I want to compare two strings in a python unittest which contain html.
Is there a method which outputs the result in a human friendly (diff like) version?
A simple method is to strip whitespace from the HTML and split it into a list. Python 2.7's unittest (or the backported unittest2) then gives a human-readable diff between the lists.
import re
def split_html(html):
return re.split(r'\s*\n\s*', html.strip())
def test_render_html():
expected = ['<div>', '...', '</div>']
got = split_html(render_html())
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
If I'm writing a test for working code, I usually first set expected = [], insert a self.maxDiff = None before the assert and let the test fail once. The expected list can then be copy-pasted from the test output.
You might need to tweak how whitespace is stripped depending on what your HTML looks like.
I submitted a patch to do this some years back. The patch was rejected but you can still view it on the python bug list.
I doubt you would want to hack your unittest.py to apply the patch (if it even still works after all this time), but here's the function for reducing two strings a manageable size while still keeping at least part of what differs. So long as all you didn't want the complete differences this might be what you want:
def shortdiff(x,y):
Compare strings x and y and display differences.
If the strings are too long, shorten them to fit
in one line, while still keeping at least some difference.
import difflib
def limit(s):
if len(s) > LINELEN:
return s[:LINELEN-3] + '...'
return s
def firstdiff(s, t):
span = 1000
for pos in range(0, max(len(s), len(t)), span):
if s[pos:pos+span] != t[pos:pos+span]:
for index in range(pos, pos+span):
if s[index:index+1] != t[index:index+1]:
return index
left = LINELEN/4
index = firstdiff(x, y)
if index > left + 7:
x = x[:left] + '...' + x[index-4:index+LINELEN]
y = y[:left] + '...' + y[index-4:index+LINELEN]
x, y = x[:LINELEN+1], y[:LINELEN+1]
left = 0
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None)
xtags = ytags = ""
cruncher.set_seqs(x, y)
editchars = { 'replace': ('^', '^'),
'delete': ('-', ''),
'insert': ('', '+'),
'equal': (' ',' ') }
for tag, xi1, xi2, yj1, yj2 in cruncher.get_opcodes():
lx, ly = xi2 - xi1, yj2 - yj1
edits = editchars[tag]
xtags += edits[0] * lx
ytags += edits[1] * ly
# Include ellipsis in edits line.
if left:
xtags = xtags[:left] + '...' + xtags[left+3:]
ytags = ytags[:left] + '...' + ytags[left+3:]
diffs = [ x, xtags, y, ytags ]
if max([len(s) for s in diffs]) < LINELEN:
return '\n'.join(diffs)
diffs = [ limit(s) for s in diffs ]
return '\n'.join(diffs)
Maybe this is a quite 'verbose' solution. You could add a new 'equality function' for your user defined type (e.g: HTMLString) which you have to define first:
class HTMLString(str):
Now you have to define a type equality function:
def assertHTMLStringEqual(first, second):
if first != second:
message = ... # TODO here: format your message, e.g a diff
raise AssertionError(message)
All you have to do is format your message as you like. You can also use a class method in your specific TestCase as a type equality function. This gives you more functionality to format your message, since unittest.TestCase does this a lot.
Now you have to register this equality function in your unittest.TestCase:
def __init__(self):
self.addTypeEqualityFunc(HTMLString, assertHTMLStringEqual)
The same for a class method:
def __init__(self):
self.addTypeEqualityFunc(HTMLString, 'assertHTMLStringEqual')
And now you can use it in your tests:
def test_something(self):
htmlstring1 = HTMLString(...)
htmlstring2 = HTMLString(...)
self.assertEqual(htmlstring1, htmlstring2)
This should work well with python 2.7.
I (the one asking this question) use BeautfulSoup now:
def assertEqualHTML(string1, string2, file1='', file2=''):
Compare two unicode strings containing HTML.
A human friendly diff goes to logging.error() if there
are not equal, and an exception gets raised.
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
import difflib
def short(mystr):
if len(mystr)>max:
return mystr[:max]
return mystr
for mystr, file in [(string1, file1), (string2, file2)]:
if not isinstance(mystr, unicode):
raise Exception(u'string ist not unicode: %r %s' % (short(mystr), file))
if p[0]!=p[1]:
for line in difflib.unified_diff(p[0].splitlines(), p[1].splitlines(), fromfile=file1, tofile=file2):
raise Exception('Not equal %s %s' % (file1, file2))
I have some sentences that I need to convert to regex code and I was trying to use Pyparsing for it. The sentences are basically search rules, telling us what to search for.
Examples of sentences -
LINE_CONTAINS this is a phrase
-this is an example search rule telling that the line you are searching on should have the phrase this is a phrase
LINE_STARTSWITH However we - this is an example search rule telling that the line you are searching on should start with the phrase However we
The rules can be combined too, like- LINE_CONTAINS phrase one BEFORE {phrase2 AND phrase3} AND LINE_STARTSWITH However we
Now, I am trying to parse these sentences and then convert them to regex code. All lines start with either of the 2 symbols mentioned above (call them line_directives). I want to be able to consider these line_directives, and parse them appropriately and do the same for the phrase that follow them, albeit differently parsed. Using help from Paul McGuire(here)and my own inputs, I have the following code-
from pyparsing import *
import re
UPTO, AND, OR, WORDS = map(Literal, "upto AND OR words".split())
keyword = UPTO | WORDS | AND | OR
LBRACE,RBRACE = map(Suppress, "{}")
integer = pyparsing_common.integer()
"""LINE_CONTAINS LINE_STARTSWITH LINE_ENDSWITH""".split()) # put option for LINE_ENDSWITH. Users may use, I don't presently
BEFORE, AFTER, JOIN = map(Literal, "BEFORE AFTER JOIN".split())
word = ~keyword + Word(alphas)
phrase = Group(OneOrMore(word))
upto_expr = Group(LBRACE + UPTO + integer("numberofwords") + WORDS + RBRACE)
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = tokens
def generate(self):
class LiteralNode(Node):
def generate(self):
print (self.tokens[0], 20)
for el in self.tokens[0]:
print (el,type(el), 19)
print (type(self.tokens[0]), 18)
return "(%s)" %(' '.join(self.tokens[0])) # here, merged the elements, so that re.escape does not have to do an escape for the entire list
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.tokens[0])
class AndNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
return '.*'.join(t.generate() for t in tokens[::2]) # change this to the correct form of AND in regex
def __repr__(self):
return ' AND '.join(repr(t) for t in self.tokens[0].asList()[::2])
class OrNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
return '|'.join(t.generate() for t in tokens[::2])
def __repr__(self):
return ' OR '.join(repr(t) for t in self.tokens[0].asList()[::2])
class UpToNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
ret = tokens[0].generate()
print (123123)
word_re = r"\s+\S+"
space_re = r"\s+"
for op, operand in zip(tokens[1::2], tokens[2::2]):
# op contains the parsed "upto" expression
ret += "((%s){0,%d}%s)" % (word_re, op.numberofwords, space_re) + operand.generate()
print ret
return ret
def __repr__(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
ret = repr(tokens[0])
for op, operand in zip(tokens[1::2], tokens[2::2]):
# op contains the parsed "upto" expression
ret += " {0-%d WORDS} " % (op.numberofwords) + repr(operand)
return ret
phrase_expr = infixNotation(phrase,
((BEFORE | AFTER | JOIN), 2, opAssoc.LEFT,), # (opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction)
(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
lpar=Suppress('{'), rpar=Suppress('}')
) # structure of a single phrase with its operators
line_term = Group((LINE_CONTAINS | LINE_STARTSWITH | LINE_ENDSWITH)("line_directive") +
Group(phrase_expr)("phrase")) # basically giving structure to a single sub-rule having line-term and phrase
line_contents_expr = infixNotation(line_term,
[(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
) # grammar for the entire rule/sentence
phrase_expr = infixNotation(line_contents_expr.setParseAction(LiteralNode),
(upto_expr, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, UpToNode),
(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, AndNode),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, OrNode),
tests1 = """LINE_CONTAINS overexpressing gene AND other things""".splitlines()
for t in tests1:
t = t.strip()
if not t:
# print(t, 12)
parsed = phrase_expr.parseString(t)
except ParseException as pe:
print(' '*pe.loc + '^')
print (parsed[0], 14)
print (type(parsed[0]))
print(parsed[0].generate(), 15)
This simple code, on running gives the following error-
((['LINE_CONTAINS', ([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {})],
{'phrase': [(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), 1)],
'line_directive': [('LINE_CONTAINS', 0)]}), 14)
((['LINE_CONTAINS', ([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {})],
{'phrase': [(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), 1)],
'line_directive': [('LINE_CONTAINS', 0)]}), 20)
('LINE_CONTAINS', <, 19)
(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), , 19)
(, 18)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, ParseResults found (line
(The error code is not completely correct, as angular brackets are not well supported in blockquote here)
So my question is, even though I have written the grammar (using infixnotation) such that it treats LINE_CONTAINS as a line_directive and parse the remaining the line accordingly, why is it not able to parse properly? What is a good way to parse such lines?
Using a Korean Input Method Editor (IME), it's possible to type 버리 + 어 and it will automatically become 버려.
Is there a way to programmatically do that in Python?
>>> x, y = '버리', '어'
>>> z = '버려'
>>> ord(z[-1])
>>> ord(x[-1]), ord(y)
(47532, 50612)
Is there a way to compute that 47532 + 50612 -> 47140?
Here's some more examples:
가보 + 아 -> 가봐
끝나 + ㄹ -> 끝날
I'm a Korean. First, if you type 버리 + 어, it becomes 버리어 not 버려. 버려 is an abbreviation of 버리어 and it's not automatically generated. Also 가보아 cannot becomes 가봐 automatically during typing by the same reason.
Second, by contrast, 끝나 + ㄹ becomes 끝날 because 나 has no jongseong(종성). Note that one character of Hangul is made of choseong(초성), jungseong(중성), and jongseong. choseong and jongseong are a consonant, jungseong is a vowel. See more at Wikipedia. So only when there's no jongseong during typing (like 끝나), there's a chance that it can have jongseong(ㄹ).
If you want to make 버리 + 어 to 버려, you should implement some Korean language grammar like, especially for this case, abbreviation of jungseong. For example ㅣ + ㅓ = ㅕ, ㅗ + ㅏ = ㅘ as you provided. 한글 맞춤법 chapter 4. section 5 (I can't find English pages right now) defines abbreviation like this. It's possible, but not so easy job especially for non-Koreans.
Next, if what you want is just to make 끝나 + ㄹ to 끝날, it can be a relatively easy job since there're libraries which can handle composition and decomposition of choseong, jungseong, jongseong. In case of Python, I found hgtk. You can try like this (nonpractical code):
# hgtk methods take one character at a time
cjj1 = hgtk.letter.decompose('나') # ('ㄴ', 'ㅏ', '')
cjj2 = hgtk.letter.decompose('ㄹ') # ('ㄹ', '', '')
if cjj1[2]) == '' and cjj2[1]) == '':
cjj = (cjj1[0], cjj1[1], cjj2[0])
cjj2 = None
Still, without proper knowledge of Hangul, it will be very hard to get it done.
You could use your own Translation table.
The drawback is you have to input all pairs manual or you have a file to get it from.
For instance:
# Sample Korean chars to map
k = [[('버리', '어'), ('버려')], [('가보', '아'), ('가봐')], [('끝나', 'ㄹ'), ('끝날')]]
class Korean(object):
def __init__(self):
self.map = {}
for m in k:
key = m[0][0] + m[0][1]
self.map[hash(key)] = m[1]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.map[hash(item)]
def translate(self, s):
return [ self.map[hash(token)] for token in s]
if __name__ == '__main__':
k_map = Korean()
k_chars = [ m[0][0] + m[0][1] for m in k]
print('Input: %s' % k_chars)
print('Output: %s' % k_map.translate(k_chars))
one_char_3 = k[0][0][0] + k[0][0][1]
print('%s = %s' % (one_char_3, k_map[ one_char_3 ]) )
Input: ['버리어', '가보아', '끝나ㄹ']
Output: ['버려', '가봐', '끝날']
버리어 = 버려
Tested with Python:3.4.2
I have a program in python that takes two strings. One is the plain text string, another is the cipher key. what it does is go over each of the characters and xors the bits with the cipher characters. But when going back and forth a few of the letter do not seem to change properly. Here is the code:
//turns int into bin string length 8
def bitString(n):
bin_string = bin(n)[2:]
bin_string = ("0" * (8 - len(bin_string))) + bin_string
return bin_string
//xors the bits
def bitXOR(b0, b1):
nb = ""
for x in range(min(len(b0), len(b1))):
nb += "0" if b0[x] == b1[x] else "1"
return nb
//takes 2 chars, turns them into bin strings, xors them, then returns the new char
def cypherChar(c0, c1):
return chr(int(bitXOR(bitString(ord(c0)), bitString(ord(c1))), 2))
//takes s0 (the plaintext) and encrypts it using the cipher key (s1)
def cypherString(s0, s1):
ns = ""
for x in range(len(s0)):
ns += cypherChar(s0[x], s1[x%len(s1)])
return ns
For example sometimes in a long string the word 'test' will cipher back into 'eest', and stuff like that
I have checked over the code a dozen times and I can't figure out whats causing some of the characters to change. Is it possible some characters just behave strangely?
This is a test
Due to the fact that in the last test
Some symbols: !##$%^&*()
were not changed properly
I am retesting
using the cipher key : 'cypher key'
translates back to :
This is a test
Due to toe aact that in the last sest
Some symbols: !##$%^&*()
were not changed properly
I am retestiig
Sorry it its a little messy, I put it together real quick
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from sys import version_info
def bit_string(string):
if version_info >= (3, 0):
return bin(int.from_bytes(string.encode(), 'big'))
return bin(int(hexlify(string), 16))
def bitXOR_encrypt(plain_text, key):
encrypted_list = []
for j in range(2, len(plain_text)):
encrypted_list.append(int(plain_text[j]) ^ int(key[j])) #Assume the key and string are the same length
return encrypted_list
def decrypt(cipher_text, key):
decrypted_list = []
for j in range(2, len(cipher_text)): #or xrange
decrypted_list.append(int(cipher_text[j]) ^ int(key[j])) #Again assumes key is the same length as the string
decrypted_list = [str(i) for i in decrypted_list]
add_binary = "0b" + "".join(decrypted_list)
decrypted_string = int(add_binary, 2)
if version_info >= (3, 0):
message = decrypted_string.to_bytes((decrypted_string.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big').decode()
message = unhexlify('%x' % decrypted_string)
return message
def main():
plain_text = "Hello"
plain_text_to_bits = bit_string(plain_text)
key_to_bits = bit_string("candy")
cipher_text = bitXOR_encrypt(plain_text_to_bits, key_to_bits)
#make Strings
cipher_text_string = "".join([str(i) for i in cipher_text])
key_string = "".join([str(i) for i in key_to_bits])
decrypted_string = decrypt("0B"+cipher_text_string, key_string)
print("plain text: %s" % plain_text)
print("plain text to bits: % s" % plain_text_to_bits)
print("key string in bits: %s" % key_string)
print("Ciphered Message: %s" %cipher_text_string)
print("Decrypted String: %s" % decrypted_string)
for more details or example code you can visit my repository either on github
Also, I know that in this example the key is the same length as the string. If you want to use a string that is smaller than the string try wrapping it like in a vigenere cipher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigenère_cipher)
I think you are overcomplicating things:
def charxor(s1, s2):
return chr(ord(s1) ^ ord(s2))
def wordxor(w1, w2):
return ''.join(charxor(w1[i], w2[i]) for i in range(min(len(w1), len(w2))))
word = 'test'
key = 'what'
cyphered = wordxor(word, key)
uncyphered = wordxor(cyphered, key)
You get
There is a fairly good explanation of Python's bit arithmetic in How do you get the logical xor of two variables in Python?
I could find nothing wrong with the results of your functions when testing with your input data and key. To demonstrate, you could try this test code which should not fail:
import random
def random_string(n):
return ''.join(chr(random.getrandbits(8)) for _ in range(n))
for i in range(1000):
plaintext = random_string(500)
key = random_string(random.randrange(1,100))
ciphertext = cypherString(plaintext, key)
assert cypherString(ciphertext, key) == plaintext
If you can provide a definitive sample of plain text, key, and cipher text that fails, I can look further.
I am quiet new to regular expressions. I have a string that looks like this:
str = "abc/def/([default], [testing])"
and a dictionary
dict = {'abc/def/[default]' : '2.7', 'abc/def/[testing]' : '2.1'}
and using Python RE, I want str in this form, after comparisons of each element in dict to str:
str = "abc/def/(2.7, 2.1)"
Any help how to do it using Python RE?
P.S. its not the part of any assignment, instead it is the part of my project at work and I have spent many hours to figure out solution but in vain.
import re
st = "abc/def/([default], [testing], [something])"
dic = {'abc/def/[default]' : '2.7',
'abc/def/[testing]' : '2.1',
'bcd/xed/[something]' : '3.1'}
prefix_regex = "^[\w*/]*"
tag_regex = "\[\w*\]"
prefix = re.findall(prefix_regex, st)[0]
tags = re.findall(tag_regex, st)
for key in dic:
key_prefix = re.findall(prefix_regex, key)[0]
key_tag = re.findall(tag_regex, key)[0]
if prefix == key_prefix:
for tag in tags:
if tag == key_tag:
st = st.replace(tag, dic[key])
print st
abc/def/(2.7, 2.1, [something])
Here is a solution using re module.
Hypotheses :
there is a dictionary whose keys are composed of a prefix and a variable part, the variable part is enclosed in brackets ([])
the values are strings by which the variable parts are to be replaced in the string
the string is composed by a prefix, a (, a list of variable parts and a )
the variable parts in the string are enclosed in []
the variable parts in the string are separated by a comma followed by optional spaces
Python code :
import re
class splitter:
pref = re.compile("[^(]+")
iden = re.compile("\[[^]]*\]")
def __init__(self, d):
self.d = d
def split(self, s):
m = self.pref.match(s)
if m is not None:
p = m.group(0)
elts = self.iden.findall(s, m.span()[1])
return p, elts
return None
def convert(self, s):
p, elts = self.split(s)
return p + "(" + ", ".join((self.d[p + elt] for elt in elts)) + ")"
Usage :
s = "abc/def/([default], [testing])"
d = {'abc/def/[default]' : '2.7', 'abc/def/[testing]' : '2.1'}
sp = splitter(d)
output :
abc/def/(2.7, 2.1)
Regex is probably not required here. Hope this helps
lhs,rhs = str.split("/(")
rhs1,rhs2 = rhs.strip(")").split(", ")
print "{0}({1},{2})".format(lhs,dict[lhs+rhs1],dict[lhs+rhs2])
I have a for loop which references a dictionary and prints out the value associated with the key. Code is below:
for i in data:
if i in dict:
print dict[i],
How would i format the output so a new line is created every 60 characters? and with the character count along the side for example:
It's a finicky formatting problem, but I think the following code:
import sys
class EveryN(object):
def __init__(self, n, outs):
self.n = n # chars/line
self.outs = outs # output stream
self.numo = 1 # next tag to write
self.tll = 0 # tot chars on this line
def write(self, s):
while True:
if self.tll == 0: # start of line: emit tag
self.outs.write('%4.4d ' % self.numo)
self.numo += self.n
# wite up to N chars/line, no more
numw = min(len(s), self.n - self.tll)
self.tll += numw
if self.tll >= self.n:
self.tll = 0
s = s[numw:]
if not s: break
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.stdout = EveryN(60, sys.stdout)
for i, a in enumerate('abcdefgh'):
print a*(5+ i*5),
shows how to do it -- the output when running for demonstration purposes as the main script (five a's, ten b's, etc, with spaces in-between) is:
0001 aaaaa bbbbbbbbbb ccccccccccccccc dddddddddddddddddddd eeeeee
0061 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ggggggggg
0121 gggggggggggggggggggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0181 hhhhhhh
# test data
data = range(10)
the_dict = dict((i, str(i)*200) for i in range( 10 ))
# your loops as a generator
lines = ( the_dict[i] for i in data if i in the_dict )
def format( line ):
def splitter():
k = 0
while True:
r = line[k:k+60] # take a 60 char block
if r: # if there are any chars left
yield "%04d %s" % (k+1, r) # format them
k += 60
return '\n'.join(splitter()) # join all the numbered blocks
for line in lines:
print format(line)
I haven't tested it on actual data, but I believe the code below would do the job. It first builds up the whole string, then outputs it a 60-character line at a time. It uses the three-argument version of range() to count by 60.
s = ''.join(dict[i] for i in data if i in dict)
for i in range(0, len(s), 60):
print '%04d %s' % (i+1, s[i:i+60])
It seems like you're looking for textwrap
The textwrap module provides two convenience functions, wrap() and
fill(), as well as TextWrapper, the class that does all the work, and
a utility function dedent(). If you’re just wrapping or filling one or
two text strings, the convenience functions should be good enough;
otherwise, you should use an instance of TextWrapper for efficiency.