I know there have been some questions regarding file reading, binary data handling and integer conversion using struct before, so I come here to ask about a piece of code I have that I think is taking too much time to run. The file being read is a multichannel datasample recording (short integers), with intercalated intervals of data (hence the nested for statements). The code is as follows:
# channel_content is a dictionary, channel_content[channel]['nsamples'] is a string
for rec in xrange(number_of_intervals)):
for channel in channel_names:
[struct.unpack( "h", f.read(2))[0]
for iteration in xrange(int(channel_content[channel]['nsamples']))])
With this code, I get 2.2 seconds per megabyte read with a dual-core with 2Mb RAM, and my files typically have 20+ Mb, which gives some very annoying delay (specially considering another benchmark shareware program I am trying to mirror loads the file WAY faster).
What I would like to know:
If there is some violation of "good practice": bad-arranged loops, repetitive operations that take longer than necessary, use of inefficient container types (dictionaries?), etc.
If this reading speed is normal, or normal to Python, and if reading speed
If creating a C++ compiled extension would be likely to improve performance, and if it would be a recommended approach.
(of course) If anyone suggests some modification to this code, preferrably based on previous experience with similar operations.
Thanks for reading
(I have already posted a few questions about this job of mine, I hope they are all conceptually unrelated, and I also hope not being too repetitive.)
Edit: channel_names is a list, so I made the correction suggested by #eumiro (remove typoed brackets)
Edit: I am currently going with Sebastian's suggestion of using array with fromfile() method, and will soon put the final code here. Besides, every contibution has been very useful to me, and I very gladly thank everyone who kindly answered.
Final Form after going with array.fromfile() once, and then alternately extending one array for each channel via slicing the big array:
fullsamples = array('h')
fullsamples.fromfile(f, os.path.getsize(f.filename)/fullsamples.itemsize - f.tell())
position = 0
for rec in xrange(int(self.header['nrecs'])):
for channel in self.channel_labels:
samples = int(self.channel_content[channel]['nsamples'])
position += samples
The speed improvement was very impressive over reading the file a bit at a time, or using struct in any form.
You could use array to read your data:
import array
import os
fn = 'data.bin'
a = array.array('h')
a.fromfile(open(fn, 'rb'), os.path.getsize(fn) // a.itemsize)
It is 40x times faster than struct.unpack from #samplebias's answer.
If the files are only 20-30M, why not read the entire file, decode the nums in a single call to unpack and then distribute them among your channels by iterating over the array:
data = open('data.bin', 'rb').read()
values = struct.unpack('%dh' % len(data)/2, data)
del data
# iterate over channels, and assign from values using indices/slices
A quick test showed this resulted in a 10x speedup over struct.unpack('h', f.read(2)) on a 20M file.
A single array fromfile call is definitively fastest, but wont work if the dataseries is interleaved with other value types.
In such cases, another big speedincrease that can be combined with the previous struct answers, is that instead of calling the unpack function multiple times, precompile a struct.Struct object with the format for each chunk. From the docs:
Creating a Struct object once and calling its methods is more
efficient than calling the struct functions with the same format since
the format string only needs to be compiled once.
So for instance, if you wanted to unpack 1000 interleaved shorts and floats at a time, you could write:
chunksize = 1000
structobj = struct.Struct("hf" * chunksize)
while True:
chunkdata = structobj.unpack(fileobj.read(structobj.size))
(Note that the example is only partial and needs to account for changing the chunksize at the end of the file and breaking the while loop.)
extend() acepts iterables, that is to say instead of .extend([...]) , you can write .extend(...) . It is likely to speed up the program because extend() will process on a generator , no more on a built list
There is an incoherence in your code: you define first channel_content = {} , and after that you perform channel_content[channel]['recording'].extend(...) that needs the preliminary existence of a key channel and a subkey 'recording' with a list as a value to be able to extend to something
What is the nature of self.channel_content[channel]['nsamples'] so that it can be submitted to int() function ?
Where do number_of_intervals come from ? What is the nature of the intervals ?
In the rec in xrange(number_of_intervals)): loop , I don't see anymore rec . So it seems to me that you are repeating the same loop process for channel in channel_names: as many times as the number expressed by number_of_intervals . Are there number_of_intervals * int(self.channel_content[channel]['nsamples']) * 2 values to read in f ?
I read in the doc:
class struct.Struct(format)
Return a
new Struct object which writes and
reads binary data according to the
format string format. Creating a
Struct object once and calling its
methods is more efficient than calling
the struct functions with the same
format since the format string only
needs to be compiled once.
This expresses the same idea as samplebias.
If your aim is to create a dictionary, there is also the possibility to use dict() with a generator as argument
I propose
channel_content = {}
for rec in xrange(number_of_intervals)):
for channel in channel_names:
N = int(self.channel_content[channel]['nsamples'])
upk = str(N)+"h", f.read(2*N)
channel_content[channel]['recording'].extend(struct.unpack(x) for i,x in enumerate(upk) if not i%2)
I don't know how to take account of the J.F. Sebastian's suggestion to use array
Not sure if it would be faster, but I would try to decode chunks of words instead of one word a time. For example, you could read 100 bytes of data a time like:
s = f.read(100)
struct.unpack(str(len(s)/2)+"h", s)
Say I'm printing numbers from two arrays into a file:
from numpy import random
number_of_points = 10000
a = random.rand(number_of_points)
b = random.rand(number_of_points)
fh = open('file.txt', 'w')
for i in range(number_of_points):
for j in range(number_of_points):
print('%f %f' % (a[i], b[j]), file=fh)
I feel this is making lots of calls to the system to print, whereas sending one call containing this information would be faster. Is this correct? If so, how could I do this? Are there faster ways to implement this?
print has a lot of bells and whistles you're not using, and you're using C-style looping with indexing instead of direct iteration, both of which add needless overhead. You might be able to speed it up a bit by limiting the Python level work, pushing it to the C layer.
For example, in this case, you could replace the whole doubly-nested loop structure with:
import itertools
# You could use '%f %f\n'.__mod__ as the map function if you like, I just
# find the modern format strings a little nicer
fh.writelines(itertools.starmap('{} {}\n'.format, itertools.product(a, b)))
which uses product to produce the results of your nested loops and indexing directly, starmap+str.format to create the lines, and fh.writelines to exhaust the generator created by starmap, writing all of its outputs directly to the file with a single function call, instead of 100,000,000 calls to to print.
Aside from the fixed (unrelated to number of items iterated) setup cost to create the generators and pass the final generator to fh.writelines, the actual iteration, formatting and I/O work will take place entirely at the C layer on the CPython reference interpreter, so it should run quite fast.
Doing some computation that results in strings that contain byte data (the strings serve as byte arrays). Now this data needs to be sent to another program that expects all this data to be concatenated. From what you can read here, the best way to concatenate appears to be dumping the data into a list and then doing ''.join(lst) but it appears to me that creating might incur a memory overhead .
Is there any way to enjoy the benefits of ''.join(lst) without creating a long list?
It is not hard to approximate how big the complete string is going to be. Is there a way to allocate that space and just pour the data inside? For instance with something like numpy? Then convert it into a huge string?
str.join() actually does not need a list to join, but any kind of iterable. Therefore you could work with generators, serving string after string:
def calculate_something():
# do something
data = b"Foobar"
yield from data
# do something else
yield from other_function_returning_string_data()
final_results = ''.join(calculate_something())
The yield from syntax is new since Python 3.3, if you are using something below 3.3 for c in data: yield c should work as well.
I'm working on a Python script to go through two files - one containing a list of UUIDs, the other containing a large amount of log entries - each line containing one of the UUIDs from the other file. The purpose of the program is to create a list of the UUIDS from file1, then for each time that UUID is found in the log file, increment the associated value for each time a match is found.
So long story short, count how many times each UUID appears in the log file.
At the moment, I have a list which is populated with UUID as the key, and 'hits' as the value. Then another loop which iterates over each line of the log file, and checking if the UUID in the log matches a UUID in the UUID list. If it matches, it increments the value.
for i, logLine in enumerate(logHandle): #start matching UUID entries in log file to UUID from rulebase
if logFunc.progress(lineCount, logSize): #check progress
print logFunc.progress(lineCount, logSize) #print progress in 10% intervals
for uid in uidHits:
if logLine.count(uid) == 1: #for each UUID, check the current line of the log for a match in the UUID list
uidHits[uid] += 1 #if matched, increment the relevant value in the uidHits list
break #as we've already found the match, don't process the rest
lineCount += 1
It works as it should - but I'm sure there is a more efficient way of processing the file. I've been through a few guides and found that using 'count' is faster than using a compiled regex. I thought reading files in chunks rather than line by line would improve performance by reducing the amount of disk I/O time but the performance difference on a test file ~200MB was neglible. If anyone has any other methods I would be very grateful :)
Think functionally!
Write a function which will take a line of the log file and return the uuid. Call it uuid, say.
Apply this function to every line of the log file. If you are using Python 3 you can use the built-in function map; otherwise, you need to use itertools.imap.
Pass this iterator to a collections.Counter.
collections.Counter(map(uuid, open("log.txt")))
This will be pretty much optimally efficient.
A couple comments:
This completely ignores the list of UUIDs and just counts the ones that appear in the log file. You will need to modify the program somewhat if you don't want this.
Your code is slow because you are using the wrong data structures. A dict is what you want here.
This is not a 5-line answer to your question, but there was an excellent tutorial given at PyCon'08 called Generator Tricks for System Programmers. There is also a followup tutorial called A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency.
The Generator tutorial specifically uses big log file processing as its example.
Like folks above have said, with a 10GB file you'll probably hit the limits of your disk pretty quickly. For code-only improvements, the generator advice is great. In python 2.x it'll look something like
uuid_generator = (line.split(SPLIT_CHAR)[UUID_FIELD] for line in file)
It sounds like this doesn't actually have to be a python problem. If you're not doing anything more complex than counting UUIDs, Unix might be able to solve your problems faster than python can.
cut -d${SPLIT_CHAR} -f${UUID_FIELD} log_file.txt | sort | uniq -c
Have you tried mincemeat.py? It is a Python implementation of the MapReduce distributed computing framework. I'm not sure if you'll have performance gain since I've not yet processed 10GB of data before using it, though you might explore this framework.
Try measuring where most time is spent, using a profiler http://docs.python.org/library/profile.html
Where best to optimise will depend on the nature of your data: If the list of uuids isn't very long, you may find, for example, that a large proportion of time is spend on the "if logFunc.progress(lineCount, logSize)". If the list is very long, you it could help to save the result of uidHits.keys() to a variable outside the loop and iterate over that instead of the dictionary itself, but Rosh Oxymoron's suggesting of finding the id first and then checking for it in uidHits would probably help even more.
In any case, you can eliminate the lineCount variable, and use i instead. And find(uid) != -1 might be better than count(uid) == 1 if the lines are very long.
Right, I'm iterating through a large binary file
I need to minimise the time of this loop:
def NB2(self, ID_LEN):
blockReturn = np.zeros((num_samples,num_receivers,num_channels))
for rec in range(0,num_receivers):
for chl in range(0,num_channels):
for smpl in range(0,num_samples):
blockReturn[smpl,rec,chl] = np.sqrt(math.fabs(r2_iq[0])*math.fabs(r2_iq[0]) + math.fabs(r2_iq[1])*math.fabs(r2_iq[1]))
return blockReturn
So, what's going on is as follows:
r1 is the header of the file, dTypes.NB_HDR is a type I made:
NB_HDR= np.dtype([('f3',np.uint32),('f4',np.uint32),('f5',np.uint32),('f6',np.int32),('f7',np.int32),('f8',np.uint32)])
That gets all the information about the forthcoming data block, and nicely puts us in the right position within the file (the start of the data block!).
In this data block there is:
4096 samples per channel,
4 channels per receiver,
9 receivers.
So num_receivers, num_channels, num_samples will always be the same (at the moment anyway), but as you can see this is a fairly large amount of data. Each 'sample' is a pair of int16 values that I want to find the magnitude of (hence Pythagoras).
This NB2 code is executed for each 'Block' in the file, for a 12GB file (which is how big they are) there are about 20,900 Blocks, and I've got to iterate through 1000 of these files (so, 12TB overall). Any speed advantage even it's it's milliseconds would be massively appreciated.
EDIT: Actually it might be of help to know how I'm moving around inside the file. I have a function as follows:
def navigateTo(self, blockNum, indexNum):
ReadFile.currentBlock = blockNum
ReadFile.index = indexNum
Before I run all this code I scan the file and make a list of index locations at ReadFile.fileIndex that I browse using this function and then 'seek' to the absolute location - is this efficient?
Because you know the length of a block after you read the header, read the whole block at once. Then reshape the array (very fast, only affects metadata) and take use the np.hypot ufunc:
blockData = np.fromfile(ReadFile.fid, np.int16, num_receivers*num_channels*num_samples*2)
blockData = blockData.reshape((num_receivers, num_channes, num_samples, 2))
return np.hypot(blockData[:,:,:,0], blockData[:,:,:,1])
On my machine it runs in 11ms per block.
import numpy as np
def NB2(self, ID_LEN):
# first, match your array bounds to the way you are walking the file
blockReturn = np.zeros((num_receivers,num_channels,num_samples))
for rec in range(0,num_receivers):
for chl in range(0,num_channels):
# second, read in all the samples at once if you have enough memory
r2_iq.shape = (-1,2) # tell numpy that it is an array of two values
# create dot product vector by squaring data elementwise, and then
# adding those elements together. Results is of length num_samples
r2_iq = r2_iq * r2_iq
r2_iq = r2_iq[:,0] + r2_iq[:,1]
# get the distance by performing the square root "into" blockReturn
np.sqrt(r2_iq, out=blockReturn[rec,chl,:])
return blockReturn
This should help your performance. Two main ideas in numpy work. First, your result arrays dimensions should match how your loop dimensions are crafted, for memory locality.
Second, Numpy is FAST. I've beaten hand coded C with numpy, simply because it uses LAPack and vector acceleration. However to get that power, you have to let it manipulate more data at a time. That is why your sample loop has been collapsed to read in the full sample for the receiver and channel in one large read. Then use the supreme vector powers of numpy to calculate your magnitude by dot product.
There is a little more optimization to be had in the magnitude calculation, but numpy recycles buffers for you, making it less important than you might think. I hope this helps!
I'd try to use as few loops and as much constants as possible.
Everything that can be done in a linear fashion should be done so.
If values don't change, use constants to reduce lookups and such,
because that eats up cpu cycles.
This is from a theoretical point of view ;-)
If possible use highly optimised libraries. I don't exaclty know what you are trying to achieve but i'd rather use an existing FFT-Lib than writing it myself :>
One more thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation (can be an eye-opener)
Most importantly, you shouldn't do file access at the lowest level of a triple nested loop, whether you do this in C or Python. You've got to read in large chunks of data at a time.
So to speed this up, read in large chunks of data at a time, and process that data using numpy indexing (that is, vectorize your code). This is particularly easy in your case since all your data is int32. Just read in big chunks of data, and reshape the data into an array that reflects the (receiver, channel, sample) structure, and then use the appropriate indexing to multiply and add things for Pythagoras, and the 'sum' command to add up the terms in the resulting array.
This is more of an observation than a solution, but porting that function to C++ and loading it in with the Python API would get you a lot of speed gain to begin with before loop optimization.
Let's say I need to save a matrix(each line corresponds one row) that could be loaded from fortran later. What method should I prefer? Is converting everything to string is the only one approach?
You can save them in binary format as well. Please see the documentation on the struct standard module, it has a pack function for converting Python object into binary data.
For example:
import struct
value = 3.141592654
data = struct.pack('d', value)
open('file.ext', 'wb').write(data)
You can convert each element of your matrix and write to a file. Fortran should be able to load that binary data. You can speed up the process by converting a row as a whole, like this:
row_data = struct.pack('d' * len(matrix_row), *matrix_row)
Please note, that 'd' * len(matrix_row) is a constant for your matrix size, so you need to calculate that format string only once.
I don't know fortran, so it's hard to tell what is easy for you to perform on that side for parsing.
It sounds like your options are either saving the doubles in plaintext (meaning, 'converting' them to string), or in binary (using struct and the likes). The decision for which one is better depends.
I would go with the plaintext solution, as it means the files will be easily readable, and you won't have to mess with different kinds of details (endianity, default double sizes).
But, there are cases where binary is better (for example, if you have a really big list of doubles and space is of importance, or if it is easier for you to parse it and you need the optimization) - but this is likely not your case.
You can use JSON
import json
matrix = [[2.3452452435, 3.34134], [4.5, 7.9]]
data = json.dumps(matrix)
open('file.ext', 'wb').write(data)
File content will look like:
[[2.3452452435, 3.3413400000000002], [4.5, 7.9000000000000004]]
If legibility and ease of access is important (and file size is reasonable), Fortran can easily parse a simple array of numbers, at least if it knows the size of the matrix beforehand (with something like READ(FILE_ID, '2(F)'), I think):
1.234 5.6789e4
3.1415 9.265358978
42 ...
Two nested for loops in your Python code can easily write your matrix in this form.