optparse(): Input validation - python

My apology in advance if it's already answered somewhere; I've been in the python site since last hr. but didn't quite figure out how I can I do this. My script should take the options like this:
myScript.py -f <file-name> -e [/ -d]
myScript.py -s <string> -e [/ -d]
myScript.py -f <file-name> [/ -s <string>] -e -w [<file_name>]
i.e. -f/-s,-e/-d are mandatory options but -f&-s cannot be used together and the same as with -e&-d options - cannot be used together. How can I put the check in place?
Another question, if I may ask at the same time: How can I use -w option (when used) with or w/o a value? When no value is supplied, it should take the default value otherwise the supplied one.
Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers!!

It's been a while since I did anything with optparse, but I took a brief look through the docs and an old program.
"-f/-s,-e/-d are mandatory options but -f&-s cannot be used together and the same as with -e&-d options - cannot be used together. How can I put the check in place?"
For mutual exclusivity, you have to do the check yourself, for example:
parser.add_option("-e", help="e desc", dest="e_opt", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("-d", help="d desc", dest="d_opt", action="store_true")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (parser.has_option("-e") and parser.has_option("-d")):
print "Error! Found both d and e options. You can't do that!"
Since the example options here are boolean, you could replace the if line above with:
if (opts.e_opt and opts.d_opt):
See the section How optparse handles errors for more.
"How can I use -w option (when used) with or w/o a value?"
I've never figured out a way to have an optparse option for which a value is, well, optional. AFAIK, you have to set the option up to have values or to not have values. The closest I've come is to specify a default value for an option which must have a value. Then that entry doesn't have to be specified on the command line. Sample code :
parser.add_option("-w", help="warning", dest="warn", default=0)
An aside with a (hopefully helpful) suggestion:
If you saw the docs, you did see the part about how "mandatory options" is an oxymoron, right? ;-p Humor aside, you may want to consider re-designing the interface, so that:
Required information isn't entered using an "option".
Only one argument (or group of arguments) enters data which could be mutually exclusive. In other words, instead of "-e" or "-d", have "-e on" or "-e off". If you want something like "-v" for verbose and "-q" for quiet/verbose off, you can store the values into one variable:
parser.add_option("-v", help="verbose on", dest="verbose", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("-q", help="verbose off", dest="verbose", action="store_false")
This particular example is borrowed (with slight expansion) from the section Handling boolean (flag) options. For something like this you might also want to check out the Grouping Options section; I've not used this feature, so won't say more about it.

You should try with argparse if you are using 2.7+.
This section should be what you want.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
group.add_argument('--bar', action='store_false')
makes --foo and --bar mutually exclusive. See detailed argparse usage for more informations on using ArgumentParsers
Remember that optparse is deprecated, so using argparse is a good idea anyway.


How to create Argument Parser

I am new to argparser in python . I am trying to create argparser for file which contains two functions download and upload file on/from box. It will do only one functionality at once according according to that i am trying to create parser for that file as follows but it's not working for me:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download or Upload file on box.')
parser.add_argument('-df', '--download', required=True,
help='download file box')
parser.add_argument('-uf', '--upload', nargs='+', required=True,
help='upload file of box')
parser.add_argument('-fp', '--filepath', required=True,
help='file path to upload(which file to upload) or download(where to download file)')
parser.add_argument('-fn', '--filename', required=True,
help='what should be the name of file on box')
parser.add_argument('-fi', '--fileid', required=True,
help='file id of file to download from box')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
NOTE :- every time only -df or -uf options will be there, -fp is mandatory for both and if it is -df then -fi is only option and it is mandatory and if -uf then -fn is only option and it's mandatory.
How do I achieve this, following are example how will i pass argument to file
pyhton abc.py -df -fp 'Download/boxfile/xyz.txt' -fi 123
python abc.py -uf -fp 'Download/boxfile/xyz.txt' -fn 'qwe.txt'
As written all 5 of the arguments are required - you made that explicit. If that's what you really want, all the rest of the question is irrelevant. You'll have to provide all 5 regardless.
But the comments indicate that you want to use either -df or -uf, but probably not both (though that bit's unclear).
While there is a mutually_exclusive_mechanism in argparse, there isn't a inclusive equivalent - something that says if -f is present, then -g must also be given.
But subparsers mechanism can be used that way. You could define an download subparser, with a required -fi argument. And an upload with its own argument.
Another option is to set -df to take 2 arguments (nargs=2), both its box and its file.
If -df and -uf are mutually exclusive, why not use the same argument for the name of the file? That is, replace -fn and -fi with one file argument.
Another option is to make all (or most) of the arguments not-required, and check for the correct combinations after parsing. It's easier to implement complicated logic in your own code than to force argparse to do it for you.
if args.download is not None: # not default
<check for `args.filename`> etc
It can also be a good idea to provide defaults for optional arguments. That way the code can run even if the user doesn't provide all items.
On a matter of style. Short option flags, with on - are usually a single character. -d, -u, etc. The ability to combine several into one string only works in that case, e.g. -df foo. In this case it probably doesn't matter since none of your arguments are store_true.
I'm not incredibly familiar with argparse, however from reading the documentation I don't believe there's a way to use mutually_exclusive_group and required to force this. It seems conditional statements or equivalent are necessary to confirm that valid parameter combinations were passed.
See: Python Argparse conditionally required arguments
I'd suggest that you get rid of most of these arguments, maybe all, and think about standard Unix ways of doing things.
Consider scp, which has a syntax of: scp source destination
For instance: scp Download/boxfile/xyz.txt qwe.txt
If you don't supply a destination, it infers that you want the file to be called the same thing, and land right here, so these two things are equivalent:
scp Download/boxfile/xyz.txt xyz.txt
scp Download/boxfile/xyz.txt
Of course, scp can talk to machines across the internet, so there is a format for that:
scp hostname:Download/boxfile/xyz.txt xyz.txt
And if you are uploading, you simple switch the order:
scp xyz.txt hostname:Download/boxfile/xyz.txt

How to require one command line action argument among several possible but exclusive?

Using argparse, is there a simple way to specify arguments which are mutually exclusive so that the application asks for one of these arguments have to be provided but only one of them?
Example of fictive use-case:
> myapp.py foo --bar
"Foo(bar) - DONE"
> myapp.py read truc.txt
"Read: truc.txt - DONE"
>myapp.py foo read
Error: use "myapp.py foo [options]" or "myapp.py read [options]" (or something similar).
> myapp.py foo truc.txt
Error: "foo" action don't need additional info.
> myapp.py read --bar
Error: "read" action don't have a "--bar" option.
My goal is to have a "driver" application(1) that would internally apply one action depending on the first command line argument and have arguments depending on the action.
So far I see no obvious ways to do this with argparse without manually processing the arguments myself, but maybe I missed something Pythonic? (I'm not a Python3 expert...yet)
I call it "driver" because it might be implemented by calling another application, like gcc does with different compilers.
What you're trying to do is actually supported quite well in Python.
See Mutual Exclusion
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('foo', dest='foo', nargs=1)
group.add_argument('read', dest='read', nargs=1)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args

What is the canonical way of handling sys arguments in Python?

Let's say I want to make a hashing script:
### some code here
def hashlib_based(path, htype='md5', block_size=2**16):
hash = eval(htype)
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
for block in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), ''):
return hash().hexdigest()
### some code here
As you can see, I have the opportunity to use different flags to allow me to change the hash type or the block size when I call the script from the command line (for example ./myscript.py -sha1 -b 512 some_file.ext). The thing is, I don't have any clue on how should I do this in order to keep my code as clean and readable as possible. How do I deal with sys.argv?
First of all, how do I check if the user uses the correct flags? I need to do that in order to print out a usage message. Do I make a list with all the flags, then I check if the user uses one that is in that list?
Should I do all these things inside main() or should I do place them in a different function?
Should I construct my flags with a hyphen-minus in front of them (like this: -a, -b) or without one? To check if a certain flag is present in sys.argv, do I simply do something like:
if '-v' in sys.argv:
verbose = True
Because sys.argv has indexes, what is the best way to ignore the order of the flags - or in other words, should ./myscript.py -a -b be the same as ./myscript.py -b -a? While it certainly makes the job easier for the common user, is it common practice to do so?
I saw something similar but for C#. Is there a similar concept in Python?
The thing is, as simple as these things are, they get out of hands quickly - for me at least. I end up doing a mess. What is your approach to this problem?
For really simple use cases, such as checking the presence of one argument, you can do a check like you're showing, i.e.:
if '-v' in sys.argv: ...
which is the quick'n dirty way of checking arguments. But once your project gets a bit more serious, you definitely need to use an argument parsing library.
And there are a few ones to handle argument parsing: there is the now deprecated getopt (I won't give a link), the most common one is argparse which is included in any python distribution.
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-a', '--a-long', help='a help')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--b-long', help='b help')
args = parser.parse_args()
then you can call your script -a -b or script -b -a which will be equivalent. And for free, you've got script -h for free! :-)
Though, my preference is now over docopt, imho, which is way simpler and more elegant, for the same example:
My script.
myscript -a | --along
myscript -b | --blong
-a --along a help
-b --blong b help
from docopt import docopt
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='myscript 1.0')

Argparse: Is it possible to make the help context sensitive

I have a program that uses argparse to process the command line.
The program's command line and hence it's help becomes context sensitive.
I would like to make the help reflect that context sensitivity.
prog --mode=1 OPTA OPTB OPTC<br>
prog --mode=2 OPTD OPTE OPTF<br>
prog --mode=1 -h<br>
"In mode 1 you have four options, A,B,C,D"
prog --mode=2 -h<br>
"You mode 2 you have four options, D,E,F,G"
I should add here that this is only an example. In my actual program there could be any number of modes and they are not defined by my code, they are defined by users of my API. Therefore it is impossible to hard code the help for each mode. The actual help text is defined later.
This means altering the help strings for the argument 'option' to reflect the different modes after the --mode argument has been processed. The code, below, basically works in that the command works as expected, but the help does not.
The problem is that parse_known_args() seems to handle the -h then exit. I need parse_args() to handle the help. Obviously I could simple parse sys.argv and find --mode myself, but surely that defeats the object of argparse.
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test argparser')
parser.add_argument('--mode', nargs=1, type=int,
help='program mode')
args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
print "Initial pass"
print args
parser.add_argument('options', type=str, nargs='+',
help='One or more of the options, above')
args = parser.parse_args()
print "Second pass"
print args
What you want to do is handled by argparse's sub-commands. Using sub-commands would imply replacing your --mode option with a sub-command:
prog --mode=1 OPTA OPTB OPTC
would become
prog mode1 OPTA OPTB OPTC
The mode1 sub-command can be given its own help; it is accessed with
prog mode1 -h
Another advantage of this approach is that prog -h lists the possible sub-commands (and an associated description).

Detecting if any command-line options were specified more than once with optparse or argparse

Python optparse normally allows the user to specify an option more than once and silently ignores all occurrences of the option but the last one. For example, if the action of option --foo is store and the action of option --flag is store_const, store_true or store_false, the following commands will be equivalent:
my-command --foo=bar --foo=another --flag --foo=last --flag
my-command --flag --foo=last
(Update: argparse does just the same thing by default.)
Now, I have a lot of options, and specifying any of them more than once doesn't make sense. If a user specifies the same option more than once I'd like to warn them about the possible error.
What is the most elegant way to detect options that were specified multiple times? Note that the same option can have a short form, a long form and abbreviated long forms (so that -f, --foobar, --foob and --foo are all the same option). It would be even better if it was possible to detect the case when multiple options that have the same destination were specified simultaneously, so that a warning can be given if a user specifies both --quiet and --verbose while both options store a value into the same destination and effectively override each other.
Update: To be more user-friendly, the warning should refer to the exact option names as used on the command line. Using append actions instead of store is possible, but when we detect a conflict, we cannot say which options caused it (was it -q and --verbose or --quiet --quiet?).
Unfortunately I'm stuck with optparse and cannot use argparse because I have to support Python 2.6.
P. S. If you know of a solution that works only with argparse, please post it, too. While I try to minimize the number of external dependencies, using argparse under Python 2.6 is still an option.
I think the correct way would be to "define your action" in some way.
For example, you could use the action callback and implement a function that implement your desired behaviour.
You could write a function that first checks if the destination was already filled, if it is filled then it stores the overlapping options into a list.
When the parsing is finished you should check if these lists are empty, and if they are not raise the appropriate exception.
Another way of doing this could be to define your own action. You can have a look here
A small example that uses the callback:
import sys
import functools
from optparse import OptionParser
bad_option = 'BAD OPTION'
def store(option, opt, value, parser, dest, val):
"""Set option's destination *dest* to *val* if there are no conflicting options."""
list_name = dest + '_options_list'
# if this option is a conflict, save its name and set the value to bad_option
getattr(parser.values, list_name).append(opt)
setattr(parser.values, dest, bad_option)
except AttributeError:
# no conflicts, set the option value and add the options list
setattr(parser.values, dest, val)
setattr(parser.values, list_name, [opt])
store_true = functools.partial(store, val=True)
store_false = functools.partial(store, val=False)
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
action='callback', callback=store_true,
help='Increase output verbosity',
callback_kwargs={'dest': 'verbose'})
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet',
action='callback', callback=store_false,
help='Decrease output verbosity',
callback_kwargs={'dest': 'verbose'})
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
# detects all conflicting options for all destinations
found = False
for dest in ('verbose',):
if getattr(opts, dest) == bad_option:
conflicting_opts = ', '.join(getattr(opts, dest + '_options_list'))
print('Conflicting options %s for destination %s'
% (conflicting_opts, dest))
found = True
if found:
And the output:
$ python testing_optparse.py -v -q
Conflicting options -v, -q for destination verbose
Usage: prova_optparse.py [options]
Probably it would be better to raise an OptionValueError when detecting conflicts, even though this would allow to get only couple of conflicting options. If you want to get all conflicting options you have to parse the remaining arguments( in parser.rargs).
You can use action="append" (optparse) and then check the number of appended elements. See http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html#other-actions

