I'm using SA 0.6.6, Declarative style, against Postgres 8.3, to map Python objects to a database. I have a table that is self referencing and I'm trying to make a relationship property for it's children. No matter what I try, I end up with a NoReferencedTableError.
My code looks exactly like the sample code from the SA website for how to do this very thing.
Here's the class.
class FilterFolder(Base):
__tablename__ = 'FilterFolder'
id = Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
isShared = Column(Boolean,default=False)
isGlobal = Column(Boolean,default=False)
parentFolderId = Column(Integer,ForeignKey('FilterFolder.id'))
childFolders = relationship("FilterFolder",
backref=backref('parentFolder', remote_side=id)
Here's the error I get:
NoReferencedTableError: Foreign key assocated with column 'FilterFolder.parentFolderId' could not find table 'FilterFolder' with which to generate a foreign key to target column 'id'
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
This was a foolish mistake on my part. I typically specify my FK's by specifying the Entity type, not the string. I am using different schemas, so when defining the FK entity as a string I also need the schema.
parentFolderId = Column(Integer,ForeignKey('FilterFolder.id'))
parentFolderId = Column(Integer,ForeignKey('SchemaName.FilterFolder.id'))
I checked your code with SQLAlchemy 0.6.6 and sqlite. I was able to create the tables, add a parent and child combination, and retrieve them again using a session.query.
As far as I can tell, the exception you mentioned (NoReferencedTableError) is thrown in schema.py (in the SQLAlchemy source) exclusively, and is not database specific.
Some questions: Do you see the same bug if you use an sqlite URL instead of the Postgres one? How are you creating your schema? Mine looks something like this:
engine = create_engine(db_url)
I am using the core of Sqlalchemy so I am not using a declarative base class like in other similar questions.
How to get the primary key of a table using the engine?
So, I just ran into the same problem. You need to create a Table object that reflects the table for which you are looking to find the primary key.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData
dbUrl = 'postgres://localhost:5432/databaseName' #will be different for different db's
engine = create_engine(dbUrl)
meta = MetaData()
table = Table('tableName', meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
primaryKeyColName = table.primary_key.columns.values()[0].name
The Table construct above is useful for a number of different functions. I use it quite a bit for managing geospatial tables since I do not really like any of the current packages out there.
In your comment you mention that you are not defining a table...I think that means that you aren't creating a sqlalchemy model of the the table. With the approach above, you don't need to do that and can gather all sorts of information from a table in a more dynamic fashion. Especially useful if you are be handed someone else's messy database!
Hope that helps.
I'd like to comment, but I do not have enough reputation for that.
Building on greenbergé answer:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData
dbUrl = 'postgres://localhost:5432/databaseName' #will be different for different db's
engine = create_engine(dbUrl)
meta = MetaData()
table = Table('tableName', meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
[0] is not always the PK, only if the PK has only one column.
table.primary_key.columns.values() is a list.
In order to get all columns of a multi-column pk you could use:
primaryKeyColNames = [pk_column.name for pk_column in table.primary_key.columns.values()]
The two answers were given for retrieving the primary key from a metadata object.
Even if it works well, sometimes one can look for retrieving the primary key from an instance of a SQL Alchemy model, without even knowing what actually the model class is (for example if you search for having a helper function called, let's say, get_primary_key, that would accept an instance of a DB Model and output the primary keys).
For this we can use the inspect function from the inspection module :
from sqlalchemy import inspect
def get_primary_key(model_instance):
inspector = inspect(model_instance)
model_columns = inspector.mapper.columns
return [c.description for c in model_columns if c.primary_key]
You could also directly use the __mapper__ object
def get_primary_key(model_instance):
model_columns = model_instance.__mapper__.columns
return [c.description for c in model_columns if c.primary_key]
for a reflected table this works:
I'm using python sqlite3 api to create a database.
In all examples I saw on the documentation table names and colum names are hardcoded inside queries..but this could be a potential problem if I re-use the same table multiple times (ie, creating table, inserting records into table, reading data from table, alter table and so on...) because In case of table modification I need to change the hardcoded names in multiple places and this is not a good programming practice..
How can I solve this problem?
I thought creating a class with just constructor method in order to store all this string names..and use it inside the class that will operation on database..but as I'm not an expert python programmer I would like to share my thoughts...
class TableA(object):
def __init__(self):
self.table_name = 'tableA'
self.name_col1 = 'first_column'
self.name_col2 = 'second_column'
self.type.col2 = 'TEXT'
self.name_col3 = 'third_column'
self.type_col3 = 'BLOB'
and then inside the DB classe
table_A = TableA()
def insert_table(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self._db_name)
query = 'INSERT INTO ' + table_A.table_name + ..... <SNIP>
Is this a proper way to proceed?
I don't know what's proper but I can tell you that it's not conventional.
If you really want to structure tables as classes, you could consider an object relational mapper like SQLAlchemy. Otherwise, the way you're going about it, how do you know how many column variables you have? What about storing a list of 2-item lists? Or a list of dictionaries?
self.column_list = []
The way you're doing it sounds pretty novel. Check out their code and see how they do it.
If you are going to start using classes to provide an abstraction layer for your database tables, you might as well start using an ORM. Some examples are SQLAlchemy and SQLObject, both of which are extremely popular.
Here's a taste of SQLAlchemy:
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
Base = declarative_base()
class TableA(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tableA'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
first_column = Column(Integer)
second_column = Column(String)
# etc...
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///test.db')
Base.metadata.bind = engine
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
ta = TableA(first_column=123, second_column='Hi there')
Of course you would choose semantic names for the table and columns, but you can see that declaring a table is something along the lines of what you were proposing in your question, i.e. using a class. Inserting records is simplified by creating instances of that class.
I personally don't like to use libraries and frameworks without proper reason. So, if I'd such reason, so will write a thinking wrapper around sqlite.
class Column(object):
def __init__(self, col_name="FOO", col_type="INTEGER"):
# standard initialization
And then table class that encapsulates operations with database
class Table(object):
def __init__(self, list_of_columns, cursor):
#create-update-delete commands
In table class you can encapsulate all operations with the database you want.
I'm making a SQLAlchemy base class for a new Postgres database and want to have bookkeeping fields incorporated into it. Specifically, I want to have two columns for modified_at and modified_by that are updated automatically. I was able to find out how to do this for individual tables, but it seems like making this part of the base class is trickier.
My first thought was to try and leverage the declared_attr functionality, but I don't actually want to make the triggers an attribute in the model so that seems incorrect. Then I looked at adding the trigger using event.listen:
trigger = """
CREATE TRIGGER update_{table_name}_modified
BEFORE UPDATE ON {table_name}
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_columns()
def create_modified_trigger(target, connection, **kwargs):
if hasattr(target, 'name'):
Base = declarative_base()
event.listen(Base.metadata,'after_create', create_modified_trigger)
I thought I could find table_name using the target parameter as shown in the docs but when used with Base.metadata it returns MetaData(bind=None) rather than a table.
I would strongly prefer to have this functionality as part of the Base rather than including it in migrations or externally to reduce the chance of someone forgetting to add the triggers. Is this possible?
I was able to sort this out with the help of a coworker. The returned MetaData object did in fact have a list of tables. Here is the working code:
modified_trigger = """
CREATE TRIGGER update_{table_name}_modified
BEFORE UPDATE ON {table_name}
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_columns()
def create_modified_trigger(target, connection, **kwargs):
This is used to add bookkeeping triggers after a table is created. It hooks
into the SQLAlchemy event system. It expects the target to be an instance of
for key in target.tables:
table = target.tables[key]
Base = declarative_base()
event.listen(Base.metadata, 'after_create', create_modified_trigger)
I'm using sqlalchemy and am trying to integrate alembic for database migrations.
My database currently exists and has a number of ForeignKeys defined without names. I would like to add a naming convention to allow for migrations that affect ForeignKey columns.
I've added the naming convention given here to the top of my models.py file:
SQLAlchemy Naming Constraints
convention = {
"ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
"uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
"ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
"fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
"pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
DeclarativeBase = declarative_base()
DeclarativeBase.metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)
def db_connect():
return create_engine(URL(**settings.DATABASE))
def create_reviews_table(engine):
class Review(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'reviews'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
review_id = Column('review_id', String, primary_key=True)
resto_id = Column('resto_id', Integer, ForeignKey('restaurants.id'),
url = Column('url', String),
resto_name = Column('resto_name', String)
I've set up alembic/env.py as per the tutorial instructions, feeding my model's metadata into target_metadata.
When I run
$: alembic current
I get the following error:
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Naming convention including %(constraint_name)s token requires that constraint is explicitly named.
In the docs they say that "This same feature [generating names for columns using a naming convention] takes effect even if we just use the Column.unique flag:" 1, so I'm thinking that there shouldn't be a problem (they go on to give an example using a ForeignKey that isn't named too).
Do I need to go back and give all my constraints explicit names, or is there a way to do it automatically?
just modify th "ck" in convention to "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s"。it works for me .
refer to see sqlalchemy docs
What this error message is telling you is that you should name constraints explicitly. The constraints it's referring to are Boolean, Enum etc but not foreignkeys nor primary keys.
So go through your table, wherever you have a Boolean or Enum add a name to it. For example:
is_active = Column(Boolean(name='is_active'))
That's what you need to do.
This does not aim to be definitive answer and also fails to answer your immediate technical question, but could it be a "philosophical problem"? Either your SQLAlchemy code is the source of truth as far as the database is concerned, or the RDMS is the source. In front of this a mixed situation, where each of the two have part of it, I would see two avenues:
The one that you are exploring: you modify the database's schema to match the SQLAlchemy model and you make your Python code the master. This is the most intuitive, but this may not always be possible, both for technical and administrative reasons.
Accepting that the RDMS has info that SQLAlchemy doesn't have, but is fortunately not relevant for day-to-day work. Your best chance is to use another migration tool (ETL) that will reverse engineer the database before migrating it. After the migration is complete you could give back control of the new instance to SQLAlchemy (which may require some adjustments to the new DB or to the model).
There is no way to tell which approach will work, since both have their own challenges. But I would give some thought to the second method?
I've had some luck altering naming_convention back to {} in each older migration so that they run with the correct historical context.
Still entirely unsure what kind of interesting side-effects this might have.
I'm using SQLAlchemy and I what I liked with Django ORM was the Manager I could implement to override the initial query of an object.
Is something like this exist in SQLAlchemy? I'd like to always exclude items that have "visible = False", when I do something like :
Is it possible?
EDIT: the original version almost worked. The following version actually works.
It sounds like what you're trying to do is arrange for the query entity to be something other than SELECT table.* FROM table. In sqlalchemy, you can map any "selectable" to a class; There are some caveats, though; if the selectable is not a table, inserting data can be tricky. Something like this approaches a workable solution. You probably do want to have a regular table mapped to permit inserts, so the first part is a totally normal table, class and mapper.
blog_post_table = Table("blog_posts", metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('visible', Boolean, default=True),
class BlogPost(object):
blog_post_mapper = mapper(BlogPost, blog_post_table)
Or, if you were using the declarative extension, it'll all be one
class BlogPost(Base):
__tablename__ = 'blog_posts'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
visible = Column(Boolean, default=True)
Now, we need a select expression to represent the visible posts.
visible_blog_posts_expr = sqlalchemy.sql.select(
BlogPost.visible]) \
.where(BlogPost.visible == True) \
Or, since naming all of the columns of the desired query is tedious (not to mention in violation of DRY), you can use the same construct as session.query(BlogPost) and extract the 'statement'. You don't actually want it bound to a session, though, so call the class directly.
visible_blog_posts_expr = \
sqlalchemy.orm.Query(BlogPost) \
.filter(BlogPost.visible == True) \
.statement \
And we map that too.
visible_blog_posts = mapper(BlogPost, visible_blog_posts_expr, non_primary=True)
You can then use the visible_blog_posts mapper instead of BlogPosts with Session.query, and you will still get BlogPost, which can be updated and saved as normal.
posts = session.query(visible_blog_posts).all()
assert all(post.visible for post in posts)
For this particular example, there's not much difference between explicit mapper use and declarative extension, you still must call mapper for the non-primary mappings. At best, it allows you to type SomeClass.colname instead of some_table.c.colname (or SomeClass.__table__.colname, or BlogPost.metadata.tables[BlogPost.__tablename__] or ... and so on).
The mistakes I made in the original example, which are now corrected. I was missing some missing []'s in the call to sqlalchemy.sql.select, which expects the columns to be in a sequence. when using a select statement to mapper, sqlalchemy insists that the statement be aliased, so that it can be named (SELECT .... ) AS some_subselect_alias_5
You can do e.g.
which should give you just the posts you need.