Simple XMPP bot on python - python

I have the simple code of XMPP bot by python and
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xmpp
import urllib2
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'ipbot.conf')
user= (config.get('account', 'login'))
password=(config.get('account', 'password'))
################Parse IP##################
f = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(strURL))
response =
ipget= response.split("<br>")
def status(xstatus):
def message(conn,mess):
global client
if ( mess.getBody() == "ip" ):
client.send(xmpp.protocol.Message(mess.getFrom(),ipget[1]+" => "+ipget[0]))#Send IP
while True:
Please, tell me, how to translate this code to use and
Thanks a lot.

The following code should do it. A few notes:
Wokkel uses so-called subprotocol handlers to cover support for specific
subprotocols, usually split up by conceptual feature, by namespace or per
XMPPClient is a so-called stream manager that establishes connections,
and takes care of authentication with the server. It works with the
hooked-up subprotocol handlers to process traffic with the XML stream it
manages. It automatically reconnects if the connection has been lost.
This example defines one new handler to process incoming messages.
Unlike the original code, here the request to retrieve the IP address is
done for each incoming message with ip in the body.
In the original code, status was never called. I now the use
PresenceProtocol subprotocol handler to send out the presence each time
a connection has been established and authentication has taken place.
The example is a so-called Twisted Application, to be started using twistd, as mentioned in the docstring. This will daemonize the process and logs go to twisted.log. If you specify -n (before -y), it will not detach and log to the console instead.
XMPP example client that replies with its IP address upon request.
twistd -y ipbot.tac
import ConfigParser
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web.client import getPage
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import toResponse
from wokkel.client import XMPPClient
from wokkel.xmppim import PresenceProtocol, MessageProtocol
class IPHandler(MessageProtocol):
Message handler that sends presence and returns its IP upon request.
#ivar presenceHandler: Presence subprotocol handler.
#type presenceHandler: L{PresenceProtocol}
#ivar show: Presence show value to send upon connecting.
#type show: C{unicode} or C{NoneType}
def __init__(self, presenceHandler, show=None):
self.presenceHandler = presenceHandler = show
def connectionInitialized(self):
Connection established and authenticated.
Use the given presence handler to send presence.
self.presenceHandler.available(, priority=1)
def onMessage(self, message):
A message has been received.
If the body of the incoming message equals C{"ip"}, retrieve our
IP address and format the response message in the callback.
def onPage(page):
address, location = page.split(u"<br>")
body = u"%s => %s" % (location, address)
response = toResponse(message, stanzaType=message['type'])
response.addElement("body", content=body)
if unicode(message.body) != u"ip":
d = getPage("")
# Read the configuration file
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'ipbot.conf')
user = config.get('account', 'login')
password = config.get('account', 'password')
presence = config.get('presence','presence')
# Set up a Twisted application.
application = service.Application('XMPP client')
# Set up an XMPP Client.
jid = JID(user)
client = XMPPClient(jid, password)
client.logTraffic = True
# Add a presence handler.
presenceHandler = PresenceProtocol()
# Add our custom handler
ipHandler = IPHandler(presenceHandler, presence)


Unable to send or recieve emails from python aiosmtpd SMTP server, stuck at 250 ok [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
aiosmtpd - python smtp server
(1 answer)
Closed 3 months ago.
I had "successfully" made an SMTP server. The code works fine connecting to SMTP clients. But it is neither able to recieve emails nor send it. I tried with various test servers and also the standard gmail/yahoo etc.
Here is the code:
# Copyright 2014-2021 The aiosmtpd Developers
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import asyncio
from asyncio.base_events import Server
import logging
import aiosmtpd
from aiosmtpd.controller import DEFAULT_READY_TIMEOUT, Controller
import ssl
from aiosmtpd.smtp import Envelope, Session
from smtplib import SMTP as SMTPCLient
context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
context.load_cert_chain('cert.pem', 'privkey.pem')
class ExampleHandler():
async def handle_RCPT(self, server, session, envelope, address, rcpt_options):
if address.endswith(''):
print('not relaying to that domain bro :(')
return '550 not relaying to that domain'
print(address+" "+"is added to rcpt_tos")
# Make an envelope for the recipient with the same content.
return '250 OK'
# async def handle_EHLO(self, server, session, envelope):
# print('EHLO from %s' % envelope.mail_from)
# return '250-Hello, how are you?\n250-I am fine\n250 HELP'
async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
print('Message from %s' % envelope.mail_from)
print('Message for %s' % envelope.rcpt_tos)
print('Message data:\n')
for ln in envelope.content.decode('utf8', errors='replace').splitlines():
print(f'> {ln}'.strip())
print('End of message')
# Dump the contents of envelope.content to a file.
fi.write(envelope.content.decode('utf8', errors='replace'))
# print everything in DATA.
# Send the envelope to the recipient.
return '250 Message will be delivered'
#Define Relay server.
async def amain(loop):
cont = Controller(ExampleHandler(),hostname='x.x.x.x', port=25, server_hostname='Galam Limited',ready_timeout=5000)
# Combining ExampleHandler and Controller into a single Controller.
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
You can test the server reachability . I am stuck and spent 2 whole days to no avail. The issue is definetely not connectivity, I put the port 25 open. Made sure there are no external issues with godaddy either. Any help will be appreicated.
A quick peak at the wire shark data shows absolutely no packet is being transmitted to the outside when I run the client script.
Here is the clinet script I used for testing.
from smtplib import SMTP as Client
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
class controller:
client = Client(controller.hostname, controller.port)
r = client.sendmail('', ['tester#'], """\
From: Anne Person <>
To: Bart Person <tester#>
Subject: A test
Message-ID: <ant>
Hi Bart, this is Anne.
SMTP 250 code means that a successful connection has been established however the remote host you are sending mails to might have categorized the domain the mail is being sent from as not legitimate.
This can happen if your domain is not authenticated/verified.
You can relay your messages through a trusted SMTP service like sendgrid
You can also check if your domain is verified by sending a mail from your service to Port25 is an automated tool that verified your DNS records, SPF records etc.
Hope this works for you!

How can I debug a connection issue within VOLTTRON?

I am connecting to an external VOLTTRON instance. I am not getting a response from the connection. What's the issue?
I am writing a simple python script to connect to an external platform and retrieve the peers. If I get the serverkey, clientkey, and/or publickey incorrect I don't know how to determine which is the culprit, from the client side. I just get a gevent timeout. Is there a way to know?
import os
import gevent
from import Agent
secret = "secret"
public = "public"
serverkey = "server"
tcp_address = "tcp://external:22916"
agent = Agent(address=tcp_address, serverkey=serverkey, secretkey=secret,
event = gevent.event.Event()
greenlet = gevent.spawn(, event)
print("My id: {}".format(agent.core.identity))
peers =
for p in peers:
The short answer: no, the client cannot determine why its connection to the server failed. The client will attempt to connect until it times out.
Logs and debug messages on the server side can help troubleshoot a connection problem. There are three distinct messages related to key errors:
CURVE I: cannot open client HELLO -- wrong server key?
Either the client omit the server key, the client used the wrong server key, or the server omit the secret key.
CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE vouch
Either the client omit the public or secret key, or its public and secret keys don't correspond to each other.
authentication failure
The server key was correct and the secret and public keys are valid, but the server rejected the connection because the client was not authorized to connect (based on the client's public key).
The first two messages are printed by libzmq. To see the third message volttron must be started with increased verboseness (at least -v).
Here is a simple ZMQ server-client example you can use to test some of these scenarios:
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
socket.curve_server = 1
socket.curve_secretkey = "mW4i2O{kmcOXs9q>UP0(no4-Sp1r(p>vK?*NFwV$"
# The corresponding public key is "krEC0>hsx+o4Jxg2yvitCOVwr2GF85akNIsUdiH5"
while True:
msg = socket.recv()
new_msg = "I got the message: {}".format(msg)
import zmq
pub, sec = zmq.curve_keypair()
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
socket.curve_secretkey = sec
socket.curve_publickey = pub
socket.curve_serverkey = "krEC0>hsx+o4Jxg2yvitCOVwr2GF85akNIsUdiH5"
msg = socket.recv()
print("From the server: {}".format(msg))

Understanding Autobahn and Twisted integration

I am trying to understand the examples given here:
I built this script which is supposed to handle multiple pub/sub websocket connections and also open a tcp port ( 8123 ) for incoming control messages. When a message comes on the 8123 port, the application should broadcast to all the connected subscribers the message received on port 8123. How do i make NotificationProtocol or NotificationFactory talk to the websocket and make the websocket server broadcast a message.
Another thing that i do not understand is the url. The client javascript connects to the url http://:8080/ws . Where does the "ws" come from ?
Also can someone explain the purpose of RouterFactory, RouterSessionFactory and this bit:
from autobahn.wamp import types
session_factory.add( WsNotificationComponent(types.ComponentConfig(realm = "realm1" )))
my code is below:
import sys, time
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationSession
from autobahn.twisted.util import sleep
class NotificationProtocol(Protocol):
def __init__(self, factory):
self.factory = factory
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "received new data"
class NotificationFactory(Factory):
protocol = NotificationProtocol
class WsNotificationComponent(ApplicationSession):
def onJoin(self, details):
counter = 0
while True:
self.publish("com.myapp.topic1", "test %d" % counter )
counter += 1
yield sleep(1)
## we use an Autobahn utility to install the "best" available Twisted reactor
from autobahn.twisted.choosereactor import install_reactor
reactor = install_reactor()
## create a WAMP router factory
from autobahn.wamp.router import RouterFactory
router_factory = RouterFactory()
## create a WAMP router session factory
from autobahn.twisted.wamp import RouterSessionFactory
session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(router_factory)
from autobahn.wamp import types
session_factory.add( WsNotificationComponent(types.ComponentConfig(realm = "realm1" )))
from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WampWebSocketServerFactory
transport_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(session_factory)
transport_factory.setProtocolOptions(failByDrop = False)
from twisted.internet.endpoints import serverFromString
## start the server from an endpoint
server = serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:8080")
notificationFactory = NotificationFactory()
reactor.listenTCP(8123, notificationFactory)
"How do i make NotificationProtocol or NotificationFactory talk to the websocket and make the websocket server broadcast a message":
Check out one of my other answers on SO: Persistent connection in twisted. Jump down to the example code and model your websocket logic like the "IO" logic and you'll have a good fit (You might also want to see the follow-on answer about the newer endpoint calls from one of the twisted core-team too)
"Where does the "ws" come from ?"
Websockets are implemented by retasking http connections, which by their nature have to have a specific path on the request. That "ws" path typically would map to a special http handler that autobahn is building for you to process websockets (or at least that's what your javascript is expecting...). Assuming thing are setup right you can actually point your web-browswer at that url and it should print back an error about the websocket handshake (Expected WebSocket Headers in my case, but I'm using cyclones websockets not autobahn).
P.S. one of the cool side-effects from "websockets must have a specific path" is that you can actually mix websockets and normal http content on the same handler/listen/port, this gets really handy when your trying to run them all on the same SSL port because your trying to avoid the requirement of a proxy front-ending your code.

Trigger script upon email receipt

I need to trigger a python script every time an email is received by my webserver on a specific account. I will also need the email to be passed to the script as an argument. My webserver is using Dovecot. How do I go about doing this?
I recommend you have a look at Twisted and specifically its IMAP and POP protocols and client modules.
As an example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Simple IMAP4 client which displays the subjects of all messages in a
particular mailbox.
import sys
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.internet import ssl
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import stdio
from twisted.mail import imap4
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.python import util
from twisted.python import log
class TrivialPrompter(basic.LineReceiver):
from os import linesep as delimiter
promptDeferred = None
def prompt(self, msg):
assert self.promptDeferred is None
self.promptDeferred = defer.Deferred()
return self.promptDeferred
def display(self, msg):
def lineReceived(self, line):
if self.promptDeferred is None:
d, self.promptDeferred = self.promptDeferred, None
class SimpleIMAP4Client(imap4.IMAP4Client):
A client with callbacks for greeting messages from an IMAP server.
greetDeferred = None
def serverGreeting(self, caps):
self.serverCapabilities = caps
if self.greetDeferred is not None:
d, self.greetDeferred = self.greetDeferred, None
class SimpleIMAP4ClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
usedUp = False
protocol = SimpleIMAP4Client
def __init__(self, username, onConn):
self.ctx = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
self.username = username
self.onConn = onConn
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
Initiate the protocol instance. Since we are building a simple IMAP
client, we don't bother checking what capabilities the server has. We
just add all the authenticators twisted.mail has. Note: Gmail no
longer uses any of the methods below, it's been using XOAUTH since
assert not self.usedUp
self.usedUp = True
p = self.protocol(self.ctx)
p.factory = self
p.greetDeferred = self.onConn
return p
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
d, self.onConn = self.onConn, None
def cbServerGreeting(proto, username, password):
Initial callback - invoked after the server sends us its greet message.
# Hook up stdio
tp = TrivialPrompter()
# And make it easily accessible
proto.prompt = tp.prompt
proto.display = tp.display
# Try to authenticate securely
return proto.authenticate(password
).addCallback(cbAuthentication, proto
).addErrback(ebAuthentication, proto, username, password
def ebConnection(reason):
Fallback error-handler. If anything goes wrong, log it and quit.
return reason
def cbAuthentication(result, proto):
Callback after authentication has succeeded.
Lists a bunch of mailboxes.
return proto.list("", "*"
).addCallback(cbMailboxList, proto
def ebAuthentication(failure, proto, username, password):
Errback invoked when authentication fails.
If it failed because no SASL mechanisms match, offer the user the choice
of logging in insecurely.
If you are trying to connect to your Gmail account, you will be here!
return proto.prompt(
"No secure authentication available. Login insecurely? (y/N) "
).addCallback(cbInsecureLogin, proto, username, password
def cbInsecureLogin(result, proto, username, password):
Callback for "insecure-login" prompt.
if result.lower() == "y":
# If they said yes, do it.
return proto.login(username, password
).addCallback(cbAuthentication, proto
return"Login failed for security reasons."))
def cbMailboxList(result, proto):
Callback invoked when a list of mailboxes has been retrieved.
result = [e[2] for e in result]
s = '\n'.join(['%d. %s' % (n + 1, m) for (n, m) in zip(range(len(result)), result)])
if not s:
return"No mailboxes exist on server!"))
return proto.prompt(s + "\nWhich mailbox? [1] "
).addCallback(cbPickMailbox, proto, result
def cbPickMailbox(result, proto, mboxes):
When the user selects a mailbox, "examine" it.
mbox = mboxes[int(result or '1') - 1]
return proto.examine(mbox
).addCallback(cbExamineMbox, proto
def cbExamineMbox(result, proto):
Callback invoked when examine command completes.
Retrieve the subject header of every message in the mailbox.
return proto.fetchSpecific('1:*',
).addCallback(cbFetch, proto
def cbFetch(result, proto):
Finally, display headers.
if result:
keys = result.keys()
for k in keys:
proto.display('%s %s' % (k, result[k][0][2]))
print "Hey, an empty mailbox!"
return proto.logout()
def cbClose(result):
Close the connection when we finish everything.
from twisted.internet import reactor
def main():
hostname = raw_input('IMAP4 Server Hostname: ')
port = raw_input('IMAP4 Server Port (the default is 143, 993 uses SSL): ')
username = raw_input('IMAP4 Username: ')
password = util.getPassword('IMAP4 Password: ')
onConn = defer.Deferred(
).addCallback(cbServerGreeting, username, password
factory = SimpleIMAP4ClientFactory(username, onConn)
from twisted.internet import reactor
if port == '993':
reactor.connectSSL(hostname, int(port), factory, ssl.ClientContextFactory())
if not port:
port = 143
reactor.connectTCP(hostname, int(port), factory)
if __name__ == '__main__':
From here you need to just call your Python script in a subprocess when you detect a new email from your IMAP folder that you're checking... Here you could also use Twisted's Process handling as documented here:
Good luck!
IMAP server may notify you about new messages if it supports IDLE command. If it doesn't support it then you could poll the inbox periodically using imaplib from stdlib (code example to retrieve messages from a time period).
imaplib doesn't support IDLE command but it could be easily added e.g., imapidle:
from imapidle import imaplib
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
m.login('robert', 'pa55w0rd')
for uid, msg in m.idle(): # yield new messages
print msg
See also How do I enable push-notification for IMAP (Gmail) using Python imaplib?

Python Proxy with Twisted

Hello! I have this code:
from twisted.web import proxy, http
from twisted.internet import reactor
class akaProxy(proxy.Proxy):
Local proxy = bridge between browser and web application
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "Received data..."
headers = data.split("\n")
request = headers[0].split(" ")
method = request[0].lower()
action = request[1]
print action
print "ended content manipulation"
return proxy.Proxy.dataReceived(self, data)
class ProxyFactory(http.HTTPFactory):
protocol = akaProxy
def intercept(port):
print "Intercept"
factory = ProxyFactory()
reactor.listenTCP(port, factory)
except Exception as excp:
print str(excp)
I use above code to intercept everything between browser and web site. When using above, I configure my browser settings: to IP: and Port: 1337. I put this script in remote server to act my remote server as proxy server. But when I change browser proxy IP settings to my server's it does not work. What I do wrong? What else I need to configure?
Presumably your dataReceived is raising an exception during its attempts to parse the data passed to it. Try enabling logging so you can see more of what's going on:
from twisted.python.log import startLogging
from sys import stdout
The reason your parser is likely to raise exceptions is that dataReceived is not called only with a complete request. It is called with whatever bytes are read from the TCP connection. This may be a complete request, a partial request, or even two requests (if pipelining is in use).
dataReceived in the Proxy context is handling "translation of rawData into lines", so it may be too early for trying your manipulation code. You can try overriding allContentReceived instead and you will have access to the complete headers and content. Here is an example that I believe does what you are after:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from twisted.web import proxy, http
class SnifferProxy(proxy.Proxy):
Local proxy = bridge between browser and web application
def allContentReceived(self):
print "Received data..."
print "method = %s" % self._command
print "action = %s" % self._path
print "ended content manipulation\n\n"
return proxy.Proxy.allContentReceived(self)
class ProxyFactory(http.HTTPFactory):
protocol = SnifferProxy
if __name__ == "__main__":
from twisted.internet import reactor
reactor.listenTCP(8080, ProxyFactory())

