Task management daemon - python

i have to do some long-time (2-3 days i think) tasks with my django ORM data. I look around and didnt find any good solutions.
django-tasks - http://code.google.com/p/django-tasks/ is not well documented, and i dont have any ideas how to use it.
celery - http://ask.github.com/celery/ is excessive for my tasks. Is it good for longtime tasks?
So, what i need to do, i just get all data or parts of data from my database, like:
And then i need execute same function for each one of QuerySet.
I think it should work around 2-3 days.
So, maybe someone explain for me how to build it.
P.S:at the moment i have only one idea, use cron and database to store process execution timeline.

Use Celery Sub-Tasks. This will allow you to start a long-running task (with many short-running subtasks underneath it), and keep good data on it's execution status within Celery's task result store. As an added bonus, subtasks will be spread across worker proccesses allowing you to take full advantage of multi-core servers or even multiple servers in order to reduce task runtime.
EDIT: example:
import time, logging as log
from celery.task import task
from celery.task.sets import TaskSet
from app import Entry
def long_running_analysis():
entries = list(Entry.objects.all().values('id'))
num_entries = len(entries)
taskset = TaskSet(analyse_entry.subtask(entry.id) for entry in entries)
results = taskset.apply_async()
while not results.ready()
print log.info("long_running_analysis is %d% complete",
if results.failed():
log.error("Analysis Failed!")
result_set = results.join() # brings back results in
# the order of entries
#perform collating or count or percentage calculations here
log.error("Analysis Complete!")
def analyse_entry(id): # inputs must be serialisable
logger = analyse_entry.get_logger()
entry = Entry.objects.get(id=id)
analysis = entry.analyse()
logger.info("'%s' found to be %s.", entry, analysis['status'])
return analysis # must be a dict or serialisable.
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Could not process '%s': %s", entry, e)
return None
If your calculations cannot be seggregated to per-entry tasks, you can always set it up so that one subtask performs tallys, one subtask performs another analysis type. and this will still work, and will still allow you to benifit from parelelleism.


Can Celery pass a Status Update to a non-Blocking Caller?

I am using Celery to asynchronously perform a group of operations. There are a lot of these operations and each may take a long time, so rather than send the results back in the return value of the Celery worker function, I'd like to send them back one at a time as custom state updates. That way the caller can implement a progress bar with a change state callback, and the return value of the worker function can be of constant size rather than linear in the number of operations.
Here is a simple example in which I use the Celery worker function add_pairs_of_numbers to add a list of pairs of numbers, sending back a custom status update for every added pair.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Run worker with:
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
from celery import Celery
app = Celery("tasks", broker="pyamqp://guest#localhost//", backend="rpc://")
def add_pairs_of_numbers(self, pairs):
for x, y in pairs:
self.update_state(state="SUM", meta={"x":x, "y":y, "x+y":x+y})
return len(pairs)
def handle_message(message):
if message["status"] == "SUM":
x = message["result"]["x"]
y = message["result"]["y"]
print(f"Message: {x} + {y} = {x+y}")
def non_looping(*pairs):
task = add_pairs_of_numbers.delay(pairs)
result = task.get(on_message=handle_message)
def looping(*pairs):
task = add_pairs_of_numbers.delay(pairs)
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if sys.argv[1:] and sys.argv[1] == "looping":
looping((3,4), (2,7), (5,5))
non_looping((3,4), (2,7), (5,5))
If you run just ./tasks it executes the non_looping function. This does the standard Celery thing: makes a delayed call to the worker function and then uses get to wait for the result. A handle_message callback function prints each message, and the number of pairs added is returned as the result. This is what I want.
$ ./task.py
Message: 3 + 4 = 7
Message: 2 + 7 = 9
Message: 5 + 5 = 10
Though the non-looping scenario is sufficient for this simple example, the real world task I'm trying to accomplish is processing a batch of files instead of adding pairs of numbers. Furthermore the client is a Flask REST API and therefore cannot contain any blocking get calls. In the script above I simulate this constraint with the looping function. This function starts the asynchronous Celery task, but does not wait for a response. (The infinite while loop that follows simulates the web server continuing to run and handle other requests.)
If you run the script with the argument "looping" it runs this code path. Here it immediately prints the Celery task ID then drops into the infinite loop.
$ ./tasks.py looping
The Celery worker logs show that the add operations are performed, but the caller doesn't define a callback function, so it never gets the results.
(I realize that this particular example is embarrassingly parallel, so I could use chunks to divide this up into multiple tasks. However, in my non-simplified real-world case I have tasks that cannot be parallelized.)
What I want is to be able to specify a callback in the looping scenario. Something like this.
def looping(*pairs):
task = add_pairs_of_numbers.delay(pairs, callback=handle_message) # There is no such callback.
while True:
In the Celery documentation and all the examples I can find online (for example this), there is no way to define a callback function as part of the delay call or its apply_async equivalent. You can only specify one as part of a get callback. That's making me think this is an intentional design decision.
In my REST API scenario I can work around this by having the Celery worker process send a "status update" back to the Flask server in the form of an HTTP post, but this seems weird because I'm starting to replicate messaging logic in HTTP that already exists in Celery.
Is there any way to write my looping scenario so that the caller receives callbacks without making a blocking call, or is that explicitly forbidden in Celery?
It's a pattern that is not supported by celery although you can (somewhat) trick it out by posting custom state updates to your task as described here.
Use update_state() to update a task’s state:.
def upload_files(self, filenames):
for i, file in enumerate(filenames):
if not self.request.called_directly:
meta={'current': i, 'total': len(filenames)})```
The reason that celery does not support such a pattern is that task producers (callers) are strongly decoupled from the task consumers (workers) with the only communications between the two being the broker to support communication from producers to consumers and the result backend supporting communications from consumers to producers. The closest you can get currently is with polling a task state or writing a custom result backend that will allow you to post events either via AMP RPC or redis subscriptions.

Python Celery: How do I join task results out of order?

I have a simple project where I create a bunch of chunks of work that's not related to each other, create tasks, pass them to Redis, and have a number of workers spread out over a Docker Swarm chew through the queue of long-running tasks. When the workers finish they dump their completed work in an NFS share and send back a text value to the Celery client.
I'm using celery.result.ResultSet's .join() function on the resultset array of asyncresult objects. The join() includes a callback that (for now) simply prints the result.
My problem is join() blocks until it receives each asyncresult value in the order it was given. My swarm is made up of a number of hosts that are vastly different machines, and it's important to me to have results come back as they finish, not in order or once they are all complete.
Is there a way via Celery to properly trigger a callback function as tasks are finished? I've looked at a lot of examples online and seems like my only option is to try my luck with asyncio, but Python is not exactly my strong suite.
Func for creating tasks and ResultSet obj:
def populateQueue(encodeTasks):
r = ResultSet([])
taskHandles = {}
for task in encodeTasks:
ret = encode.delay(task)
logging.debug("Task ID: " + str(ret.task_id))
taskHandles[ret.task_id] = ret
logging.info("populateQueue fail: " + str(task.traceback))
logging.info("Tasks queued: " + str(len(taskHandles)))
return taskHandles, r
Part of main() which waits for results:
frameCountTotal = getFrameCount(targetFile)
encodeTasks = buildCmdString(targetFile, frameCountTotal, clientCount)
taskHandles, retSet = populateQueue(encodeTasks)
logging.info("Waiting on tasks...")
Thanks in advance
Found an answer to my own question:
ResultSet has another method called join_native(), which I think uses more specific API calls to the broker as long as that broker is one of several known products (RabbitMQ, Redis, etc). Celery's documentation just says that it gives better performance if you meet the broker requirement. What the docs don't say is that it allows for out-of-order returns (at least on Redis, haven't tried RMQ).

How to make make run the subtasks for periodic task with Celery?

I would like to create periodic task which makes query to database, get's data from data provider, makes some API requests, formats documents and sends them using another API.
Result of the previous task should be chained to the next task. I've got from the documentation that I have to use chain, group and chord in order to organise chaining.
But, what else I've got from the documentation: don't run subtask from the task, because it might be the reason of deadlocks.
So, the question is: how to run subtasks inside the periodic task?
#app.task(name='envoy_emit_subscription', ignore_result=False)
def emit_subscriptions(frequency):
# resulting queryset is the source for other tasks
return Subscription.objects.filter(definition__frequency=1).values_list('pk', flat=True)
#app.task(name='envoy_query_data_provider', ignore_result=False)
def query_data_provider(pk):
# gets the key from the chain and returns received data
return "data"
#app.task(name='envoy_format_subscription', ignore_result=False)
def format_subscription(data):
# formats documents
return "formatted text"
#app.task(name='envoy_send_subscription', ignore_result=False)
def send_subscription(text):
return send_text_somehow(text)
Sorry for the noob question, but I'm a noob in Celery, indeed.
Something like this maybe?
import time
while True:

How to best share static data between ipyparallel client and remote engines?

I am running the same simulation in a loop with different parameters. Each simulation makes use a pandas DataFrame (data) which is only read, never modified. Using ipyparallel (IPython parallel), I can put this DataFrames into the global variable space of each engine in my view before simulations start:
view['data'] = data
The engines then have access to the DataFrame for all the simulations which get run on them. The process of copying the data (if pickled, data is 40MB) is only a few seconds. However, It appears that if the number of simulations grows, memory usage grows very large. I imagine this shared data is getting copied for each task rather than just for each engine. What's the best practice for sharing static read-only data from a client with engines? Copying it once per engine is acceptable, but ideally it would only have to be copied once per host (I have 4 engines on host1 and 8 engines on host2).
Here's my code:
from ipyparallel import Client
import pandas as pd
rc = Client()
view = rc[:] # use all engines
view.scatter('id', rc.ids, flatten=True) # So we can track which engine performed what task
def do_simulation(tweaks):
""" Run simulation with specified tweaks """
# Do sim stuff using the global data DataFrame
return results, id, tweaks
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM my_table", engine)
threads = [] # store list of tweaks dicts
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
for k in range(6):
threads.append(dict(i=i, j=j, k=k)
# Set up globals for each engine. This is the read-only DataFrame
view['data'] = data
ar = view.map_async(do_simulation, threads)
# Our async results should pop up over time. Let's measure our progress:
for idx, (results, id, tweaks) in enumerate(ar):
print 'Progress: {}%: Simulation {} finished on engine {}'.format(100.0 * ar.progress / len(ar), idx, id)
# Store results as a pickle for the future
pfile = '{}_{}_{}.pickle'.format(tweaks['i'], tweaks['j'], tweaks['j'])
# Save our results to a pickle file
pd.to_pickle(results, out_file_path + pfile)
print 'Total execution time: {} (serial time: {})'.format(ar.wall_time, ar.serial_time)
If simulation counts are small (~50), then it takes a while to get started, but i start to see progress print statements. Strangely, multiple tasks will get assigned to the same engine and I don't see a response until all of those assigned tasks are completed for that engine. I would expect to see a response from enumerate(ar) every time a single simulation task completes.
If simulation counts are large (~1000), it takes a long time to get started, i see the CPUs throttle up on all engines, but no progress print statements are seen until a long time (~40mins), and when I do see progress, it appears a large block (>100) of tasks went to same engine, and awaited completion from that one engine before providing some progress. When that one engine did complete, i saw the ar object provided new responses ever 4 secs - this may have been the time delay to write the output pickle files.
Lastly, host1 also runs the ipycontroller task, and it's memory usage goes up like crazy (a Python task shows using >6GB RAM, a kernel task shows using 3GB). The host2 engine doesn't really show much memory usage at all. What would cause this spike in memory?
I have used this logic in a code couple years ago, and I got using this. My code was something like:
shared_dict = {
# big dict with ~10k keys, each with a list of dicts
balancer = engines.load_balanced_view()
with engines[:].sync_imports(): # your 'view' variable
import pandas as pd
import ujson as json
results = balancer.map(lambda i: (i, my_func(i)), id)
results_data = results.get()
If simulation counts are small (~50), then it takes a while to get
started, but i start to see progress print statements. Strangely,
multiple tasks will get assigned to the same engine and I don't see a
response until all of those assigned tasks are completed for that
engine. I would expect to see a response from enumerate(ar) every time
a single simulation task completes.
In my case, my_func() was a complex method where I put lots of logging messages written into a file, so I had my print statements.
About the task assignment, as I used load_balanced_view(), I left to the library find its way, and it did great.
If simulation counts are large (~1000), it takes a long time to get
started, i see the CPUs throttle up on all engines, but no progress
print statements are seen until a long time (~40mins), and when I do
see progress, it appears a large block (>100) of tasks went to same
engine, and awaited completion from that one engine before providing
some progress. When that one engine did complete, i saw the ar object
provided new responses ever 4 secs - this may have been the time delay
to write the output pickle files.
About the long time, I haven't experienced that, so I can't say nothing.
I hope this might cast some light in your problem.
PS: as I said in the comment, you could try multiprocessing.Pool. I guess I haven't tried to share a big, read-only data as a global variable using it. I would give a try, because it seems to work.
Sometimes you need to scatter your data grouping by a category, so that you are sure that the each subgroup will be entirely contained by a single cluster.
This is how I usually do it:
# Connect to the clusters
import ipyparallel as ipp
client = ipp.Client()
lview = client.load_balanced_view()
lview.block = True
CORES = len(client[:])
# Define the scatter_by function
def scatter_by(df,grouper,name='df'):
sz = df.groupby([grouper]).size().sort_values().index.unique()
for core in range(CORES):
ids = sz[core::CORES]
print("Pushing {0} {1}s into cluster {2}...".format(size(ids),grouper,core))
# Scatter the dataframe df grouping by `year`
Notice that the function I'm suggesting scatters makes sure each cluster will host a similar number of observations, which is usually a good idea.

Reporting yielded results of long-running Celery task

I've segmented a long-running task into logical subtasks, so I can report the results of each subtask as it completes. However, I'm trying to report the results of a task that will effectively never complete (instead yielding values as it goes), and am struggling to do so with my existing solution.
I'm building a web interface to some Python programs I've written. Users can submit jobs through web forms, then check back to see the job's progress.
Let's say I have two functions, each accessed via separate forms:
med_func: Takes ~1 minute to execute, results are passed off to render(), which produces additional data.
long_func: Returns a generator. Each yield takes on the order of 30 minutes, and should be reported to the user. There are so many yields, we can consider this iterator as infinite (terminating only when revoked).
Code, current implementation
With med_func, I report results as follows:
On form submission, I save an AsyncResult to a Django session:
task_result = med_func.apply_async([form], link=render.s())
request.session["task_result"] = task_result
The Django view for the results page accesses this AsyncResult. When a task has completed, results are saved into an object that is passed as context to a Django template.
def results(request):
""" Serve (possibly incomplete) results of a session's latest run. """
session = request.session
try: # Load most recent task
task_result = session["task_result"]
except KeyError: # Already cleared, or doesn't exist
if "results" not in session:
session["status"] = "No job submitted"
else: # Extract data from Asynchronous Tasks
session["status"] = task_result.status
if task_result.ready():
session["results"] = task_result.get()
render_task = task_result.children[0]
# Decorate with rendering results
session["render_status"] = render_task.status
if render_task.ready():
session["results"].render_output = render_task.get()
del(request.session["task_result"]) # Don't need any more
return render_to_response('results.html', request.session)
This solution only works when the function actually terminates. I can't chain together logical subtasks of long_func, because there are an unknown number of yields (each iteration of long_func's loop may not produce a result).
Is there any sensible way to access yielded objects from an extremely long-running Celery task, so that they can be displayed before the generator is exhausted?
In order for Celery to know what the current state of the task is, it sets some metadata in whatever result backend you have. You can piggy-back on that to store other kinds of metadata.
def yielder():
for i in range(2**100):
yield i
def report_progress():
for progress in yielder():
# set current progress on the task
def view_function(request):
task_id = request.session['task_id']
task = AsyncResult(task_id)
progress = task.info['progress']
# do something with your current progress
I wouldn't throw a ton of data in there, but it works well for tracking the progress of a long-running task.
Paul's answer is great. As an alternative to using mark_as_started you can use Task's update_state method. They ultimately do the same thing, but the name "update_state" is a little more appropriate for what you're trying to do. You can optionally define a custom state that indicates your task is in progress (I've named my custom state 'PROGRESS'):
def yielder():
for i in range(2**100):
yield i
def report_progress():
for progress in yielder():
# set current progress on the task
report_progress.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'progress': progress})
def view_function(request):
task_id = request.session['task_id']
task = AsyncResult(task_id)
progress = task.info['progress']
# do something with your current progress
Celery part:
def long_func(*args, **kwargs):
i = 0
while True:
yield i
do_something_here(*args, **kwargs)
i += 1
def test_yield_task(task_id=None, **kwargs):
the_progress = 0
for the_progress in long_func(**kwargs):
cache.set('celery-task-%s' % task_id, the_progress)
Webclient side, starting task:
r = test_yield_task.apply_async()
request.session['task_id'] = r.task_id
Testing last yielded value:
v = cache.get('celery-task-%s' % session.get('task_id'))
if v:
If you do not like to use cache, or it's impossible, you can use db, file or any other place which celery worker and server side will have both accesss. With cache it's a simplest solution, but workers and server have to use the same cache.
A couple options to consider:
1 -- task groups. If you can enumerate all the sub tasks from the time of invocation, you can apply the group as a whole -- that returns a TaskSetResult object you can use to monitor the results of the group as a whole, or of individual tasks in the group -- query this as-needed when you need to check status.
2 -- callbacks. If you can't enumerate all sub tasks (or even if you can!) you can define a web hook / callback that's the last step in the task -- called when the rest of the task completes. The hook would be against a URI in your app that ingests the result and makes it available via DB or app-internal API.
Some combination of these could solve your challenge.
See also this great PyCon preso from one of the Instagram engineers.
At video mark 16:00, he discusses how they structure long lists of sub-tasks.

