I am trying to create a class that will be able to make all possible calculations between matrix. the input is a matrix (doesn't matter the size), and on that matrix the class should do any calculations - either multiply, combine or substract. The different functions are as follow:
I need to have in this class:
__init__(self, data)
add(self, m)
scalar_multiply(self, a)
subtract(self, m)
multiply(self, m)
compare(self, m)
Thanks alot, it also needs to be with simple actions.
This is my code till now:
class Matrix:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def get_width(self):
return len(self.data[0])
def get_height(self):
return len(self.data)
def add(self, m):
lines = []
for j in range(len(self.data)):
line = []
for i in range(len(self.data[j])):
line.append(self.data[j][i] + m[j][i])
return lines
def scalar_multiply(self, a):
res = []
for j in range(len(self.data)):
line = []
for i in range(len(self.data)):
return res
def subtract(self, m):
lines = []
for j in range(len(self.data)):
line = []
for i in range(len(self.data)):
line.append(self.data[j][i] - m[j][i])
return lines
def multiply(self, m):
lines = []
for j in range(len(self.data-1)):
line = []
for i in range(len(m[0])-1):
schum = 0
for k in range(len(self.data[0]-1)):
schum = self.data[j][k]*m[k][i]
return lines
def compare(self, m):
for j in range(len(self.data)):
for i in range(len(self.data)[j]):
while self.data[j][i] == m[j][i]:
return True
return False
Do you need to create this yourself? If not, there is already an excellent implementation of this in numpy
I'm trying to do an academic project (I cannot use any of the libraries from python) to construct a graph data structure from teh data in a csv file.
First I'm reading the csv file and put the information into a dictionary, using:
def github_csv():
with open('Github1.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
data = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
for row in data:
The output is:
{'follower': '9236', 'followed': '1570'}
{'follower': '13256', 'followed': '9236'}
{'follower': '9236', 'followed': '13256'}
My first doubt is there any way to put it like this:
'9236': ['1570', '13256']
'13256': ['9236']
Then how can I assign the key value to a vertex and corresponding values for another vertex and then create the edges?
My graph class is:
class Graph:
def __init__(self, directed=False):
self._directed = directed
self._number = 0
self._vertices = {}
def insert_vertex(self, x):
v = Vertex(x)
self._vertices[v] = {}
self._number = len(self._vertices)
return v
def insert_edge(self, u, v, x=None):
e = Edge(u, v, x)
self._vertices[u][v] = e
self._vertices[v][u] = e
class Vertex:
__slots__ = "_element"
def __init__(self, x):
self._element = x
def vertice(self):
return self._element
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Vertex):
return self._element == other.vertice()
return False
def __repr__(self):
return '{0}'.format(self._element)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(id(self))
class Edge:
__slots__ = '_origin', '_destination', '_weight'
def __init__(self, u, v, p=None):
self._origin = u
self._destination = v
self._weight = p
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._origin, self._destination))
def __repr__(self):
if self._weight is None:
return '({0}, {1})'.format(self._origin, self._destination)
return '({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(self._origin, self._destination, self._weight)
def endpoints(self):
return self._origin, self._destination
def opposite(self, v):
return self._origin if v is self._destination else self._origin
def cost(self):
return self._weight
def show_edge(self):
print('(', self._origin, ', ', self._destination, ') com peso', self._weight)
Regarding the first question:
lista = [{'follower': '9236', 'followed': '1570'},
{'follower': '13256', 'followed': '9236'},
{'follower': '9236', 'followed': '13256'}]
rel_dict = {}
for d in lista:
if d["follower"] in rel_dict.keys():
rel_dict[d["follower"]] = [d["followed"]]
{'9236': ['1570', '13256'], '13256': ['9236']}
EDIT2 (with Vertex and Edge definition):
To add these data to the graph:
graph = Graph()
for k,v in rel_dict.items():
k_vertex = graph.insert_vertex(k)
for v_item in v:
v_item_vertex = graph.insert_vertex(v_item)
graph.insert_edge(k_vertex, v_item_vertex)
Assuming you get row as the dictionaries you've mentioned,
edges_dict = {}
def github_csv():
with open('Github1.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
data = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
for row in data:
edges_dict[ row['follower'] ].append(row['followed'])
This should give you an edges_dict dictionary of lists as required.
I have a problem with an algorithmic task. There is content of it: "You have ten points on a plane and none three of them are collinear, each pair of different points is connected by line segment, which is green or blue. Calculate how many triangles have sides only in one colour." I tried a solution with n-ary trees but I get repeated triangles with cyclic permutations of integers on the result list.
Patryk, the problem is solvable with n-trees. However, to avoid cyclic permutations you need to skip symmetric line segments. If you create a line segment from 0 -> 1 you do not need to create a segment from 1 -> 0. Below is a complete code which solves the problem with n-trees with the recursive depth-first search. Excuse for Polish names of classes and methods. The interface is in English however. If you analyze the code you will get the point surely.
from random import choice
import copy
class Punkt:
def __init__(self, numer):
self.__numer = numer
self.__odcinki = {}
def dodaj_odcinek_wychodzący(self, punkt_docelowy, kolor):
self.__odcinki[punkt_docelowy] = Odcinek(self.__numer, punkt_docelowy, kolor)
def wez_odcinek_do_punktu_docelowego(self, punkt_docelowy):
return (punkt_docelowy, self.__odcinki[punkt_docelowy].wez_kolor())
def liczba_odcinkow(self):
return len(self.__odcinki)
def wez_kolor_punktu_docelowego(self, punkt_docelowy):
return self.__odcinki[punkt_docelowy].wez_kolor()
def lista_punktow_docelowych(self):
return self.__odcinki.keys()
class Odcinek:
def __init__(self, punkt_zrodlowy, punkt_docelowy, kolor):
self.__punkt_zrodlowy = punkt_zrodlowy
self.__punkt_docelowy = punkt_docelowy
self.__kolor = kolor
def wez_kolor(self):
return self.__kolor
class Structure:
def __init__(self, liczba_punktow=10):
self.__punkty = [Punkt(i)
for i in range(liczba_punktow)]
for i in range(liczba_punktow):
for j in range(i + 1, liczba_punktow):
self.__punkty[i].dodaj_odcinek_wychodzący(j, choice(["green", "blue"]))
# for j in range(liczba_punktow):
# for i in range (j + 1, liczba_punktow):
# self.__punkty[j].dodaj_odcinek_wychodzący(*(self.__punkty[j].wez_odcinek_do_punktu_docelowego(i)))
def wez_punkt(self, numer):
return self.__punkty[numer]
def wez_liczbe_punktow(self):
return len(self.__punkty)
class Search:
def __init__(self, struktura):
self.__s = struktura
def wez_liczbe_punktow(self):
return self.__s.wez_liczbe_punktow()
def wez_punkt(self, numer):
return self.__s.wez_punkt(numer)
def szukaj(self, kolor="green"):
self.__szukany_kolor = kolor
lista_trojkatow = []
liczba_trojkatow = 0
wszystkie_trojkaty = []
for i in range(self.wez_liczbe_punktow()):
lista_odwiedzonych_punktow = [i]
lista_trojkatow = self.szukaj_z_punktu(i,lista_odwiedzonych_punktow,lista_trojkatow)
return len(lista_trojkatow), lista_trojkatow
def wez_szukany_kolor(self):
return self.__szukany_kolor
def szukaj_z_punktu(self, numer, trojkat, lista_trojkatow):
if len(trojkat) == 3: # jeżeli zebraliśmy już trzy punkty to brakuje tylko zamykającego, czwartego
if self.wez_punkt(trojkat[0]).wez_kolor_punktu_docelowego(
trojkat[-1]) == self.wez_szukany_kolor(): # sprawdź czy do punktu zamykającego prowadzi odcinek o szukanym kolorze
trojkat.append(trojkat[0]) # dodaj punkt zamykajacy do trójkąta
lista_trojkatow.append(trojkat) # dodaj trojkąt do listy trójkątów
# return lista_trojkatow # zwróć liste trójkątów obliczonych dotychczas
potomkowie = []
for punkt_docelowy in self.wez_punkt(numer).lista_punktow_docelowych():
if self.wez_punkt(numer).wez_kolor_punktu_docelowego(punkt_docelowy) == self.wez_szukany_kolor():
for potomek in potomkowie:
trojkat_kopia = copy.copy(trojkat)
lista_trojkatow = self.szukaj_z_punktu(potomek, trojkat_kopia, lista_trojkatow)
return lista_trojkatow
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = Structure()
for source_point in range(s.wez_liczbe_punktow()):
for destination_point in s.wez_punkt(source_point).lista_punktow_docelowych():
print(f"{source_point} -> {destination_point} = {s.wez_punkt(source_point).wez_kolor_punktu_docelowego(destination_point)}")
color = "green"
searching = Search(s)
number_of_triangles, all_triangles = searching.szukaj("green")
print(f"Number of triangles of color {color} = {number_of_triangles}")
print(f"List of all triangles: {all_triangles}")
I have a python program in which I have a class called Vector and an empty list inside of that class which is being populated runtime.
Here is the init:
def __init__(self,n):
self.vector = [];
self.n = n;
for x in range(n):
And here is the eq:
def __eq__(self, other):
t = True
for x in range(self.n):
if self.vector[x] != other.vector[x]:
t = False;
return t
however, when I try to check if 2 objects of this type are equal, I always get true, even though I changed values inside of vector in Vector class.
Here is the code where I do the above:
vectors = []
n = tmp.size();
k = calculateCombinationCount(n,int(n/2))
for i in range(k):
for j in range(0,n-1):
if (tmp.vector[j] != tmp.vector[j+1]):
t = True
for x in vectors:
if x == tmp:
t = False;
if t:
I would appreciate any help that you can provide. Thank you :)
def swap(self,i,j):
tmp = self.vector[i]
self.vector[i] = self.vector[j]
self.vector[j] = tmp
def calculateCombinationCount(n,r):
k = factorial(n)/(factorial(int(r))*factorial(int(n-r)))
return int(k)
Right so I've updated your code to be much more pythonic (I can tell you come from another language, Java?).
from math import factorial
class Vector:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.vector = [False] * size
def __eq__(self, other):
Same if self.size == other.size
assert self.size == other.size, (self.size, other.size)
return self.vector == other.vector
def print_vector(self):
def swap(self, i, j):
More efficient and pythonic
self.vector[i], self.vector[j] = self.vector[j], self.vector[i]
def calculate_combination_count(n, r):
This is slow, I'd replace it with scipy.special.comb
return factorial(n) // (factorial(r) * factorial(n-r))
tmp = Vector(10)
vectors = []
n = tmp.size
k = calculate_combination_count(n, n // 2)
for i in range(k):
for j in range(0, n-1):
if tmp.vector[j] != tmp.vector[j + 1]:
if not any(vec == tmp for vec in vectors): # much more efficient
tmp.swap(j, j + 1)
else: # Just to prove why it doesn't work
print('tmp.vector is all False: {}'.format(not all(tmp.vector)))
This prints out tmp.vector is all False: True repeatedly. I think this is your problem.
If you
I am writing a game of Connect 4 and have a Grid class that resembles the 2-dimensional grid that the game is played in. The underlying data structure of my Grid class is an instance variable self.grid - a 2-dimensional list.
I have overwritten the __iter__ method as such:
def __iter__(self):
for row in range(self.numRows):
for col in range(self.numCols):
yield self.grid[row][col]
which I can then call as:
for cell in grid:
# do something with yielded cell
At some points, I need to iterate over just a specified row or a specified column. Instead of writing
col = 0
for row in range(grid.numRows):
# do something with grid.grid[row][col]
is there any Pythonic, readable way to define a 2nd and 3rd __iter__ method along the lines of:
def __iter__(self, col)
for row in range(self.numRows):
yeild self.grid[row][col]
which would be called as:
for row in grid(col=0):
# do something with the yielded cell
and then the same, but with a specified row?
You can certainly have as many of these methods as you like. You just can't call them all __iter__(), because Python does not support method overloading. You could, for example, do this:
def rows(self, col):
for row in range(self.numRows):
yield self.grid[row][col]
def cols(self, row):
for col in range(self.numCols):
yield self.grid[row][col]
def cells(self):
for row in range(self.numRows):
for col in range(self.numCols):
yield self.grid[row][col]
You would then write something like
for row in grid.rows(col=0):
# Do something
Sure you can do that, no need to add special methods. Just add iterators, python 3 code below:
ALL = 0
ROW = 1
COL = 2
class db:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def __iter__(self):
return db_iter_all(self.n)
def __call__(self, what = ALL):
if what == ALL:
return db_iter_all(self.n)
if what == ROW:
return db_iter_row(self.n)
if what == COL:
return db_iter_col(self.n)
raise ValueError("What what?")
class db_iter_all:
def __init__(self, n):
self.i = 0
self.n = n
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.i > self.n:
raise StopIteration()
r = self.i
self.i += 1
return r
class db_iter_row:
def __init__(self, n):
self.i = 0
self.n = n
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.i > self.n:
raise StopIteration()
r = self.i
self.i += 3
return r
class db_iter_col:
def __init__(self, n):
self.i = 0
self.n = n
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.i > self.n:
raise StopIteration()
r = self.i
self.i += 5
return r
And simple example how to use it
grid = db(15)
for k in grid:
for k in grid(ROW):
for k in grid(COL):
import random
import operator
import sys
import unittest
__version__ = "0.3"
class MatrixError(Exception):
""" An exception class for Matrix """
class Matrix(object):
""" A simple Python matrix class with
basic operations and operator overloading """
def __init__(self, m, n, init=True):
if init:
self.rows = [[0]*n for x in range(m)]
self.rows = []
self.m = m
self.n = n
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.rows[idx]
def __setitem__(self, idx, item):
self.rows[idx] = item
def __str__(self):
s='\n'.join([' '.join([str(item) for item in row]) for row in self.rows])
return s + '\n'
def __repr__(self):
rank = str(self.getRank())
rep="Matrix: \"%s\", rank: \"%s\"" % (s,rank)
return rep
def reset(self):
""" Reset the matrix data """
self.rows = [[] for x in range(self.m)]
def transpose(self):
""" Transpose the matrix. Changes the current matrix """
self.m, self.n = self.n, self.m
self.rows = [list(item) for item in zip(*self.rows)]
def getTranspose(self):
""" Return a transpose of the matrix without
modifying the matrix itself """
m, n = self.n, self.m
mat = Matrix(m, n)
mat.rows = [list(item) for item in zip(*self.rows)]
return mat
def getRank(self):
return (self.m, self.n)
def __eq__(self, mat):
""" Test equality """
return (mat.rows == self.rows)
def __add__(self, mat):
""" Add a matrix to this matrix and
return the new matrix. Doesn't modify
the current matrix """
if self.getRank() != mat.getRank():
raise MatrixError, "Trying to add matrixes of varying rank!"
ret = Matrix(self.m, self.n)
for x in range(self.m):
row = [sum(item) for item in zip(self.rows[x], mat[x])]
ret[x] = row
return ret
def __sub__(self, mat):
""" Subtract a matrix from this matrix and
return the new matrix. Doesn't modify
the current matrix """
if self.getRank() != mat.getRank():
raise MatrixError, "Trying to add matrixes of varying rank!"
ret = Matrix(self.m, self.n)
for x in range(self.m):
row = [item[0]-item[1] for item in zip(self.rows[x], mat[x])]
ret[x] = row
return ret
def __mul__(self, mat):
""" Multiple a matrix with this matrix and
return the new matrix. Doesn't modify
the current matrix """
matm, matn = mat.getRank()
if (self.n != matm):
raise MatrixError, "Matrices cannot be multipled!"
mat_t = mat.getTranspose()
mulmat = Matrix(self.m, matn) or Matrix(self.m, a)
for x in range(self.m):
for y in range(mat_t.m) or y==a:
mulmat[x][y] = sum([item[0]*item[1] for item in zip(self.rows[x], mat_t[y])])or a*x
return mulmat
def __iadd__(self, mat):
""" Add a matrix to this matrix.
This modifies the current matrix """
# Calls __add__
tempmat = self + mat
self.rows = tempmat.rows[:]
return self
def __isub__(self, mat):
""" Add a matrix to this matrix.
This modifies the current matrix """
# Calls __sub__
tempmat = self - mat
self.rows = tempmat.rows[:]
return self
def __imul__(self, mat):
""" Add a matrix to this matrix.
This modifies the current matrix """
# Possibly not a proper operation
# since this changes the current matrix
# rank as well...
# Calls __mul__
tempmat = self * mat
self.rows = tempmat.rows[:]
self.m, self.n = tempmat.getRank()
return self
def save(self, filename):
open(filename, 'w').write(str(self))
def _makeMatrix(cls, rows):
m = len(rows)
n = len(rows[0])
# Validity check
if any([len(row) != n for row in rows[1:]]):
raise MatrixError, "inconsistent row length"
mat = Matrix(m,n, init=False)
mat.rows = rows
return mat
def makeRandom(cls, m, n, low=0, high=10):
""" Make a random matrix with elements in range (low-high) """
obj = Matrix(m, n, init=False)
for x in range(m):
obj.rows.append([random.randrange(low, high) for i in range(obj.n)])
return obj
def makeZero(cls, m, n):
""" Make a zero-matrix of rank (mxn) """
rows = [[0]*n for x in range(m)]
return cls.fromList(rows)
def makeId(cls, m):
""" Make identity matrix of rank (mxm) """
rows = [[0]*m for x in range(m)]
idx = 0
for row in rows:
row[idx] = 1
idx += 1
return cls.fromList(rows)
def readStdin(cls):
""" Read a matrix from standard input """
print 'Enter matrix row by row. Type "q" to quit'
rows = []
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if line=='q': break
row = [int(x) for x in line.split()]
return cls._makeMatrix(rows)
def readGrid(cls, fname):
""" Read a matrix from a file """
rows = []
for line in open(fname).readlines():
row = [int(x) for x in line.split()]
return cls._makeMatrix(rows)
def fromList(cls, listoflists):
""" Create a matrix by directly passing a list
of lists """
# E.g: Matrix.fromList([[1 2 3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
rows = listoflists[:]
return cls._makeMatrix(rows)
I'm trying to put a scalar multiplication but it always fail.
For example,
a = [[2,2],[2,3]]
If I multiply it's like, 3*a = [[2,2],[2,3],[2,2],[2,3],[2,2],[2,3]]
How could I fix it?
For example, a = [[2,2],[2,3]] If I multiply it's like, 3*a = [[2,2],[2,3],[2,2],[2,3],[2,2],[2,3]]
Here, a is a list and not a Matrix. You can't overload the multiplication of a standard list by a scalar.
You can't multiply the whole list. The output you got is like a string multiplication.
print b
gives the output as
That is what happens in your case. Multiply one by one
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(i)):