Override the {...} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()? - python

Update: dicts retaining insertion order is guaranteed for Python 3.7+
I want to use a .py file like a config file.
So using the {...} notation I can create a dictionary using strings as keys but the definition order is lost in a standard python dictionary.
My question: is it possible to override the {...} notation so that I get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?
I was hoping that simply overriding dict constructor with OrderedDict (dict = OrderedDict) would work, but it doesn't.
dict = OrderedDict
dictname = {
'B key': 'value1',
'A key': 'value2',
'C key': 'value3'
print dictname.items()
[('B key', 'value1'), ('A key', 'value2'), ('C key', 'value3')]

Here's a hack that almost gives you the syntax you want:
class _OrderedDictMaker(object):
def __getitem__(self, keys):
if not isinstance(keys, tuple):
keys = (keys,)
assert all(isinstance(key, slice) for key in keys)
return OrderedDict([(k.start, k.stop) for k in keys])
ordereddict = _OrderedDictMaker()
from nastyhacks import ordereddict
menu = ordereddict[
"about" : "about",
"login" : "login",
'signup': "signup"
Edit: Someone else discovered this independently, and has published the odictliteral package on PyPI that provides a slightly more thorough implementation - use that package instead

To literally get what you are asking for, you have to fiddle with the syntax tree of your file. I don't think it is advisable to do so, but I couldn't resist the temptation to try. So here we go.
First, we create a module with a function my_execfile() that works like the built-in execfile(), except that all occurrences of dictionary displays, e.g. {3: 4, "a": 2} are replaced by explicit calls to the dict() constructor, e.g. dict([(3, 4), ('a', 2)]). (Of course we could directly replace them by calls to collections.OrderedDict(), but we don't want to be too intrusive.) Here's the code:
import ast
class DictDisplayTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
def visit_Dict(self, node):
list_node = ast.List(
[ast.copy_location(ast.Tuple(list(x), ast.Load()), x[0])
for x in zip(node.keys, node.values)],
name_node = ast.Name("dict", ast.Load())
new_node = ast.Call(ast.copy_location(name_node, node),
[ast.copy_location(list_node, node)],
[], None, None)
return ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
def my_execfile(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
if globals is None:
globals = {}
if locals is None:
locals = globals
node = ast.parse(open(filename).read())
transformed = DictDisplayTransformer().visit(node)
exec compile(transformed, filename, "exec") in globals, locals
With this modification in place, we can modify the behaviour of dictionary displays by overwriting dict. Here is an example:
# test.py
from collections import OrderedDict
print {3: 4, "a": 2}
dict = OrderedDict
print {3: 4, "a": 2}
Now we can run this file using my_execfile("test.py"), yielding the output
{'a': 2, 3: 4}
OrderedDict([(3, 4), ('a', 2)])
Note that for simplicity, the above code doesn't touch dictionary comprehensions, which should be transformed to generator expressions passed to the dict() constructor. You'd need to add a visit_DictComp() method to the DictDisplayTransformer class. Given the above example code, this should be straight-forward.
Again, I don't recommend this kind of messing around with the language semantics. Did you have a look into the ConfigParser module?

OrderedDict is not "standard python syntax", however, an ordered set of key-value pairs (in standard python syntax) is simply:
[('key1 name', 'value1'), ('key2 name', 'value2'), ('key3 name', 'value3')]
To explicitly get an OrderedDict:
OrderedDict([('key1 name', 'value1'), ('key2 name', 'value2'), ('key3 name', 'value3')])
Another alternative, is to sort dictname.items(), if that's all you need:

As of python 3.6, all dictionaries will be ordered by default. For now, this is an implementation detail of dict and should not be relied upon, but it will likely become standard after v3.6.
Insertion order is always preserved in the new dict implementation:
>>>x = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
['a', 'b', 'c']
As of python 3.6 **kwargs order [PEP468] and class attribute order [PEP520] are preserved. The new compact, ordered dictionary implementation is used to implement the ordering for both of these.

What you are asking for is impossible, but if a config file in JSON syntax is sufficient you can do something similar with the json module:
>>> import json, collections
>>> d = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook = collections.OrderedDict)
>>> d.decode('{"a":5,"b":6}')
OrderedDict([(u'a', 5), (u'b', 6)])

The one solution I found is to patch python itself, making the dict object remember the order of insertion.
This then works for all kind of syntaxes:
x = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
y = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
I have taken the ordereddict C implementation from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ruamel.ordereddict/ and merged back into the main python code.
If you do not mind re-building the python interpreter, here is a patch for Python 2.7.8:

If what you are looking for is a way to get easy-to-use initialization syntax - consider creating a subclass of OrderedDict and adding operators to it that update the dict, for example:
from collections import OrderedDict
class OrderedMap(OrderedDict):
def __add__(self,other):
return self
d = OrderedMap()+{1:2}+{4:3}+{"key":"value"}
d will be- OrderedMap([(1, 2), (4, 3), ('key','value')])
Another possible syntactic-sugar example using the slicing syntax:
class OrderedMap(OrderedDict):
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
self[index.start] = index.stop
return self
return OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, index)
d = OrderedMap()[1:2][6:4][4:7]["a":"H"]


python defaultdict how to use it instead of function [duplicate]

I have a large list like:
I want to build a multi-level dict like:
I know that if I use recursive defaultdict I can write table[A][B1][C1]=1, table[A][B2]=2, but this works only if I hardcode those insert statement.
While parsing the list, I don't how many []'s I need beforehand to call table[key1][key2][...].
You can do it without even defining a class:
from collections import defaultdict
nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict)
nest = nested_dict()
nest[0][1][2][3][4][5] = 6
Your example says that at any level there can be a value, and also a dictionary of sub-elements. That is called a tree, and there are many implementations available for them. This is one:
from collections import defaultdict
class Tree(defaultdict):
def __init__(self, value=None):
super(Tree, self).__init__(Tree)
self.value = value
root = Tree()
root.value = 1
root['a']['b'].value = 3
print root.value
print root['a']['b'].value
print root['c']['d']['f'].value
You could do something similar by writing the input in JSON and using json.load to read it as a structure of nested dictionaries.
I think the simplest implementation of a recursive dictionary is this. Only leaf nodes can contain values.
# Define recursive dictionary
from collections import defaultdict
tree = lambda: defaultdict(tree)
# Create instance
mydict = tree()
mydict['a'] = 1
mydict['b']['a'] = 2
mydict['d']['a']['b'] = 0
# Print
import prettyprint
"a": 1,
"b": {
"a": 1
"c": {},
"d": {
"a": {
"b": 0
I'd do it with a subclass of dict that defines __missing__:
>>> class NestedDict(dict):
... def __missing__(self, key):
... self[key] = NestedDict()
... return self[key]
>>> table = NestedDict()
>>> table['A']['B1']['C1'] = 1
>>> table
{'A': {'B1': {'C1': 1}}}
You can't do it directly with defaultdict because defaultdict expects the factory function at initialization time, but at initialization time, there's no way to describe the same defaultdict. The above construct does the same thing that default dict does, but since it's a named class (NestedDict), it can reference itself as missing keys are encountered. It is also possible to subclass defaultdict and override __init__.
This is equivalent to the above, but avoiding lambda notation. Perhaps easier to read ?
def dict_factory():
return defaultdict(dict_factory)
your_dict = dict_factory()
Also -- from the comments -- if you'd like to update from an existing dict, you can simply call
In order to add values to the dict.
Dan O'Huiginn posted a very nice solution on his journal in 2010:
>>> class NestedDict(dict):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... if key in self: return self.get(key)
... return self.setdefault(key, NestedDict())
>>> eggs = NestedDict()
>>> eggs[1][2][3][4][5]
>>> eggs
{1: {2: {3: {4: {5: {}}}}}}
You may achieve this with a recursive defaultdict.
from collections import defaultdict
def tree():
def the_tree():
return defaultdict(the_tree)
return the_tree()
It is important to protect the default factory name, the_tree here, in a closure ("private" local function scope). Avoid using a one-liner lambda version, which is bugged due to Python's late binding closures, and implement this with a def instead.
The accepted answer, using a lambda, has a flaw where instances must rely on the nested_dict name existing in an outer scope. If for whatever reason the factory name can not be resolved (e.g. it was rebound or deleted) then pre-existing instances will also become subtly broken:
>>> nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict)
>>> nest = nested_dict()
>>> nest[0][1][2][3][4][6] = 7
>>> del nested_dict
>>> nest[8][9] = 10
# NameError: name 'nested_dict' is not defined
To add to #Hugo To have a max depth:
l=lambda x:defaultdict(lambda:l(x-1)) if x>0 else defaultdict(dict)
arr = l(2)
A slightly different possibility that allows regular dictionary initialization:
from collections import defaultdict
def superdict(arg=()):
update = lambda obj, arg: obj.update(arg) or obj
return update(defaultdict(superdict), arg)
>>> d = {"a":1}
>>> sd = superdict(d)
>>> sd["b"]["c"] = 2
You could use a NestedDict.
from ndicts.ndicts import NestedDict
nd = NestedDict()
nd[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = 6
The result as a dictionary:
>>> nd.to_dict()
{0: {1: {2: {3: {4: {5: 6}}}}}}
To install ndicts
pip install ndicts

Create a deeply nested dictionnary [duplicate]

I have a large list like:
I want to build a multi-level dict like:
I know that if I use recursive defaultdict I can write table[A][B1][C1]=1, table[A][B2]=2, but this works only if I hardcode those insert statement.
While parsing the list, I don't how many []'s I need beforehand to call table[key1][key2][...].
You can do it without even defining a class:
from collections import defaultdict
nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict)
nest = nested_dict()
nest[0][1][2][3][4][5] = 6
Your example says that at any level there can be a value, and also a dictionary of sub-elements. That is called a tree, and there are many implementations available for them. This is one:
from collections import defaultdict
class Tree(defaultdict):
def __init__(self, value=None):
super(Tree, self).__init__(Tree)
self.value = value
root = Tree()
root.value = 1
root['a']['b'].value = 3
print root.value
print root['a']['b'].value
print root['c']['d']['f'].value
You could do something similar by writing the input in JSON and using json.load to read it as a structure of nested dictionaries.
I think the simplest implementation of a recursive dictionary is this. Only leaf nodes can contain values.
# Define recursive dictionary
from collections import defaultdict
tree = lambda: defaultdict(tree)
# Create instance
mydict = tree()
mydict['a'] = 1
mydict['b']['a'] = 2
mydict['d']['a']['b'] = 0
# Print
import prettyprint
"a": 1,
"b": {
"a": 1
"c": {},
"d": {
"a": {
"b": 0
I'd do it with a subclass of dict that defines __missing__:
>>> class NestedDict(dict):
... def __missing__(self, key):
... self[key] = NestedDict()
... return self[key]
>>> table = NestedDict()
>>> table['A']['B1']['C1'] = 1
>>> table
{'A': {'B1': {'C1': 1}}}
You can't do it directly with defaultdict because defaultdict expects the factory function at initialization time, but at initialization time, there's no way to describe the same defaultdict. The above construct does the same thing that default dict does, but since it's a named class (NestedDict), it can reference itself as missing keys are encountered. It is also possible to subclass defaultdict and override __init__.
This is equivalent to the above, but avoiding lambda notation. Perhaps easier to read ?
def dict_factory():
return defaultdict(dict_factory)
your_dict = dict_factory()
Also -- from the comments -- if you'd like to update from an existing dict, you can simply call
In order to add values to the dict.
Dan O'Huiginn posted a very nice solution on his journal in 2010:
>>> class NestedDict(dict):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... if key in self: return self.get(key)
... return self.setdefault(key, NestedDict())
>>> eggs = NestedDict()
>>> eggs[1][2][3][4][5]
>>> eggs
{1: {2: {3: {4: {5: {}}}}}}
You may achieve this with a recursive defaultdict.
from collections import defaultdict
def tree():
def the_tree():
return defaultdict(the_tree)
return the_tree()
It is important to protect the default factory name, the_tree here, in a closure ("private" local function scope). Avoid using a one-liner lambda version, which is bugged due to Python's late binding closures, and implement this with a def instead.
The accepted answer, using a lambda, has a flaw where instances must rely on the nested_dict name existing in an outer scope. If for whatever reason the factory name can not be resolved (e.g. it was rebound or deleted) then pre-existing instances will also become subtly broken:
>>> nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict)
>>> nest = nested_dict()
>>> nest[0][1][2][3][4][6] = 7
>>> del nested_dict
>>> nest[8][9] = 10
# NameError: name 'nested_dict' is not defined
To add to #Hugo To have a max depth:
l=lambda x:defaultdict(lambda:l(x-1)) if x>0 else defaultdict(dict)
arr = l(2)
A slightly different possibility that allows regular dictionary initialization:
from collections import defaultdict
def superdict(arg=()):
update = lambda obj, arg: obj.update(arg) or obj
return update(defaultdict(superdict), arg)
>>> d = {"a":1}
>>> sd = superdict(d)
>>> sd["b"]["c"] = 2
You could use a NestedDict.
from ndicts.ndicts import NestedDict
nd = NestedDict()
nd[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = 6
The result as a dictionary:
>>> nd.to_dict()
{0: {1: {2: {3: {4: {5: 6}}}}}}
To install ndicts
pip install ndicts

don't understand this lambda expression with defaultdict

I saw this example at pythontips. I do not understand the second line when defaultdict takes an argument "tree" and return a "tree".
import collections
tree = lambda: collections.defaultdict(tree)
some_dict = tree()
some_dict['color']['favor'] = "yellow"
# Works fine
After I run this code, I checked the type of some_dict
defaultdict(< function < lambda > at 0x7f19ae634048 >,
{'color': defaultdict(
< function < lambda > at 0x7f19ae634048 >, {'favor': 'yellow'})})
This is a pretty clever way to create a recursive defaultdict. It's a little tricky to understand at first but once you dig into what's happening, it's actually a pretty simple use of recursion.
In this example, we define a recursive lambda function, tree, that returns a defaultdict whose constructor is tree. Let's rewrite this using regular functions for clarity.
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
def get_recursive_dict():
return defaultdict(get_recursive_dict)
Note that we're returning defaultdict(get_recursive_dict) and not defaultdict(get_recursive_dict()). We want to pass defaultdict a callable object (i.e. the function get_recursive_dict). Actually calling get_recursive_dict() would result in infinite recursion.
If we call get_recursive_dict, we get an empty defaultdict whose default value is the function get_recursive_dict.
recursive_dict = get_recursive_dict()
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004FFC4A8>, {})
Let's see this in action. Create the key 'alice' and it's corresponding value defaults to an empty defaultdict whose default value is the function get_recursive_dict. Notice that this is the same default value as our recursive_dict!
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {})
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {'alice': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {})})
So we can create as many nested dictionaries as we want.
recursive_dict['bob']['age'] = 2
recursive_dict['charlie']['food']['dessert'] = 'cake'
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'charlie': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'food': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'dessert': 'cake'})}), 'bob': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'age': 2}), 'alice': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {})})
Once you overwrite the default value with a key, you can no longer create arbitrarily deep nested dictionaries.
recursive_dict['bob']['age']['year'] = 2016
# TypeError: 'int' object does not support item assignment
I hope this clears things up!
Two points to note:
lambda represents an anonymous function.
Functions are first-class objects in Python. They may be assigned to a variable like any other object.
So here are 2 different ways to define functionally identical objects. They are recursive functions because they reference themselves.
from collections import defaultdict
# anonymous
tree = lambda: defaultdict(tree)
# explicit
def tree(): return defaultdict(tree)
Running the final 2 lines with these different definitions in turn, you see only a subtle difference in the naming of the defaultdict type:
# anonymous
defaultdict(<function __main__.<lambda>()>,
{'color': defaultdict(<function __main__.<lambda>()>,
{'favor': 'yellow'})})
# explicit
defaultdict(<function __main__.tree()>,
{'color': defaultdict(<function __main__.tree()>,
{'favor': 'yellow'})})
It's easier to see if you try this: a = lambda: a, you'll see that a() returns a. So...
>>> a = lambda: a
>>> a()()()()
<function <lambda> at 0x102bffd08>
They're doing this with the defaultdict too. tree is a function returning a defaultdict whose default value is yet another defaultdict, and so on.
I wasn't actually aware of this either. I thought tree would have to be defined first. Maybe it's a special Python rule? (EDIT:) No, I forgot that Python does the name lookup at runtime, and tree already points to the lambda then. In C++ there's compile-time reference checking, but you can define functions that reference themselves.
It seems like a way to create behavior that some users wouldn't expect. Like say you accidentally redefine tree later, your defaultdict is broken:
>>> import collections
>>> tree = lambda: collections.defaultdict(tree)
>>> some_dict = tree()
>>> tree = 4
>>> some_dict[4][3] = 2 # TypeError: first argument must be callable or None

using a single variable to index into nested dictionaries

Imagine you have a dictionary in python: myDic = {'a':1, 'b':{'c':2, 'd':3}}. You can certainly set a variable to a key value and use it later, such as:
myKey = 'b'
>>> {'c':2, 'd':3}
However, is there a way to somehow set a variable to a value that, when used as a key, will dig into sub dictionaries as well? Is there a way to accomplish the following pseudo-code in python?
myKey = "['b']['c']"
>>> 2
So first it uses 'b' as a key, and whatever is reurned it then uses 'c' as a key on that. Obviously, it would return an error if the value returned from the first lookup is not a dictionary.
No, there is nothing you can put into a variable so that myDict[myKey] will dig into the nested dictionaries.
Here is a function that may work for you as an alternative:
def recursive_get(d, keys):
if len(keys) == 1:
return d[keys[0]]
return recursive_get(d[keys[0]], keys[1:])
>>> myDic = {'a':1, 'b':{'c':2, 'd':3}}
>>> recursive_get(myDic, ['b', 'c'])
No, not with a regular dict. With myDict[key] you can only access values that are actually values of myDict. But if myDict contains other dicts, the values of those nested dicts are not values of myDict.
Depending on what you're doing with the data structure, it may be possible to get what you want by using tuple keys instead of nested dicts. Instead of having myDic = {'b':{'c':2, 'd':3}}, you could have myDic = {('b', 'c'):2, ('b', 'd'): 3}. Then you can access the values with something like myDic['b', 'c']. And you can indeed do:
val = 'b', 'c'
AFAIK, you cannot. If you think about the way python works, it evaluates inside out, left to right. [] is a shorthand for __getitem__ in this case. Thus you would need to parse the arguments you are passing into __getitem__ (whatever you pass in) and handle that intelligently. If you wanted to have such behavior, you would need to subclass/write your own dict class.
myDict = {'a':1, 'b':{'c':2, 'd':3}}
k = 'b'
myDict.get(k) should give
{'c':2, 'd':3}
and either
k1 = 'c'
d.get(k).key(k1) should give 2
Pretty old question. There is no builtin function for that.
Compact solution using functools.reduce and operator.getitem:
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem
d = {'a': {'b': ['banana', 'lemon']}}
p = ['a', 'b', 1]
v = reduce(getitem, p, d)
# 'lemon'

Destructuring-bind dictionary contents

I am trying to 'destructure' a dictionary and associate values with variables names after its keys. Something like
params = {'a':1,'b':2}
a,b = params.values()
But since dictionaries are not ordered, there is no guarantee that params.values() will return values in the order of (a, b). Is there a nice way to do this?
from operator import itemgetter
params = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
a, b = itemgetter('a', 'b')(params)
Instead of elaborate lambda functions or dictionary comprehension, may as well use a built in library.
One way to do this with less repetition than Jochen's suggestion is with a helper function. This gives the flexibility to list your variable names in any order and only destructure a subset of what is in the dict:
pluck = lambda dict, *args: (dict[arg] for arg in args)
things = {'blah': 'bleh', 'foo': 'bar'}
foo, blah = pluck(things, 'foo', 'blah')
Also, instead of joaquin's OrderedDict you could sort the keys and get the values. The only catches are you need to specify your variable names in alphabetical order and destructure everything in the dict:
sorted_vals = lambda dict: (t[1] for t in sorted(dict.items()))
things = {'foo': 'bar', 'blah': 'bleh'}
blah, foo = sorted_vals(things)
How come nobody posted the simplest approach?
params = {'a':1,'b':2}
a, b = params['a'], params['b']
Python is only able to "destructure" sequences, not dictionaries. So, to write what you want, you will have to map the needed entries to a proper sequence. As of myself, the closest match I could find is the (not very sexy):
a,b = [d[k] for k in ('a','b')]
This works with generators too:
a,b = (d[k] for k in ('a','b'))
Here is a full example:
>>> d = dict(a=1,b=2,c=3)
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}
>>> a, b = [d[k] for k in ('a','b')]
>>> a
>>> b
>>> a, b = (d[k] for k in ('a','b'))
>>> a
>>> b
Here's another way to do it similarly to how a destructuring assignment works in JS:
params = {'b': 2, 'a': 1}
a, b, rest = (lambda a, b, **rest: (a, b, rest))(**params)
What we did was to unpack the params dictionary into key values (using **) (like in Jochen's answer), then we've taken those values in the lambda signature and assigned them according to the key name - and here's a bonus - we also get a dictionary of whatever is not in the lambda's signature so if you had:
params = {'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 3}
a, b, rest = (lambda a, b, **rest: (a, b, rest))(**params)
After the lambda has been applied, the rest variable will now contain:
{'c': 3}
Useful for omitting unneeded keys from a dictionary.
Hope this helps.
Maybe you really want to do something like this?
def some_func(a, b):
print a,b
params = {'a':1,'b':2}
some_func(**params) # equiv to some_func(a=1, b=2)
If you are afraid of the issues involved in the use of the locals dictionary and you prefer to follow your original strategy, Ordered Dictionaries from python 2.7 and 3.1 collections.OrderedDicts allows you to recover you dictionary items in the order in which they were first inserted
(Ab)using the import system
The from ... import statement lets us desctructure and bind attribute names of an object. Of course, it only works for objects in the sys.modules dictionary, so one could use a hack like this:
import sys, types
mydict = {'a':1,'b':2}
sys.modules["mydict"] = types.SimpleNamespace(**mydict)
from mydict import a, b
A somewhat more serious hack would be to write a context manager to load and unload the module:
with obj_as_module(mydict, "mydict_module"):
from mydict_module import a, b
By pointing the __getattr__ method of the module directly to the __getitem__ method of the dict, the context manager can also avoid using SimpleNamespace(**mydict).
See this answer for an implementation and some extensions of the idea.
One can also temporarily replace the entire sys.modules dict with the dict of interest, and do import a, b without from.
Warning 1: as stated in the docs, this is not guaranteed to work on all Python implementations:
CPython implementation detail: This function relies on Python stack frame support
in the interpreter, which isn’t guaranteed to exist in all implementations
of Python. If running in an implementation without Python stack frame support
this function returns None.
Warning 2: this function does make the code shorter, but it probably contradicts the Python philosophy of being as explicit as you can. Moreover, it doesn't address the issues pointed out by John Christopher Jones in the comments, although you could make a similar function that works with attributes instead of keys. This is just a demonstration that you can do that if you really want to!
def destructure(dict_):
if not isinstance(dict_, dict):
raise TypeError(f"{dict_} is not a dict")
# the parent frame will contain the information about
# the current line
parent_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
# so we extract that line (by default the code context
# only contains the current line)
(line,) = inspect.getframeinfo(parent_frame).code_context
# "hello, key = destructure(my_dict)"
# -> ("hello, key ", "=", " destructure(my_dict)")
lvalues, _equals, _rvalue = line.strip().partition("=")
# -> ["hello", "key"]
keys = [s.strip() for s in lvalues.split(",") if s.strip()]
if missing := [key for key in keys if key not in dict_]:
raise KeyError(*missing)
for key in keys:
yield dict_[key]
In [5]: my_dict = {"hello": "world", "123": "456", "key": "value"}
In [6]: hello, key = destructure(my_dict)
In [7]: hello
Out[7]: 'world'
In [8]: key
Out[8]: 'value'
This solution allows you to pick some of the keys, not all, like in JavaScript. It's also safe for user-provided dictionaries
With Python 3.10, you can do:
d = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
match d:
case {"a": a, "b": b}:
print(f"A is {a} and b is {b}")
but it adds two extra levels of indentation, and you still have to repeat the key names.
Look for other answers as this won't cater to the unexpected order in the dictionary. will update this with a correct version sometime soon.
try this
data = {'a':'Apple', 'b':'Banana','c':'Carrot'}
keys = data.keys()
a,b,c = [data[k] for k in keys]
a == 'Apple'
b == 'Banana'
c == 'Carrot'
Well, if you want these in a class you can always do this:
class AttributeDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttributeDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
d = AttributeDict(a=1, b=2)
Based on #ShawnFumo answer I came up with this:
def destruct(dict): return (t[1] for t in sorted(dict.items()))
d = {'b': 'Banana', 'c': 'Carrot', 'a': 'Apple' }
a, b, c = destruct(d)
(Notice the order of items in dict)
An old topic, but I found this to be a useful method:
data = {'a':'Apple', 'b':'Banana','c':'Carrot'}
for key in data.keys():
locals()[key] = data[key]
This method loops over every key in your dictionary and sets a variable to that name and then assigns the value from the associated key to this new variable.
An easy and simple way to destruct dict in python:
params = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
a, b = [params[key] for key in ("a", "b")]
print(a, b)
# Output:
# 1 2
I don't know whether it's good style, but
will do the trick. You then have a, b and whatever was in your params dict available as corresponding local variables.
Since dictionaries are guaranteed to keep their insertion order in Python >= 3.7, that means that it's complete safe and idiomatic to just do this nowadays:
params = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
a, b = params.values()

