Really odd experience with this which took me over an hour to figure out. I have a cgi script written in python which takes form data and forwards it to an email, the problem was, if there was a colon in the string it would cause python to output nothing to the email.
Does anyone know why this is?
For example:
output = "Print- Customer"
works, though:
output = "Print: Customer"
prints no output.
My email function works essentially:
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
where msg = output
Just wondering if the colon is a special character in python string output
Colon isn't a special character in python string output, but it is special to email headers. Try inserting a blank line in the output:
output = "\nPrint: Customer"
Allow me to make a few guesses:
The mail is actually being sent, but the body appears to be empty (You question doesn't say this).
You're not using the builtin python mailing library.
If you open the mail in your mail reader, and look at the headers, the "print:" line will be present.
If so, the problem is that you're not ending the mail headers with a "\r\n" pair, and the mail reader thinks that "print:" is a mail header, while "print -" is part of the body of a mal-formed email.
If you add the "\r\n" after your headers, everything should be fine.
The response of print(msg) is b' ' and I'm expecting the "OK" response.
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(port='COM57')
if not ser.isOpen():
print('COM57 is open', ser.isOpen())
at_cmd = 'AT'
msg =
There are several things you need to change here. As already mentioned in the comments sending just "AT" will do nothing. You need to fill your holes in AT command knowledge and distinguish between an AT command and an AT command line. The best place to start is reading all of chapter 5 in the standard V.250 which is the fundamental, basic standard for AT command handling. Do not panic if there is something you do not quite get, but make sure you really get the syntax part (prefix + body + termination).
Note that despite the suggestions in the comments, an AT command line command line should be terminated by \r only and not \r\n ("The termination character may be selected by a user option (parameter S3), the default being CR (IA5 0/13).", and S3 should absolutely not be changed from its default value 13, so in practice you never have to deal with that register).
And with regards to reading and parsing the response you need to put in a proper algorithm. You need to read one by one character and combine those characters into response lines before you even think about trying to interpret the meaning of those (aka "framing" in data protocols). Following that, you need to detect whether you have received a final result code or not (and possible handle intermediate result codes/information text).
There are some more details in these two answers.
I've setup a sieve filter which invokes a Python script when it detects a postal service email about package deliveries. The sieve filter works fine and invokes the Python script reliably. However, the Python script does not reliably do its work. Here is my Python script, reduced to the relevant parts:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from email import message_from_file
from email import policy
import subprocess
msg = message_from_file(sys.stdin, policy=policy.default)
if " out for delivery " in str(msg.get_body(("html"))):
print("It is out for delivery")
I get email messages that have the string " out for delivery " in the body of the message but the script does not print out "It is out for delivery". I've already checked the HTML in the messages to make sure it is consistent and it is 100% consistent. The frustrating thing though is that if I save the message from my mail reader that should have triggered the script, and I feed it to sieve-test manually, then the script works 100% of the time!
How come my script never works during actual mail delivery but always works whenever I test it with sieve-test?
The email contains only a single part, which is HTML, so I have to use the HTML part.
I know I can do a body test in sieve. I'm doing it in Python for reasons outside the scope of this question.
The problem is that you use str(msg.get_body(("html"))), which is unreliable for your purpose. What you get is the body of the message as a string, but it is encoded for inclusion inside an email message. You're dealing with MIME part, which may be encoded with quoted-printable, in which case the string you test for (" out for delivery ") could be split across multiple lines when encoded. The string against which you test could have the text you are looking for encoded like this:
[other text] out for=
delivery [more text]
The = sign is part of the encoding and indicates that the newline that follows is there because of the encoding rather than because it was there prior to encoding.
Ok, but why does it always work when you use sieve-test? What happens is that your mail reader encodes the message differently, and the way it encodes it, the text you are looking for is not split across lines, and your script works! It is perfectly correct for the mail reader to save the message with a different encoding so long as once the email is decoded its content has not changed.
What you should do is use msg.get_body(("html")).get_content(). This gets the body in decoded form exactly byte-for-byte the same as when the postal service composed the email.
I wrote a Python script to access, manage and filter my emails via IMAP (using Python's imaplib).
To get the list of attachment for an email (without first downloading the entire email), I fetched the bodystructure of the email using the UID of the email, i.e.:
imap4.uid('FETCH', emailUID, '(BODYSTRUCTURE)')
and retrieve the attachment names from there.
Normally, the "portion" containing the attachment name would look like:
("attachment" ("filename" "This is the first"))
But on a couple of occasions, I encountered something like:
("attachment" ("filename" {34}', 'This is the second attachment.docx'))
I read somewhere that sometimes, instead of representing strings wrapped in double quotes, IMAP would use curly brackets with string length followed by the actual string (without quotes).
{16}This is a string
But the string above doesn't seem to strictly adhere to that (there's a single-quote, a comma, and a space after the closing curly bracket, and the string itself is wrapped in single-quotes).
When I downloaded the entire email, the header for the message part containing that attachment seemed normal:
Content-Type: application/docx
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="This is the second attachment.docx"
How can I interpret (erm... parse) that "abnormal" body structure, making sense of the extra single-quotes, comma, etc...
And is that "standard"?
What you're looking at is a mangled literal, perhaps damaged by cut and waste? A literal looks like
That is, the length, then a CRLF, then that many bytes (not characters):
Looks like IMAP-Tools, a GitHub project, includes a bodystructure parser.
I'm playing around with SMTP and using email.mime to provide the header structure. For some reason when a try to add a header that exceeds a certain length a line break is added into my header line.
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
message = 'some message'
msg = MIMEText(message)
msg.add_header('some header', 'just wondering why this sentence is continually cut in half for a reason I can not find')
print msg['some header']
print msg
print msg['some header'] prints:-
some header: just wondering just wondering why this sentence is continually cut in half for a reason I can not find
print msg prints:-
some header: just wondering why this sentence is continually cut in half for a
reason I can not find
One thing I did discover is that the length at which it's cut off is a combination of the header title and its value. So when I shorted 'some header' to 'some', the line return changes to after 'reason' instead of before.
It's not just my viewing page width :), it actually sends the email with the new line character in the email header.
Any thoughts?
This is correct behaviour, and it's the email package that does this (as well as most of the email generating code out there.) RFC822 messages (and all successors to that standard) have a way of continuing headers so they don't have to be a single line. It's considered good practice to fold headers like that, and the tab character that indents the rest of the header's body means the header is continued.
How can I distinguish sender-generated carriage returns from word wrap auto-generated carriage returns in an email body? I'm using Python imaplib to access Gmail and download message bodies like so:
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("")
resp, items =, "ALL")
items = items[0].split()
messages = []
for emailid in items:
resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)")
email_body = data[0][1]
mail = email.message_from_string(email_body)
for part in mail.walk():
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
body = part.get_payload(decode=1)
I'm focusing on the case of messages received from another Gmail user. The message body text has a number of carriage returns ('\r\n') in it. These fall into two classes: 1) those inserted by the sender of the email, the "true" returns, 2) those created by Gmail word wrapping at ~78 characters, the "false" returns. I want to remove the second class of carriage returns only. I'm sure I could come up with a programmatic approximation that searches for the '\r\n' at a window around every 78th character but that wouldn't be bulletproof and isn't what I want. Interestingly, I notice that when the message displays in Gmail in the web browser, there are not returns for the second class of carriage returns. Gmail somehow knows to remove/not display these specifically. How? Is there some special encoding I'm missing?
Gmail sends messages in both the MIME multipart format, in both a text/plain version (what you are grabbing) and a text/html version. The latter version is what contains fancy formatting like bold, italic, links, etc., and is what Gmail displays. While the text/html version is also line-broken at 78 characters (a part of the e-mail standard -- the underlying text must never have a line exceeding 78 characters), the "real" line breaks that you are looking for are embedded therein as HTML <br> tags. You can see this yourself if you send yourself a message and then, using the little down-arrow next to the Reply button, click "Show original".
You cannot distinguish between "fake" and "real" line-breaks in the text/plain version of the message, at least not reliably (as you obviously know). You can, however, pull the text/html version instead, knowing then that the "real" line-breaks are the <br> tags, however you then have to deal with the additional HTML (as well as first correctly processing the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" used therein).
I don't know how many email clients interpret or generate this correctly, but RFC 3676 includes the following:
When creating flowed text, the generating agent wraps, that is,
inserts 'soft' line breaks as needed. Soft line breaks are added at
natural wrapping points, such as between words. A soft line break is
a SP CRLF sequence.
So if the previous line has a space at the end of it, the current line should be interpreted as a continuation of the previous line. I suggest reviewing the entire RFC.