Django - Rating System View & Template - python

I have a content that I'd like to rate on multiple criteria.
Imagine this kind of model:
class Content(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
class Criterion(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
content = models.ForeignKey(Content)
class ContRate(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, help_text="Who rated ?")
crit = models.ForeignKey(Criterion)
rate = models.DecimalField()
The user has a page displaying the content.
From this page, he can also rate the content on the criteria set
The rating will be done with Ajax.
Now I'm trying to implement the view & the template
def viewcont(request, content_id):
"""The user can view a content & rate it"""
content = get_object_or_404(Content, pk=content_id)
RateFormSet = modelformset_factory(ContRate)
formset = RateFormSet(queryset=ContRate.objects.filter(content=content, user=request.user))
objs = {
'content': content,
'forms': formset,
return render_to_response('content/content_detail.html', objs
, context_instance=RequestContext(request)
<!-- ... -->
<div id="rating">
{% for crit in content.crit_set.all %}
{{ crit }}
<div class="rateit"
crit-id="{{ }}"></div>
{% endfor %}
<!-- ... -->
Now how can I use the forms formset to display the actual rates ?
And how can I draw an empty form to be posted by Ajax from any clicked star ?
(I know the javascript/jQuery part)

Not sure what the point of the formset is here. The rates are all available via the criteria object, using the reverse foreign key to ContRate in exactly the same way as you've done from Criteria to Content.
To make this as efficient as possible, you probably want to get the relevant ratings in the view and bring them together into a single datastructure:
content = get_object_or_404(Content, pk=content_id)
criteria = content.criteria_set.all()
user_ratings = ContRate.objects.filter(content=content, user=request.user)
ratings_dict = dict((c.crit_id, c.rate) for c in user_ratings)
for crit in criteria:
crit.user_rating = ratings_dict.get(
Now you can pass criteria directly to your template, and there you can iterate through it to show the user_rating for each one.
(Final point: "criteria" is plural, the singular is "criterion". :-)


Formfield displayed based on treatment group

I am programming an experiment with different treatment Groups. For Treatment Group 3 and 4, I want to know the name of the Participants by using a form field. For the Control Group and Treatment Group 1 - 2, the name is irrelevant and thus, there should not be a forms_field.
I ws already thinking of excluding the form field in HTML by using if loops, so if treatment = 3 or 4, display the field. However, I cannot proceed to the next page for the other Treatment Groups since the field shouldn't be blank. Inserting a blank=True is not really an option since Treatment Group 3 and 4 could just skip the name. I want to "force" Treatment Group 3 and 4 to give me their name.
My code is too long to post it here, so I'll just post the relevant passages:
class Subsession(BaseSubsession):
def creating_session(self):
treatmentgroup = itertools.cycle(['ControlGroup','one','two','three', 'four'])
for p in self.get_players():
p.treatmentgroup = next(treatmentgroup)
class Group(BaseGroup):
class Player(BasePlayer):
name = models.StringField(label="Your Name:")
transcribed_text = models.LongStringField()
levenshtein_distance = models.IntegerField()
guthaben = models.CurrencyField(initial=c(0))
cumulative_guthaben = models.CurrencyField()
class Welcome(Page):
form_model = 'player'
def is_displayed(self):
return self.round_number == 1
class Introduction(Page):
form_model = 'player'
def is_displayed(self):
return self.round_number == 1
class Math(Page):
form_model = 'player'
form_fields = ['name']
def is_displayed(self):
return self.round_number == 1
def before_next_page(self):
if self.round_number == 1:
self.player.guthaben = self.player.guthaben + Constants.endowment
def vars_for_template(self):
return {
'treatmentgroup': self.player.treatmentgroup,
'image_path': 'trophy/{}.png'.format(self.round_number)
{% extends "global/Page.html" %}
{% load otree static %}
{% block title %}
The math task
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p align="justify"> In case you have any questions, please open the door and wait for the experimenter to come to your cubicle.
{% if treatmentgroup == 'four' or treatmentgroup == 'three' %}
{% formfields %}
{% endif %}
{% next_button %}
{% endblock %}
Thanks in advance!
You can modify a django.forms subclass by using its init method. Your code doesn't show how the form gets instantiated, but somewhere you would have
form = Form_class() # unbound and
form = Form_class( request.POST ) # bound
You would modify these to pass hide_name=True if you do not want the name field displayed.
The form itself would include the method
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.hide_name = kwargs.pop('hide_name', False)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.hide_name is accessible in any method of the form, and form.hide_name in a template that is rendering it. To avoid validation errors you can remove that that field from the form
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.hide_name:

Python/ Django- add a custom column to tables generated by a view

I have a page on my Django website, which is displaying a number of tables based on information stored in the database.
The view being used to create the page displaying the tables is defined with:
def current_budget(request, budget_id):
""" View the active provisional/deposit budget """
budget = Budget.objects.select_related('project', 'project__budget_overview').prefetch_related('project__projectroom_set', 'project__budget_versions', 'budget_items').get(id=budget_id)
project = budget.project
# project.projectroom_set.filter(budgetitem__isnull=True, cciitem__isnull=True).delete()
if project.budget_overview.deposit_budget_saved: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('costing:combined_budget', args=[]))
#This is now done in the costing_home view
# if not budget:
# Budget.objects.create(project=project, current_marker=1)
if not budget.budget_items.exists() and not project.budget_overview.deposit_budget_saved: init_budget(budget) # Create initial BudgetItem objects as standard
budget_items = budget.budget_items.select_related('budget', 'budget__project', 'project_room', 'project_room__room', 'room')#.order_by('build_type', 'build_type_detail', 'project_room', 'order') # .exclude(build_type=None)
budget_items2 = None #budget.budget_items.filter(build_type=None).order_by('build_type_detail', 'project_room', 'room')
context = {
'project': project,
'budget': budget,
'offset1': -5,
'offset2': -4,
try: context['current_budget'] = project.budget_versions.get(current_marker=1) #For option name/date on top of pdfs
except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
if request.GET.get('version') or project.budget_overview.deposit_budget_saved: #Make the fields all readonly
context['readonly'] = True
context['offset1'] = -7
if request.GET.get('report'): #Schedule of works report uses same data as current budget form
""" Client view of budget. IMPORTANT: Hidden items are not displayed here """
items_grouped = groupby(budget_items.filter(hidden_cost=False), lambda x: x.build_type)
grouped_items = [(x, list(y)) for x, y in items_grouped]
context['grouped_items'] = grouped_items
if request.GET.get('pdf'):
template = get_template('costing/report_schedule_of_works.html')
html = template.render(context)
file = open('test.pdf', "w+b")
pisaStatus = pisa.CreatePDF(html.encode('utf-8'), link_callback=fetch_resources, dest=file,
pdf =
return HttpResponse(pdf, 'application/pdf')
context['webview'] = 1
context['html'] = render_to_string('costing/report_schedule_of_works.html', context)
context['active_tab'] = '3'
return render(request, 'costing/reports_pre_deposit.html', context)
if not context.get('readonly'):
context['skill_day_rate'] = skill_day_rate
context['labour_day_rate'] = labour_day_rate
# Dict with ProjectRoom ids and the total for the room
room_totals = {}
for project_room in project.projectroom_set.all():
room_totals[] = sum(item.total_inc_profit for item in budget_items if item.project_room == project_room)
context['room_totals'] = room_totals
item_formset = BudgetItemFormset(queryset=budget_items, form_kwargs={'project': project})
item_form = item_formset.forms[0]
context['field_count'] = len(item_form.visible_fields())
context['ao_field_count'] = len(item_form.visible_fields())
room_choices = project.room_choices
context['formset'] = item_formset
context['widths'] = budget_item_column_widths #First column is add/delete options to allow for forloop count offset
context['options_width'] = options_width #First column is add/delete options to allow for forloop count offset
context['labour_rate'] = labour_day_rate
context['skill_rate'] = skill_day_rate
context['item_code_options'] = ItemCodeForm()
skill_total = int(budget_items.aggregate(Sum('skill_days'))['skill_days__sum'] or 0)
if budget_items2: labour_total = int(budget_items2.aggregate(Sum('labour_days'))['labour_days__sum'])
else: labour_total = 0
return render(request, 'costing/budget_current.html', context)
I now want to add a 'custom' column to these tables, to allow the user to enter their own notes in (i.e. one that will not be displaying data retrieved from the database, but which should add information to each row in the database when it is saved).
How would I do this? I would have thought that I will do it in the view (Python), rather than in the template (HTML), since the view is where the tables are being constructed?
So, I've added the extra field to the model in for the app:
class Deposit(models.Model):
""" Each Deposit is linked to a Payment, whose is_booking_deposit field = True """
project = models.OneToOneField('projects.Project', null=True, blank=True)
half_paid = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
date_received = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
amount_exc_vat = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, null=True, blank=True)
invoice_raised = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
notes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
# Create a column for 'custom notes' in the tables:
custom_notes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) #Add the column to table in
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
payment = models.OneToOneField(Payment, null=True)
The field that I've added to the Deposit model above is the custom_notes one.
I also tried adding the same field to the BudgetItemTable() in
class BudgetItemTable(tables.Table):
# Add a column for 'custom notes' to the tables for current budget
custom_notes = tables.Column(accessor='self.custom_notes')
class Meta:
model = BudgetItem
attrs = {"class": "paleblue"}
exclude = ('id')
I've run python makemigrations & python migrate myApp, but when I refresh my browser to view this page again, the new column for my table is not displayed- do I need to add it to the view somehow? How would I do this?
The HTML file for the view that displays the table I want to add a column to has the following structure:
{% block page_options_style %}allow-footer{% endblock page_options_style %}
{% block page_options %}
{% block report %}
<div id='budget_form' class="col-12" data-pr="{{}}" style="margin-bottom:7em;">
<form class="autosave_form formset num_refresh text-sm" data-view-url="{% url 'costing:save_items' %}">{% csrf_token %}
<table ...>
<thead class=... >
<tr class=...>
<!-- code to get table headings here -->
<th style="width:{{options_width}}">Custom Notes</th>
<!-- I added the 'Custom Notes' heading myself -->
<tr id="item_{{forloop.counter}}" class="{% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}">
<!-- code add columns and populate rows here -->
<a class="delete" ... ></a>
<!-- I can see this column with the 'delete' values is the last column in the table on the webpage, so I want to manually add another column after it in the table- I tried doing this by adding the following tags: -->
<a class="custom_notes" type="text" value=""></a>
I tried to add the 'Custom Notes' column to the table with the lines:
<a class="custom_notes" type="text" value=""></a>
When I view this page in the browser, I can see the Custom Notes column heading that I've added, displayed above the table, but it is displayed just to the right of where the table ends (I expected the column that I added to the table to be displayed below it).
The table column for 'custom notes' that I have tried adding is not displayed in the table at all...
Why is this? How can I get the new column to be displayed in the table on the webpage? I've added the corresponding field to the model in, so although there won't be any data in this field for any of the items in the database at the moment, when the user enters data in this field in the table, there is somewhere for those values to be stored in the model in the database...
I managed to add this additional field to the table by appending the following HTML to the table, just inside the last two </tr> tags, inside </tbody></table>:
<a class="custom_notes" type="text" value=""></a>
<input id="budget_notes" type="text" width="100" value="">
But for some reason, the text input field that I have added is very narrow- you can't see more than a few characters of text at a time when typing into it. I tried specifying the width of the field using width="100", as shown above, but this doesn't appear to have made any difference. How can I force the cells in this column to have a set width?

Django hide field from forms and add automatically field

I want to add to the cart the actual product I'm in (product_detail.html).
So in the product_unit, is just needed to specify the quantity of the product.
Anyway I can't make the unit_product, automatically add the actual product I'm in.
class Product_unitForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Product_unit
fields = [
widgets = {'product': forms.HiddenInput()}
I hide the product from the template, because it is just the actual product, no need to specify.
def product_detail(request, id_category=None,id_product=None):
actual_product = Product.objects.get(id = id_product)
#Has an actual customer
form_product_unit = Product_unitForm(request.POST or None)
form_product_unit.fields['product'] = actual_product # I try to add the product this way
if form_product_unit.is_valid():
instance_product_unit =
last_order = Order.objects.last()
is_buying = False
if(last_order.status == "en curso"):
is_buying = True
context = {
"Product" : actual_product,
"Is_buying" : is_buying,
"form_product_unit" : form_product_unit,
return render(request, "shopping/product_detail.html", context)
I want to manually from the views, add the product field of product_unit to the actual product it has (actual_product)
<img src="{{Product.image.url}}"/>
<form method="POST" action="">{% csrf_token %}
{{ form_product_unit.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
In your file I think you just need to make two changes
def product_detail(request, id_category=None,id_product=None):
actual_product = Product.objects.get(id = id_product)
form_product_unit = Product_unitForm(data=request.POST or None,
initial={'product': actual_product})
And also remove the line form_product_unit.fields['product'] = actual_product. You might need to play around with the initial dictionary a bit to get it to bind the correct value to the field but that's the general idea. The related section in the docs is

Django- Using Parameters To Display Entry

My database is setup something like.
class comments(models.Model):
min = models.FloatField()
max = models.FloatField()
comment = models.CharField(max_length=255)
In my view, I grab a float value from the user. I want to take that value use the Min/Max as parameters and if that float value is between the Min/Max, display the comment that's associated to it. At times there might be more then 1 match, however for now I cant even figure out how to do the first step.
Use the filter() method of a model manager with a combination of __lte/__gte lookups:
def comments(request):
value = float(request.GET['value'])
return render(request, 'comments.html',
{'comments': comments.objects.filter(min__lte=value,
And then in the comments.html:
{% for comment in comments %}
<div>{{ comment.comment }}</div>
{% endfor %}

setting help_text for each choice in a RadioSelect

I can set the help_text attribute on any form field, but is it possible to set help_text on the choices used for a RadioSelect()?
I'd looking for a clean way to show some help information under each radio button.
Below is the code for the model and the form, I can render the name attribute in a template with the label, input element and help text. I'd also like to be able to render membership_type attribute with a label ('Membership Type'), radio buttons ('open membership' and 'closed membership'), and help text associated to each radio element ('anyone can join this group' and 'only select members can join this group').
class Group(models.Model):
('O', 'Open membership'),
('C', 'Closed membership'),
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
membership_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=MEMBERSHIP_CHOICES, default="O")
class GroupForm(forms.ModelForm):
name = forms.CharField(label="Group name", help_text="Enter a name for your new group")
class Meta:
model = Group
widgets = { "membership_type": forms.RadioSelect }
#Rishabh is correct but I'll elaborate further as, at first glance, it doesn't appear to be the solution, although it is; or, at least, it can be kludged to get a useful effect without having to dive too deep into django forms.
The second element of the tuple is presented inside the "label" tag - so any 'inline elements' are permissible; for example:
The desired result
Or something like it
<li><label for="id_ticket_0">
<input type="radio" id="id_ticket_0" value="PARTTIME" name="ticket">
<em>Part Time</em> Valid on Friday Night and Saturday Only
<li><label for="id_ticket_1">
<input type="radio" id="id_ticket_1" value="DAYTIME" name="ticket">
<em>Casual</em> Valid on Saturday Only
<li><label for="id_ticket_2">
<input type="radio" id="id_ticket_2" value="EARLYBIRD" name="ticket">
<em>Early Bird</em> Valid on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. $15 discount for booking before 1am January 3rd, 2011
The simple example
The trick is to "mark_safe" the content of the description then stuff whatever you need into:
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
choices = (
('1', mark_safe(u'<em>One</em> | This is the first option. It is awesome')),
('2', mark_safe(u'<em>Two</em> | This is the second option. Good too.'))
The complex example
So in this example we:
assemble the choices into a list (any iterable structure will do)
pass the structure to the form's init to create our radio options on the fly
use a comprehension list to create an extended description for each radio option
The data structure:
Tickets are my own classes and they have attributes:
tickets.code - as in a ticket code
label - a pithy short description
help - a longer description
But more about that later. First lets create some instances:
from mymodule import ticket
# so lets create a few
fulltime = ticket('FULLTIME',160,'Full Time',
"Valid Monday to Friday inclusive")
parttime = ticket('PARTTIME',110,'Full Time',
"Valid outside of business hours only")
daytime = ticket('DAYTIME',70,'Day Time',
"Valid only on weekends and public holidays")
# and put them together in a list any way you like
available_tickets = [fulltime, parttime, daytime]
# now create the form
That probably happened in your view code. Now to see what happens in the form
class OrderForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop('tickets')
super(OrderForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
choices = [(t.code, mark_safe(u'<em>%s</em> %s' % (t.label,
for t in]
self.fields['ticket'] = forms.ChoiceField(
choices = choices,
widget = forms.RadioSelect()
For others coming across this 10+ years later, I was able to do this by creating a custom widget that overrides the default template for radio buttons, and passing custom attributes to it.
# Custom widget
class RadioSelectHelpTextWidget(forms.RadioSelect):
option_template_name = 'custom_templates/forms/radio_option_help_text.html'
# Form class that calls widgets, passed custom attributes to widget
class TemplateCreateForm(ModelForm):
created_by = forms.ModelChoiceField(required=False,queryset=User.objects.none())
class Meta:
model = Template
fields = ['name', 'type', 'created_by']
widgets = {
'name': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'input'}),
'type': RadioSelectHelpTextWidget(
'help_text': {
'custom': 'This is custom help text.',
'html': 'This is help text for html.'
Template for custom radio buttons (custom_templates/forms/radio_option_help_text.html)
{% load custom_template_filters %}
{% if widget.wrap_label %}
<label{% if %} for="{{ }}"{% endif %}>
{% endif %}
{% include "django/forms/widgets/input.html" %}
{% if widget.wrap_label %}
{{ widget.label }}
{% if widget.attrs.help_text %}
{% if widget.value in widget.attrs.help_text %}
<p class="is-size-7">
{{ widget.attrs.help_text|dict_get:widget.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
The result:
Assuming you're using RadioSelect as a widget for forms.ChoiceField, you can do something like:
choices = (('1', 'First help_text here'),
('2', 'Second help_text here'),
('3', 'Third help_text here'),
class MyForm(forms.Form):
choice = forms.ChoiceField(widget = RadioSelect, choices = choices)
This isn't a strict use of help_text but it should get the job done in most cases.

