What is the difference between sqlite3 and sqlalchemy? - python

Beginner question- what is the difference between sqlite and sqlalchemy?

They're apples and oranges.
Sqlite is a database storage engine, which can be better compared with things such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, etc. It is used to store and retrieve structured data from files.
SQLAlchemy is a Python library that provides an object relational mapper (ORM). It does what it suggests: it maps your databases (tables, etc.) to Python objects, so that you can more easily and natively interact with them. SQLAlchemy can be used with sqlite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.
So, an ORM provides a set of tools that let you interact with your database models consistently across database engines.

sqlite3 is a embedded RDBMS.
According to this article :
A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F. Codd. Most popular commercial and open source databases currently in use are based on the relational database model.
A short definition of an RDBMS may be a DBMS in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables.
SQLAlchemy is a Python ORM.
According to this article :
Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping) in computer software is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a "virtual object database" that can be used from within the programming language.



I am new to working with databases and couldn't find any relevant answers for this.
What are the uses of SQLAlchemy over MYSQL CONNECTOR for python.
I do not have much experience with MYSQL CONNECTOR for Python. However, from what I know SQLAlchemy primarily uses ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) in order to abstract the details of handling the database. This can help avoid errors some times (and also introduce possibly introduce others). You might want to have a look at the ORM technique and see if it is for you (but don't use it as a way to avoid learning SQL). Generally, ORMs tend not to be as scalable as raw SQL either.
I am also a newbie. In my understanding SQLAlchemy is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) that allows you to abstract the database and query data from the DB more easily in your coding language treating query data as another object. Pros is that that you can more easily switch your DB under the hood. But it has some learning curve.
Whereas MySQL Connector is "just" a plain simple direct connection to the DBMS at your database and you write SQL queries to get the data.
For now I am sticking with the mysql connector to just train SQL queries more. But later on I will definitely test out SQLAlchemy.

The best way to to handle large databases in python/flask projects

Recently i started to use flask and I liked pretty much.
In the past I had a system in PHP with a lot of databases like marketing, HR, finance and so on.
Each of this databases had their own tables like HR used to have employers, companies and so on.
Each of this tables was a class in PHP, we used this system to facilitate save/delete since they were used all over the system all we had to do was instantiate a new object from one of the table/class where which column was a object property and then call $obj->Save() to insert a new row in the table.
Programming has evolved so much since then so my doubt is if there's a more efficient way to do that in python/flask, instead of creating a class for each of the tables from the databases like I used to do in PHP, I know this is a large question so I would appreciate recommendations of books, wikis and so on about this topic.
A fairly modern approach to interface with a database in high-level programming languages is to use an ORM, or Object Relational Mapper. See this Stack Overflow thread for a good explanation.
If you are using Flask, SQLAlchemy is the most popular choice, so much so that Flask actually has an extension called Flask-SQLAlchemy. Keep in mind, that you will still be mapping classes to database entities. However, the power of SQLAlchemy is that it provides a higher level of abstraction on top of the database, which can go beyond simply mapping a class to a table row. According to the documentation:
SQLAlchemy considers the database to be a relational algebra engine, not just a collection of tables. Rows can be selected from not only tables but also joins and other select statements; any of these units can be composed into a larger structure. SQLAlchemy's expression language builds on this concept from its core.
This Stack Overflow thread provides more Python ORM suggestions.

what is difference between raw sql queries & normal sql queries?

I am kind of new to sql and database & currently developing website in django framework.
During my reading of django documentation I have read about raw sql queries which are executed using Manager.raw() like below.
for p in Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM myapp_person'):
Manager.raw(raw_query, params=None, translations=None)
How does raw queries differes from normal sql queries & when should I use raw sql queries instead of Django ORM ?
Django (like other similar ORM tools) is a connection between relational databases and object-oriented programming. One of the very important functions that it implements is providing a uniform interface to the database -- regardless of the underlying database.
When you use underlying Django functionality, the code should be supported on any database (there may be specific limits on this). This makes it particularly easy to port to another database. It also helps ensure that the generated queries do what you intend.
When you use raw SQL, the code is likely to be specific to one database (creating a porting problem). The code is also not checked, which can result in hard-to-understand errors.
I have a strong preference for using SQL directly -- but that is because I am not a programmer using an ORM framework. If you are going to use such a framework, it is probably better to use the built-in functionality wherever possible.
This is a borderline opinion question so might get flagged, but it is a good point. Essentially the raw SQL queries are intended to only be used for the edge cases where the Django ORM does not fulfil your needs (and with each new version of Django it support more and more query types so raw becomes less useful).
In general I would suggest using the ORM for the more helpful error messages, maintainability, and plain ease of use, and only use raw as a last-resort

SQLAlchemy or psycopg2?

I am writing a quick and dirty script which requires interaction with a database (PG).
The script is a pragmatic, tactical solution to an existing problem. however, I envisage that the script will evolve over time into a more "refined" system. Given the fact that it is currently being put together very quickly (i.e. I don't have the time to pour over huge reams of documentation), I am tempted to go the quick and dirty route, using psycopg.
The advantages for psycopg2 (as I currently understand it) is that:
written in C, so faster than sqlAlchemy (written in Python)?
No abstraction layer over the DBAPI since works with one db and one db only (implication -> fast)
(For now), I don't need an ORM, so I can directly execute my SQL statements without having to learn a new ORM syntax (i.e. lightweight)
I KNOW that I will want an ORM further down the line
psycopg2 is ("dated"?) - don't know how long it will remain around for
Are my perceptions of SqlAlchemy (slow/interpreted, bloated, steep learning curve) true - IS there anyway I can use sqlAlchemy in the "rough and ready" way I want to use psycopg - namely:
execute SQL statements directly without having to mess about with the ORM layer, etc.
Any examples of doing this available?
SQLAlchemy is a ORM, psycopg2 is a database driver. These are completely different things: SQLAlchemy generates SQL statements and psycopg2 sends SQL statements to the database. SQLAlchemy depends on psycopg2 or other database drivers to communicate with the database!
As a rather complex software layer SQLAlchemy does add some overhead but it also is a huge boost to development speed, at least once you learned the library. SQLAlchemy is an excellent library and will teach you the whole ORM concept, but if you don't want to generate SQL statements to begin with then you don't want SQLAlchemy.
To talk with database any one need driver for that. If you are using client like SQL Plus for oracle, MysqlCLI for Mysql then it will direct run the query and that client come with DBServer pack.
To communicate from outside with any language like java, c, python, C#... We need driver to for that database. psycopg2 is driver to run query for PostgreSQL from python.
SQLAlchemy is the ORM which is not same as database driver. It will give you flexibility so you can write your code without any database specific standard. ORM provide database independence for programmer. If you write object.save in ORM then it will check, which database is associated with that object and it will generate insert query according to the backend database.

Python DDL abstraction

Are there any Python libraries that provide an abstraction of SQL DDL?
I have an application that needs to dynamically add/adjust database columns, and I don't want to have to model CREATE TABLE and all the datatypes.
I am looking for something relatively lightweight; full ORMs like SQLAlchemy will unfortunately not be available.
Have you looked at SQLAlchemy?
It's an object-relational mapper (abstraction layer) that sits between your python code and the (relational) database.
It does DDL such as create table.

