i'd like to use cherrypy but i don't want to use the normal dispatcher, i'd like to have a function that catch all the requests and then perform my code. I think that i have to implement my own dispatcher but i can't find any valid example. Can you help me by posting some code or link ?
make a default function:
import cherrypy
class server(object):
def default(self,*args,**kwargs):
return "It works!"
What you ask can be done with routes and defining a custom dispatcher
Something like the following. Note the class instantiation assigned to a variable that is used as the controller for all routes, otherwise you will get multiple instances of your class. This differs from the example in the link, but I think is more what you want.
class Root:
def index(self):
<cherrpy stuff>
return some_variable
dispatcher = None
root = Root()
def setup_routes():
d = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher()
d.connect('blog', 'myblog/:entry_id/:action', controller=root)
d.connect('main', ':action', controller=root)
dispatcher = d
return dispatcher
conf = {'/': {'request.dispatch': setup_routes()}}
Hope that helps : )
Here's a quick example for CherryPy 3.2:
from cherrypy._cpdispatch import LateParamPageHandler
class SingletonDispatcher(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def set_config(self, path_info):
# Get config for the root object/path.
request = cherrypy.serving.request
request.config = base = cherrypy.config.copy()
curpath = ""
def merge(nodeconf):
if 'tools.staticdir.dir' in nodeconf:
nodeconf['tools.staticdir.section'] = curpath or "/"
# Mix in values from app.config.
app = request.app
if "/" in app.config:
for segment in path_info.split("/")[:-1]:
curpath = "/".join((curpath, segment))
if curpath in app.config:
def __call__(self, path_info):
"""Set handler and config for the current request."""
# Decode any leftover %2F in the virtual_path atoms.
vpath = [x.replace("%2F", "/") for x in path_info.split("/") if x]
cherrypy.request.handler = LateParamPageHandler(self.func, *vpath)
Then just set it in config for the paths you intend:
request.dispatch = myapp.SingletonDispatcher(myapp.dispatch_func)
...where "dispatch_func" is your "function that catches all the requests". It will be passed any path segments as positional arguments, and any querystring as keyword arguments.
my project has a file called config.py which has, among others, the following code:
class Secret(Enum):
DATABASE_A = 'name_of_secret_database_A'
DATABASE_A = 'name_of_secret_database_A'
def secret(self):
if self.value:
return get_secret(self.value)
return {}
def get_secret(secret_name):
session = Session()
client = session.client(
secret_value = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name)
return loads(secret_value.get('SecretString', "{}"))
I need to somehow mock get_secret in tests with pytest for all enum calls, for example Secret.DATABASE_A.secret ()
You can use monkeypatch to override the behaviour of get_secret(). I have made the get_secret() method a static method of the Secret class, but you can make it part of any module you want and import it as well. Just make sure you change in in the monkeypatch.setattr() call as well.
import pytest
from enum import Enum
class Secret(Enum):
DATABASE_A = 'name_of_secret_database_A'
DATABASE_B = 'name_of_secret_database_B'
def secret(self):
if self.value:
return Secret.get_secret(self.value)
return {}
def get_secret(secret_name):
session = Session()
client = session.client(
secret_value = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name)
return loads(secret_value.get('SecretString', "{}"))
def test_secret_method(monkeypatch):
def get_secret(secret_name):
return "supersecret"
monkeypatch.setattr(Secret, "get_secret", get_secret)
s = Secret.DATABASE_A
assert s.secret() == "supersecret"
This returns into 1 passed test.
What is happening here is, that I created a function get_secret() in my test_secret_method as well, and then overwrite the Secret.get_secret() with that new method. Now, you can use the Secret class in your test_method and be sure what the 'get_secret()' method will return without actually running the original code.
How to get the name of parent object in Python code for which is current documentation build for? I mean how to get name of class "ExampleCls0" in MyDirective.run()?
class ExampleCls0():
.. mydirect::
Lets suppose that we have Spring directive called mydirect.
And it is correctly registered in Sphinx and documentation is build for python code.
class MyDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
has_content = True
option_spec = {}
def run(self):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('mydirect', MyDirective)
For build I am using:
from sphinx.cmdline import main as sphinx_main
from sphinx.ext.apidoc import main as apidoc_main
apidoc_main(["--module-first", "--force", "--full",
"--output-dir", "doc/", "."])
sphinx_main(["-b", "html", "-E",
"-c", pwd,
I do not know if name of the parent object can be accessed somewhere in Directive.run method, but I found out that it is possible to read the name later.
class SchematicLink(nodes.TextElement):
def depart_html(self, node):
def visit_html(self, node):
parentClsNode = node.parent.parent
assert parentClsNode.attributes['objtype'] == 'class'
assert parentClsNode.attributes['domain'] == 'py'
sign = node.parent.parent.children[0]
assert isinstance(sign, desc_signature)
absoluteName = sign.attributes['ids'][0]
print(absoluteName) # file0.ExampleCls0
class MyDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
def run(self):
schema_node = SchematicLink()
return [schema_node]
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('mydirect', MyDirective)
And this is probably good example how NOT to do it. Code reads id from label of class doc.
I have a problem with repeated code in the routes of our pyramid app. I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong, but don't know how to do better. Our app essentially has three "modes" which are represented as prefixes to the URL path. With no prefix, we're in "prod" mode, then we have "/mock" and "/old" prefixes which use the same views with different backends to fetch the data.
The code turns out looking like this:
def routes(config):
"""Add routes to the configuration."""
config.add_route('my_view:old', '/old/my_view')
config.add_route('my_view:prod', '/my_view')
config.add_route('my_view:mock', '/mock/my_view')
#view_config(route_name='my_view:mock', renderer='string')
def my_view_mock(request):
return my_view(request, data.mock)
#view_config(route_name='my_view:prod', renderer='string')
def my_view_prod(request):
return my_view(request, data.prod)
#view_config(route_name='my_view:old', renderer='string')
def my_view_old(request):
return my_view(request, data.old)
def my_view(request, data):
results = data.query(**request.json)
What's worse, is this pattern is repeated for all of our endpoints, resulting in a ton of nearly-duplicate boilerplate code.
How can I teach pyramid about my setup in some centralized manner and get rid of this boilerplate?
Well here's an option. It requires you to define a unique object for each view. The nice part is that you can define that object and then each route can create it differently ... imagine factory=lambda request: MyView(request, old=True) instead of using the exact same MyView(request) object for each route.
def routes(config):
"""Add routes to the configuration."""
config.add_directive('add_routed_resource', add_routed_resource)
config.add_routed_resource('my_view', MyView)
def add_routed_resource(config, name, factory):
routes = [
('%s:old', '/old/%s-errors', lambda request: factory(request, old=True)),
('%s:prod', '/%s', factory),
('%s:mock', '/mock/%s', lambda request: factory(request, mock=True)),
for name_fmt, pattern_fmt in routes:
name_fmt % name,
pattern_fmt % name,
class MyView:
def __init__(self, request, old=False, mock=False):
self.request = request
self.old = old
self.mock = mock
def data(self):
# let's assume sqlalchemy query to load the data?
q = self.request.db.query(...)
if self.old:
q = q.filter_by(old=True)
return q.one()
#view_config(context=MyView, renderer='json')
def my_view(context, request):
return context.data
I have the following:
My webserver running on twisted
My comet server, aka orbited
Note that 1 and 2 are different processes.
Basically, I want 1 and 2 to share the same port. Request that are http://mysite.com/a/b/c should go to the webserver and anything starting with http://mysite.com/orbited/ should go to the orbited server, i.e. (http://mysite.com/orbited/a/b/c => do a request to http://mysite.com:12345/a/b/c and return that).
This is what I have right now:
# Reverse Proxy
class OrbitedResource(Resource):
isLeaf = True
def __init__(self, orbited_url=''):
self.orbited = orbited_url
def render_GET(self, request):
def callback(html):
def errback(failure, *args):
request.setHeader('Connection', 'close')
# TODO find cleaner way to do this:
# Currently request.uri is "/orbited/....", you must trim it
target_uri = request.uri.replace('/orbited', '')
final_uri = self.orbited + target_uri
print "final_uri is", final_uri
deferred = getPage(final_uri)
deferred.addCallbacks(callback, errback)
return server.NOT_DONE_YET
class SimpleRoutingResource(Resource):
isLeaf = False
def __init__(self, wsgiApp):
self.WSGIApp = wsgiApp
self.orbitedResource = OrbitedResource()
def getChild(self, name, request):
if name == "orbited":
print "Simple request.path is", request.path
return self.orbitedResource
return self.WSGIApp
# Attaching proxy + django
log_dir = './.log'
if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
reactor.listenTCP(DJANGO_PORT, server.Site(SimpleRoutingResource(WSGIRoot),
logPath=os.path.join(log_dir, '.django.log')))
Currently this works . However, I see that there's a class called ReverseProxyProtocol, and I have been doing tried it with the following modification:
class SimpleRoutingResource(Resource):
isLeaf = False
def __init__(self, wsgiApp):
self.WSGIApp = wsgiApp
def getChild(self, name, request):
if name == "orbited":
print "Simple request.path is", request.path, name
return ReverseProxyResource( 'http://localhost', 12345, name )
return self.WSGIApp
This is NOT Working. I have inserted a lot of prints into the twisted's reverseProxyResource class, and I discovered the following:
Given http://mysite.com/orbited/a/b/c
OrbitedResource will keep calling ReverseProxyResource with getChild until c
by the time you get to c, the url is messed up and the client class calling the orbited server will be wrong
I tried setting isLeaf = True in the ReverseProxyResource, but to no avail.
Anybody can point me a more effecient way to write the getPage? Do I really need to use ReverseProxyResource if it's such a black box in nature?
The cleanest way is to put something like nginx in front of both servers.
I know about urllib and urlparse, but I want to make sure I wouldn't be reinventing the wheel.
My problem is that I am going to be fetching a bunch of urls from the same domain via the urllib library. I basically want to be able to generate urls to use (as strings) with different paths and query params. I was hoping that something might have a syntax like:
url_builder = UrlBuilder("some.domain.com")
# should give me "http://some.domain.com/blah?foo=bar
url_i_need_to_hit = url_builder.withPath("blah").withParams("foo=bar") # maybe a ".build()" after this
Basically I want to be able to store defaults that get passed to urlparse.urlunsplit instead of constantly clouding up the code by passing in the whole tuple every time.
Does something like this exist? Do people agree it's worth throwing together?
Are you proposing an extension to http://docs.python.org/library/urlparse.html#urlparse.urlunparse that would substitute into the 6-item tuple?
Are you talking about something like this?
def myUnparse( someTuple, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, etc. ):
parts = list( someTuple )
if scheme is not None: parts[0] = scheme
if netloc is not None: parts[1]= netloc
if path is not None: parts[2]= path
return urlunparse( parts )
Is that what you're proposing?
class URLBuilder( object ):
def __init__( self, base ):
self.parts = list( urlparse(base) )
def __call__( self, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, etc. ):
if scheme is not None: self.parts[0] = scheme
if netloc is not None: self.parts[1]= netloc
if path is not None: self.parts[2]= path
return urlunparse( self.parts )
bldr= URLBuilder( someURL )
print bldr( scheme="ftp" )
Something like that?
You might want consider having a look at furl because it might be an answer to your needs.
Still not quite sure what you're looking for... But I'll give it a shot. If you're just looking to make a class that will keep your default values and such, it's simple enough to make your own class and use Python magic like str. Here's a scratched-out example (suboptimal):
class UrlBuilder:
def __init__(self,domain,path="blah",params="foo=bar"):
self.domain = domain
self.path = path
self.params = params
def withPath(self,path):
self.path = path
return self
def withParams(self,params):
self.params = params
return self
def __str__(self):
return 'http://' + self.domain + '/' + self.path + '?' + self.params
# or return urlparse.urlunparse( ( "http", self.domain, self.path, self.params, "", "" )
def build(self):
return self.__str__()
if __name__ == '__main__':
u = UrlBuilder('www.example.com')
print u.withPath('bobloblaw')
print u.withParams('lawyer=yes')
print u.withPath('elvis').withParams('theking=true')
If you're looking for more of the Builder Design Pattern, the Wikipedia article has a reasonable Python example (as well as Java).
I think you want http://pythonhosted.org/uritools/.
Example from the docs:
parts = urisplit('foo://user#example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose')
orig_uri = uriunsplit(parts)
The split value is a named tuple, not a regular list. It is accessible by name or index:
assert(parts[0] == parts.schema)
assert(parts[1] == parts.authority)
assert(parts[2] == parts.path)
assert(parts[3] == parts.query)
assert(parts[4] == parts.fragment)
Make a copy to make changes:
new_parts = [part for part in parts]
new_parts[2] = "/some/other/path"
new_uri = uriunsplit(new_parts)