Hi everyone in php when you fetch data from a mysql database and echo it out you get just whats in the selected row . Say i have a database named workers and a table called names
and names have 5 names in it mic,joe,ashley,lee,and jean. Using SELECT names from names where name = 'jean' and then echoed out the name php would print out jean but in python it would print out ('jean',) how can i fix this so that i can compare the names entered by the user with the names in the database.
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","fgnfgnfgnfgn","workers" )
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT names from names where name = 'jean'")
while True:
record = data = cursor.fetchone()
if not record: break
print record
if data == "jean":
print "its like php"
elif data != "jean":
print "its not like php"
fetchone() and fetch_row() return objects of type called tuple.
You can use indexes to access elements of tuples, print data[0]
if data[0] == "jean"
I have a program that currently reads a database and it will print out the list of tables the current database has.
This is the DB LINK: database (Copy and Paste)
What I am trying to do now is to get user input to display the records from the specific table they chose. I am having trouble to get user selection to display the records. I am using SQLite3 as my main database software.
Also I am very aware of this question on here, but
I keep getting an error when I used the .format(category) embedded on my SQL.
Incorrect number of bindings supplied.
The current statement uses 1, and there are 0 supplied.
This is what I have done so far:
import sqlite3
def get_data():
print("\nSelect a table: ", end="")
category = input()
category = str(category)
if '1' <= category <= '11':
return category
raise ValueError
def get_tables():
database = 'Northwind.db'
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
c = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'sqlite_sequence' ORDER BY NAME "
x = c.execute(sql)
for row in x.fetchall():
table = row[1]
def main():
category = get_data()
if __name__ == "__main__":
I hope this all makes sense. I appreciate the help.
Copy comment: My sql statement look like this:
*)multiple lines for readability
sql = ("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table'
AND Name = ?
AND NAME NOT LIKE 'sqlite_sequence'".format(category))
Your SQL string should be:
sql = """SELECT * FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table'
AND Name = ?
AND NAME NOT LIKE 'sqlite_sequence'"""
and the execute statement should be:
x = c.execute(sql, (category,))
also ensure that you are passing category as a parameter to your get_tables function.
I am writing a python script to perform some specific task if an element ID pre-exists. I have created a database where I am saving the data elements.
I want to find out if the element link_ID exists in the database or not. How will I do that?
I have written a small script which is not perfect. The output I am getting is No such element exists.
link_ID = link_1234
sql = ''' SELECT link_ID from link_table where link_ID=? '''
var = (link_ID)
conn.execute(sql, [var])
if conn.execute(sql, [var]) == True:
print("Search Successful")
flag = 1
print("No such element exists")
flag = 0
You have a number of problems here. First, you should create a cursor object from your connection and use that to execute your query:
c = conn.cursor()
Secondly, execute wants a tuple of values to interpolate, not a list, so do this:
var = (link_ID,)
Lastly, c.execute returns the cursor object rather than the success of the query. You should fetch the result of the query using fetchone(), if your query didn't return a row then the return value of fetchone() will be None:
result = c.fetchone()
if result is not None:
print('No row found for', link_ID)
I have a python script that read data from a MySQL db. There a table called ORARI and basically 3 fields: ID, acceso,spento. I need to read acceso, spento every 10 seconds. ACCESO and SPENTO are edited via a web interface, so they may vary. The problem is that when I run my script i can see the exact data from the db, but when I make a change to these values, the python script show me the initial value, not the updated value.
while True:
dateString = strftime('%H:%M:%S')
orario = ("SELECT * FROM orari WHERE attivo = 1")
row = cur.fetchone()
acceso = row[1]
spento = row[2]
print acceso
print dateString
print spento
need to insert, after the query: db.commit()
I am working on a learning how to execute SQL in python (I know SQL, not Python).
I have an external sql file. It creates and inserts data into three tables 'Zookeeper', 'Handles', 'Animal'.
Then I have a series of queries to run off the tables. The below queries are in the zookeeper.sql file that I load in at the top of the python script. Example for the first two are:
SELECT ANAME,zookeepid
GROUP BY zookeeper.zname;
These all execute fine in SQL. Now I need to execute them from within Python. I have been given and completed code to read in the file. Then execute all the queries in the loop.
The 1.1 and 1.2 is where I am getting confused. I believe in the loop this is the line where I should put in something to run the first and then second query.
result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);
but what? I think I am missing something very obvious. I think what is throwing me off is % table. In query 1.1 and 1.2, I am not creating a table, but rather looking for a query result.
My entire python code is below.
import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import OperationalError
conn = sqlite3.connect('csc455_HW3.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Open and read the file as a single buffer
fd = open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r')
sqlFile = fd.read()
# all SQL commands (split on ';')
sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')
# Execute every command from the input file
for command in sqlCommands:
# This will skip and report errors
# For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
# the DROP TABLE commands
except OperationalError, msg:
print "Command skipped: ", msg
# For each of the 3 tables, query the database and print the contents
for table in ['ZooKeeper', 'Animal', 'Handles']:
**# Plug in the name of the table into SELECT * query
result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);**
# Get all rows.
rows = result.fetchall();
# \n represents an end-of-line
print "\n--- TABLE ", table, "\n"
# This will print the name of the columns, padding each name up
# to 22 characters. Note that comma at the end prevents new lines
for desc in result.description:
print desc[0].rjust(22, ' '),
# End the line with column names
print ""
for row in rows:
for value in row:
# Print each value, padding it up with ' ' to 22 characters on the right
print str(value).rjust(22, ' '),
# End the values from the row
print ""
Your code already contains a beautiful way to execute all statements from a specified sql file
# Open and read the file as a single buffer
fd = open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r')
sqlFile = fd.read()
# all SQL commands (split on ';')
sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')
# Execute every command from the input file
for command in sqlCommands:
# This will skip and report errors
# For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
# the DROP TABLE commands
except OperationalError, msg:
print("Command skipped: ", msg)
Wrap this in a function and you can reuse it.
def executeScriptsFromFile(filename):
# Open and read the file as a single buffer
fd = open(filename, 'r')
sqlFile = fd.read()
# all SQL commands (split on ';')
sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')
# Execute every command from the input file
for command in sqlCommands:
# This will skip and report errors
# For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
# the DROP TABLE commands
except OperationalError, msg:
print("Command skipped: ", msg)
To use it
You said you were confused by
result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);
In Python, you can add stuff to a string by using something called string formatting.
You have a string "Some string with %s" with %s, that's a placeholder for something else. To replace the placeholder, you add % ("what you want to replace it with") after your string
a = "Hi, my name is %s and I have a %s hat" % ("Azeirah", "cool")
>>> Hi, my name is Azeirah and I have a Cool hat
Bit of a childish example, but it should be clear.
Now, what
result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);
means, is it replaces %s with the value of the table variable.
(created in)
for table in ['ZooKeeper', 'Animal', 'Handles']:
# for loop example
for fruit in ["apple", "pear", "orange"]:
>>> apple
>>> pear
>>> orange
If you have any additional questions, poke me.
A very simple way to read an external script into an sqlite database in python is using executescript():
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('csc455_HW3.db')
with open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r') as sql_file:
First make sure that a table exists if not, create a table then follow the steps.
import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import OperationalError
conn = sqlite3.connect('Client_DB.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def execute_sqlfile(filename):
c.execute("CREATE TABLE clients_parameters (adress text, ie text)")
fd = open(filename, 'r')
sqlFile = fd.readlines()
lvalues = [tuple(v.split(';')) for v in sqlFile[1:] ]
c.executemany("INSERT INTO clients_parameters VALUES (?, ?)", lvalues)
except OperationalError as msg:
print ("Command skipped: ", msg)
according me, it is not possible
import .sql file on mysql server
import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd
and then you use .sql file by convert to dataframe
I have following method that I select all the ids from table and append them to a list and return that list. But when execute this code I end up getting tuple indicies must be integers... error. I have attached the error and the print out along with my method:
def questionIds(con):
print 'getting all the question ids'
cur = con.cursor()
qIds = []
getQuestionId = "SELECT question_id from questions_new"
for row in cur.fetchall():
print 'printing row'
print row
except Exception, e:
return qIds
Printing what my method does:
Database version : 5.5.10
getting all the question ids
printing row
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "YahooAnswerScraper.py", line 76, in questionIds
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not str
The python standard mysql library returns tuples from cursor.execute. To get at the question_id field you'd use row[0], not row['question_id']. The fields come out in the same order that they appear in the select statement.
A decent way to extract multiple fields is something like
for row in cursor.execute("select question_id, foo, bar from questions"):
question_id, foo, bar = row
There are multiple cursor types in the MySQLdb module. The default cursor returns the data in a tuple of tuples. When we use a dictionary cursor, the data is sent in a form of Python dictionaries. This way we can refer to the data by their column names. Source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import MySQLdb as mdb
con = mdb.connect('localhost', 'testuser', 'test623', 'testdb')
with con:
cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Writers LIMIT 4")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row["Id"], row["Name"]
I know the question is old, but I found another way to do it that I think it is better than the accepted solution. So I'll just leave it here in case anyone needs it.
When creating the cursor you can use
cur = connection.cursor(dictionary=True);
which will allow you to do exactly what you want without any additional modifications.
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "%s %s %s" % (row["Id"], row["Name"], row["Price"])
you can see here: enter link description here ,I think its your want
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sqlite3 as lite
con = lite.connect('test.db')
with con:
con.row_factory = lite.Row # its key
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Cars")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "%s %s %s" % (row["Id"], row["Name"], row["Price"])
To retrieve data from database use dictionary cursor
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
con = psycopg2.connect(database="test", user="test", password="test", host="localhost", port="5432")
if con != None:
print "Connection Established..!\n"
print "Database Connection Failed..!\n"
cur = con.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM emp")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "%s %s %s" % (row["id"],row["name"],row["address"])
print "\nRecords Display Successfully"
Integer indices are not allowed. To get it working you can declare the DICT as specified below:
VarName = {}
Hope this works for you.
row is a tuple. When you do row['question_id'], you are trying to access a tuple using a string index which gives you an error.