Given a large (10s of GB) CSV file of mixed text/numbers, what is the fastest way to create an HDF5 file with the same content, while keeping the memory usage reasonable?
I'd like to use the h5py module if possible.
In the toy example below, I've found an incredibly slow and incredibly fast way to write data to HDF5. Would it be best practice to write to HDF5 in chunks of 10,000 rows or so? Or is there a better way to write a massive amount of data to such a file?
import h5py
n = 10000000
f = h5py.File('foo.h5','w')
dset = f.create_dataset('int',(n,),'i')
# this is terribly slow
for i in xrange(n):
dset[i] = i
# instantaneous
dset[...] = 42
I would avoid chunking the data and would store the data as series of single array datasets (along the lines of what Benjamin is suggesting). I just finished loading the output of an enterprise app I've been working on into HDF5, and was able to pack about 4.5 Billion compound datatypes as 450,000 datasets, each containing a 10,000 array of data. Writes and reads now seem fairly instantaneous, but were painfully slow when I initially tried to chunk the data.
Just a thought!
These are a couple of snippets lifted from my actual code (I'm coding in C vs. Python, but you should get the idea of what I'm doing) and modified for clarity. I'm just writing long unsigned integers in arrays (10,000 values per array) and reading them back when I need an actual value
This is my typical writer code. In this case, I'm simply writing long unsigned integer sequence into a sequence of arrays and loading each array sequence into hdf5 as they are created.
//Our dummy data: a rolling count of long unsigned integers
long unsigned int k = 0UL;
//We'll use this to store our dummy data, 10,000 at a time
long unsigned int kValues[NUMPERDATASET];
//Create the SS adata files.
hid_t ssdb = H5Fcreate(SSHDF, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
//NUMPERDATASET = 10,000, so we get a 1 x 10,000 array
hsize_t dsDim[1] = {NUMPERDATASET};
//Create the data space.
hid_t dSpace = H5Screate_simple(1, dsDim, NULL);
for (unsigned long int i = 0UL; i < NUMDATASETS; i++){
for (unsigned long int j = 0UL; j < NUMPERDATASET; j++){
kValues[j] = k;
k += 1UL;
//Create the data set.
dssSet = H5Dcreate2(ssdb, g_strdup_printf("%lu", i), H5T_NATIVE_ULONG, dSpace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
//Write data to the data set.
H5Dwrite(dssSet, H5T_NATIVE_ULONG, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, kValues);
//Close the data set.
//Release the data space
//Close the data files.
This is a slightly modified version of my reader code. There are more elegant ways of doing this (i.e., I could use hyperplanes to get the value), but this was the cleanest solution with respect to my fairly disciplined Agile/BDD development process.
unsigned long int getValueByIndex(unsigned long int nnValue){
unsigned long int ssValue[NUMPERDATASET];
//MAXSSVALUE = 4,500,000,000; i takes the smaller value of MAXSSVALUE or nnValue
//to avoid index out of range error
unsigned long int i = MIN(MAXSSVALUE-1,nnValue);
//Open the data file in read-write mode.
hid_t db = H5Fopen(_indexFilePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
//Create the data set. In this case, each dataset consists of a array of 10,000
//unsigned long int and is named according to its integer division value of i divided
//by the number per data set.
hid_t dSet = H5Dopen(db, g_strdup_printf("%lu", i / NUMPERDATASET), H5P_DEFAULT);
//Read the data set array.
H5Dread(dSet, H5T_NATIVE_ULONG, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, ssValue);
//Close the data set.
//Close the data file.
//Return the indexed value by using the modulus of i divided by the number per dataset
return ssValue[i % NUMPERDATASET];
The main take-away is the inner loop in the writing code and the integer division and mod operations to get the index of the dataset array and index of the desired value in that array. Let me know if this is clear enough so you can put together something similar or better in h5py. In C, this is dead simple and gives me significantly better read/write times vs. a chunked dataset solution. Plus since I can't use compression with compound datasets anyway, the apparent upside of chunking is a moot point, so all my compounds are stored the same way.
using the flexibility of numpy.loadtxt will get the data from file into a numpy array, which in turn is perfect to initialize the hdf5 dataset.
import h5py
import numpy as np
d = np.loadtxt('data.txt')
h = h5py.File('data.hdf5', 'w')
dset = h.create_dataset('data', data=d)
I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way (and I've never used it; I'm just pulling together some tools I've used independently), but you could read the csv file into a numpy recarray using the matplotlib helper methods for csv.
You can probably find a way to read the csv files in chunks as well to avoid loading the whole thing to disk. Then use the recarray (or slices therein) to write the whole (or large chunks of it) to the h5py dataset. I'm not exactly sure how h5py handles recarrays, but the documentation indicates that it should be ok.
Basically if possible, try to write big chunks of data at once instead of iterating over individual elements.
Another possibility for reading the csv file is just numpy.genfromtxt
You can grab the columns you want using the keyword usecols, and then only read in a specified set of lines by properly setting the skip_header and skip_footer keywords.
I'm going to translate the working matlab code for reading the binary file to python code. Is there an equivalent for
% open the file for reading
fid=fopen (filename,'rb','ieee-le');
% first read the signature
% read sizes
there's the struct module to do that, specifically the unpack function which accepts a buffer, but you'll have to read the required size from the input using struct.calcsize
import struct
endian = "<" # little endian
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
tmp = struct.unpack(f"{endian}cc","cc")))
tmp_int = [int.from_bytes(x,byteorder="little") for x in tmp]
rows = struct.unpack(f"{endian}H","H")))[0]
cols = struct.unpack(f"{endian}H","H")))[0]
you might want to use the struct.Struct class for reading the rest of the data in chunks, as it is going to be faster than decoding numbers one at a time.
data = []
reader = struct.Struct(endian + "i"*cols) # i for integer
row_size = reader.size
for row_number in range(rows):
row = reader.unpack(
Edit: corrected the answer, and added an example for larger chuncks.
Edit2: okay, more improvement, assuming we are reading 1 GB file of shorts, storing it as python int makes no sense and will most likely give an out of memory error (or system will freeze), the proper way to do it is using numpy
import numpy as np
data = np.fromfile(f,dtype=endian+'H').reshape(cols,rows) # ushorts
this way it'll have the same space in memory as it did on disk.
How to convert a .csv file to .npy efficently?
I've tried:
import numpy as np
filename = "myfile.csv"
vec =np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")"{filename}.npy", vec)
While the above works for smallish file, the actual .csv file I'm working on has ~12 million lines with 1024 columns, it takes quite a lot to load everything into RAM before converting into an .npy format.
Q (Part 1): Is there some way to load/convert a .csv to .npy efficiently for large CSV file?
The above code snippet is similar to the answer from Convert CSV to numpy but that won't work for ~12M x 1024 matrix.
Q (Part 2): If there isn't any way to to load/convert a .csv to .npy efficiently, is there some way to iteratively read the .csv file into .npy efficiently?
Also, there's an answer here to save the csv file as numpy array iteratively. But seems like the np.vstack isn't the best solution when reading the file. The accepted answer there suggests hdf5 but the format is not the main objective of this question and the hdf5 format isn't desired in my use-case since I've to read it back into a numpy array afterwards.
Q (Part 3): If part 1 and part2 are not possible, are there other efficient storage (e.g. tensorstore) that can store and efficiently convert to numpy array when loading the saved storage format?
There is another library tensorstore that seems to efficiently handles arrays which support conversion to numpy array when read, But somehow there isn't any information on how to save the tensor/array without the exact dimensions, all of the examples seem to include configurations like 'dimensions': [1000, 20000],.
Unlike the HDF5, the tensorstore doesn't seem to have reading overhead issues when converting to numpy, from docs:
Conversion to an numpy.ndarray also implicitly performs a synchronous read (which hits the in-memory cache since the same region was just retrieved)
Nice question; Informative in itself.
I understand you want to have the whole data set/array in memory, eventually, as a NumPy array. I assume, then, you have enough (RAM) memory to host such array -- 12M x 1K.
I don't specifically know about how np.loadtxt (genfromtxt) is operating behind the scenes, so I will tell you how I would do (after trying like you did).
Reasoning about memory...
Notice that a simple boolean array will cost ~12 GBytes of memory:
>>> print("{:.1E} bytes".format(
np.array([True]).itemsize * 12E6 * 1024
1.2E+10 bytes
And this is for a Boolean data type. Most likely, you have -- what -- a dataset of Integer, Float? The size may increase quite significantly:
>>> np.array([1], dtype=bool).itemsize
>>> np.array([1], dtype=int).itemsize
>>> np.array([1], dtype=float).itemsize
It's a lot of memory (which you know, just want to emphasize).
At this point, I would like to point out a possible swapping of the working memory. You may have enough physical (RAM) memory in your machine, but if not enough of free memory, your system will use the swap memory (i.e, disk) to keep your system stable & have the work done. The cost you pay is clear: read/writing from/to the disk is very slow.
My point so far is: check the data type of your dataset, estimate the size of your future array, and guarantee you have that minimum amount of RAM memory available.
I/O text
Considering you do have all the (RAM) memory necessary to host the whole numpy array: I would then loop over the whole (~12M lines) text file, filling the pre-existing array row-by-row.
More precisely, I would have the (big) array already instantiated before start reading the file. Only then, I would read each line, split the columns, and give it to np.asarray and assign those (1024) values to each respective row of the output array.
The looping over the file is slow, yes. The thing here is that you limit (and control) the amount of memory being used. Roughly speaking, the big objects consuming your memory are the "output" (big) array, and the "line" (1024) array. Sure, there are quite a considerable amount of memory being consumed in each loop in the temporary objects during reading (text!) values, splitting into list elements and casting to an array. Still, it's something that will remain largely constant during the whole ~12M lines.
So, the steps I would go through are:
0) estimate and guarantee enough RAM memory available
1) instantiate (np.empty or np.zeros) the "output" array
2) loop over "input.txt" file, create a 1D array from each line "i"
3) assign the line values/array to row "i" of "output" array
Sure enough, you can even make it parallel: If on one hand text files cannot be randomly (r/w) accessed, on the other hand you can easily split them (see How can I split one text file into multiple *.txt files?) to have -- if fun is at the table -- them read in parallel, if that time if critical.
Hope that helps.
Export to a different function other than .npy seems inevitable unless your machine is able to handle the size of the data in-memory as per described in #Brandt answer.
Reading the data, then processing it (Kinda answering Q part 2)
To handle data size larger than what the RAM can handle, one would often resort to libraries that performs "out-of-core" computation, e.g. turicreate.SFrame, vaex or dask . These libraries would be able to lazily load the .csv files into dataframes and process them by chunks when evaluated.
from turicreate import SFrame
filename = "myfile.csv"
sf = SFrame.read_csv(filename)
sf.apply(...) # Trying to process the data
import vaex
filename = "myfile.csv"
df = vaex.from_csv(filename,
Converting the read data into numpy array (kinda answering Q part 1)
While out-of-core libraries can read and process the data efficiently, converting into numpy is an "in-memory" operation, the machine needs to have enough RAM to fit all data.
The turicreate.SFrame.to_numpy documentation writes:
Converts this SFrame to a numpy array
This operation will construct a numpy array in memory. Care must be taken when size of the returned object is big.
And the vaex documentation writes:
In-memory data representations
One can construct a Vaex DataFrame from a variety of in-memory data representations.
And dask best practices actually reimplemented their own array objects that are simpler than numpy array, see But when going through the docs, it seems like the format they have saved the dask array in are not .npy but various other formats.
Writing the file into non-.npy versions (answering Q Part 3)
Given the numpy arrays are inevitably in-memory, trying to save the data into one single .npy isn't the most viable option.
Different libraries seems to have different solutions for storage. E.g.
vaex saves the data into hdf5 by default if the convert=True argument is set when data is read through vaex.from_csv()
sframe saves the data into their own binary format
dask export functions save to_hdf() and to_parquet() format
It it's latest version (4.14) vaex support "streaming", i.e. lazy loading of CSV files. It uses pyarrow under the hood so it is supper fast. Try something like
df =
# or
df = vaex.from_csv_arrow(my_file.csv, lazy=True)
Then you can export to bunch of formats as needed, or keep working with it like that (it is surprisingly fast). Of course, it is better to convert to some kind of binary format..
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Define the input and output file names
csv_file = 'data.csv'
npy_file = 'data.npy'
# Create dummy data
data = np.random.rand(10000, 100)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
# Define the chunk size
chunk_size = 1000
# Read the header row and get the number of columns
header = pd.read_csv(csv_file, nrows=0)
num_cols = len(header.columns)
# Initialize an empty array to store the data
data = np.empty((0, num_cols))
# Loop over the chunks of the csv file
for chunk in pd.read_csv(csv_file, chunksize=chunk_size):
# Convert the chunk to a numpy array
chunk_array = chunk.to_numpy()
# Append the chunk to the data array
data = np.append(data, chunk_array, axis=0), data)
# Load the npy file and check the shape
npy_data = np.load(npy_file)
print('Shape of data before conversion:', data.shape)
print('Shape of data after conversion:', npy_data.shape)```
I'm not aware of any existing function or utility that directly and efficiently converts csv files into npy files. With efficient I guess primarily meaning with low memory requirements.
Writing a npy file iteratively is indeed possible, with some extra effort. There's already a question on SO that addresses this, see:
save numpy array in append mode
For example using the NpyAppendArray class from Michael's answer you can do:
with open('data.csv') as csv, NpyAppendArray('data.npy') as npy:
for line in csv:
row = np.fromstring(line, sep=',')
npy.append(row[np.newaxis, :])
The NpyAppendArray class updates the npy file header on every call to append, which is a bit much for your 12M rows. Maybe you could update the class to (optionally) only write the header on close. Or you could easily batch the writes:
batch_lines = 128
with open('data.csv') as csv, NpyAppendArray('data.npy') as npy:
done = False
while not done:
batch = []
for count, line in enumerate(csv):
row = np.fromstring(line, sep=',')
if count + 1 >= batch_lines:
done = True
(code is not tested)
I am writing a program to process some binary files.
I used to use numpy.fromfile and everything worked fine until I came across some big binary file (>2gb) since numpy can't read them (memory problems) after trying unsuccesfully with h5py since I didn't get how to convert my files to h5 files. I was trying to use open(), read() and struct.unpack_from, in order to reconstruct the data as I would have done in c++.
My binary files represent 32 bit floats that are to be paired into 64bit complex.
The problem at the moment is that even if from the info I gathered struct.unpack_from() should return a tuple with all the datas of the specified type in the file it only returns the first element of the file:
The code:
f1 = open(IQ_File, 'rb')
a1 =
f = struct.unpack_from('f', a1)
What I am expecting here is an output with the binary back to floats, however my output is only:
-- a tuple containing only the first float of the file.
I really don't understand what I am doing wrong here.
What should I be doing differently?
Pack/unpack format strings can have each item prefixed with a number to have that many items packed/unpacked. Just divide the data size by the size of float and put that number in the format:
nf = len(a1) // struct.calcsize('f')
f = struct.unpack(f"{nf}f", a1)
Mind that tuples are very ineffective way to store numeric array data in Python. On 64-bit systems (e.g., macOS) with CPython, a tuple of N floats uses 24+N*8 bytes (sizeof(PyObject_VAR_HEAD) + N pointers) for the tuple itself plus N*24 bytes (sizeof(PyObject_HEAD) + one double) for the floats (stored internally as doubles), or 24+N*32 bytes in total. That's 8 times more than the size of the binary data!
A better option is to use numpy.fromfile() and explicitly provide the count and possibly offset arguments in order to read the file in chunks. If you need to know in advance how many floats in total are there in the file, use os.stat():
nf = os.stat(IQ_File).st_size // struct.calcsize('f')
unpack_from('f', data) reads a single float from data. You are probably looking for
for f in iter_unpack('f', a1):
You can probably make this more efficient by reading only a small amount of the file (say, 64Kb at a time) in a separate loop.
My code generates a list of numpy arrays of size (1, 1, n, n, m, m) where n may vary from 50-100 and m from 5-10 depending on the case at hand. The length of the list itself may go up to 10,000 and is being written/dumped using pickle at the end of the code. For cases at the higher end of these numbers or when file sizes go beyond 5-6 GB, I get Out of Memory error. Below is a made up example of the situation,
import numpy as np
list, list_length = [], 1000
n = 100
m = 3
for i in range(0, list_length):
list.append(np.random.random((1, 1, n, n, m, m)))
file_path = 'C:/Users/Desktop/Temp/'
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(list, file)
I am looking for a way that helps me to
split the data so that I can get rid of memory error, and
rejoin the data in the original form when needed later
All I could think is:
for i in range(0, list_length):
data = np.random.random((1, 1, n, n, m, m))
file_path = 'C:/Users/Desktop/Temp/'+str(i)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(data, file)
and then combine using:
combined_list = []
for i in range(0, list_length):
file_path = 'C:/Users/Desktop/Temp/single' + str(i)
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
data = pickle.load(file)
Using this way, the file size certainly reduces due to multiple files, but that also increases processing time due to multiple file I/O operations.
Is there a more elegant and better way to do this?
Using savez, savez_compressed, or even things like h5py can be useful as #tel mentioned, but that takes extra effort trying to do "reinvent" caching mechanism. There are two easier ways to process larger-than-memory ndarray if applicable:
The easiest way is of course enable pagefile (or some other name) on Windows or swap on Linux (not sure about OS X counter part). This creates a virtually large enough memory so that you don't need to worry about memory at all. It will save to disk/load from disk accordingly
If the first way is not applicable due to not have admin rights or etc, numpy provides another way: np.memmap. This function maps an ndarray to disk such that you can index it just like it is in memory. Technically IO is done directly to the hard disk but OS will cache accordingly
For the second way, you can create a hard-disk side ndarray using:
np.memmap('yourFileName', 'float32', 'w+', 0, 2**32)
This creates a 16GB float32 array within no time (containing 4G numbers). You can then do IO to it. A lot of functions have an out parameter. You can set the out parameter accordingly so that the output is not "copied" to the disk from memory
If you want to save a list of ndarrays using the second method, either create a lot of memmaps, or concat them to a single array
Don't use pickle to store large data, it's not an efficient way to serialize anything. Instead, use the built-in numpy serialization formats/functions via the numpy.savez_compressed and numpy.load functions.
System memory isn't infinite, so at some point you'll still need to split your files (or use a heavier duty solution such as the one provided by the h5py package). However, if you were able to fit the original list into memory then savez_compressed and load should do what you need.
I have a large matrix of 0s and 1s, that is mostly 0s. It is initially stored as a list of 25 thousand other lists, each of which are about 2000 ints long.
I am trying to put these into a numpy array, which is what another piece of my program takes. So I run training_data = np.array(data), but this returns a MemoryError
Why is this happening? I'm assuming it is too much memory for the program to handle (which is surprising to me..), but if so, is there a better way of doing this?
A (short) integer takes two bytes to store. You want 25,000 lists, each with 2,000 integers; that gives
25000*2000*2/1000000 = 100 MB
This works fine on my computer (4GB RAM):
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.zeros((25000,2000),dtype=int)
Are you able to instantiate the above matrix of zeros?
Are you reading the file into a Python list of lists and then converting that to a numpy array? That's a bad idea; it will at least double the memory requirements. What is the file format of your data?
For sparse matrices scipy.sparse provides various alternative datatypes which will be much more efficient.
EDIT: responding to the OP's comment.
I have 25000 instances of some other class, each of which returns a list of length about 2000. I want to put all of these lists returned into the np.array.
Well, you're somehow going over 8GB! To solve this, don't do all this manipulation in memory. Write the data to disk a class at a time, then delete the instances and read in the file from numpy.
First do
with open(..., "wb") as f:
f = csv.writer(f)
for instance in instances:
This will write all your data into a large-ish CSV file. Then, you can just use np.loadtxt:
numpy.loadtxt(open(..., "rb"), delimiter=",")