Switching scenes with pyglet - python

Can anybody recommend how to switch between scenes in pyglet.
menu > game
game > menu
menu > help
The only way that i can think to do it off the top of my head is by using different windows, which i am quite sure would be the complete wrong way to do it. Or by overloading all of the window's event functions.
Sorry if i haven't made myself clear but any help would be appreciated

The cocos2d.org framework is built on pyglet and includes scene management.

Here is a rough schematic of a class structure that might work for you:
class Game(object):
"This class contains the Scene which is the current scene the user is look ing at."
def __init__(self):
self.current_level = 0
self.current_screen = MainMenu(self)
def load(self):
"Load progress from disk"
def save(self):
"Save progress to disk"
def clearCurrentScreen(self):
def startCurrentScreen(self):
self.window.set_handler("on_key_press", self.current_screen.on_key_press)
# etc
def gotoNextLevel(self):
"called from within LevelPlayer when the player beats the level"
self.current_level += 1
self.current_screen = LevelPlayer(self, game, self.current_level)
def startPlaying(self):
"called by the main menu when the user selects an option"
self.current_screen = LevelPlayer(self, game, self.current_level)
def execute(self):
self.window = pyglet.window.Window()
class Screen(object):
def __init__(self):
def start():
def clear():
"delete all graphical objects on screen, batches, groups, etc. Clear all state in pyglet."
def on_key_press(self, key, etc):
def on_draw(self):
# etc
class LevelPlayer(Screen):
"This class contains all your game logic. This is the class that enables the user to play through a level."
def __init__(self, game, level_to_play):
# be sure to implement methods from Screen
class MainMenu(Screen):
"This class presents the title screen and options for new game or continue."
def __init__(self, game):
self.game = game
def handleNewGame(self):
def handleContinue(self):
# be sure to implement methods from Screen
game = Game()
So you have a Game class who owns the window and that manages which Screen is displayed to the user. Here I use "Screen" to mean what the user is interacting with, for example a MainMenu, or a LevelPlayer. The key here is the clear() method of Screen, which you should implement to delete all the sprites, media, groups, and batches that you were displaying. You also have to remove the window handlers on clear and set them on start.
You can see this solution in action here: https://github.com/superjoe30/lemming/tree/master/lemming

I'm not very experienced, but for what it's worth, the method I use is as follows. It does not recognise explicit 'states' or 'scenes' as such, but rather it relies on the adding (and removal) of discrete items into my game world. Each such item may have its own key handlers, and knows how and when to create other such items.
A specific example:
GameItem is a subclass for all items that can be put into the world. It is a simple collection of attributes, with no behaviour. It is subclassed by items in the game world like Bush, Player, etc, and also by HUD items like ScoreDisplay and MainMenu.
World is just a collection of GameItems.
My 'update' function iterates through all items in the world, calling their update method if they have one.
My 'draw' function similarly iterates through all items in the world, drawing each of them. (many of them might be drawn en-masse by simply calling something like pyglet's Batch.draw)
Right at application start-up, one of the first items I add to the world is a MainMenu object. It has an on_key_down method.
World.add looks at the item being added. If an item has an on_key_down method, then it adds this handler to the pyglet key handlers stack. (Similarly, it undoes this in World.remove) (Actually, on reflection, I guess world.add raises an event when it adds an item. If the application's keyboard handler module is interested, then on recieving one of these events it then does the adding of the item's key hander, but this is kinda incidental to the question)
The MainMenu.on_key_handler method looks at the pressed key, and if it's the key to start the game, then it makes a series of calls:
# Do everything needed to start the game
# For dramatic pacing, any of these might be scheduled to be
# called in a second or so, using pyglet.clock.schedule_once
# Finally, remove the main menu from the world
# This will stop showing it on screen
# and it will remove its keyboard event handler
This is just a simple example, but hopefully you can see how, instead of starting the game, the mainmenu could instead display secondary menus by adding them to the world, or any such thing.
Once in the game, you can change 'scenes' by simply calling 'world.remove' on all items that you no longer want visible, and calling 'world.add' on all the items in the new scene.
An example of a game that uses this technique is previous pyweek entry SinisterDucks:
(although, to be fair, it does not feature distinct 'scenes' during gameplay. It merely usesthis technique to manage menus, game over screen, etc)

The solution i ended up using is by giving the main window a stack and having it pass all events out to items on the top of the stack.
class GameWindow(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
pyglet.window.Window.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.states = [PlayLevel(self)] ## Starting State
def on_draw(self):
if hasattr(self.states[-1],"on_draw"):
def on_mouse_press(self,*args):
if hasattr(self.states[-1],"on_mouse_press"):
ect. For all of the other events that i use
i am currently in the process of writing up some functions to go in GameWindow that will manage pushing and popping scenes from the stack


Why is QWidget being destroyed? (PyQt)

So I have the main window. When I click a button in the main window, a new widget is created (in a new window):
def open_door(self):
self.doorwin = QtWidgets.QWidget()
self.doorui = doorwinActions(self.doors)
The new QWidget or doorwin has only one widget - tableWidget
I use the object self.doors to populate the table. Now since I have a worker thread (QThread) updating the said object (self.doors), I use QTimer to repopulate the table every 1 second.
class doorwinActions(Ui_doorWin):
def __init__(self,doors):
self.doors = doors
# update setupUi
def setupUi(self, Widget):
Widget.move(self.left, self.top) # set location for window
Widget.setWindowTitle(self.title) # change title
self.timer = QTimer()
def popTable(self):
entries = len(self.doors)
for i in range(entries):
When I run the program, it runs smoothly. It opens a new window. If the self.doors object is updated while the window is open, the GUI reflects the change.
BUT, the problem occurs if I reopen the window. If I close the window and then click on the button again, the program crashes with the error:
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QTableWidget has been deleted
From what I understand about my code, when I close the window, the whole widget window (and the table) is deleted. And when I click on the doorButton, new Qwidget/table are created. So, the question is, why would it delete something it just created?
What (sort of) works? - If I move the setup of the door window to the main window's setup, it works. So the open_door function would just be:
def open_door(self):
The rest would be in the main window setup. But the problem is, then even when I close the window, the QTimer is still going in the background, just eating up processing power.
So, either,
How do I stop the event when the window is closed OR
How do I stop the tableWidget from being deleted?
Your main problem is garbage collection.
When you do this:
def open_door(self):
self.doorwin = QtWidgets.QWidget()
self.doorui = doorwinActions(self.doors)
You are creating a new QWidget. It has absolutely no other reference but self.doorwin. This means that if you call open_door again, you will be overwriting self.doorwin, and since the previous widget was not referenced anywhere else, it will get deleted along with all its contents.
Now, QTimers are tricky. You created a QTimer in doorwinActions and QTimers can be persistent even if they have no parent: they keep going on until they're stopped or deleted, and they can only be deleted explicitly or when their parent is deleted (with the exception of timers created with the static QTimer.singleShot() function).
Finally, you must remember that PyQt (like PySide) is a binding. It creates "connections" with the objects created in Qt (let's call them "C++ objects"), and through those bindings we can access those objects, their functions and so on, through python references.
But, and this is of foremost importance, both objects can have a different lifespan:
the python reference can be deleted, and the Qt object can still exist;
the Qt object can be destroyed, yet we still have the python object that referenced (past tense) it;
This is exactly what happens in your case: the self.doorui object is overwritten, but it has an object (the QTimer, self.timer) that is still alive, so the Python garbage collector will not delete it, and the timer is still able to call popTable. But, at that point, the widget (self.doorwin) and its contents have been destroyed on the "C++ side", which causes your crash: while self.tableWidget still exists as a python reference, the actual widget has been destroyed along with its parent widget, and calling its functions causes a fatal error as the binding cannot find the actual object.
Now, how to solve that?
There are various options, and it depends on what you need to do with that window. But, before that, there is something much more important.
You have been manually editing a file generated by pyuic, but those files are not intended for that. They are to be considered like "resource" files, used only for their purpose (the setupUi method), and never, EVER be manually edited. Doing that is considered bad practice and is conceptually wrong for many reasons - and their header clearly warns about that. To read more about the commonly accepted approaches for those files, read the official guidelines about using Designer.
One of those reasons is exactly related to the garbage collection issue explained above.
Note that subclassing the pyuic form class alone is also discouraged (and pointless if you want to extend the widget behavior); the most common, accepted and suggested practice is to create a class that inherits both from the Qt widget class and the UI class. The following code assumes that you have recreated the file with pyuic and named ui_doorwin.py:
# ...
from ui_doorwin import Ui_DoorWin
# ...
class DoorWin(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_DoorWin):
def __init__(self, doors):
self.doors = doors
self.timer = QTimer(self) # <-- IMPORTANT! Note the "self" argument
def popTable(self):
# ...
With the above code you can be sure that whenever the widget gets deleted for any reason, the timer will be destroyed along with it, so the function will not be called trying to access objects that don't exist anymore.
If you need to keep using an existing instance of the window, the solution is pretty simple: create a None instance (or class) attribute and check if it already exists before creating a new one:
class SomeParent(QtWidgets.QWidget):
doorwin = None
# ...
def open_door(self):
if not self.doorwin:
self.doorwin = DoorWin()
The above code will not stop the table from updating, which is something you might not want, so you might choose to start and stop the timer depending on when the window is actually shown:
class DoorWin(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_DoorWin):
def __init__(self, doors):
self.doors = doors
self.timer = QTimer(self)
def showEvent(self, event):
if not event.spontaneous():
def hideEvent(self, event):
if not event.spontaneous():
The event.spontaneous() check above is to prevent stopping the timer if the show/hide event is caused by system calls, like minimizing the window or changing desktop. It's up to you to decide if you want to keep the timer going on and process all data, even if the window is not shown.
Then, if you want to completely destroy the window when it's closed and when a new one is opened, do the following:
class DoorWin(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_DoorWin):
def __init__(self, doors):
# ... (as above)
and then ensure that the widget exists (note that if it's closed by the user the reference still exists):
class SomeParent(QtWidgets.QWidget):
doorwin = None
# ...
def open_door(self):
if self.doorwin:
except RuntimeError:
self.doorwin = DoorWin()
I found the solution. My two proposed solutions are the same. If I stop the QTimer on window closing, it no longer gives me the error.
def close_win(self):

Should I use Qt Signal or Event?

I'm using PySide2 and not clearly about Signal and Event
If we have two people are doing two View.
Person A is doing ListView
Person B is doing ParameterView
while ListItem be selected, update ParameterView
How should I Connect them? use Signal or Event?
Maybe I would have another View, it needs to be update also, while ListItem selectChanged
class ListView(QListView):
# do something
class ParameterView(QWidget):
def update(self):
# do something
list_view = ListView()
parameter_view = ParameterView()
class ListView(QListView):
def selectChanged(self):
QApplication.sendEvent(self, SelectChangedEvent)
class SelectChangedEvent(QEvent):
# initialize ...
class ParameterView(QWidget):
def update(self):
# do something
def event(self, event):
if event.type() == SelectChangedEvent:
Here you can read a comparison between signals and events and decide what is right for you
I believe you better use single and slots to solve this problem but this is your choice
Hope this helped you decide, have a nice day.
Both options are valid since they use the same mechanism to transmit the information but the great difference is that if you want to send a QEvent then you must access the object in that space and instead with the Qt signals you should not know the object in that space but only in the connection.
My recommendation is that signals should be used to decouple classes. I recommend you read:
Qt events and signal/slots

grabbing x,y coordinates of a mouse click/release from Tkinter GUI to do some calculations (not only to print out)

I try to grab the coordinates of the mouse clicked/released points to do other calculations with them, using "bind" on a Tkinter GUI. I know that the purpose of binding is not for the program to wait for a mouse click where exactly they're defined. But, I need the coordinates (x,y) of the clicked/released points to do the further calculations, and the program already reaches to these calculations before letting me to click on the GUI. All the answers to similar questions out there mostly output x and y using "print" (which is the simplest solution). I couldn't find any way to be able to click, grab the coordinates, and then use them further in the code. Here's part of my code. Any thoughts?
class imageLabel(Tk.Label):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.label = Tk.Label(self,image=[], height=600,width=2000)
def select_ROI (self):
self.bound = []
self.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.on_click)
self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_click)
def on_click(self, event):
if len(self.bound)==4:
I have other functions in this class, and that's why I initialized it so. Now, if I use it in the main program as:
imageDisp = imageLabel(UsrInp)
print "boundaries: ", imageDisp.bound
alpha = (imageDisp.bound[0]+ imageDisp.bound[2])/2
I get this error (before I get a chance to click on GUI):
boundaries: []
alpha = (imageDisp.bound[0]+ imageDisp.bound[2])/2
IndexError: list index out of range
It appears that your intent is for your program to pause, and wait for the user to click before continuing. That is, you want the flow to be this:
imageDisp = imageLabel(UsrInp)
(wait for the user to click)
alpha = (imageDisp.bound[0]+ imageDisp.bound[2])/2
That is not normally how GUIs work. Usually you set events and then respond to events, rather than explicitly waiting for a specific event.
However, what you want to do is possible. You just need to cause select_ROI to not return until the clicks happen. The simplest way is to have your program wait on a variable, then make sure that your event bindings causes that variable to be set.
First, create a flag in imageLabel.__init__ that can be used later:
class imageLabel(Tk.Label):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.var = Tk.BooleanVar()
Next, in select_ROI, wait for that variable to be set before returning:
def select_ROI (self):
Finally, make sure that your bindings set this flag:
def on_click(self, event):
if len(self.bound)==4:
That will cause select_ROI to wait for the user to click and release before returning.
Be aware that this can lead to a very confusing user experience if you don't give the user sufficient feedback on what they are supposed to do, and you don't take steps to prevent them from doing anything else before they do the clicks.

PyQt live editing/drawing of Delegate

So I currently have a list of video clips being displayed in a QListView and have created a custom Delegate to paint preview thumbnails for them using data from a QStandardItemModel.
Ultimately I want to be able to animate the thumbnails as you mouse over them so they play a preview of the clip (by showing only a couple frames). I want two versions of this. One that just plays, and another that shows frames based upon your mouse position (further towards the left is the beginning of the clip, and as you move towards the right, it scrubs through).
Right now I am trying to figure out how to implement the animation piece. Should I be using the Delegate to draw frames and be updating a custom frame data on my model that the Delegate will use to know what frames to draw with a reimplemented paint function (already have the framework of a paint function there)? Or will this be too resource intensive? And then what is the best way to do that? I looked into editor widgets, but those seem to be not seem to edit model data/update delegates in realtime and instead only upon finishing editing. Also I would like this to initialize on mouseover and that doesn't seem to be an option in the built-in edit triggers.
class AnimatedThumbDelegate(QItemDelegate):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
def paint(self,painter,option,index):
if not image.isNull():
def sizeHint(self,option,index):
return QSize(self.width,self.height)
This delegate paints a portion of a strip image that I am using for preview frames and does so by referencing framedata. FootageItem is just a QStandardItem class that helps construct the data I want to store for these clips and I am just using indices from it here. It fetches a QPixmap from my model. The filmstrip image I am using looks like this:
Can I use an editor widget to update values and force a repaint on the delegate object based upon mouseMoveEvents? And then can I make editors appear on mouseovers? Or should I look at reimplementing QListView to update the delegate with mouse events? Or is there another way I haven't discovered?
I made a widget that behaves roughly how I would want the updating frames portion of this to work, but was hoping to port it over to a delegate class instead of a QWidget so I could have it display data from a table and utilize the Model/View programming that QT has to offer.
class ScrollingThumbnail(QWidget):
def __init__(self,parent,image,rect):
def leaveEvent(self):
def mouseMoveEvent(self,e):
elif self.paused:
def paintEvent(self,e):
if self.vis:
def drawWidget(self,qP):
if not self.image.isNull():
if self.bar:
def play(self):
if not self.paused:
def pause(self):
def stop(self):
It uses a threading timer as a cheap hacked way of playing frames in a loop. Probably will look more into better ways to achieve this (possibly using QThread?) Also a gif of it in action as far as desired behavior: i.imgur.com/aKoKs3m.gifv
Think I figured out a way to go about it using some signals and connecting some slots. Here are the proof of concept classes.
Created this editor class that will update the frame data via signal based upon the mouse position, and then will destroy the editor when your cursor leaves the widget/item. It doesn't really need a paintevent, but I just put one in there so I could see when editing was active.
class TestEditor(QWidget):
editingFinished = Signal()
updateFrame = Signal()
def __init__(self,parent):
def mouseMoveEvent(self,e):
if self.frame!=currentFrame:
def leaveEvent(self,e):
def paintEvent(self,e):
My Delegate connects the editor signals to some basic functions. One will close the editor and the other will update the Frame Data on my model.
class TestDelegate(QItemDelegate):
def __init__(self,parent):
def createEditor(self,parent,option,index):
return editor
def setModelData(self, editor, model, index):
def paint(self,painter,option,index):
def sizeHint(self,option,index):
return QSize(self.width,self.height)
def commitEditor(self):
editor = self.sender()
def updateFrames(self):
Then all I had to do is enable mouse tracking and connect the "entered" signal to the "edit()" slot on my viewer
Also had a super simple class for constructing test data items. Basically just set an empty Role to 5 for frame data.
class TestData(QStandardItem):
def __init__(self,data=None):
It currently isn't fully functional as far as including a "play" function that will scrub through frames automatically. But I think that should be easy enough to set up. Also need to figure out how to now handle selections because the editor becomes active when you move over an item effectively blocking it from being selected. Currently looking into maybe implementing a Mouse up event that will then update the selection model attached to my viewer.

maya close window signal

I have created a ui from scratch using the commands within Maya documentation.
The following function that I have wrote applies in two scenerios:
When the user has clicked onto another button - Import, in which it will do as what it was written in the code then close it off with the following function (see readFile function)
When user has clicked onto the button where it close the UI without running anything.
In my script, to cater the above two scenarios, I wrote as the following where closeWindow is catered to Scenario1 and cancelWindow is catered to Scenario2
def ui(self):
cancelButton = cmds.button( label='Cancel', command=self.cancelWindow, width=150, height=35)
def closeWindow(self, *args):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, window=True)
def cancelWindow(self, *args):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, window=True)
def readFile(self, *args):
As such, is it possible to create some sort of signal like those in PyQt (clicked(), returnPressed() etc) by combining the above 2 (automated + manual), seeing that the deleteUI command usage is the same?
Default Maya UI provides only callbacks, not signals. You can create a sort of 'pseudo signal' by calling an event handler object instead of a function. In that scenario the button only knows 'I fired the button event' and the handler can call as many functions as needed.
class Handler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = []
def add_handler (self, func):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for eachfunc in handler:
eachfunc(*args, **kwargs)
hndl = Handler()
hndl.add_handler(function1) # do some ui work...
hndl.add_handler(function2) # do some scene work...
hndl.add_handler(function3) # do something over network, etc....
b = cmds.button('twoFunctions', c = Hndl)
In a large complex UI this is a nice way to keep minor things like button higlights and focus changes separated out from important stuff like changing the scene. In your application it's almost certainly overkill. You've only sharing 1 line between close and cancel, that's not too bad :)
Heres' more background on on pseudo-events in maya gui.
You can also use Maya's QT directly to get at the close event... Again, seems like overkill. More here

