quick question that I'm never even sure is possible :3
I have a python script, a network script that connects to a server and remains connected until I either disconnect or it kicks me (which it normally shouldn't), which is constantly receiving data and doing other tasks.
I was curious if it's at all possible while the script is running, to trigger functions from within the script? Say while the script was running, if I had the urge to send some sort of data to the server, I could type it up and send it to the function that handles this?
Wasn't quite sure if it was possible or not, as I've never had to attempt or even seen it done. If it helps, I'm on Ubuntu linux running the script from the terminal.
The usual 'UNIX-way' to solve such problems is to poll or select on both the socket and the standard input file descriptors. You then handle network input on 'IN' event on the socket and terminal input on 'IN' event on the stdin file descriptor.
This is not portable to Windows (which sucks), but that is the most natural way to do it on UNIX-like systems. And you don't get all the problems which come with threads (which often need polling in Python too, as they get 'unkillable' otherwise).
Take a look at gevent:
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses
greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the
libevent event loop.
and gevent.socket.
Jacek Konieczny's solution is good and simple. Should you want more flexible message passing, consider ZeroMQ. This gives you lots of power to easily create various messaging solutions around your main program. Using a single thread, your main program would look something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import zmq
from time import sleep
CTX = zmq.Context()
incoming = CTX.socket(zmq.PULL)
outgoing = CTX.socket(zmq.PUB)
# Poller for the incoming messages
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(incoming, zmq.POLLIN)
def main():
while True:
# Do things on the network
print("[Did things on the network]")
# Send messages if you want
outgoing.send("Important message")
# Poll for incoming messages
socks = dict(poller.poll(zmq.NOBLOCK))
if incoming in socks and socks[incoming] == zmq.POLLIN:
message = incoming.recv()
# Handle message
print("[Handled message '%s']" % message)
sleep(1) # Only for this dummy program
if __name__ == "__main__":
You would then write a client (in any language that has ZeroMQ bindings) that pushes and subscribes to messages from the main program. Example pusher:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import zmq
CTX = zmq.Context()
pusher = CTX.socket(zmq.PUSH)
def main():
pusher.send("Message to main program")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Example subscriber:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import zmq
CTX = zmq.Context()
subscriber = CTX.socket(zmq.SUB)
subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
def main():
while True:
msg = subscriber.recv()
print("[Received message] %s" % msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
It sounds like you will want to combine the pusher and subscriber programs into one. If you decide to use ZeroMQ have a look at the excellent user guide.
You can of course also use ZeroMQ with multiple threads or processess (just be careful not to share individual ZeroMQ sockets between threads).
Without more details, I can only provide you with general ideas. In order to do two things at once (download from the server and wait for data to send) you will need to use either multiple threads or processes. There is a tutorial with some examples of multiple threads here. If you use multiple processes, you would be using the multiprocessing package.
With either solution, you would need a similar setup. I'll use the term thread for the rest, but you could easily replace that with process if you used multiple processes instead. You would probably have (at least) a thread to send and receive data (this might be two threads) and a separate thread to wait for something to send. This is a simplified example of the producer/consumer problem. The thread that waits for the commands/data would be a simple input loop that produces data to send, while the thread that sends data would consume the data as it sends it to the server.
Stick your server stuff in another thread (investigate the threading module) and use the main thread for interaction with the user via raw_input/input.
I've found running different code across separate console windows in Spyder to be a handy way of executing code concurrently. I've always done this "manually" (hitting the new console button and then starting the desired piece of code in that console). However, I was wondering if there is a way to automate this process (or achieve the same effect, i.e. concurrent code with separate namespaces, in an automated way). By automated I mean something along the lines of pressing one button and having one part of the code run in one console, another part in another, and so on for a handful of consoles.
The reason I want to do this is that I am trying to run code using the zmq package and I need to have the server script and the multiple client scripts running separately from each other. I may be approaching this in a very naive way so perhaps there is a different way of doing this that doesn't require multiple consoles. I've heard the term "threading" thrown around but I'm not sure this is what I want.
Here is a specific example of why I want to be able to launch code in separate consoles automatically.
I will have one Client script that I want to be able to communicate with multiple Server scripts. Example code for what the client script and various server scripts will do is given below. This example code is very simple, but in reality the server scripts will be running calculations using a different python package. The nature of the specific calculations necessitates the use of multiple server scripts each running in their own separate namespace (or consoles). That's just a requirement of my workflow. **My question is how can I launch the various server scripts automatically without having to manually open a new spyder console for each and run the code with the specific port number?
# Client
import zmq
import time
for request in range(10):
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
print("Sending request {} ...".format(request))
message = socket.recv()
print("Received reply {} [ {} ]". format(request, message))
# Server
import time
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
for i in range(10):
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: {}".format(message))
message = b"World"+" from server# "+str(portNumber)
You should be looking into docker! It is a great way to run multiple scripts at the same time.
I am using pySerial to communicate to a microcontroller over USB, Most of the communication is initiated by the desktop python script which sends a command packet and waits for reply.
But there is also a alert packet that may be sent by the microcontroller without a command from the python script. In this case I need to monitor the read stream for any alerts.
For handling alerts, I dedicate a seperate process to call readline() and loop around it, like so:
def serialMonitor(self):
while not self.stopMonitor:
message = self.stream.readline()
inside a class. The function is then started in a seperate process by
self.monitor = multiprocessing.Process(target = SerialManager.serialMonitor, args = [self])
Whenever a command packet is send, the command function needs to take back control of the stream, for which it must interrupt the readline() call which is in blocking. How do I interrupt the readline() call? Is there any way to terminate a process safely?
You can terminate a multiprocessing process with .terminate(). Is this safe? Probably it's alright for a readline case.
However, this is not how I would handle things here. As I read your scenario, there are two possibilities:
MCU initiates alert package
Computer sends data to MCU (and MCU perhaps responds)
I assume the MCU will not send an alert package whilst an exchange is going on initiated by the computer.
So I would just initiate the serial object with a small timeout, and leave it in a loop when I'm not using it. My overall flow would go like this:
ser = Serial(PORT, timeout=1)
response = None
command_to_send = None
running = True
while running: # event loop
while running and not command_to_send and not line:
line = ser.readline()
except SerialTimeoutException:
if not command_to_send:
command_to_send = None
response = ser.readline()
This is only a sketch, as it would need to be run in a thread or subprocess, since readline() is indeed blocking, so you need some thread-safe way of setting command_to_send and running (used to exit gracefully) and getting response, and you likely want to wrap all this state up in a class. The precise implementation of that depends upon what you are doing, but the principle is the same---have one loop which handles reading and writing to the serial port, have it timeout to respond relatively quickly (you can set a smaller timeout if you need to), and have it expose some interface you can handle.
Sadly to my knowledge python has no asyncio compatible serial library, otherwise that approach would seem neater.
I have set up two small scripts imitating a publish and subscribe procedure with pyzmq. However, I am unable to send messages over to my subscriber client using the inproc transport. I am able to use tcp:// fine, just not inproc.
import zmq
import random
import sys
import time
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
while True:
import sys
import zmq
# Socket to talk to server
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
for x in range (5):
string = socket.recv()
How can I successfully alter my code so that I'm able to use the inproc transport method between my two scripts?
I have updated my code to further reflect #larsks comment. I am still not receiving my published string - what is it that I am doing wrong?
import threading
import zmq
def pub():
context = zmq.Context()
sender = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
lock = threading.RLock()
with lock:
def sub():
context = zmq.Context()
receiver = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
# Wait for signal
string = receiver.recv()
print("Test successful!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
As the name implies, inproc sockets can only be used within the same process. If you were to rewrite your client and server such that there were two threads in the same process you could use inproc, but otherwise this socket type simply isn't suitable for what you're doing.
The documentation is very clear on this point:
The in-process transport passes messages via memory directly between threads sharing a single ØMQ context.
Taking a look at the updated code, the problem that stands out first is that while the documentation quoted above says "...between threads sharing a single ØMQ context", you are creating two contexts in your code. Typically, you will only call zmq.Context() once in your program.
Next, you are never subscribing your subscriber to any messages, so even in the event that everything else was working correctly you would not actually receive any messages.
Lastly, your code is going to experience the slow joiner problem:
There is one more important thing to know about PUB-SUB sockets: you do not know precisely when a subscriber starts to get messages. Even if you start a subscriber, wait a while, and then start the publisher, the subscriber will always miss the first messages that the publisher sends. This is because as the subscriber connects to the publisher (something that takes a small but non-zero time), the publisher may already be sending messages out.
The pub/sub model isn't meant for single messages, nor is it meant to be a reliable transport.
So, to sum up:
You need to create a shared ZMQ context before you creating your sockets.
You probably want your publisher to publish in a loop instead of publishing a single message. Since you're trying to use inproc sockets you're going to need to put your two functions into separate threads.
You need to set a subscription filter in order to receive messages.
There is an example using PAIR sockets in the ZMQ documentation that might provide a useful starting point. PAIR sockets are designed for coordinating threads over inproc sockets, and unlike pub/sub sockets they are bidirectional and are not impacted by the "slow joiner" issue.
As mention earlier by #larsks, the context object should be the same. Declare the context object globally and use it in both pub and sub functions instead of creating new ones for each.
I want a two way communication in Python :
I want to bind to a socket where one client can connect to, and then server and client can "chat" with eachother.
I already have the basic listener :
import socket
HOST='' #localhost
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) #create an INET, STREAMing socket
s.bind((HOST,PORT)) #bind to that port
s.listen(1) #listen for user input and accept 1 connection at a time.
conn, addr = s.accept()
print "The connection has been set up"
while bool==1:
print data
if "#!END!#" in data:
print "closing the connection"
What I want to do now is implement something so this script also accepts user input and after the enter key is hit, send it back to the client.
But I can't figure out how I can do this ? Because if I would do it like this :
while bool==1:
print data
u_input = raw_input("input now")
if u_input != "":
u_input= ""
Problem is that it probably hangs at the user input prompt, so it does not allow my client to send data.
How do I solve this ?
I want to keep it in one window, can this be solved with threads ?
(I've never used threads in python)
Python's sockets have a makefile tool to make this sort of interaction much easier. After creating a socket s, then run f = s.makefile(). That will return an object with a file-like interface (so you can use readline, write, writelines and other convenient method calls). The Python standard library itself makes use of this approach (see the source for ftplib and poplib for example).
To get text from the client and display it on the server console, write a loop with print f.readline().
To get text from the server console and send it to the client, write a loop with f.write(raw_input('+ ') + '\n').
To be send and receive at the same time, do those two steps separate threads:
If you prefer async over threads, here are two examples to get you started:
Basic Async HTTP Client
Basic Async Echo Server
The basic problem is that you have two sources of input you're waiting for: the socket and the user. The three main approaches I can think of are to use asynchronous I/O, to use synchronous (blocking) I/O with multiple threads, or to use synchronous I/O with timeouts. The last approach is conceptually the simplest: wait for data on the socket for up to some timeout period, then switch to waiting for the user to enter data to send, then back to the socket, etc.
I know at a lower level, you could implement this relatively easily by treating both the socket and stdin as I/O handles and use select to wait on both of them simultaneously, but I can't recall if that functionality is mapped into Python, or if so, how. That's potentially a very good way of handling this if you can make it work. EDIT: I looked it up, and Python does have a select module, but it sounds like it only functions like this under Unix operating systems--in Windows, it can only accept sockets, not stdin or files.
have you checked twisted? twisted python event driven networking engine and library or
oidranot a python library especially for that based on torando web server
This may or may not being a coding issue. It may also be an xinetd deamon issue, i do not know.
I have a python script which is triggered from a linux server running xinetd. Xinetd has been setup to only allow one instance as I only want one machine to be able to connect to the service, which is therefore also limited by IP.
Currently when the client connects to xinetd the service works correctly and the script begins sending its output to the client machine. However, when the client disconnects (i.e: due to reboot), the process is still alive on the server, and this blocks the ability for the client to connect once its finished rebooting or so on.
Q: How can i detect in python that the client has disconnected. Perhaps i can test if stdout is no longer being read from by the client (and then exit the script), or is there a much eaiser way in xinetd to have the child process be killed when the client disconnects ?
(I'm using python 2.4.3 on RHEL5 linux - solutions for 2.4 are needed, but 3.1 solutions would be useful to know also.)
Add a signal handler for SIGHUP. (x)inetd sends this upon the socket disconnecting.
Monitor the signals sent to your proccess. Maybe your script isn't responding to the SIGHUP sent by xinet, monitor the signal and let it die.
You don't seem to get a SIGHUP, but you do get a SIGPIPE, at least so long as you are attempting any IO on the connection. If the application spends long periods of time not doing any IO, then you could just start a thread reading stdin to ensure you get the SIGPIPE as soon as the disconnection occurs. This was good enough for my application but then I didn't use any pipes other than the ones xinetd gave me.
I've seen several places on the net where people talk about the SIGHUP getting sent on client disconnection, so I've written an inetd python script to test out a couple of servers (one inetd and another xinetd), so you could use that to check on the signals getting sent. It just logs what it finds to /var/log/test.log. Perhaps it will be useful.
import os, signal, sys
name_map = {}
identifiers = [i for i in dir(signal) if i.startswith("SIG") and not i in skip]
for i in identifiers:
name_map[getattr(signal, i)] = i
def handler(num, frame):
signame = name_map[num]
os.system("echo handled %s >> /var/log/test.log" % signame)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for id, name in name_map.iteritems():
signal.signal(id, handler)
while True:
print sys.stdin.readline()