FFT filter vs lfilter in python - python

I have some troubles when applying bandpass filter to signal in Python. Have tried the following to things:
Do the box window "by hand", i.e. do the FFT on the signal, apply the
filter with a box window and the do the IFFT to get back to the time
Use the scipy.signal module where I use firwin2 to construct the
filter and then lfilter to to the filtering.
Futhermore I have done the same filtering in the audio program Cool Edit and compared the result from the above two tests.
As can be seen (I am a new user so I can not post my png fig), the results from the FFT and scipy.signal are very different. When compare to the result from Cool edit, the FFT is close, however not identical. Code as below:
# imports
from pylab import *
import os
import scipy.signal as signal
# load data
sr = 500 # [samples/s]
nf = sr/2.0 # Nyquist frequence
W = 512 # Window widht for filtering
N=float(8192) # Fourier settings
Ns = len(tr[:,0]) # Total number of samples
# Create inpulse responce from the filter
w =0.5
r =0.5*w
Hz=[0, fv-w-r, fv-w, fv+w, fv+w+r, nf]
ff=[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
b = signal.firwin2(W,Hz,ff,nfreqs=N+1,nyq=nf)
SigFilter = signal.lfilter(b, 1, tr[:,1])
# Fourier transform
X1 = fft(tr[:,1],n=int(N))
X1 = fftshift(X1)
F1 = arange(-N/2.0,N/2.0)/N*sr
# Filter data
w =0.5
r =0.5*w
Can anyone explain to me why this difference? The filtering in Cool edit has been done using the same settings as in scipy.signal (hanning window, window width 512). Or have I got this all totaly wrong.
Best regards,
Above code:
Compared with Cool Edit:

Small differences can be explained by the libraries using different algorithms that accumulate error slightly differently.
For example, if you compute the DFT using a radix-2 FFT, a split-radix FFT and an ordinary DFT, the results will all be slightly different. In fact the ordinary DFT has worse accuracy than all decent implementations of an FFT because it uses many more floating point operations, and thus it accumulates more error.
Could this explain the close (but not identical) results you are seeing?


Have I applied the Fourier Transformation correctly to this Dataframe? [EXAFS X-Ray Absorption Dataframe]

I have a dataset with a signal and a 1/distance (Angstrom^-1) column.
This is the dataset (fourier.csv): https://pastebin.com/ucFekzc6
After applying these steps:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft
df = pd.read_csv (r'fourier.csv')
df.plot(x ='1/distance', y ='signal', kind = 'line')
I generated this plot:
To generate the Fast Fourier Transformation data, I used the numpy library for its fft function and I applied it like this:
df['signal_fft'] = fft(df['signal'])
df.plot(x ='1/distance', y ='signal_fft', kind = 'line')
Now the plot looks like this, with the FFT data plotted instead of the initial "signal" data:
What I hoped to generate is something like this (This signal is extremely similar to mine, yet yields a vastly different FFT picture):
Theory Signal before windowing:
Theory FFT:
As you can see, my initial plot looks somewhat similar to graphic (a), but my FFT plot doesn't look anywhere near as clear as graphic (b). I'm still using the 1/distance data for both horizontal axes, but I don't see anything wrong with it, only that it should be interpreted as distance (Angstrom) instead of 1/distance (1/Angstrom) in the FFT plot.
How should I apply FFT in order to get a result that resembles the theoretical FFT curve?
Here's another slide that shows a similar initial signal to mine and a yet again vastly different FFT:
Addendum: I have been asked to provide some additional information on this problem, so I hope this helps.
The origin of the dataset that I have linked is an XAS (X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy) spectrum of iron oxide. Such an experimentally obtained spectrum looks similar to the one shown in the "Schematic of XAFS data processing" on the top left, i.e. absorbance [a.u.] plotted against the photon energy [eV]. Firstly I processed the spectrum (pre-edge baseline correction + post-edge normalization). Then I converted the data on the x-axis from energy E to wavenumber k (thus dimension 1/Angstrom) and cut off the signal at the L-edge jump, leaving only the signal in the post-edge EXAFS region, referred to as fine structure function χ(k). The mentioned dataset includes k^2 weighted χ(k) (to emphasize oscillations at large k). All of this is not entirely relevant as the only thing I want to do now is a Fourier transformation on this signal ( k^2 χ(k) vs. k). In theory, as we are dealing with photoelectrons and (back)scattering phenomena, the EXAFS region of the XAS spectrum can be approximated using a superposition of many sinusoidal waves such as described in this equation with f(k) being the amplitude and δ(k) the phase shift of the scattered wave.
The aim is to gain an understanding of the chemical environment and the coordination spheres around the absorbing atom. The goal of the Fourier transform is to obtain some sort of signal in dependence of the "radius" R [Angstrom], which could later on be correlated to e.g. an oxygen being in ~2 Angstrom distance to the Mn atom (see "Schematic of XAFS data processing" on the right).
I only want to be able to reproduce the theoretically expected output after the FFT. My main concern is to get rid of the weird output signal and produce something that in some way resembles a curve with somewhat distinct local maxima (as shown in the 4th picture).
I don't have a 100% solution for you, but here's part of the problem.
The fft function you're using assumes that your X values are equally spaced. I checked this assumption by taking the difference between each 1/distance value, and graphing it:
(Y is the difference, X is the index in the dataframe.)
This is supposed to be a constant line.
In order to fix this, one solution is to resample the signal through linear interpolation so that the timestep is constant.
from scipy import interpolate
rs_df = df.drop_duplicates().copy() # Needed because 0 is present twice in dataset
x = rs_df['1/distance']
y = rs_df['signal']
flinear = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='linear')
xnew = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), rs_df.index.size)
ylinear = flinear(xnew)
rs_df['signal'] = ylinear
rs_df['1/distance'] = xnew
df.plot(x ='1/distance', y ='signal', kind = 'line')
rs_df.plot(x ='1/distance', y ='signal', kind = 'line')
The new line looks visually identical, but has a constant timestep.
I still don't get your intended result from the FFT, so this is only a partial solution.
We import required dependencies:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
And we load your dataset:
raw = pd.read_csv("https://pastebin.com/raw/ucFekzc6", sep="\t",
names=["k", "wchi"], header=0)
We clean the dataset a bit as it contains duplicates and a problematic point with null wave number (or infinite distance) and ensure a zero mean signal:
raw = raw.drop_duplicates()
raw = raw.iloc[1:, :]
raw["wchi"] = raw["wchi"] - raw["wchi"].mean()
The signal is about:
As noticed by #NickODell, signal is not equally sampled which is a problem if you aim to perform FFT signal processing.
We can resample your signal to have equally spaced sampling:
N = 65536
k = np.linspace(raw["k"].min(), raw["k"].max(), N)
interpolant = interpolate.interp1d(raw["k"], raw["wchi"], kind="linear")
g = interpolant(k)
Notice for performance concerns FFT does split the signal with the null frequency component at the borders (that's why your FFT signal does not look as it is usually presented in books). This indeed can be corrected by using classic fftshift method or performing ad hoc indexing.
R = 2*np.pi*fft.fftfreq(N, np.diff(k)[0])[:N//2]
G = (1/N)*fft.fft(g)[0:N//2]
Mind the 2π factor which is involved in the units scaling of your transformation.
You also have mentioned a windowing (at least in a picture) that is not referenced anywhere. This kind of filtering may help a lot when performing signal processing as it filter out artifacts and unwanted noise. I leave it up to you.
Least Square Spectral Analysis
An alternative to process your signal is available since the advent of modern Linear Algebra. There is a way to estimate the periodogram of an irregular sampled signal by a method called Least Square Spectral Analysis.
You are looking for the square root of the periodogram of your signal and scipy does implement an easy way to compute it by the Lomb-Scargle method.
To do so, we simply create a frequency vector (in this case they are desired output distances) and perform the regression for each of those distances w.r.t. your signal:
Rhat = np.linspace(raw["R"].min(), raw["R"].max()*2, 5000)
Ghat = signal.lombscargle(raw["k"], raw["wchi"], freqs=Rhat, normalize=True)
Graphically it leads to:
If we compare both methodology we can confirm that the major peaks definitely match.
LSSA gives a smoother curve but do not assume it to be more accurate as this is statistical smooth of an interpolated curve. Anyway it fit the bill for your requirement:
I only want to be able to reproduce the theoretically expected output
after the FFT. My main concern is to get rid of the weird output
signal and produce something that in some way resembles a curve with
somewhat distinct local maxima (as shown in the 4th picture).
I think you have enough information to process your signal either by resampling and using FFT or by using LSSA. Both method has advantages and drawbacks.
Of course this needs to be validated with well know cases. Why not to reproduce with the data of the experience of the paper you are working on to check out you can reconstruct figures you posted.
You also need to dig in the signal conditioning before performing post processing (resampling, windowing, filtering).

One Cycle Fourier Window optimization. My code is inefficient

Good day
What I want: From any current/voltage waveform on a Power System(PS) I want the filtered 50Hz (fundamental) RMS values magnitudes (and effectively their angles). The current as measured contains all harmonics from 100Hz to 1250Hz depending on the equipment. One cannot analyse and calculate using a wave with these harmonics your error gets so big (depending on equipment) that PS protection equipment calculates incorrect quantities. The signal attached also has MANY many other frequency components involved.
My aim: PS protection Relays are special and calculate a 20ms window in a very short time. I.m not trying to get this. I'm using external recording tech and testing what the relays see are true and they operate correctly. Thus I need to do what they do and only keep 50Hz values without any harmonic and DC.
Important expected result: Given any frequency component that MAY be in the signal I want to see the magnitude of any given harmonic (150,250 - 3rd harmonic magnitudes and 5th harmonic of the fundamental) as well as the magnitude of the DC. This will tell me what type of PS equipment possibly injects these frequencies. It is important that I provide a frequency and the answer is a vector of that frequency only with all other values filtered OUT.
RMS-of-the-fundamental vs RMS differs with a factor of 4000A (50Hz only) and 4500A (with other freqs included)
This code calculates a One Cycle Fourier value (RMS) for given frequency. Sometimes called a Fourier filter I think? I use it for Power System 50Hz/0Hz/150Hz analogues analysis. (The answers have been tested and are correct fundamental RMS values. (https://users.wpi.edu/~goulet/Matlab/overlap/trigfs.html)
For a large sample the code is very slow. For 55000 data points it takes 12seconds. For 3 voltages and 3 currents this gets to be VERY slow. I look at 100s of records a day.
How do I enhance it? What Python tips and tricks/ libraries are there to append my lists/array.
(Also feel free to rewrite or use the code). I use the code to pick out certain values out of a signal at given times. (which is like reading the values from a specialized program for power system analysis)
Edited: with how I load the files and use them, code works with pasting it:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import math
import numpy as np
import cmath
filenamecfg = r"E:/Python_Practise/2019-10-21 13-54-38-482.CFG"
filename = r"E:/Python_Practise/2019-10-21 13-54-38-482.DAT"
t = []
IR = []
with open(filenamecfg,'r') as csvfile1:
cfgfile = [row for row in csv.reader(csvfile1, delimiter=',')]
scaleval = float(np.array(cfgfile)[3][5])
scalevalI = float(np.array(cfgfile)[8][5])
samplingfreq = float(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+4][0])
numsamples = int(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+4][1])
freq = float(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+2][0])
intsample = int(samplingfreq/freq)
#TODO neeeed to get number of samples and frequency and detect
#scaleval = np.array(cfgfile)[3]
with open(filename,'r') as csvfile:
plots = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in plots:
t.append(float(row[1])/1000000) #get time from us to s
newIR = np.array(IR) * scalevalI
t = np.array(t)
def mag_and_theta_for_given_freq(f,IVsignal,Tsignal,samples): #samples are the sample window size you want to caclulate for (256 in my case)
# f in hertz, IVsignal, Tsignal in numpy.array
timegap = Tsignal[2]-Tsignal[3]
pi = math.pi
w = 2*pi*f
Xr = []
Xc = []
Cplx = []
mag = []
theta = []
#print("Calculating for frequency:",f)
for i in range(len(IVsignal)-samples):
newspan = range(i,i+samples)
timewindow = Tsignal[newspan]
#print("this is my time: ",timewindow)
Sig20ms = IVsignal[newspan]
N = len(Sig20ms) #get number of samples of my current Freq
RealI = np.multiply(Sig20ms, np.cos(w*timewindow)) #Get Real and Imaginary part of any signal for given frequency
ImagI = -1*np.multiply(Sig20ms, np.sin(w*timewindow)) #Filters and calculates 1 WINDOW RMS (root mean square value).
#calculate for whole signal and create a new vector. This is the RMS vector (used everywhere in power system analysis)
Xr.append((math.sqrt(2)/N)*sum(RealI)) ### TAKES SO MUCH TIME
Xc.append((math.sqrt(2)/N)*sum(ImagI)) ## these steps make RMS
theta.append(np.angle(Cplx[i]))#th*180/pi # this can be used to get Degrees if necessary
#also for freq 0 (DC) id the offset is negative how do I return a negative to indicate this when i'm using MAGnitude or Absolute value
return Cplx,mag,theta #mag[:,1]#,theta # BUT THE MAGNITUDE WILL NEVER BE zero
myZ,magn,th = mag_and_theta_for_given_freq(freq,newIR,t,intsample)
plt.plot(newIR[0:30000],'b',linewidth=0.4)#, label='CFG has been loaded!')
The code as pasted runs smoothly given the files attached
EDIT: Please find a test csvfile and COMTRADE TEST files here:
As I said in my previous comment:
Your code mainly relies on a for loop with a lot of indexation and
scalar operations. You already have imported numpy so you should take
advantage of vectorization.
This answer is a start towards your solution.
Light weight MCVE
First we create a trial signal for the MCVE:
import numpy as np
# Synthetic signal sampler: 5s sampled as 400 Hz
fs = 400 # Hz
t = 5 # s
t = np.linspace(0, t, fs*t+1)
# Synthetic Signal: Amplitude is about 325V #50Hz
A = 325 # V
f = 50 # Hz
y = A*np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t) # V
Then we can compute the RMS of this signal using the usual formulae:
# Actual definition of RMS:
yrms = np.sqrt(np.mean(y**2)) # 229.75 V
Or alternatively we can compute it using DFT (implemented as rfft in numpy.fft):
# RMS using FFT:
Y = np.fft.rfft(y)/y.size
Yrms = np.sqrt(np.real(Y[0]**2 + np.sum(Y[1:]*np.conj(Y[1:]))/2)) # 229.64 V
A demonstration of why this last formulae works can be found here. This is valid because of the Parseval Theorem implies Fourier transform does conserve Energy.
Both versions make use of vectorized functions, no need of splitting real and imaginary part to perform computation and then reassemble into a complex number.
MCVE: Windowing
I suspect you want to apply this function as a window on a long term time serie where RMS value is about to change. Then we can tackle this problem using pandas library which provides time series commodities.
import pandas as pd
We encapsulate the RMS function:
def rms(y):
Y = 2*np.fft.rfft(y)/y.size
return np.sqrt(np.real(Y[0]**2 + np.sum(Y[1:]*np.conj(Y[1:]))/2))
We generate a damped signal (variable RMS)
y = np.exp(-0.1*t)*A*np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t)
We wrap our trial signal into a dataframe to take advantage of the rolling or resample methods:
df = pd.DataFrame(y, index=t*pd.Timedelta('1s'), columns=['signal'])
A rolling RMS of your signal is:
df['rms'] = df.rolling(int(fs/f)).agg(rms)
A periodically sampled RMS is:
The later returns:
00:00:00 2.187840e+02
00:00:01 1.979639e+02
00:00:02 1.791252e+02
00:00:03 1.620792e+02
00:00:04 1.466553e+02
Signal Conditioning
Addressing your need of keeping only fundamental harmonic (50 Hz), a straightforward solution could be a linear detrend (to remove constant and linear trend) followed by a Butterworth filter (bandpass filter).
We generate a synthetic signal with other frequencies and linear trend:
y = np.exp(-0.1*t)*A*(np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t) \
+ 0.2*np.sin(8*f*np.pi*t) + 0.1*np.sin(16*f*np.pi*t)) \
+ A/20*t + A/100
Then we condition the signal:
from scipy import signal
yd = signal.detrend(y, type='linear')
filt = signal.butter(5, [40,60], btype='band', fs=fs, output='sos', analog=False)
yfilt = signal.sosfilt(filt, yd)
Graphically it leads to:
It resumes to apply the signal conditioning before the RMS computation.

Scipy welch and MATLAB pwelch does not provide same answer

I'm having trouble in python with the scipy.signal method called welch (https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.signal.welch.html), which estimates the frequency spectrum of a time signal, because it does not (at all) provide the same output as MATLAB's method called pwelch, given the same parameters (window size, overlap, etc.). Beneath is my code in each language, and the input files and output files are in the link here:
The input is a 2D array with rows being time steps and each column is a signal segment. The columns in the output is the spectrum from the corresponding columns in the input.
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import welch, get_window
input = np.genfromtxt('python_input.csv', delimiter=',')
fs = 128
window = get_window('hamming', fs*1)
ff,yy = welch(input, fs=fs, window = window, noverlap = fs/2, nfft=fs*2,
axis=0, scaling="density", detrend=False)
np.savetxt("python_spectrum.csv", 10*np.log10(yy), delimiter=",")
input = csvread('matlab_input.csv');
fs = 128
win = hamming(fs);
[pxx,f] = pwelch(input ,win,[],[],fs,'psd');
I suspect scipy to be the problem, since it's output does not make sense in terms of reflecting the filters I have used (4'th order butterworth bandpass from 0.3 to 35 Hz with filtfilt) beforehand - MATLAB's output, however, does:
Each methods output using imagesc in MATLAB
And some plots of the elementwise differences are here
Elementwise differences (y-axis should be 0-64!) (the third plot I have excluded the most extreme values)
I did try with a simple sinusoid and it worked well in both programming languages - so I am completely lost.
Your Python and MATLAB files are not ordered in the same way, which gives you the error. Even though the shapes of the arrays are the same, the values are ordered row-wise in Python, and column-wise in MATLAB.
You can fix this by reshaping your input array and transposing. This will give you the same ordering of the values as in MATLAB:
input = input.reshape((input.shape[1], input.shape[0])).T

scipy/numpy FFT on data from file

I looked into many examples of scipy.fft and numpy.fft. Specifically this example Scipy/Numpy FFT Frequency Analysis is very similar to what I want to do. Therefore, I used the same subplot positioning and everything looks very similar.
I want to import data from a file, which contains just one column to make my first test as easy as possible.
My code writes like this:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sy
import scipy.fftpack as syfp
import pylab as pyl
# Read in data from file here
array = np.loadtxt("data.csv")
length = len(array)
# Create time data for x axis based on array length
x = sy.linspace(0.00001, length*0.00001, num=length)
# Do FFT analysis of array
FFT = sy.fft(array)
# Getting the related frequencies
freqs = syfp.fftfreq(array.size, d=(x[1]-x[0]))
# Create subplot windows and show plot
pyl.plot(x, array)
pyl.plot(freqs, sy.log10(FFT), 'x')
The problem is that I will always get my peak at exactly zero, which should not be the case at all. It really should appear at around 200 Hz.
With smaller range:
Still biggest peak at zero.
As already mentioned, it seems like your signal has a DC component, which will cause a peak at f=0. Try removing the mean with, e.g., arr2 = array - np.mean(array).
Furthermore, for analyzing signals, you might want to try plotting power spectral density.:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlb
Fs = 1./(d[1]- d[0]) # sampling frequency
plt.psd(array, Fs=Fs, detrend=mlb.detrend_mean)
Take a look at the documentation of plt.psd(), since there a quite a lot of options to fiddle with. For investigating the change of the spectrum over time, plt.specgram() comes in handy.

fft bandpass filter in python

What I try is to filter my data with fft. I have a noisy signal recorded with 500Hz as a 1d- array. My high-frequency should cut off with 20Hz and my low-frequency with 10Hz.
What I have tried is:
for i in range(len(bp)):
if not 10<i<20:
What I get now are complex numbers. So something must be wrong. What? How can I correct my code?
It's worth noting that the magnitude of the units of your bp are not necessarily going to be in Hz, but are dependent on the sampling frequency of signal, you should use scipy.fftpack.fftfreq for the conversion. Also if your signal is real you should be using scipy.fftpack.rfft. Here is a minimal working example that filters out all frequencies less than a specified amount:
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import rfft, irfft, fftfreq
time = np.linspace(0,10,2000)
signal = np.cos(5*np.pi*time) + np.cos(7*np.pi*time)
W = fftfreq(signal.size, d=time[1]-time[0])
f_signal = rfft(signal)
# If our original signal time was in seconds, this is now in Hz
cut_f_signal = f_signal.copy()
cut_f_signal[(W<6)] = 0
cut_signal = irfft(cut_f_signal)
We can plot the evolution of the signal in real and fourier space:
import pylab as plt
There's a fundamental flaw in what you are trying to do here - you're applying a rectangular window in the frequency domain which will result in a time domain signal which has been convolved with a sinc function. In other words there will be a large amount of "ringing" in the time domain signal due to the step changes you have introduced in the frequency domain. The proper way to do this kind of frequency domain filtering is to apply a suitable window function in the frequency domain. Any good introductory DSP book should cover this.

