I need to create an ssh tunnel, then do something, then tear the tunnel down.
I have been trying to do it like this:
def runCmd(self,cmd):
args = shlex.split(cmd)
return subprocess.Popen(args)
def openTunnel
cmd = 'ssh -f -N -L 1313:localhost:1313 userid#server.com'
self.TunnelObj = self.runCmd(cmd)
That creates my Tunnel.
I can then do the stuff I need to do. Now I want to tear down the tunnel.
def closeSocket(self):
print '\nClosing Tunnel\n'
if self.TunnelObj.returncode == None:
print '\nabout to kill\n'
But the tunnel is still open. An ssh session still exists, and the port is still assigned.
How can I shut this tunnel down?
Part of the problem is that the tunnel process is a subprocess of self.TunnelObj. You can try to omit the -f flag so you hold the tunnel process directly.
Another option would be to look at the paramiko library and this question.
I am try to use Python to set up a reverse SSH tunnel. Some software that starts with the system is going to manage it and kill it or start it based on commands it receives.
I have written a class to manage the reverse tunnel as follows:
# imports omitted for brevity
class SshProcess():
def __init__(self):
self.process = None
def start(self, port):
if self.process is not None:
return None
command = [
# 'sudo',
'-R {port}:'.format(port=port),
'{username}#{host}'.format(username=config.USERNAME, host=config.HOST),
'-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
def threaded_popen():
self.process = subprocess.Popen(
(' '.join(command)), # command, # shlex.split(command),
logger.info('Reverse SSH to {username}#{host} has exited'.format(username=config.USERNAME, host=config.HOST))
logger.debug('command raw: {command}'.format(command=command))
logger.debug('command joined: {command}'.format(command=(' '.join(command))))
self.thread = Thread(target=threaded_popen)
def stop(self):
if self.process is not None:
except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
logger.warning('Closing reverse SSH raised {error}'.format(error=e.__class__.__name__))
self.process = None
if self.thread is not None:
Now whenever I call start I receive the following log statements:
2017-06-28 14:32:46,343 - module - DEBUG - command raw: ['ssh', '-R 4000:', 'tich#', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no']
2017-06-28 14:32:46,344 - module - DEBUG - command joined: ssh -R 4000: tich# -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
2017-06-28 14:32:46,797 - module - INFO - Reverse SSH to tich# has exited
The issue is the ssh tunnel exits nearly instantly after starting. performing a simple pidof ssh in Linux gives no output as if the process does not even exist.
I have also tried using communicate() after starting the process and you can see it establishes the connection and receives output. However shortly after the function exits, the subprocess exits as well.
I have set up RSA keypairs for both the root and the regular user. Copying and pasting the command into a terminal does not produce the instant exit bug.
The purpose is setting up a reverse SSH session so a remote user can log in. But I currently have not found an existing packaged solution that offers this functionality.
You done some weird ssh connection.My advice is to use paramiko a great ssh package.
on the other hand, you are sub-processioning only for a linux commamd so if u like it like that use:
install sshpass (yum install or apt-get)
sshpass -p your_password ssh user#hostname
and change this setting instead of the flag u sent:
change ssh_config
vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
change the below key from "ask" to "no"
StrictHostKeyChecking no
I am using this code for executing command on remote server.
import subprocess
import sys
ssh = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "%s" % HOST, COMMAND],
result = ssh.stdout.readlines()
if result == []:
error = ssh.stderr.readlines()
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % error
print result
When I try to execute this script, I get prompt for password. Is there any way I could avoid it, for example, can I enter password in script somehow? Also, password should be encrypted somehow so that people who have access to the script cannot see it.
Why make it so complicated? Here's what I suggest:
1) Create a ssh config section in your ~/.ssh/config file:
Host myserver
HostName (fill in with your server's ip)
Port xxxx (optional)
User me (your username for server)
2) If you have generated your ssh keypair do it now (with ssh-keygen). Then upload with:
$ ssh-copy-id myserver
3) Now you can use subprocess with ssh. For example, to capture output, I call:
result = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', 'myserver', 'cat', 'somefile'])
Simple, robust, and the only time a password is needed is when you copy the public key to the server.
BTW, you code will probably work just fine as well using these steps.
One way is to create a public key, put it on the server, and do ssh -i /path/to/pub/key user#host or use paramiko like this:
import paramiko
import getpass
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
p = getpass.getpass()
ssh.connect('hostname', username='user', password=p)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('ls')
print stdout.readlines()
You should use pexpect or paramiko to connect to remote machine,then spawn a child ,and then run subprocess to achieve what you want.
Here's what I did when encountering this issue before:
Set up your ssh keys for access to the server.
Set up an alias for the server you're accessing. Below I'll call it remote_server.
Put the following two lines at the end of ~/.bash_profile.
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
Now every time you start your shell, you will be prompted for a passphrase. By entering it, you will authenticate your ssh keys and put them 'in hand' at the start of your bash session. For the remainder of your session you will be able to run commands like
ssh remote_server ls
without being prompted for a passphrase. Here ls will run on the remote server and return the results to you. Likewise your python script should run without password prompt interruption if you execute it from the shell.
You'll also be able to ssh to the server just by typing ssh remote_server without having to enter your username or password every time.
The upside to doing it this way is that you should be doing this anyway to avoid password annoyances and remembering funky server names :) Also you don't have to worry about having passwords saved anywhere in your script. The only potential downside is that if you want to share the python script with others, they'll have to do this configuring as well (which they should anyway).
You don't really need something like pexpect to handle this. SSH keys already provide a very good and secure solution to this sort of issue.
The simplest way to get the results you want would probably be to generate an ssh key and place it in the .ssh folder of your device. I believe github has a pretty good guide to doing that, if you look into it. Once you set up the keys correctly on both systems, you won't actually have to add a single line to your code. When you don't specify a password it will automatically use the key to authenticate you.
While subprocess.Popen might work for wrapping ssh access, this is not the preferred way to do so.
I recommend using paramiko.
import paramiko
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.connect(server, username=user,password=password)
And If you want to simulate a terminal, as if a user was typing:
def exec_cmd(cmd):
"""Gets ssh command(s), execute them, and returns the output"""
prompt='bash $' # the command line prompt in the ssh terminal
while not chan.recv_ready():
while not buff.endswith(prompt):
return buff[:len(prompt)]
Example usage: exec_cmd('pwd')
If you don't know the prompt in advance, you can set it with:
You could use following.
import subprocess
import sys
ssh = subprocess.Popen("powershell putty.exe user#HOST -pw "password", stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
result = ssh.stdout.readlines()
if result == []:
error = ssh.stderr.readlines()
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % error
print result
I am writing a Python application that accesses a remote Mysql database using ssh tunneling.
I setup the tunnel with
os.system("ssh -fNg -L 3306: username#host")
and everything works perfectly. The problem is:
what is the python code to close the ssh tunnel?
os.system('exit') doesn't work
The process that creates the tunnel still runs in the background
>>> command = 'ssh -fNg vagrant#localhost -p2222 -L 8000:localhost:8000'
>>> os.system(command)
>>> os.system('exit')
ps -A | grep ssh
7144 ?? 0:00.04 ssh -fNg vagrant#localhost -p2222 -L 8000:localhost:8000
This shows the process is still running and the tunnel is still working, and os.system doesn't return the process ID so we can use it to terminate the process (it returns the exit code)
Use subprocess to return a handle to the process
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
proc.terminate() # this terminates the process
Its correct sys.exit() won't exist the script and keeps the tunnel open.
Here is how I close an SSH tunnel using Python and in turn allows me to terminate the
Python script.
In my close function I pass the tunnel connection I created:
def close(self, tunnel = None):
if tunnel is not None:
# close tunnel connection.
I created the SSH connection using Paramiko as
def connect(params):
# Create an SSH tunnel
tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder(
(params['ssh_ip_address'], int(params['ssh_port'])),
remote_bind_address=('localhost', int(params['ssh_remote_forward_port'])),
return tunnel
I use Paramiko for establishing SSH connection with some target device and I want to execute reboot command.
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(zip_hostname, username=username, password=password, timeout=1)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/sbin/reboot -f")
# .........
# some code
# .........
except AuthenticationException, e:
print ''
But after executing ssh.exec_command("/sbin/reboot -f") "some code" does not execute because program is stuck in exec_command (the disconnection takes place caused by rebooting). What should I do to solve my problem?
Try this:
ssh.exec_command("/sbin/reboot -f > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
All the output of reboot is redirected to /dev/null to make it produce no output and it is started in the background thanks to the '&' sign in the end. Hopefully the program won't hang on that line this way, because the remote shell gives the prompt back.
Get the transport from the ssh and set the keepalive using:
transport = ssh.get_transport()
This sets the keepalive to 5 seconds; mind you I would have expected the timeout=1 to have achieved the same thing.
All you need to do is to call channel.exec_command() instead of the high-level interface client.exec_command()
# exec fire and forget
transport = ssh.get_transport()
chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session(timeout=timeout)
except socket.timeout:
I was having this issue and managed to avoid it by switching to this command:
/sbin/shutdown -r now
Note this command does not result in any STDOUT or STDERR output
In case you or anyone else gets stuck trying to reboot host with sudo using forwarding agents (ssh keys) or in my case (yubikey)
If you look at this as bash you would reboot a host as non root user like this.
ssh -t -A user#hostname sudo /sbin/reboot
For the -A flag, from ssh man page
Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a
configuration file.
Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the
remote host (for the agent’s Unix-domain socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection.
An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent, however they can perform operations on the keys that
enable them to authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent.*
For the -t flag, from ssh man page
Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine,
which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even
if ssh has no local tty.*
So lets break this down into how you would do this in paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(hostname=host, username=username)
s = ssh.get_transport().open_session()
ssh.exec_command("sudo /sbin/reboot", get_pty=True)
For authentication forwarding (-A flag in bash ssh command) for paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() #'ssh' is client variable
s = ssh.get_transport().open_session() #get 'ssh' transport and open sessions assigned to 's' variable
paramiko.agent.AgentRequestHandler(s) #call in 's' to the forwarding agent for current ssh session
Now for force pseudo-tty allocation (-t flag in bash ssh command) for paramiko
ssh.exec_command("sudo /sbin/reboot", get_pty=True)
Adding 'get_pty=True' to exec_command will allow you execute sudo /sbin/reboot
Hope this helps, everyone's environments are different but this should work as it the exact same thing as if you ran it as bash.
I need to create tunneling to read information from a database. I use Paramiko, but I have not worked with tunneling yet. Please provide an example of a simple code that creates and closes a tunnel.
At work we usually create ssh tunnels forwarding ports. The way we do that is, by using the standard command ssh -L port:addr:port addr with subprocess running in a separate thread.
I found this useful link: https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/blob/master/demos/forward.py with an example of doing port forwarding with paramiko.
I used sshtunnel for my projects. Example of the forwarding remote local MySQL port to the host local port:
pip install sshtunnel
python -m sshtunnel -U root -P password -L :3306 -R -p 2222 localhost
Even though this does not use paramiko, I believe it's a very clean solution to implement (similar to #dario's answer but without managing the thread in python).
There's this little-mentioned feature in openssh client that allows us to control a ssh process through a unix socket, quoting man ssh:
-M Places the ssh client into “master” mode for connection sharing. Multiple -M options places ssh
into “master” mode with confirmation required before slave connections are accepted. Refer to the
description of ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details.
-S ctl_path
Specifies the location of a control socket for connection sharing, or the string “none” to disable
connection sharing. Refer to the description of ControlPath and ControlMaster in ssh_config(5)
for details.
So you can start background process of ssh (with -Nf) and then check (or terminate) it with a another ssh call.
I use this in a project that requires a reverse tunnel to be established
from subprocess import call, STDOUT
import os
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
CONFIG = dict(
def start():
return call(
'-Nfi', CONFIG['SSH_KEY'],
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=%s' % CONFIG['KNOWN_HOSTS'],
'-o', 'ExitOnForwardFailure=yes',
'-p', str(CONFIG['SSH_PORT']),
'-R', '%d:localhost:22' % CONFIG['REMOTE_PORT']
) == 0
def stop():
return __control_ssh('exit') == 0
def status():
return __control_ssh('check') == 0
def __control_ssh(command):
return call(
['ssh', '-S', CONFIG['UNIX_SOCKET'], '-O', command, 'x'],
-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes makes sure the ssh command will fail if the tunnel cannot be established, otherwise it will not exit.
Might I suggest trying something like pyngrok to programmatically manage an ngrok tunnel for you? Full disclosure, I am the developer of it. SSH example here, but it's as easy as installing pyngrok:
pip install pyngrok
and using it:
from pyngrok import ngrok
# <NgrokTunnel: "tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:12345" -> "localhost:22">
ssh_tunnel = ngrok.connect(22, "tcp")
I used paramiko for some project I had a year ago, here is the part of my code where I connected with another computer/server and executed a simple python file:
import paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(hostname='...', username='...', password='...')
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('python hello.py')
stdin, stdout and sdterr contain the inputs/outputs of the command you executed.
From here, I think you can make the connection with the database.
Here is some good information about paramiko.