Polar contour plot in matplotlib - best (modern) way to do it? - python

Update: I've done a full write-up of the way I found to do this on my blog at http://blog.rtwilson.com/producing-polar-contour-plots-with-matplotlib/ - you may want to check there first.
I'm trying to plot a polar contour plot in matplotlib. I've found various resources on the internet, (a) I can't seem to get my code to work and (b) many of the resources appear rather old, and I'm wondering if there is a better way now. For example, http://www.mail-archive.com/matplotlib-users#lists.sourceforge.net/msg01953.html suggests that something may be done to improve things soon, and that was in 2006!
I'd love to be able to plot proper polar contour plots - like pcolor lets you do for its type of plot (see commented out section below), but I can't seem to find any way to do that, so I'm converting to cartesian co-ordinates first.
Anyway, I have the code that follows:
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
azimuths = np.arange(0, 360, 10)
zeniths = np.arange(0, 70, 10)
values = []
for azimuth in azimuths:
for zenith in zeniths:
print "%i %i" % (azimuth, zenith)
# Run some sort of model and get some output
# We'll just use rand for this example
theta = np.radians(azimuths)
values = np.array(values)
values = values.reshape(len(zeniths), len(azimuths))
# This (from http://old.nabble.com/2D-polar-surface-plot-td28896848.html)
# works fine
# Create a polar axes
# ax = subplot(111, projection='polar')
# pcolor plot onto it
# c = ax.pcolor(theta, zeniths, values)
# show()
r, t = np.meshgrid(zeniths, azimuths)
x = r*np.cos(t)
y = r*np.sin(t)
contour(x, y, values)
When I run that I get an error TypeError: Inputs x and y must be 1D or 2D.. I'm not sure why I get this, as both x and y are 2D. Am I doing something wrong?
Also, it seems rather clunky to be putting my values returned from my model into a list and then reshaping it. Is there a better way to do this?

You should just be able to use ax.contour or ax.contourf with polar plots just as you normally would... You have a few bugs in your code, though. You convert things to radians, but then use the values in degrees when you plot. Also, you're passing in r, theta to contour when it expects theta, r.
As a quick example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#-- Generate Data -----------------------------------------
# Using linspace so that the endpoint of 360 is included...
azimuths = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 360, 20))
zeniths = np.arange(0, 70, 10)
r, theta = np.meshgrid(zeniths, azimuths)
values = np.random.random((azimuths.size, zeniths.size))
#-- Plot... ------------------------------------------------
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
ax.contourf(theta, r, values)

the shape of x, y and values must be the same. Your data shape is:
>>> x.shape, y.shape, values.shape
((36, 7), (36, 7), (7, 36))
so change contour(x, y, values) to contour(x, y, values.T).


How to properly show a colorbar in a polar graph (contour plot of half a circle)?

I am plotting a big matrix of temperature (for each r and theta of a circle) in a polar graph using Pyplot from matplotlib. So far, everything works fine with what I've done :
space_theta = radians(linspace(0, 180, M))
space_r = arange(0, a, delta_r)
r, theta = meshgrid(space_theta, space_r)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
axes.contourf(r, theta, T[W-1]) #T[W-1] is the temperatures I want to plot (T is a 3D matrix, so T[W-1] is a matrix)
With this, I get the following :
Now the only thing I want is to add a color legend, indicating which color corresponds to which temperature. It should look like this (only focus on the legend) :
I searched on several websites but didn't manage to find out how to do this. Each time the method used for plotting the graph was different. I tried using colorbar(), which solved problems for everyone, but I got an error ("No mappable was found to use for colorbar creation").
P.S.: If possible, I would like to show the max and min values on the color legend.
You can use plt.colorbar with the result of axes.contourf as first parameter.
You'll notice the default colorbar will be much too large. To shrink it, use shrink=.6 to get it similar to your contourplot. Now, you'll notice it will be too close to the plot. This can be adjusted with pad=0.08.
Note that the numpy library has lots of functions with similar names as other libraries. To make clear that you're using numpy functions, it is good practise to import numpy as np.
Here is a more complete example:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
M = 100
a = 1
delta_r = 0.01
space_theta = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 180, M))
space_r = np.arange(0, a, delta_r)
T = np.random.uniform(-30, 40, M * len(space_r)).reshape((M, len(space_r)))
r, theta = np.meshgrid(space_theta, space_r)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
contourplot = axes.contourf(r, theta, T)
plt.colorbar(contourplot, shrink=.6, pad=0.08)

How to plot scipy.hierarchy.dendrogram using polar coordinates?

I'm trying to adapt the following resources to this question:
Python conversion between coordinates
I can't seem to get the coordinates to transfer the dendrogram shape over to polar coordinates.
Does anyone know how to do this? I know there is an implementation in networkx but that requires building a graph and then using pygraphviz backend to get the positions.
Is there a way to convert dendrogram cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates with matplotlib and numpy?
import requests
from ast import literal_eval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def read_url(url):
r = requests.get(url)
return r.text
def cartesian_to_polar(x, y):
rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
return(rho, phi)
def plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord,figsize, polar=False):
if polar:
icoord, dcoord = cartesian_to_polar(icoord, dcoord)
with plt.style.context("seaborn-white"):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black")
ax.set_title(f"Polar= {polar}", fontsize=15)
# Load the dendrogram data
string_data = read_url("https://pastebin.com/raw/f953qgdr").replace("\r","").replace("\n","").replace("\u200b\u200b","")
# Convert it to a dictionary (a subset of the output from scipy.hierarchy.dendrogram)
dendrogram_data = literal_eval(string_data)
icoord = np.asarray(dendrogram_data["icoord"], dtype=float)
dcoord = np.asarray(dendrogram_data["dcoord"], dtype=float)
# Plot the cartesian version
plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord, figsize=(8,3), polar=False)
# Plot the polar version
plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord, figsize=(5,5), polar=True)
I just tried this and it's closer but still not correct:
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
with plt.style.context("seaborn-white"):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black",transform=trans_offset)
ax_polar = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
trans_offset = mtransforms.offset_copy(ax_polar.transData, fig=fig)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax_polar.plot(xs,ys, color="black",transform=trans_offset)
You can make the "root" of the tree start in the middle and have the leaves outside. You also have to add more points to the "bar" part for it to look nice and round.
We note that each element of icoord and dcoord (I will call this seg) has four points:
seg[1] seg[2]
| |
+ seg[0] + seg[3]
The vertical bars are fine as straight lines between the two points, but we need more points between seg[1] and seg[2] (the horizontal bar, which will need to become an arc).
This function will add more points in those positions and can be called on both xs and ys in the plotting function:
def smoothsegment(seg, Nsmooth=100):
return np.concatenate([[seg[0]], np.linspace(seg[1], seg[2], Nsmooth), [seg[3]]])
Now we must modify the plotting function to calculate the radial coordinates. Some experimentation has led to the log formula I am using, based on the other answer which also uses log scale. I've left a gap open on the right for the radial labels and done a very rudimentary mapping of the "icoord" coordinates to the radial ones so that the labels correspond to the ones in the rectangular plot. I don't know exactly how to handle the radial dimension. The numbers are correct for the log, but we probably want to map them as well.
def plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord,figsize, polar=False):
if polar:
dcoord = -np.log(dcoord+1)
# avoid a wedge over the radial labels
gap = 0.1
imax = icoord.max()
imin = icoord.min()
icoord = ((icoord - imin)/(imax - imin)*(1-gap) + gap/2)*2*numpy.pi
with plt.style.context("seaborn-white"):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
if polar:
xs = smoothsegment(xs)
ys = smoothsegment(ys)
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black")
ax.set_title(f"Polar= {polar}", fontsize=15)
if polar:
Nxticks = 10
xticks = np.linspace(gap/2, 1-gap/2, Nxticks)
ax.set_xticklabels(np.round(np.linspace(imin, imax, Nxticks)).astype(int))
Which results in the following figure:
First, I think you might benefit from this question.
Then, let's break down the objective: it is not very clear to me what you want to do, but I assume you want to get something that looks like this
(source, page 14)
To render something like this, you need to be able to render horizontal lines that appear as hemi-circles in polar coordinates. Then, it's a matter of mapping your horizontal lines to polar plot.
First, note that your radius are not normalized in this line:
if polar:
icoord, dcoord = cartesian_to_polar(icoord, dcoord)
you might normalize them by simply remapping icoord to [0;2pi).
Now, let's try plotting something simpler, instead of your complex plot:
icoord, dcoord = np.meshgrid(np.r_[1:10], np.r_[1:4])
# Plot the cartesian version
plot_dendrogram(icoord, dcoord, figsize=(8, 3), polar=False)
# Plot the polar version
plot_dendrogram(icoord, dcoord, figsize=(5, 5), polar=True)
Result is the following:
as you can see, the polar code does not map horizontal lines to semi-circles, therefore that is not going to work. Let's try with plt.polar instead:
plt.polar(icoord.T, dcoord.T)
which is more like what we need. We need to fix the angles first, and then we shall consider that Y coordinate goes inward (while you probably want it going from center to border). It boils down to this
nic = (icoord.T - icoord.min()) / (icoord.max() - icoord.min())
plt.polar(2 * np.pi * nic, -dcoord.T)
which produces the following
Which is similar to what you need. Note that straight lines remain straight, and are not replaced with arcs, so you might want to resample them in your for loop.
Also, you might benefit from single color and log-scale to make reading easier
plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
ico = (icoord.T - icoord.min()) / (icoord.max() - icoord.min())
plt.polar(2 * np.pi * ico, -np.log(dcoord.T), 'b')

Adding a 4th variable to a 3D plot in Python

I have 3 different parameters X,Y and Z over a range of values, and for each combination of these a certain value of V. To make it clearer, the data would look something like this.
1 1 2 10
1 2 3 15
I'd like to visualize the data with a surface/contour plot, using V as a colour to see its value at that point, but I do not see how to add my custom colouring scheme into the mix using Python. Any idea on how to do this (or is this visualization outright silly)?
Thanks a lot!
Matplotlib allows one to pass the facecolors as an argument to e.g.
That would imply then that you would have to perform 2D interpolation on your
current array of colors, because you currently only have the colors in the
corners of the rectangular faces (you did mention that you have a rectilinear
You could use
for that, but as you see from the documentation, it is suggested to use
To give you a simple example:
import numpy as np
y,x = np.mgrid[1:10:10j, 1:10:10j] # returns 2D arrays
# You have 1D arrays that would make a rectangular grid if properly reshaped.
y,x = y.ravel(), x.ravel() # so let's convert to 1D arrays
z = x*(x-y)
colors = np.cos(x**2) - np.sin(y)**2
Now I have a similar dataset as you (one-dimensional arrays for x, y, z and
colors). Remark that the colors are defined for
each point (x,y). But when you want to plot with plot_surface, you'll
generate rectangular patches, of which the corners are given by those points.
So, on to interpolation then:
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
# from scipy.interpolate import interp2d # could 've used this too, but docs suggest the faster RectBivariateSpline
# Define the points at the centers of the faces:
y_coords, x_coords = np.unique(y), np.unique(x)
y_centers, x_centers = [ arr[:-1] + np.diff(arr)/2 for arr in (y_coords, x_coords)]
# Convert back to a 2D grid, required for plot_surface:
Y = y.reshape(y_coords.size, -1)
X = x.reshape(-1, x_coords.size)
Z = z.reshape(X.shape)
C = colors.reshape(X.shape)
#Normalize the colors to fit in the range 0-1, ready for using in the colormap:
C -= C.min()
C /= C.max()
interp_func = RectBivariateSpline(x_coords, y_coords, C.T, kx=1, ky=1) # the kx, ky define the order of interpolation. Keep it simple, use linear interpolation.
In this last step, you could also have used interp2d (with kind='linear'
replacing the kx=1, ky=1). But since the docs suggest to use the faster
Now you're ready to plot it:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.cm as cm
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
r = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z,
facecolors=cm.hot(interp_func(x_centers, y_centers).T),
rstride=1, cstride=1) # only added because of this very limited dataset
As you can see, the colors on the faces have nothing to do anymore with the height of the dataset.
Note that you could have thought simply passing the 2D array C to facecolors would work, and matplotlib would not have complained. However, the result isn't accurate then, because matplotlib will use only a subset of C for the facecolors (it seems to ignore the last column and last row of C). It is equivalent to using only the color defined by one coordinate (e.g. the top-left) over the entire patch.
An easier method would have been to let matplotlib do the interpolation and obtain the facecolors and then pass those in to the real plot:
r = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,C, cmap='hot') # first plot the 2nd dataset, i.e. the colors
fc = r.get_facecolors()
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=fc)
However, that won't work in releases <= 1.4.1 due to this recently submitted bug.
It really depends on how you plan on plotting this data. I like to plot graphs with gnuplot: it's easy, free and intuitive. To plot your example with gnuplot you'd have to print those line into a file (with only those four columns) and plot using a code like the following
set terminal png
set output "out.png"
splot "file.txt" using 1:2:3:4 with lines palette
Assuming that you save your data into the file file.txt. splot stands for surface plot. Of course, this is a minimum example.
Alternatively you can use matplotlib, but that is not, in my opinion, as intuitive. Although it has the advantage of centering all the processing in python.

Add colorbar to scatter plot or change the plot type

I am plotting some data that includes spatial (x, y) components as well as a z component, which is the value of the measurement at that point in space. I was looking at the gallery, and I'm just not getting it. I think that what I want is a pcolormesh, but I don't understand what I need to put in for arguments. I finally had success getting a scatter plot to do basically what I want, but it's less pretty than I want. If I could figure out a way to make the points in the scatter plot bigger, I would be a lot happier with my plot. Furthermore, I am stuck on trying to add a legend - I only need the colorbar portion, since the end user doesn't really care about the X and Y dimensions. Looking at the colorbar example, it seems that I need to add an axis, but I don't understand how I'm telling it that the axis I need is the Z axis.
x_vals = list(first_array[data_loc_dictionary['x_coord_index']][:])
y_vals = list(first_array[data_loc_dictionary['y_coord_index']][:])
y_vals = [-i for i in y_vals]
z_vals = list(first_array[data_loc_dictionary['value_index']][:])
plt.scatter(x_vals, y_vals, s = len(x_vals)^2, c = z_vals, cmap = 'rainbow')
Here is an example of what I am trying to duplicate:
And here is what the code above produces:
I would like the second to look a little more like the first, i.e., if there were a way to adjust the markers to be large enough to approximate that look, that would be ideal
I am struggling with creating a legend. Colorbar seems to be the way to go, but I am not comprehending how to specify that it needs to be based on the Z values.
Good catch with the ^2 -
What about this basic example:
# generate random data
In [63]: x = np.random.rand(20)
In [64]: y = np.random.rand(20)
In [65]: z = np.random.rand(20)
# plot it with square markers: marker='s'
In [66]: plt.scatter(x, y, s=len(x)**2, c=z, cmap='rainbow', marker='s')
Out[66]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x39e6c90>
# colorbar
In [67]: c = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal')
In [68]: c.set_label('This is a colorbar')
In [69]: plt.show()
The Size of the points is given by
s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional, default: 20
size in points^2.
I see no reason why s=len(x)**2 is a good choice by default. I would play around with it according to your preference.
In case you want to know how to replicate your initial example image with pcolormesh, I would do:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
grid = np.arange(-5, 6)
x, y = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
z = np.random.randn(len(x), len(y))
mask = (np.abs(x) + np.abs(y)) > 4
z = np.ma.masked_array(z, mask)
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x - .5, y - .5, z, cmap="coolwarm", vmin=-3, vmax=3)
To produce:

Python 3D plotting of measurement data

I have captured 3D measurement data on a sphere (this is an antenna radiation pattern, so the measurement antenna captured the radiation intensity from each phi,theta direction and logged this value as a function of phi,theta).
I am having great difficulty getting the data represented.
I have tried multiple options. This is the last one I am now trying:
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nElevationPoints = 16
nAzimuthPoints = 40
stepSizeRad = 0.05 * np.pi
def r(phi,theta):
radius = 1
return radius
phi = np.arange(0,nAzimuthPoints*stepSizeRad,stepSizeRad)
theta = np.arange(0,nElevationPoints*stepSizeRad,stepSizeRad)
x = (r(phi,theta)*np.outer(r(phi,theta)*np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta)))
y = (-r(phi,theta)*np.outer(np.sin(phi), np.sin(theta)))
z = (r(phi,theta)*np.outer(np.ones(np.size(phi)), np.cos(theta)))
fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=4, cstride=4, color='b')
This code in itself is working, and it plots a sphere. Now the thing is, that in accordance with the measurement data, I would actually need the radius not be a constant "1", but corresponding with the radiation intensity measured. So it needs to be a function of phi,theta.
However, as soon as I change the "r" function to anything containing the phi or theta parameter, I get an error about operands that could not be broadcast.
If there's any work around that loops through phi,theta that would be perfectly fine as well.
But I'm stuck now, so I'd appreciate any help :-)
BTW, the reason I went for the above approach is because I couldn't make sense of how the x,y,z should be defined in order to be acceptable to the plot_surface function.
I did manage to generate a scatter plot, by calculating the actual positions (x,y,z) from the phi,theta,intensity data, but this is only a representation by individual points and doesn't generate any well visible antenna radiation pattern plot. For this I assume that a contour plot would be better, but then again I am stuck at either the "r" function call or by understanding how x,y,z should be formatted (the documentation refers to x,y,z needing to be 2D-arrays, but this is beyond my comprehension as x,y,z usually are one dimensional arrays in themselves).
Anyway, looking forward to any help anyone may be willing to give.
-- EDIT --
With #M4rtini 's suggested changes I come to the following:
import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab
def r(phi,theta):
r = np.sin(phi)**2
return r
phi, theta = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:201j, 0:np.pi:101j]
x = r(phi,theta)*np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta)
y = r(phi,theta)*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
z = r(phi,theta)*np.cos(phi)
intensity = phi * theta
obj = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars=intensity, colormap='jet')
obj.enable_contours = True
obj.contour.filled_contours = True
obj.contour.number_of_contours = 20
This works, thanks, #M4rtini, and I now am able to have a phi,theta dependent "r" function.
However, noted that the example now ensures phi and theta to be of the same length (due to the mgrid function). This is not the case in my measurement. When declaring phi and theta separately and of different dimensions, it doesn't work still. So I now will have a look into measurement interpolation.
This might not be the exact answer you were looking for, but if you can accept using intensity values as a mapping of a color, this should work.
Actually, you could probably calculate a specific r here also. But i did not test that.
Using mayavi since it is, in my opinion, far superior than matplotlib for 3D.
import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab
r = 1.0
phi, theta = np.mgrid[0:np.pi:200j, 0:2*np.pi:101j]
x = r*np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta)
y = r*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
z = r*np.cos(phi)
intensity = phi * theta
obj = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars=intensity, colormap='jet')
obj.enable_contours = True
obj.contour.filled_contours = True
obj.contour.number_of_contours = 20
Output of example script, now this is in a interactive gui. so you can rotate, translate, scale as you please. And even interactively manipulate the data, and the representation options.

