result
return result
The basic idea in dynamic programming is simply to evaluate the base cases first and work upward:
To solve for(x):
For y starting at (0, 0, ...) and increasing towards x:
Do all the stuff from above
However, two neat things happen when we arrange the code this way:
As long as the order of y values is chosen properly (this is trivial when there's only one vector component, of course), we can arrange that the results for the recursive call are always in cache (i.e. we already calculated them earlier, because y had that value on a previous iteration of the loop). So instead of actually making the recursive call, we replace it directly with a cache lookup.
Since every component of y will use consecutively increasing values, and will be placed in the cache in order, we can use a multidimensional array (nested lists, or else a Numpy array) to store the values instead of a dictionary.
So we get something like:
To solve for(x):
cache = multidimensional array sized according to x
for i in range(first component of x):
for j in ...:
(as many loops as needed; better yet use `itertools.product`)
If this is a base case, write the appropriate value to cache
Otherwise, compute "recursive" index values to use, look up
the values, perform the computation and store the result
return the appropriate ("last") value from cache
I suggest considering the relationship between the value you are constructing and the values you need for it.
In this case you are constructing a value for index, cost based on:
index-1 and cost
index-1 and cost%L[index]
What you are searching for is a way of iterating over the choices such that you will always have precalculated everything you need.
In this case you can simply change the code to the iterative approach:
for each choice of index 0 upwards:
for each choice of cost:
compute value corresponding to index,cost
In practice, I find that the iterative approach can be significantly faster (e.g. *4 perhaps) for simple problems as it avoids the overhead of function calls and checking the cache for preexisting values.

