Pyramid: how to add record to database? - python

I've tried to add record to database from command line, but it did not work (I mean no record was added to db and no error was raised).
Here is code:
from myproject.models import DBSession, Model
session = DBSession()
md = Model(name='text')
In DBSession() was defined automatically by scaffold. I've changed only Model structure.
What I did wrong?

Likely your session is attached to a transaction manager DBSession = .. extensions=[ZopeTransactionExtension()]), which is not active when using the console. Thus you have to be the transaction manager and do it yourself.
import transaction
at the end of your code. Remember that session.add simply adds the object to the session, but doesn't actually flush the commands to the database or commit them.


flask sqlalchemy insert without session

HI is there is any way that I can insert a row to db without using session. A simple Example:
#in here I want to insert a row to my db but I can't do it with session because if i commit in here it will commit all inserts so my transaction not work.
thank you
If you want to commit changes independently of the default db.session there a couple of possibilities.
If you need an actual session, create one using SQLAlchemy and use it for your log entries:
from sqlalchemy import orm
def index():
model = MyModel(name='M1')
with orm.Session(db.engine).begin() as log_session:
# Session.begin will commit automatically.
log = MyLog(message='hello')
return ''
If you are just inserting entries in the log table you can just connect using the engine.
import sqlalchemy as sa
def index():
model = MyModel(name='M1')
log_table = sa.Table('my_log', db.metadata, autoload_with=db.engine)
with db.engine.begin() as conn:
conn.execute(log_table.insert(), {'message': 'hello'})
return ''
You could also send a raw SQL statement using the mechanism in (2.), by replacing log_table.insert with sa.text(sql_string)
How ever you choose to do this be aware that:
Due to transaction isolation, you two transactions may have different views of the data in the database
You are responsible for making sure these additional sessions/transactions/connections are rolled back, committed and closed as necessary
You are responsible for handling problem scenarios, for example if an error causes the db.session to roll back, making log messages potentially invalid.

Flask-SQLAlchemy: 'Table' object has no attribute 'query_by'

I'm developing an API with Flask and I cannot retrieve queries from a MySQL database I've connected with flask-sqlalchemy (not sqlalchemy alone). This is a pre-existing database downloaded from my client's PHPMyAdmin, so I haven't ran db.create_all(): I simply created the connection string in, then instantiated db = SQLAchemy() and initialized it (db.init_app(app)) in my factory function (i'm using the factory pattern together with blueprints).
I've already checked and my computer is running the mysql process, the login credentials provided are correct and the database exists in my computer. I'm using MariaDB because I run Manjaro Linux.
This is the connection string, located in
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL') or "mariadb+mariadbconnector://dev:dev#localhost/desayunos56"
This is the relevant model. It was created using flask-sqlacodegen and then modified by me to only use the relevant columns within the table. At
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from app import db
# coding: utf-8
t_aus_postmeta = db.Table(
post_id: Order ID
meta_key: Type of value (client name, billing address)
meta_value: Value of meta_key (Name or address itself)
#db.Column('meta_id', db.BigInteger, nullable=False),
db.Column('post_id', db.BigInteger, nullable=False, server_default=db.FetchedValue()),
db.Column('meta_key', db.String(255, 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')),
db.Column('meta_value', db.String(collation='utf8mb4_unicode_ci'))
And finally, this is the file with the error, It's a blueprint already registered to I created it only with the intention of checking if I could run queries, but I don't really intend to render anything from Flask:
from flask import render_template
from . import main
from .. import db
from app.models import t_aus_postmeta
#main.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def index():
result = t_aus_postmeta.query_by(post_id=786).first()
This is the error I get: AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'query_by'
I think it's noteworthy that, although my linter doesn't complain due to unresolved imports, when I use t_aus_postmeta I don't get any method suggestions.
All the questions I've checked are based on using sqlalchemy instead of flask-sqlalchemy. What could be causing this error? At this point, I'm at a loss.
I don't think that's the right way to create your model. Instead you should create it as a class, which will inherit from db.Model, that contains your query_by method.
class t_aus_postmeta(db.Model):
post_id: Order ID
meta_key: Type of value (client name, billing address)
meta_value: Value of meta_key (Name or address itself)
__tablename__ = 'aus_postmeta'
post_id = db.Column(db.BigInteger(), nullable=False, server_default=db.FetchedValue())
# rest of your columns...
If you do it this way a valid query would look like this:
Notice that this includes tutiplain's suggestion. I think you got your method name wrong. It's just query followed by a filter_by!
I can't find the API reference for the "query_by" method you are using. It seems there is no such method. Perhaps you meant "filter_by" instead?

How does SQLAlchemy track database changes?

I wonder how SQLAlchemy tracks changes that are made outside of SQLAlchemy (manual change for example)?
Until now, I used to put db.session.commit() before each value that can be changed outside of SQLAlchemy. Is this a bad practice? If yes, is there a better way to make sure I'll have the latest value? I've actually created a small script below to check that and apparently, SQLAlchemy can detect external changes without db.session.commit() being called each time.
P.S: I really want to understand how all the magics happen behind SQLAlchemy work. Does anyone has a pointer to some docs explaining the behind-the-scenes work of SQLAlchemy?
import os
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
# Use SQLlite so this example can be run anywhere.
# On Mysql, the same behaviour is observed
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
db_path = os.path.join(basedir, "app.db")
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = 'sqlite:///' + db_path
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
# A small class to use in the test
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(100))
# Create all the tables and a fake data
user = User(name="old name")
def index():
"""The scenario: the first request returns "old name" as expected.
Then, I modify the name of User:1 to "new name" directly on the database.
On the next request, "new name" will be returned.
My question is: how SQLAlchemy knows that the value has been changed?
# Before, I always use db.session.commit()
# to make sure that the latest value is fetched.
# Without db.session.commit(),
# SQLAlchemy still can track change made on
# print "refresh db"
# db.session.commit()
u = User.query.filter_by(id=1).first()
The "cache" of a session is a dict in its identity_map (session.identity_map.dict) that only caches objects for the time of "a single business transaction" , as answered here
For different server requests, you have different identity_map. It is not a shared object.
In your scenario, you requested the server 2 separated times. The second time, the identity_map is a new one (you can easily check it by printing out its pointer), and has nothing in cache. Consequently the session will request the database and get you the updated answer. It does not "track change" as you might think.
So, to your question, you don't need to do session.commit() before a query if you have not done a query for the same object in the same server request.
Hope it helps.

sqlalchemy object saved to complete action

Im new to sqlalchemy, Im query object and expunge of session for prevent the session save change, after add the object with change at session but not flush or commit.
when the ends controller, the session save my object, i dont want that, I want the object is lost if I did not flush or commit
my code:
object = model.DBSession.query(model.Object).filter_by( field = value ).first()
object.field = gfhggghfg
object.field2 = hsjsjsjsjs
#finish controller turbogearsr the session save the change. I have autocommit and autoflush = False
You don't even need to expunge the object, as TurboGears provides a transaction manager you can just doom the transaction so that TurboGears will throw it away instead of committing the changes:
import transaction
def my_controller(self):
object = model.DBSession.query(model.Object).filter_by( field = value ).first()
object.field = 'Hello'
transaction.doom() # This will prevent changes to be committed.
return dict(value=object.field)
To disable it for the whole project edit config/ and add:
base_config.use_transaction_manager = False

Sqlalchemy session.refresh does not refresh object

I have the following mapping (straight from SA examples):
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
fullname = Column(String)
password = Column(String)
I'm working with a MySql DB and the table has an innoDB engine.
I have a single record in my table:
1|'user1'|'user1 test'|'password'
I've opened a session with the following code:
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.scoping import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
db_engine = create_engine('mysql://...#localhost/test_db?charset=utf8',echo=False,pool_recycle=1800)
session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine,autocommit=False,autoflush=False)
session_maker = scoped_session(session_factory)
session = session_maker()
user_1 = session.query(User).filter( # This prints: u'user1'
Now, when I change the record's name in the DB to 'user1_change' and commit it and then refresh the object like this:
session.refresh(user_1) # This still prints: u'user1' and not u'user1_change'
It still prints: u'user1' and not u'user1_change'.
What am I missing (or setting up wrong) here?
From the docs:
Note that a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes in database state outside of that transaction
SQLAlchemy uses a transactional unit of work model, wherein each transaction is assumed to be internally consistent. A session is an interface on top of a transaction. Since a transaction is assumed to be internally consistent, SQLAlchemy will only (well, not quite, but for ease of explanation...) retrieve a given piece of data from the database and update the state of the associated objects once per transaction. Since you already queried for the object in the same session transaction, SQLAlchemy will not update the data in that object from the database again within that transaction scope. If you want to poll the database, you'll need to do it with a fresh transaction each time.
session.refresh() didn't work for me either. Even though I saw a low-level SELECT the object was not updated after the refresh.
This answer hints to doing an actual commit/rollback to reset the session, and that worked for me:
user_1 = session.query(User).filter( # This prints: u'user1'
# update the database from another client here
user_1 = session.query(User).filter( # Should be updated now.
Did you try with "expire" as described in the official doc:
# expire objects obj1, obj2, attributes will be reloaded
# on the next access:
Using expire on a object results in a reload that will occur upon next access.
Merge the session.
u = session.query(User).get(id) = 'user1_changed'
u = session.merge(u)
This will update the database and return the newer object.

