Python sqlite parameter extension problem - python

I have a table with three columns, cell, trx and type.
This is the query I'm trying to run:
db.execute("SELECT cell,trx FROM tchdrop").fetchall()
It gives the correct output.
However when I try a = ("cell", "trx") and then
db.execute("SELECT ?,? FROM tchdrop", t).fetchall()
the output is [(u'cell', u'trx'), (u'cell', u'trx')] (which is wrong)
I'm doing this to figure out how to extract columns dynamically which is a part of a bigger problem.

The place holder (?) of python DB-API (like sqlite3) don't support columns names to be passed, so you have to use python string formatting like this:
a = ("cell", "trx")
query = "SELECT {0},{1} FROM tchdrop".format(*a)
if you don't know the length of the columns that you want to pass , you can do something like this:
a = ("cell", "trx", "foo", "bar")
a = ", ".join(a)
query = "SELECT {0} FROM tchdrop".format(a)
# OUTPUT : 'SELECT cell, trx, foo, bar FROM tchdrop'

The library replaces the specified values ("cell", "trx") with their quoted SQL equivalent, so what you get is SELECT "cell", "trx" FROM tchdrop. The result is correct.
What you are trying to achieve is not possible with the ? syntax. Instead, do string replacement yourself. You can check column names with regular expressions (like ^[a-zA-Z_]$) for more security.
For example:
columns = ",".join(("cell", "trx"))
db.execute("SELECT %s FROM tchdrop" % columns).fetchall()


%s variable in Query Execution Python 3.8 (pymssql)

I have a python script with a basic GUI that logs into a DB and executes a query.
The Python script also asks for 1 parameter called "collection Name" which is taken from the tkinter .get function and is added as a %s inside the Query text. The result is that each time I can execute a query with a different "Collection name". This works and it is fine
Now, I want to add a larger string of Collection Names into my .get function so I can do cursor.execute a query with multiple collection names to get more complex data. But I am having issues with inputing multiple "collection names" into my app.
Below is a piece of my Query1, which has the %s variable that it then gets from the input to tkinter.
From #Session1
Join vGSMRxLevRxQual On(#Session1.SessionId = vGSMRxLevRxQual.SessionId)
Where vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub<0 and vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub>-190
and #Session1.CollectionName in (%s)
Group by
Order by #Session1.Operator ASC
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SelectedSession1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SelectedSession1
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Session1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Session1
Here, is where I try to execute the query
if Query == "GSMUERxLevelSub" :
result = cursor.execute(GSMUERxLevelSub, (CollectionName,))
output = cursor.fetchmany
df = DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
filename = "2021_H1 WEEK CDF GRAPHS().xlsx"
df1 = DataFrame.transpose(df, copy=False)
Lastly, here is where I get the value for the Collection name:
CollectionName = f_CollectionName.get()
enter image description here
enter code here
Your issues are due to a list/collection being a invalid parameter.
You'll need to transform collectionName
collection_name: list[str] = ['collection1', 'collection2']
new_collection_name = ','.join(f'"{c}"' for c in collection_name)
cursor.execute(sql, (new_collection_name,))
Not sure if this approach will be susceptible to SQL injection if that's a concern.
Forgot the DBAPI would put another set of quotes around the parameters. If you can do something like:
CollectionName = ["foo", "bar"]
sql = f"""
From #Session1
Join vGSMRxLevRxQual On(#Session1.SessionId = vGSMRxLevRxQual.SessionId)
Where vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub<0 and vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub>-190
and #Session1.CollectionName in ({",".join(["%s"] * len(CollectionName))})
sql += """
Group by
Order by #Session1.Operator ASC
cursor.execute(sql, (CollectionName,))
EDIT: Update to F-string

Avoid python interpreting % as a placeholder in like mysql clause

I'm trying to create a DataFrame through a sql query with pandas read_sql_query method. The query has a where clause that includes a like operation but it also includes a = operation that depends on a variable. The issue is that python is interpreting the % in the like operation as a place holder, just like in the = variable operation which is something I DO want.
Here's an example of it:
sql_string = """ SELECT a,b from table WHERE a = %(variable)s
AND b like '%fixed_chars%' """
params = {'variable':'AA'}
df = pandas.read_sql_query(sql_string, params=params, con=connection)
The error that I get is TypeError: not enough arguments for format string since it interprets the % you usually use as wildcard in mysql as the place holder in python.
In this case, you'll have to use two % for those not being formatting placeholders:
sql_string = "SELECT a,b from table WHERE a = %(variable)s AND \
b like '%%fixed_chars%%'"
Hope this helps!

python avoiding %s in sql query

I am trying to query a mysql db from python but having troubles generating the query ebcasue of the wildcard % and python's %s. As a solution I find using ?, but when I run the following,
query = '''select * from db where name like'Al%' and date = '%s' ''', myDateString
I get an error
cursor.execute(s %'2015_05_21')
ValueError: unsupported format character ''' (0x27) at index 36 (the position of %)
How can i combine python 2.7 string bulding and sql wildcards? (The actual query is a lot longer and involves more variables)
First of all, you need to escape the percent sign near the Al:
'''select * from db where name like 'Al%%' and date = '%s''''
Also, follow the best practices and pass the query parameters in the second argument to execute(). This way your query parameters would be escaped and you would avoid sql injections:
query = """select * from db where name like 'Al%%' and date = %s"""
cursor.execute(query, ('2015_05_21', ))
Two things:
Don't use string formatting ('%s' % some_var) in SQL queries. Instead, pass the string as a sequence (like a list or a tuple) to the execute method.
You can escape your % so Python will not expect a format specifier:
q = 'SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE zoo LIKE 'abc%%' and id = %s'
cursor.execute(q, (some_var,))
Use the format syntax for Python string building, and %s for SQL interpolation. That way they don't conflict with each other.
You are not using the ? correctly.
Here's an example:
command = '''SELECT, M.year
FROM Movie M, Person P, Director D
WHERE = D.movie_id
AND = D.director_id
AND = ?
AND M.year BETWEEN ? AND ?;'''
*Execute the command, replacing the placeholders with the values of
the variables in the list [dirName, start, end]. *
cursor.execute(command, [dirName, start, end])
So, you want to try:

What is the correct way to form MySQL queries in python?

I am new to python, I come here from the land of PHP. I constructed a SQL query like this in python based on my PHP knowledge and I get warnings and errors
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + "+str(cursor_.rowcount)+" where ID = " + str(postid))
# rowcount here is int
What is the right way to form queries?
Also, how do I escape strings to form SQL safe ones? like if I want to escape -, ', " etc, I used to use addslashes. How do we do it in python?
First of all, it's high time to learn to pass variables to the queries safely, using the method Matus expressed. Clearer,
tuple = (foovar, barvar)
cursor.execute("QUERY WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?", tuple)
If you only need to pass one variable, you must still make it a tuple: insert comma at the end to tell Python to treat it as a one-tuple: tuple = (onevar,)
Your example would be of form:
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + ? where id = ?",
(cursor_.rowcount, postid))
You can also use named parameters like this:
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + :count where id = :id",
{"count": cursor_.rowcount, "id": postid})
This time the parameters aren't a tuple, but a dictionary that is formed in pairs of "key": value.
from python manual:
t = (symbol,)
c.execute( 'select * from stocks where symbol=?', t )
this way you prevent SQL injection ( suppose this is the SQL safe you refer to ) and also have formatting solved

Inserting multiple types into an SQLite database with Python

I'm trying to create an SQLite 3 database from Python. I have a few types I'd like to insert into each record: A float, and then 3 groups of n floats, currently a tuple but could be an array or list.. I'm not well-enough versed in Python to understand all the differences. My problem is the INSERT statement.
DAS = 12345
lats = (42,43,44,45)
lons = (10,11,12,13)
times = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
import sqlite3
connection = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( "create table foo(DAS LONG PRIMARY KEY,lats real(4),lons real(4), times real(9) )" )
I'm not sure what comes next. Something along the lines of:
cmd = 'INSERT into foo values (?,?,?,?), ..."
How should I best build the SQL insert command given this data?
The type real(4) does not mean an array/list/tuple of 4 reals; the 4 alters the 'real' type. However, SQLite mostly ignores column types due to its manifest typing, but they can still affect column affinity.
You have a few options, such as storing the text representation (from repr) or using four columns, one for each.
You can modify this with various hooks provided by the Python's SQLite library to handle some of the transformation for you, but separate columns (with functions to localize and handle various statements, so you don't repeat yourself) is probably the easiest to work with if you need to search/etc. in SQL on each value.
If you do store a text representation, ast.literal_eval (or eval, under special conditions) will convert back into a Python object.
Something like this:
db = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert into foo values (?,?,?,?)", (val1, val2, val3, val4))
db.commit() # Autocommit is off by default (and rightfully so)!
Please note, that I am not using string formatting to inject actual data into the query, but instead make the library do this work for me. That way the data is quoted and escaped correctly.
EDIT: Obviously, considering your database schema, it doesn't work. It is impractical to attempt to store a collection-type value in a single field of a sqlite database. If I understand you correctly, you should just create a separate column for every value you are storing in the single row. That will be a lot of columns, sure, but that's the most natural way to do it.
(A month later), two steps:
1. flatten e.g. DAS lats lons times to one long list, say 18 long
2. generate "Insert into tablename xx (?,?,... 18 question marks )" and execute that.
Test = 1
def flatten( *args ):
""" 1, (2,3), [4,5] -> [1 2 3 4 5] """
# 1 level only -- SO [python] [flatten] zzz
all = []
for a in args:
all.extend( a if hasattr( a, "__iter__" ) else [a] )
if Test: print "test flatten:", all
return all
def sqlinsert( db, tablename, *args ):
flatargs = flatten( *args ) # one long list
ncol = len(flatargs)
qmarks = "?" + (ncol-1) * ",?"
insert = "Insert into tablename %s values (%s)" % (tablename, qmarks)
if Test: print "test sqlinsert:", insert
if db:
db.execute( insert, flatargs )
# db.executemany( insert, map( flatargs, rows ))
return insert
if __name__ == "__main__":
print sqlinsert( None, "Table", "hidiho", (4,5), [6] )

