Process() called from from Pylons creates a fork - python

I'm trying to create a background process for some heavy calculations from the main Pylons process. Here's the code:
p = Process(target = instance_process, \
args = (instance_tuple.instance, parent_pipe, child_pipe,))
The process is created and started, but is seems to be a fork from the main process: it is listening to the same port and the whole application hangs up. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Process IS a fork. If you look through it's implementation you'll find that Process.start() calls a fork. It does NOT, however, call any of the exec variations to change the execution context.
Still, this may have nothing to do with listening on the same port (unless the parent process is multi-threaded). At which point is the program hanging?
I know that when you try shutting down a python program without terminating the child process created through multiprocessing it will hang until the child process terminates.
This might be caused if, for instance, you do not close the pipe between the processes.


Automatically restarting a child python process in kubernetes

I have a Python application which runs as the main process in a kubernetes pod, and this process kicks off some child processes to long poll a list of SQS queues (1 process per queue). Occasionally, one of the processes becomes a zombie and stops processing, and hangs up all other processes too, including the parent.
if __name__ == '__main__':
for queue, module in qfmapper.items():
PROCESSES.append(Process(target=poll_for_messages, args=(queue,module)))
for process in PROCESSES:
for process in PROCESSES:
I've tried handling the SIGCHLD signal in the parent before it kicks off the children, but that doesn't seem to kill the parent if one of the children are killed. I know this leaves behind other child processes, but since kubernetes kills the pod if PID 1 dies, it shouldn't matter. This however doesn't seem to work, as the parent doesn't react to it. I'm assuming this is because process.join() blocks the parent.
So I've tried replacing individual Process calls with a Pool:
with contextlib.closing(mp.Pool(len(qfmapper))) as pool:
for queue, module in qfmapper.items():
pool.apply_async(poll_for_messages, args=(queue, module))
This again kicks off the polling processes as expected, but killing one doesn't seem to get replaced with the same call again. It spins up another worker to maintain the Pool, but it doesn't kick it off with the same arguments that the original apply_async call does.
I also tried using map, and that does restart the process if killed, but doesn't loop through all of the queues in my list; it just does the first one in the list multiple times. I've also tried starmap, and just used the for loop to build a list of iterables, but again that doesn't recover if one of the workers is killed.
So, ultimately, this comes back to the title of this question. How do you automatically restart a process that has died / been killed? I've searched high and low and I can't seem to find any answers for what seems to me like a "normal" thing to want to do. This is all running on Python 3.7.3, but I can upgrade to 3.8 if it has any features worth using to resolve this issue.

python function not running as thread

this is done in python 2.7.12
serialHelper is a class module arround python serial and this code does work nicely
#!/usr/bin/env python
import threading
from time import sleep
import serialHelper
sh = serialHelper.SerialHelper()
def serialGetter():
h = 0
while True:
h = h + 1
s_resp = sh.getResponse()
print ('response ' + s_resp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = threading.Thread(target=sh.serialReader)
#tSR = threading.Thread(target=serialGetter)
except Exception as e:
print (e)
however the attemp to run serialGetter as thread as remarked it just dies.
Any reason why that function can not run as thread ?
Quoting from the Python documentation:
The entire Python program exits when no alive non-daemon threads are left.
So if you setDaemon(True) every new thread and then exit the main thread (by falling off the end of the script), the whole program will exit immediately. This kills all of the threads. Either don't use setDaemon(True), or don't exit the main thread without first calling join() on all of the threads you want to wait for.
Stepping back for a moment, it may help to think about the intended use case of a daemon thread. In Unix, a daemon is a process that runs in the background and (typically) serves requests or performs operations, either on behalf of remote clients over the network or local processes. The same basic idea applies to daemon threads:
You launch the daemon thread with some kind of work queue.
When you need some work done on the thread, you hand it a work object.
When you want the result of that work, you use an event or a future to wait for it to complete.
After requesting some work, you always eventually wait for it to complete, or perhaps cancel it (if your worker protocol supports cancellation).
You don't have to clean up the daemon thread at program termination. It just quietly goes away when there are no other threads left.
The problem is step (4). If you forget about some work object, and exit the app without waiting for it to complete, the work may get interrupted. Daemon threads don't gracefully shut down, so you could leave the outside world in an inconsistent state (e.g. an incomplete database transaction, a file that never got closed, etc.). It's often better to use a regular thread, and replace step (5) with an explicit "Finish up your work and shut down" work object that the main thread hands to the worker thread before exiting. The worker thread then recognizes this object, stops waiting on the work queue, and terminates itself once it's no longer doing anything else. This is slightly more up-front work, but is much safer in the event that a work object is inadvertently abandoned.
Because of all of the above, I recommend not using daemon threads unless you have a strong reason for them.

Does a process always need to be terminated?

I am using a Python process to run one of my functions like so:
Process1 = Process(target = someFunction)
Now that function has no looping or anything, it just does its thing, then ends, does the Process die with it? or do I always need to drop a:
The child process will exit by itself - the Process1.terminate() is unnecessary in that regard. This is especially true if using any shared resources between the child and parent process. From the Python documentation:
Avoid terminating processes
Using the Process.terminate method to stop a process is liable to cause any shared resources (such as locks, semaphores, pipes and queues) currently being used by the process to become broken or unavailable to other processes.
Therefore it is probably best to only consider using Process.terminate on processes which never use any shared resources.
However, if you want the parent process to wait for the child process to finish (perhaps the child process is modifying something that the parent will access afterwards), then you'll want to use Process1.join() to block the parent process from continuing until the child process complete. This is generally good practice when using child processes to avoid zombie processes or orphaned children.
No, as per the documentation it only sends a SIGTERM or TerminateProcess() to the process in question. If it has already exited then there is nothing to terminate.
However, it is always a good process to use exit codes in your subprocesses:
import sys
And then check the exit code once you know the process has terminated:
if Process1.exitcode():

Python: What happens when main process is terminated.

I am working with the multiprocessing module on a Unix system. I have noticed memory leaks when I terminate one of my programs. I was thinking that this might be because the processes that were started in the main process kept running. Is this correct?
I think I'd refer you to this post where he does a great job of explaining how other threads behave.
You can just run your program and see if there is python processes alive after the main process terminated.
The correct way to terminate your program is making all the subprocesses terminated before the main process end. (Try to use Process.terminate() and Process.join() methods for all subprocesses before the main process terminated.)

Multiprocess Daemon Not Terminating on Parent Exit

I have a Python 2.7 multiprocessing Process which will not exit on parent process exit. I've set the daemon flag which should force it to exit on parent death. The docs state that:
"When a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes."
p = Process(target=_serverLaunchHelper, args=args)
p.daemon = True
print p.daemon # prints True
When I terminate the parent process via a kill command the daemon is left alive and running (which blocks the port on the next run). The child process is starting a SimpleHttpServer and calling serve_forever without doing anything else. My guess is that the "attempts" part of the docs means that the blocking server process is stopping process death and it's letting the process get orphaned as a result. I could have the child push the serving to another Thread and have the main thread check for parent process id changes, but this seems like a lot of code to just replicate the daemon functionality.
Does someone have insight into why the daemon flag isn't working as described? This is repeatable on windows8 64 bit and ubuntu12 32 bit vm.
A boiled down version of the process function is below:
def _serverLaunchHelper(port)
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", port), Handler)
When a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes.
The key word here is "attempts". Also, "exits".
Depending on your platform and implementation, it may be that the only way to get daemonic child processes terminated is to do so explicitly. If the parent process exits normally, it gets a chance to do so explicitly, so everything is fine. But if the parent process is terminated abruptly, it doesn't.
For CPython in particular, if you look at the source, terminating daemonic processes is handled the same way as joining non-daemonic processes: by walking active_children() in an atexit function. So, your daemons will be killed if and only if your atexit handlers get to run. And, as that module's docs say:
Note: the functions registered via this module are not called when the program is killed by a signal not handled by Python, when a Python fatal internal error is detected, or when os._exit() is called.
Depending on how you're killing the parent, you might be able to work around this by adding a signal handler to intercept abrupt termination. But you might not—e.g., on POSIX, SIGKILL is not intercept able, so if you kill -9 $PARENTPID, this isn't an option.
Another option is to kill the process group, instead of just the parent process. For example, if your parent has PID 12345, kill -- -12345 on linux will kill it and all of its children (assuming you haven't done anything fancy).

