It seems that this question is too long for anyone to comment on... I'm trying to print out some text and a progress bar in a module called ''. Here's a test piece of code that shows a simple version. My goal is to have only one thread, and send information to it. My question is what is the best way to do this ?
file1 (
#!/usr/bin/env python
from laulau import laulau
import time
print "FIRST WAY"
t.echo('this is text')
for a in range(1,total):
print "\ndone loop\n"
print "SECOND WAY"
with laulau().echo("this is text"):
print "\nyes this is working\n"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=utf8
from __future__ import division
import time
import string
import threading
from sys import stdout
class laulau(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, arg=None):
self._stop = False
self.TEMPLATE = ('%(progress)s%(empty)s %(percent)3s%%')
self.progress = None
self.percent = 0
def run (self):
# start thread for text
while not self._stop:
if self.bartotal is None:
print self.arg,
self.progress = int((self.bar_width * self.percent) / 100) = self.TEMPLATE % {
'percent': self.percent,
'progress': self.block * self.progress,
'empty': self.empty * (self.bar_width - self.progress),
stdout.write('\033[%dG'%1 + + self.arg)
def setbartotal(self,total):
# set progress bar total
if self.bartotal is None:
self.bartotal = total
def updatebar (self,num):
self.percent = self.percentage(self.num)
def percentage (self,numagain):
return int((numagain/self.bartotal)*100+1)
def echo (self,arg="Default"):
self._stop = False
return self
def thread_debug(self):
print "threading enumerate :%s"%threading.enumerate()
print "current thread :%s"%threading.currentThread()
print "thread count (including main thread):%s"%threading.activeCount()
def stop(self):
self._stop = True
def stopped(self):
return self._stop == True
def __enter__(self):
print "\nwe have come through the enter function\n"
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self._stop = True
print "\nwe have exited through the exit function\n"
return isinstance(value, TypeError)
In some cases the second way could work. e.g., when I am printing some text, and just need the thread to die at the end of it, but not in the case of a progress bar when it needs updates sending to it. While this all sort of works, and I learned a lot, I still can't figure out how to encapsulate this class in the way I want. As I only want one thread I don't really need to keep instantiating the class, I just need to do this once.
so e.g. my ideal way would be having three functions only:
1 to control text, turn on progress bar etc (from within one parsed string)
2 to set the progress bar total
3 to set the progress bar iteration
I need to change two variables in the class (for the progress bar)
one for the total
one for the iteration
...and it works out percentage from that.
First I thought I should start the thread by inheriting the class stuff from threading, then after looking at threading.Thread(target=blah,etc) at first I couldn't see how to use more than one function, then I discovered I could just put the class name in there threading.Thread(target=laulau) and that would start a thread with the class in, but then I was stumped on how to send that thread information seeing as I hadn't assigned it to a 'name' as in t=laulau()
My second thought was to have functions outside of the class in my module, but because I need more than one function I got a bit confused there too by adding this to the beginning of
def eko (arg):
def barupate(iteration):
def bartotal():
the first function made an instance of the class but the preceding functions could not change any variables within that. and then i came across function attributes such as this.
class Foo:
def bar(self, arg1, arg2):
def webmethod(func):
func.is_webmethod = True
return func
I then started thinking maybe I could use this somehow but have never come across it before.
Ideally id like something like this:
echo('[progressbar] this is text') # starts progress bar and instance of thread if not already there...
for a in range(1,total):
echo.stop() # bar would stop at the end of iterations but text animations (blinking etc) may still be going at this point...
print "\ndone loop\n"
if you know about python you are probably looking at me funny now, but bear in mind that I'm a total beginner non-professional and am learning every day, a lot of it thanks to this site. cheers for any help!
edit: should add that I'm aware of the progress bar module and various other recipes, but I'm making this for learning and fun purposes :)
If you just need to print out a progress bar, use the sys module, like so:
import sys
import time
progress = "0" #this is an int meant to represent 0-100 percent as 0-100
old = "0" #this represents the last updates progress, so that this update only adds the difference and not the full progress
def updatebar(progress,old):
for item in range((progress-old)/2) #this takes the range of progress but divides it by 2, making the progress bar 50 characters long
sys.stdout.write("-") #to change the character used to fill the progress bar change the "-" to something else
#you may not want to use a while loop here, this just has an example of how to use the update function as it adds one to the progress bar every second
while True:
progress += 1
old = progress #sets the old progress as the current one, because next iteration of the while loop the previous progress will be this one's current progress.
I've seen several posts about this, so I know it is fairly straightforward to do, but I seem to be coming up short. I'm not sure if I need to create a worker pool, or use the Queue class. Basically, I want to be able to create several processes that each act autonomously (which is why they inherit from the Agent superclass).
At random ticks of my main loop I want to update each Agent. I'm using time.sleep with different values in the main loop and the Agent's run loop to simulate different processor speeds.
Here is my Agent superclass:
# Generic class to handle mpc of each agent
class Agent(mpc.Process):
# initialize agent parameters
def __init__(self,):
# init mpc
self.exit = mpc.Event()
# an agent's main loop...generally should be overridden
def run(self):
while not self.exit.is_set():
print "You exited!"
# safely shutdown an agent
def shutdown(self):
print "Shutdown initiated"
# safely communicate values to this agent
def communicate(self,value):
print value
A specific agent's subclass (simulating an HVAC system):
class HVAC(Agent):
def __init__(self, dt=70, dh=50.0):
super(Agent, self).__init__()
self.exit = mpc.Event()
self.__pref_heating = True
self.__pref_cooling = True
self.__desired_temperature = dt
self.__desired_humidity = dh
self.__meas_temperature = 0
self.__meas_humidity = 0.0
self.__hvac_status = "" # heating, cooling, off
def run(self): # handle AC or heater on
while not self.exit.is_set():
ctemp = self.measureTemp()
chum = self.measureHumidity()
if (ctemp < self.__desired_temperature):
self.__hvac_status = 'heating'
self.__meas_temperature += 1
elif (ctemp > self.__desired_temperature):
self.__hvac_status = 'cooling'
self.__meas_temperature += 1
self.__hvac_status = 'off'
print self.__hvac_status, self.__meas_temperature
def measureTemp(self):
return self.__meas_temperature
def measureHumidity(self):
return self.__meas_humidity
def communicate(self,updates):
self.__meas_temperature = updates['temp']
self.__meas_humidity = updates['humidity']
print "Measured [%d] [%f]" % (self.__meas_temperature,self.__meas_humidity)
And my main loop:
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Initializing subsystems"
agents = {}
agents['HVAC'] = HVAC()
# Run simulation
timestep = 0
while timestep < args.timesteps:
print "Timestep %d" % timestep
if timestep % 10 == 0:
curr_temp = random.randrange(68,72)
curr_humidity = random.uniform(40.0,60.0)
agents['HVAC'].communicate({'temp':curr_temp, 'humidity':curr_humidity})
timestep += 1
print "HVAC process state: %d" % agents['HVAC'].is_alive()
So the issue is that, whenever I run agents['HVAC'].communicate(x) within the main loop, I can see the value being passed into the HVAC subclass in its run loop (so it prints the received value correctly). However, the value never is successfully stored.
So typical output looks like this:
Initializing subsystems
Timestep 0
Measured [68] [56.948675]
heating 1
heating 2
Timestep 1
heating 3
heating 4
Timestep 2
heating 5
heating 6
When in reality, as soon as Measured [68] appears, the internal stored value should be updated to output 68 (not heating 1, heating 2, etc.). So effectively, the HVAC's self.__meas_temperature is not being properly updated.
Edit: After a bit of research, I realized that I didn't necessarily understand what is happening behind the scenes. Each subprocess operates with its own virtual chunk of memory and is completely abstracted away from any data being shared this way, so passing the value in isn't going to work. My new issue is that I'm not necessarily sure how to share a global value with multiple processes.
I was looking at the Queue or JoinableQueue packages, but I'm not necessarily sure how to pass a Queue into the type of superclass setup that I have (especially with the mpc.Process.__init__(self) call).
A side concern would be if I can have multiple agents reading values out of the queue without pulling it out of the queue? For instance, if I wanted to share a temperature value with multiple agents, would a Queue work for this?
Pipe v Queue
Here's a suggested solution assuming that you want the following:
a centralized manager / main process which controls lifetimes of the workers
worker processes to do something self-contained and then report results to the manager and other processes
Before I show it though, for the record I want to say that in general unless you are CPU bound multiprocessing is not really the right fit, mainly because of the added complexity, and you'd probably be better of using a different high-level asynchronous framework. Also, you should use python 3, it's so much better!
That said, multiprocessing.Manager, makes this pretty easy to do using multiprocessing. I've done this in python 3 but I don't think anything shouldn't "just work" in python 2, but I haven't checked.
from ctypes import c_bool
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Array, Value
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep, time
class Agent(Process):
def __init__(self, name, shared_dictionary, delay=0.5):
"""My take on your Agent.
Key difference is that I've commonized the run-loop and used
a shared value to signal when to stop, to demonstrate it.
super(Agent, self).__init__() = name
# This is going to be how we communicate between processes.
self.shared_dictionary = shared_dictionary
# Create a silo for us to use.
shared_dictionary[name] = []
self.should_stop = Value(c_bool, False)
# Primarily for testing purposes, and for simulating
# slower agents.
self.delay = delay
def get_next_results(self):
# In the real world I'd use abc.ABCMeta as the metaclass to do
# this properly.
raise RuntimeError('Subclasses must implement this')
def run(self):
ii = 0
while not self.should_stop.value:
ii += 1
# debugging / monitoring
print('%s %s run loop execution %d' % (
type(self).__name__,, ii))
next_results = self.get_next_results()
# Add the results, along with a timestamp.
self.shared_dictionary[] += [(time(), next_results)]
def stop(self):
self.should_stop.value = True
print('%s %s stopped' % (type(self).__name__,
class HVACAgent(Agent):
def get_next_results(self):
# This is where you do your work, but for the sake of
# the example just return a constant dictionary.
return {'temperature': 5, 'pressure': 7, 'humidity': 9}
class DumbReadingAgent(Agent):
"""A dumb agent to demonstrate workers reading other worker values."""
def get_next_results(self):
# get hvac 1 results:
hvac1_results = self.shared_dictionary.get('hvac 1')
if hvac1_results is None:
return None
return hvac1_results[-1][1]['temperature']
# Script starts.
results = {}
# The "with" ensures we terminate the manager at the end.
with Manager() as manager:
# the manager is a subprocess in its own right. We can ask
# it to manage a dictionary (or other python types) for us
# to be shared among the other children.
shared_info = manager.dict()
hvac_agent1 = HVACAgent('hvac 1', shared_info)
hvac_agent2 = HVACAgent('hvac 2', shared_info, delay=0.1)
dumb_agent = DumbReadingAgent('dumb hvac1 reader', shared_info)
agents = (hvac_agent1, hvac_agent2, dumb_agent)
list(map(lambda a: a.start(), agents))
list(map(lambda a: a.stop(), agents))
list(map(lambda a: a.join(), agents))
# Not quite sure what happens to the shared dictionary after
# the manager dies, so for safety make a local copy.
results = dict(shared_info)
I have a dialog window containing check-boxes, when each of them is checked a particular class needs to be instantiated and a run a a task on a separated thread (one for each check box). I have 14 check-boxes to check the .isChecked() property and is comprehensible checking the returned Boolean for each of them is not efficient and requires a lot more coding.
Hence I decided to get all the children items corresponding to check-box element, get just those that are checked, appending their names to list and loop through them matching their name to d dictionary which key is the name of the check box and the value is the corresponding class to instantiate.
# class dictionary
self.summary_runnables = {'dupStreetCheckBox': [DupStreetDesc(),0],
'notStreetEsuCheckBox': [StreetsNoEsuDesc(),1],
'notType3CheckBox': [Type3Desc(False),2],
'incFootPathCheckBox': [Type3Desc(True),2],
'dupEsuRefCheckBox': [DupEsuRef(True),3],
'notEsuStreetCheckBox': [NoLinkEsuStreets(),4],
'invCrossRefCheckBox': [InvalidCrossReferences()],
'startEndCheckBox': [CheckStartEnd(tol=10),8],
'tinyEsuCheckBox': [CheckTinyEsus("esu",1)],
'notMaintReinsCheckBox': [CheckMaintReins()],
'asdStartEndCheckBox': [CheckAsdCoords()],
'notMaintPolysCheckBox': [MaintNoPoly(),16],
'notPolysMaintCheckBox': [PolyNoMaint()],
'tinyPolysCheckBox': [CheckTinyEsus("rd_poly",1)]}
# looping through list
self.long_task = QThreadPool(None).globalInstance()
start_report = StartReport(val_file_path)
end_report = EndReport()
# start_report.setAutoDelete(False)
# end_report.setAutoDelete(False)
# end_report.setAutoDelete(False)
# print str(self.check_boxes_names)
for check_box_name in self.check_boxes_names:
run_class = self.summary_runnables[check_box_name]
if run_class[0].__class__.__name__ is 'CheckStartEnd':
run_class[0].tolerance = tolerance
runnable = run_class[0]()
example of a runnable (even if some of them use different global functions)
I can't post the global functions that write content to file as they are too many and not all 14 tasks execute the same type function. arguments of these functions are int keys to other dictionaries that contain the report static content and the SQL queries to return report main dynamic contents.
class StartReport(QRunnable):
def __init__(self, file_path):
# open the db connection in thread
self.signals = GeneralSignals()
# self.simple_signal = SimpleSignal()
# print self.signals.result
self.file_path = file_path
self.task = "Starting Report"
self.progress = 1
self.org_name = org_name
self.user = user
self.report_title = "Validation Report"
print "instantiation of start report "
def run(self):
self.signals.result.emit(self.task, self.progress)
if self.file_path is None:
print "I started and found file none "
global report_file
# create the file and prints the header
report_file = open(self.file_path, 'wb')
report_file.write(str(self.report_title) + ' for {0} \n'.format(self.org_name))
report_file.write('Created on : {0} at {1} By : {2} \n'.format("%d/%m/%Y"),"%H:%M"),
"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n \n \n \n")
class EndReport(QRunnable):
def __init__(self):
self.signals = GeneralSignals()
self.task = "Finishing report"
self.progress = 100
def run(self):
self.signals.result.emit(self.task, self.progress)
if report_file is not None:
# write footer and close file
report_file.write("\n \n \n")
report_file.write("---------- End of Report -----------")
# TODO: checking whether opening a db connection in thread might affect the db on the GUI
# if db.isOpen():
# db.close()
class DupStreetDesc(QRunnable):
duplicate street description report section creation
:return: void if the report is to text
list[string] if the report is to screen
def __init__(self):
self.signals = GeneralSignals()
self.task = "Checking duplicate street descriptions..."
self.progress = 16.6
def run(self):
if report_file is None:
print "report file is none "
# items_list = write_content(0, 0, 0, 0)
# for item in items_list:
# self.signals.list.emit(item)
write_content(0, 0, 0, 0)
Now, I used this approach before and it has always worked fine without using multiprocessing. In this case it works good to some extent, I can run the tasks the first time but if I try to run for the second time I get the following Python Error :
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type DupStreetDesc has been deleted
I tried to use run_class[0].setAutoDelete(False) before running them in the loop but pyQt crashes with a minidump error (I am running the code in QGIS) and I the programs exists with few chances to understand what has happened.
On the other hand, if I run my classes separately, checking with an if else statement each check-box, then it works fine, I can run the tasks again and the C++ classes are not deleted, but it isn't a nice coding approach, at least from my very little experience.
Is there anyone else out there who can advise a different approach in order to make this run smoothly without using too many lines of code? Or knows whether there is a more efficient pattern to handle this problem, which I think must be quite common?
It seems that you should create a new instance of each runnable, and allow Qt to automatically delete it. So your dictionary entries could look like this:
'dupStreetCheckBox': [lambda: DupStreetDesc(), 0],
and then you can do:
for check_box_name in self.check_boxes_names:
run_class = self.summary_runnables[check_box_name]
runnable = run_class[0]()
I don't know why setAutoDelete does not work (assuming you are calling it before starting the threadpool). I suppose there might be a bug, but it's impossible to be sure without having a fully-working example to test.
I'm developing one test bench which runs multiple tests via python gui and prints the output as below.
A Passed
B Passed
C Passed
D Passed
E Passed
Button from gui should be changed to 'Passed' only when A,B,C,D,E all are Passed. If any of these tests fails, it should say failed. What is the way to access this output from gui which is printed on screen.
My code for tests is:
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import sys, os, time
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from import Bar
import datetime
import thread
class MyTestBench(QDialog, QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(QDialog, self).__init__()
self.progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar()
self.run_test_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Run Your Tests')
def run_test_event(self):
thread.start_new_thread(self.run_the_test, ("Thread-1", 0.5))
thread.start_new_thread(self.run_the_progress, ("Thread-2", 0.5))
def run_the_test(self, tname, delay):
os.system("python my_testlist.txt")
if self.progressbar.value() == self.progressbar.maximum():
self.run_test_button.setText('Run Your Tests')
def run_the_progress(self, tname, delay):
count = 0
while count < 5:
value = self.progressbar.value() + 10
if self.progressbar.value() == self.progressbar.maximum():
count = count + 1
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
dialog = MyTestBench()
dialog.setGeometry(100, 100, 200, 50)
The main challenge I'm facing here is I'm new to gui programming and I don't know how to access the output that is printed on screen.
If you're trying to get the text output of a program, you can't run that program using os.system. As the docs for that function say:
The subprocess module provides more powerful facilities for spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module is preferable to using this function. See the Replacing Older Functions with the subprocess Module section in the subprocess documentation for some helpful recipes.
If you follow those links, they'll show how to do what you want. But basically, it's something like this:
output = subprocess.check_output(["python", "", "my_testlist.txt"])
If you're using 2.6 or earlier, you won't have check_output; you can read the docs to see how to build it yourself on top of, e.g., communicate, or you can just install the subprocess32 backport from PyPI and use that.
From a comment:
This works but my only concern is there are lot of results for the tests which are printed before it actually prints A Passed B Passed etc.. Im looking for a way to get just this part of string and not the whole output.
That isn't possible. How could your program have any idea which part of the output is "this part of the string" and which part is "a lot of results … which are printed before"?
If you can edit the programs being tested in some way—e.g., make them print their "real" output to stdout, but their "extra" output to stderr, or provide a command-line argument that makes them skip all the extra stuff—that's great. But assuming you can't, there is no alternative but to filter the results.
But this doesn't look very hard. If each line of "real" output is either "X Passed" or "X Failed" and nothing else starts with "X " (where X is any uppercase ASCII letter), that's just:
test_results = {}
for line in output.splitlines():
if line[0] in string.ascii_uppercase and line[1] == ' ':
test_results[line[0]] = line[2:]
Now, at the end, you've got:
{'A': 'Passed', 'B': 'Passed', 'C': 'Passed', 'D': 'Passed', 'E': 'Passed'}
If you want to verify that all of A-E were covered and they all passed:
passed = (set(test_results) == set('ABCDE') and
all(value == 'Passed' for value in test_results.values()))
Of course you could build something nicer that shows which ones were skipped or didn't pass or whatever. But honestly, if you want something more powerful, you should probably be using an existing unit testing framework instead of building one from scratch anyway.
You can mask the printing output through a queue like so:
class FileQ(Queue.Queue):
def __init__(self):
def write(self,data):
class MyTestBench(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.incoming = FileQ()
sys.stdout = self.incoming
self.time = QtCore.QTimer()
self.t = QtGui.QTextEdit(self)
self.t.setObjectName('TextOut') = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self)
self.progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self)
def run_test_event(self):
thread.start_new_thread(self.run_the_test, ("Thread-1", 0.5))
def run_the_test(self,*args):
for i in range(10):
print i
def refresh(self):
data = self.incoming.get_nowait()
if data:
This is the code from my recent tool I have made, I am trying to write unittest, I have an idea of how to test a method that returns something but don't understand how should i test method that don't like below:
def buildUi(self):
self.label = QtGui.QLabel()
def nextImage(self):
""" switch to next image or previous image
if self._imagesInList:
if self._count == len(self._imagesInList):
self._count = 0
if self.animFlag:
self._count += 1
self._count -= 1
def showImageByPath(self, path):
if path:
image = QtGui.QImage(path)
pp = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image)
def playPause(self):
if not self._pause:
self._pause = True
return self._pause
self._pause = False
def keyPressEvent(self, keyevent):
""" Capture key to exit, next image, previous image,
on Escape , Key Right and key left respectively.
event = keyevent.key()
if event == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
if event == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left:
self.animFlag = False
if event == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right:
self.animFlag = True
if event == 32:
self._pause = self.playPause()
the complete code for looking can be found here
is it possible to test these methods above or do I have to modify to make them testable ?
Edit: updated:
class TestSlideShow(unittest.TestCase):
""" docstring for TestSlideShow
def setUp(self):
self.mox = mox.Mox()
self.imgLst = ['/folder/test/images/test1.jpg', '/folder/test/images/test2.JPG',
'/folder/test/images/test3.png', '/folder/test/images/test4.PNG']
app = QtGui.QApplication([]) = slideShow.SlideShowPics(imgLst=self.imgLst, ui=False)
def tearDown(self):
def test_nextImage(self):
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'prepairWindow')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'showImageByPath')[1])
# self.mox.ReplayAll()
# self.mox.VerifyAll()
def test_nextImage_animFlag_False(self): = False = 4
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'prepairWindow')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'showImageByPath')[3])
# self.assertEquals(3,
if __name__ == '__main__':
the first test when is True works fine and but the when I manually set the animFlag= False then second test fails.
This is the problem with writing unittest after the code - you then realize your code is difficult to test. Writing the tests before the code (well, really "along" the code - you don't write all tests before start coding, but still you dont write a line of code before you have a test for it) makes sure you don't have such a problem.
Now even with the "test first" approach you do have to test methods that don't return anything. The way to do so is to test for the expected side effects. Some of these side effects are easy to test - in your above case, you can test the value of self._count before and after the call to nextImage, depending on your object's state (_imagesInList and animFlag mostly). Where it gets more difficult is if you want to test that nextImage does actually call showImageByPath with the correct arguments, and with your current design the only way to do so is to monkeypatch showImageByPath for the tests. Testing showImageByPath will require patching / mocking self.label.setPixmap(), etc.
As others already pointed there are a couple mock/stub libs that can help, but they won't solve all possible testability issues and you may have to rethink your design to make things easier - like not hardcoding the call to QtGui.QLabel() in buildUI() but have some way to "inject" the desired componant (QtGui.QLabel() or a mock) instead. As a general rule, testable code has very few hard-coded dependencies, few side effects, and lot of small classes with short methods (instead of huge classes with long methods).
For brevity, I'm just showing what can/must occur in states. I haven't run into any oddities in the state machine framework itself.
Here is a specific question:
Do you find it confusing that we have to return StateChange(...) and StateMachineComplete(...) whereas some of the of the other actions like some_action_1(...) and some_action_2(...) need not be returned - they're just direct method invocations?
I think that StateChange(...) needs to return because otherwise code beyond the StateChange(...) call will be executed. This isn't how a state machine should work! For example see the implementation of event1 in the ExampleState below
import abc
class State(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# =====================================================================
# == events the state optionally or must implement ====================
# =====================================================================
# optional: called when the state becomes active.
def on_state_entry(self): pass
# optional: called when we're about to transition away from this state.
def on_state_exit(self): pass
def event1(self,x,y,z): pass
def event2(self,a,b): pass
def event3(self): pass
# =====================================================================
# == actions the state may invoke =====================================
# =====================================================================
def some_action_1(self,c,d,e):
# implementation omitted for brevity
def some_action_2(self,f):
# implementation omitted for brevity
class StateChange:
def __init__(self,new_state_type):
# implementation omitted for brevity
class StateMachineComplete: pass
class ExampleState(State):
def on_state_entry(self):
def event1(self,x,y,z):
if x == "asdf":
return StateChange(ExampleState2)
return StateChange(ExampleState3)
print("I think it would be confusing if we ever got here. Therefore the StateChange calls above are return")
def event2(self,a,b):
if a == "asdf":
return StateMachineComplete()
print("As with the event above, the return above makes it clear that we'll never get here.")
def event3(self):
# Notice that we're not leaving the state. Therefore this can just be a method call, nothing need be returned.
# In fact we might need to do a few things here. Therefore a return call again doesn't make sense.
# Notice we don't implement on_state_exit(). This state doesn't care about that.
When I need a state machine in Python, I store it as a dictionary of functions. The indices into the dictionary are the current states, and the functions do what they need to and return the next state (which may be the same state) and outputs. Turning the crank on the machine is simply:
state, outputs = machine_states[state](inputs)
By putting the outgoing state changes in code you're obfuscating the whole process. A state machine should be driven by a simple set of tables. One axis is the current state, and the other is the possible events. You have two or three tables:
The "next-state" table that determines the exit state
The "action" table that determines what action to take
The "read" table that determines whether you stay on the current input event or move on to the next.
The third table may or may not be needed depending on the complexity of the input "grammar".
There are more esoteric variations, but I've never found a need for more than this.
I also struggled to find a good state_machine solution in python. So I wrote state_machine
It works like the following
class Person():
name = 'Billy'
sleeping = State(initial=True)
running = State()
cleaning = State()
run = Event(from_states=sleeping, to_state=running)
cleanup = Event(from_states=running, to_state=cleaning)
sleep = Event(from_states=(running, cleaning), to_state=sleeping)
def do_one_thing(self):
print "{} is sleepy".format(
def do_another_thing(self):
print "{} is REALLY sleepy".format(
def snore(self):
print "Zzzzzzzzzzzz"
def big_snore(self):
print "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
person = Person()
print person.current_state == person.sleeping # True
print person.is_sleeping # True
print person.is_running # False
print person.is_running # True
# Billy is sleepy
# Billy is REALLY sleepy
# Zzzzzzzzzzzz
# Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
print person.is_sleeping # True