Share django lib - python

How share Django lib with multiple python (for example 2.6 and 3.1) ?
A simple way is with ln -s ... is the correct way or is there something a little more clever?

You should be using virtualenv for all of your python projects anyway: just install the modules you need for whichever project you are working on, rather than trying to worry about 'sharing'. For modules that compile files, you are probably going to hit problems doing it that way anyway.


Is it possible to have users not pip install modules and instead include the modules used in a different folder and then import that?

I want to know if I can create a python script with a folder in the same directory with all the assets of a python module, so when someone wants to use it, they would not have to pip install module, because it would import from the directory.
Yes, you can, but it doesn't mean that you should.
First, ask yourself who is suposed to use that code.
If you plan to give it to consumers, it would be a good idea to use a tool like py2exe and create executable file which would include all modules and not allow for code to be changed.
If you plan to share it with another developer, you might want to look into virtual environments and requirements.txt file.
There are multiple reasons why sharing modules is bad idea:
It is harder to update modules later, at least without upgrading whole project.
It uses more space on version control, which can create issues on huge projects with hundreds of modules and branches
It might be illegal as some licenses specifically forbid including their code in your source code.
The pip install of some module might do different things depending on operating system version or installed packages. The modules on your machine might be suboptimal on someone else's machine, and in some instances might not even work.
And probably more that I can't think of right now.
The only situation where I saw this being unavoidable was when the module didn't support python implementation the application was running on. The module was changed, and its source was put under lib folder with the rest of the libraries.
I think you can add the directory with python modules into PYTHONPATH. Then people want to use those modules just need has this envvar set.

Python / Git / Module structure best practice

We have a lot small projects that share common utility "projects"
utility project math contains function add
project A and project B both need math.add
project A has nothing to do with project B
so is it a good idea to have 3 git repositories (project_A,project_B and math) and clone them locally as
and have in /SOMWHERE/workspace/project_A/ something like
import sys
import math
I have read Structuring Your Project but that doesn't handle SCM and sharing modules.
So to sum up my question: is
import math
good practice or is there a more "pythonic" way of doing that?
Submodules are a suboptimal way of sharing modules like you said in your comments. A better way would be to use the tools offered by your language of choice, i.e Python.
First, create virtualenvs to isolate every project python environment. Use pip to install packages and store dependencies in a requirements.txt file.
Then, you can create a specific package for each of your utils library using distutils and share it on Pypi.
If you don't want to release your packages into the wild, you can also host your own Pypi server.
Using this setup, you will be able to use different versions of your libraries and work on them without breaking compatibility with older code bases. You will also avoid using submodules, that are difficult to use with git.
all of what you describe (3 projects) sounds fine except that you shouldn't mess around with sys.path. instead, set the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
also, if you were not aware of distutils i am guessing you may be new to python development, and may not know about virtualenv. you should use that too (it allows you to develope against a "clean" python version that has no packages, or only the packages you install for that env).

How to install python modules on a per project basis, rather than system wide?

I am trying to define a process for migrating django projects from my development server to my production server using git, and it's driving me crazy that distutils installs python modules system-wide. I've read the documentation but unless I'm missing something it seems to be mostly about how to change the installation directory. I need to be able to use different versions of the same module in different projects running on the same server, and deploy projects from git without having to download and install dependencies.
tl;dr: I need to know how to install python modules, using distutils, into my project's source tree for version control without compromising other projects using different versions of the same module.
I'm new to python, so I apologize in advance if this is common knowledge.
Besides the already mentioned virtualenv which is a good option but has the potential drawback of requiring a third-party module, Distutils itself has options to install modules into arbitrary locations. In particular, there is the home scheme which allows you to "build and maintain a personal stash of Python modules". It's described in the Python documentation set here.
Perhaps you are looking for virtualenv. It will allow you to install packages into a separate virtual Python "root".
for completeness sake, virtualenvwrapper makes every day work with virtualenv a lot quicker and simpler once you are working on multiple projects and/or on multiple development platforms at the same time.
If you are looking something akin to npm or yarn of the JavaScript world or composer of the PHP world, then you may want to look at pipenv (not to be confused with pip). Here's a guide to get you started.
Alternatively there is also Poetry, which some people say is even better, but I haven't used it yet.


I'm developing python C++ extensions for use in both OSX and linux. Currently, I can run my code with a wrapper script
trunk=`dirname $0`
trunk=`cd $trunk; pwd`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$trunk/lib/:$trunk/src/hdf5/lib/:$trunk/src/python/lib
$trunk/src/python/bin/python "$#"
which is able to set up my run like this:
What I would like to do is to eliminate the need for, so I need alternatives for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I can not put my libraries in some standard location like /usr/local/lib because on my machine, I maintain several independent instances of my libraries. That is, my libraries need to be kept somewhere relative to my installation path. I can't put these environment variables in my login script for the same reason. Currently, I need to call one of my scripts to use the associated libraries. My goal is to be able to run merely, which if it lives in my installation path, should be able to find its associated python and libraries. The purpose is to simplify execution for users, and to simplify usage of external tools like nosetests.
One alternative seems to be using rpath when I build my version of python:
./configure --enable-shared --prefix=$(CURDIR)/$(PYTHON_DIR) LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$(CURDIR)/lib/ -Wl,-rpath,$(CURDIR)/src/hdf5/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(CURDIR)/src/python/lib"
This trick seems to work fine on linux, even though one of my libraries ended up needing to be copied directly into trunk/src/python/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload for some reason unclear to me. However, this trick is not working on OSX; it looks like I need to run install_name_tool on all my dylibs libraries.
The other alternative I came up with was to do something like this:
ln -s python
so that my scripts could all use #! ../python, but I'm getting Unmatched ". errors. Same thing if I use #! ../ I'm not really an expert in bash...
However, these all seem so unnecessarily complicated, and surely this is something that other people have solved?? Thanks for any advice!
For python extensions, consider using PYTHONPATH: the Python interpreter will search the PYTHONPATH for .py/.pyc/.pyo/.so modules, as well as packages. See docs for Python 2.x as well as docs for Python 3.x; specifically the section named "The Module Search Path" on both pages. This also references information that seems to indicate that it is possible to update the module search path at runtime, which, if true, means that you could add all that logic to your program and it can hunt for its libraries on its own (say if it installs a copy in /usr/libexec/pkgname/... somewhere or something).
For all but the most complex of cases, though, setting PYTHONPATH and using a shell-script or native-compiled binary wrapper to start the core program is an okay approach, and one that is also used in other language environments including Mono and Java.
Not sure if this would be an acceptable (partial) solution in your circumstances, but another way to get libraries noticed by ld on linux is to add the path to the libraries to /etc/ and then runldconfig
For the Mac I don't remember the details, but I think Apple provide some resources for distributing apps packaged as a .app which includes some default locations (relative to the root of the .app) for libraries, or "frameworks" as they call them. Would require some googling from there - sorry can't help further on that but hope you get some progress :-)

How can I install specialized environments for different Perl applications?

Is there anything equivalent or close in terms of functionality to Python's virtualenv, but for Perl?
I've done some development in Python and a possibility of having non-system versions of modules installed in a separate environment without creating any mess is a huge advantage. Now I have to work on a new project in Perl, and I'm looking for something like virtualenv, but for Perl. Can you suggest any Perl equivalent or replacement for python's virtualenv?
I'm trying to setup X different sets of non-system Perl packages for Y different applications to be deployed. Even worse, these applications may require different versions of the same package, so each of them may require to be installed in a separate module/library environment. You may want to do this manually for X < Y < 3. But you should not do this manually for 10 > Y > X.
Ideally what I'm looking should work like this:
perl my_environment
. my_environment/bin/activate
wget http://.../foo-0.1.tar.gz
tar -xzf foo-0.1.tar.gz ; cd foo-0.1
make install # <-- package foo-0.1 gets installed inside my_environment
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bar' # <-- now package Bar with all its deps gets installed inside my_environment
There's a tool called local::lib that wraps up all of the work for you, much like virtualenv. It will:
Set up #INC in the process where it's used.
Set PERL5LIB and other such things for child processes.
Set the right variables to convince CPAN, MakeMaker, Module::Build, etc. to install libraries and store configuration in a local directory.
Set PATH so that installed binaries can be found.
Print environment variables to stdout when used from the commandline so that you can put eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib)
in your .profile and then mostly forget about it.
I've used schroot for this purpose. It is a bit heavier than virtualenv but you can be sure that nothing will leak in that shouldn't.
Schroot manages a chroot environment for you, but mounts your home directory in the chroot so it appears like a normal shell session, just using the binaries and libraries in the chroot.
I think it may be debian/ubuntu only though.
After setting up the schroot, your script above would look like
schroot -c my_perl_dev
wget ...
See for an interesting article about it
Also checkout perl-virtualenv , this seems to be wrapper around local::lib as suggested by Hobbs, but creates a bin/activate and bin/deactivate so you can use it just like the python tool.
I've been using it quite successfully for a month or so without realising it wasn't as standards as perhaps it should be.
It makes it lot easier to set up a working virtualenv for perl as while local:lib will tell you what variables you need to set, etc. perl-virtualenv creates an activate script which does it for you.
While investigating, I discovered this and some other pages (this one is too old and misses new technologies, this reddit post is a slight misdirect).
The problem with perlbrew and plenv is that they seem to be replacements for pyenv, not virtualenv. As noted here pyenv is for managing python versions, virtualenv is for managing per-project module versions. So, yes, in some ways similar to local::lib, but with better usability.
I've not seen a proper answer to this question yet, but from what I've read, it looks like the best solution is something along the lines of:
Perl version management: plenv/perlbrew (with most people
favouring the more contemporary bash based plenv over the perl based
perlbrew from what I can see)
Module version management: Carton
Module installation: cpan (well, cpanminus anyway, ymmv)
To be honest, this is not an ideal set up, although I'm still learning, so it may yet be superior. It just doesn't feel right. It certainly isn't a like for like replacement for virtualenv.
There are a couple of posts I've found saying "it is possible" but neither has gone any further.
I am not sure whether this is the same as that virtualenv thing you are talking about, but have a look for the #INC special variable in the perlvar manpage.
Programs can modify what directories they check for libraries uwith use lib. This lib directory can be relative to the current directory. Libraries from these directories will be used before system libraries, as they are placed at the beginning of the #INC array.
I believe cpan can also install libraries to specific directories. Granted, cpan draws from the CPAN site in order to install things, so this may not be the best option.
It looks like you just need to use the INSTALL_BASE configuration for Makefile.PL (or the --install_base option for Build.PL)? What exactly do you need the solution to do for you? It sounds like you just need to get the installed module in the right place. You've presented your problem as an XY Problem by specifying what you think is the solution is rather than letting us help you with your task.
See How do I keep my own module/library directory? in perlfaq8, for instance.
If you are downloading modules from CPAN, the latest cpan command (in App::Cpan) has a -j switch to allow you to choose alternate configuration files. In those configuration files you can set the options to install wherever you like.
Based on your clarification, it sounds like local::lib might work for you in single, simple cases, but I do this for industrial strength deployments where I set up custom, private CPANs per application, and install directly from those custom CPANs. See my MyCPAN::App::DPAN module, for instance. From that, I use custom configs that analyze their environment and set the proper values to each application can install everything in a directory just for that application.
You might also consider distributing your application as a Task::. You install it like any other Perl module, but dependencies share that same setup (i.e. INSTALL_BASE).
What I do is start the CPAN shell (cpan) and install my own Perl 5.10 from it
(I believe the command is install perl-5.10). This will ask for various configuration
settings; I make sure to make it point to paths under /usr/local
(or some other installation location other than the default).
Then I put its resulting location in my executable $PATH before the standard perl, and use its CPAN shell to install the modules I need (usually, a lot).
My Perl scripts all start with the line
#!/usr/bin/env perl
Never had a problem with this approach.

