Example google app engine (python, Django) websites with open source [closed] - python

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am learning to create a website using google app engine with python and django. Does anyone have sample websites with open source that i can look at and learn from ?

A nice variety of example projects:

Checkout rietveld, a code review web app along with its source code.


Which framework is best for web based app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a program written in python. I wan to create a site, which provides the results from the site in a web page. The web-page takes input from user process data by the python [program and gives output in the web[age. I have heard that there are web frameworks like web2py, flask, django etc. The site has only minimal data to work on. Which one should I use?
I can only tell my opinion, because there is no right or wrong answer. If you have a small project, use a microframework like bottle.py, cherrypy..., if you have a HUGE project it might pay off to get familiar with a full-blown framework with database-integration like django.

Light Weight Python Web FrameWork [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a database that can be fetched using mysql query and send the data as response for an ajax jquery request. Which python framework would be best suitable to satisfy this primary need?
Thanks in advance.
Flask. Just use Flask.
Honestly you'll finish your project in 20 minutes.

Django blog engine that pulls posts from github? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a blog engine that runs on Django (or at least python) that pulls the blog posts from github?
I really like the idea of Jekyll, which does this in Ruby, but would prefer a python/django solution.
I think that what you're looking for in python is called hyde.

Good examples of open source Google App Engine Django projects [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a good example of a Django / python based Google App Engine app to use a learning tool.
I have seen some of the other posts and they are mainly Java based and not really what I am looking for.
Any advice?
Thank you in advance,
Jaiku and Code Review are two good examples of opensource projects run with GAE/Django.
i didnt find an open source project but i think i found a good tutorial for you
i'll keep this post updated when i find more
Here you have an example of the google prediction api in python that uses appengine and Django in order to build a model and use it to predict the results. It is a great application

any django 's simple login/register demo to be download? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i will be write a login/register demo using django
i want to know that : Does django has a demo like this ?
Django does not has any demo for login/registration.
One of the pillar reasons for Django's popularity is its wholesome documentation. You should be able to comfortably get going using the docs for Django auth.
If interested, you may explore Django registration, which is a custom app that you can easily integrate in your Django powered project.

