Python Config parser read comment along with value - python

I have config file,
variable1 : val1 ;#comment1
variable2 : val2 ;#comment2
code like this reads only value of the key:
class Config(object):
def __init__(self):
self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'')
def get_path(self):
return self.config.get('local', 'variable1')
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = Config()
print c.get_path()
but i also want to read the comment present along with the value, any suggestions in this regards will be very helpful.

Alas, this is not easily done in general case. Comments are supposed to be ignored by the parser.
In your specific case, it is easy, because # only serves as a comment character if it begins a line. So variable1's value will be "val1 #comment1". I suppose you use something like this, only less brittle:
val1_line = c.get('local', 'var1')
val1, comment = val1_line.split(' #')
If the value of a 'comment' is needed, probably it is not a proper comment? Consider adding explicit keys for the 'comments', like this:
var1: 108.5j
var1_comment: remember, the flux capacitor capacitance is imaginary!

Your only solutions is to write another ConfigParser overriding the method _read(). In your ConfigParser you should delete all checks about comment removal. This is a dangerous solution, but should work.
class ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):
def _read(self, fp, fpname):
from ConfigParser import DEFAULTSECT, MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError
cursect = None # None, or a dictionary
optname = None
lineno = 0
e = None # None, or an exception
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
# comment or blank line?
if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
# no leading whitespace
# continuation line?
if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and optname:
value = line.strip()
if value:
# a section header or option header?
# is it a section header?
mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
sectname ='header')
if sectname in self._sections:
cursect = self._sections[sectname]
elif sectname == DEFAULTSECT:
cursect = self._defaults
cursect = self._dict()
cursect['__name__'] = sectname
self._sections[sectname] = cursect
# So sections can't start with a continuation line
optname = None
# no section header in the file?
elif cursect is None:
raise MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
# an option line?
mo = self._optcre.match(line)
if mo:
optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
# This check is fine because the OPTCRE cannot
# match if it would set optval to None
if optval is not None:
optval = optval.strip()
# allow empty values
if optval == '""':
optval = ''
cursect[optname] = [optval]
# valueless option handling
cursect[optname] = optval
# a non-fatal parsing error occurred. set up the
# exception but keep going. the exception will be
# raised at the end of the file and will contain a
# list of all bogus lines
if not e:
e = ParsingError(fpname)
e.append(lineno, repr(line))
# if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
if e:
raise e
# join the multi-line values collected while reading
all_sections = [self._defaults]
for options in all_sections:
for name, val in options.items():
if isinstance(val, list):
options[name] = '\n'.join(val)
In the ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser I fixed some imports and deleted the appropriate sections of code.
Using the same config.ini from my previous answer, I can prove the previous code is correct.
config = ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser()'config.ini')
assert config.get('local', 'variable1') == 'value1 ; comment1'
assert config.get('local', 'variable2') == 'value2 # comment2'

Accordiing to the ConfigParser module documentation,
Configuration files may include comments, prefixed by specific
characters (# and ;). Comments may appear on their own in an otherwise
empty line, or may be entered in lines holding values or section
names. In the latter case, they need to be preceded by a whitespace
character to be recognized as a comment. (For backwards compatibility,
only ; starts an inline comment, while # does not.)
If you want to read the "comment" with the value, you can omit the whitespace before the ; character or use the #. But in this case the strings comment1 and comment2 become part of the value and are not considered comments any more.
A better approach would be to use a different property name, such as variable1_comment, or to define another section in the configuration dedicated to comments:
variable1 = value1
variable1 = comment1
The first solution requires you to generate a new key using another one (i.e. compute variable1_comment from variable1), the other one allows you to use the same key targeting different sections in the configuration file.
As of Python 2.7.2, is always possibile to read a comment along the line if you use the # character. As the docs say, it's for backward compatibility. The following code should run smoothly:
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
assert config.get('local', 'variable1') == 'value1'
assert config.get('local', 'variable2') == 'value2 # comment2'
for the following config.ini file:
variable1 = value1 ; comment1
variable2 = value2 # comment2
If you adopt this solution, remember to manually parse the result of get() for values and comments.

according to the manuals:
Lines beginning with '#' or ';' are ignored and may be used to provide comments.
so the value of variable1 is "val1 #comment1".The comment is part of the value
you can check your config whether you put a Enter before your comment

In case anyone comes along afterwards. My situation was I needed to read in a .ini file generated by a Pascal Application. That configparser didn't care about # or ; starting the keys.
For example the .ini file would look like this
Python's configparser would skip that key value pair. Needed to modify the configparser to not look at # as comments
config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes="")"thefile")
I'm sure I could set the comment_prefixes to whatever Pascal uses for comments, but didn't see any, so I set it to an empty string


Saving file format after editing it with ConfigParser

i am using ConfigParser to write some modification in a configuration file, basically what i am doing is :
retrieve my urls from an api
write them in my config file
but after the edit, i noticed that the file format has changed :
Before the edit :
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
urls= []
interval = "140s"
exp = "exp"
After the edit :
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
interval = "140s"
response_timeout = "120s"
exp = "snmp"
the offset changed and all the comments that were in the file has been deleted, my code :
edit = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False, allow_no_value=True, empty_lines_in_values=False)"file.conf")
edit.set("[section]", "urls", str(urls))
# Write changes back to file
with open('file.conf', 'w') as configfile:
I have already tried : SafeConfigParser, RawConfigParser but it doesn't work.
when i do a print(edit.section()), here is what i get : ['global_tags', 'agent', '[inputs.cpu', , '[inputs.prometheus', 'inputs.prometheus.tags']
Is there any help please ?
Here's an example of a "filter" parser that retains all other formatting but changes the urls line in the agent section if it comes across it:
import io
def filter_config(stream, item_filter):
Filter a "config" file stream.
:param stream: Text stream to read from.
:param item_filter: Filter function; takes a section and a line and returns a filtered line.
:return: Yields (possibly) filtered lines.
current_section = None
for line in stream:
stripped_line = line.strip()
if stripped_line.startswith('['):
current_section = stripped_line.strip('[]')
elif not stripped_line.startswith("#") and " = " in stripped_line:
line = item_filter(current_section, line)
yield line
def urls_filter(section, line):
if section == "agent" and line.strip().startswith("urls = "):
start, sep, end = line.partition(" = ")
return start + sep + "hi there..."
return line
# Could be a disk file, just using `io.StringIO()` for self-containedness here
config_file = io.StringIO("""
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
urls = ""
urls = can't touch this!!!
for line in filter_config(config_file, urls_filter):
print(line, end="")
The output is
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
urls = hi there...
urls = can't touch this!!!
so you can see all comments and (mis-)indentation was preserved.
The problem is that you're passing brackets with the section name, which is unnecessary:
edit.set("[section]", "urls", str(urls))
See this example from the documentation:
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
# Please note that using RawConfigParser's set functions, you can assign
# non-string values to keys internally, but will receive an error when
# attempting to write to a file or when you get it in non-raw mode. Setting
# values using the mapping protocol or ConfigParser's set() does not allow
# such assignments to take place.
config.set('Section1', 'an_int', '15')
config.set('Section1', 'a_bool', 'true')
config.set('Section1', 'a_float', '3.1415')
config.set('Section1', 'baz', 'fun')
config.set('Section1', 'bar', 'Python')
config.set('Section1', 'foo', '%(bar)s is %(baz)s!')
# Writing our configuration file to 'example.cfg'
with open('example.cfg', 'w') as configfile:
But, anyway, it won't preserve the identation, nor will it support nested sections; you could try the YAML format, which does allow to use indentation to separate nested sections, but it won't keep the exact same indentation when saving, but, do you really need it to be the exact same? Anyway, there are various configuration formats out there, you should study them to see what fits your case better.

Creating loop for __main__

I am new to Python, and I want your advice on something.
I have a script that runs one input value at a time, and I want it to be able to run a whole list of such values without me typing the values one at a time. I have a hunch that a "for loop" is needed for the main method listed below. The value is "gene_name", so effectively, i want to feed in a list of "gene_names" that the script can run through nicely.
Hope I phrased the question correctly, thanks! The chunk in question seems to be
def get_probes_from_genes(gene_names)
import json
import urllib2
import os
import pandas as pd
api_url = ""
def get_probes_from_genes(gene_names):
if not isinstance(gene_names,list):
gene_names = [gene_names]
#in case there are white spaces in gene names
gene_names = ["'%s'"%gene_name for gene_name in gene_names]**
api_query = "?criteria=model::Probe"
api_query= ",rma::criteria,[probe_type$eq'DNA']"
api_query= ",products[abbreviation$eq'HumanMA']"
api_query= ",gene[acronym$eq%s]"%(','.join(gene_names))
api_query= ",rma::options[only$eq'','name']"
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(api_url api_query))
d = {probe['id']: probe['name'] for probe in data['msg']}
if not d:
raise Exception("Could not find any probes for %s gene. Check " \
"http://help.brain- version=1&modificationDate=1348783035873 " \
"for list of available genes."%gene_name)
return d
def get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probe_ids):
if not isinstance(probe_ids,list):
probe_ids = [probe_ids]
#in case there are white spaces in gene names
probe_ids = ["'%s'"%probe_id for probe_id in probe_ids]
api_query = "? criteria=service::human_microarray_expression[probes$in%s]"% (','.join(probe_ids))
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(api_url api_query))
expression_values = [[float(expression_value) for expression_value in data["msg"]["probes"][i]["expression_level"]] for i in range(len(probe_ids))]
well_ids = [sample["sample"]["well"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
donor_names = [sample["donor"]["name"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
well_coordinates = [sample["sample"]["mri"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
return expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names
def get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids):
package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
frame = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(package_directory, "data", "corrected_mni_coordinates.csv"), header=0, index_col=0)
return list(frame.ix[well_ids].itertuples(index=False))
if __name__ == '__main__':
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes("SLC6A2")
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)
whoa, first things first. Python ain't Java, so do yourself a favor and use a nice """xxx\nyyy""" string, with triple quotes to multiline.
api_query = """?criteria=model::Probe"
or something like that. you will get white spaces as typed, so you may need to adjust.
If, like suggested, you opt to loop on the call to your function through a file, you will need to either try/except your data-not-found exception or you will need to handle missing data without throwing an exception. I would opt for returning an empty result myself and letting the caller worry about what to do with it.
If you do opt for raise-ing an Exception, create your own, rather than using a generic exception. That way your code can catch your expected Exception first.
class MyNoDataFoundException(Exception):
#replace your current raise code with...
if not d:
raise MyNoDataFoundException(your message here)
clarification about catching exceptions, using the accepted answer as a starting point:
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(r"/tmp/genes.txt","r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
#keep track of your input data
search_data = line.strip()
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes(search_data)
except MyNoDataFoundException, e:
#and do whatever you feel you need to do here...
print "bummer about search_data:%s:\nexception:%s" % (search_data, e)
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)
You may want to create a file with Gene names, then read content of the file and call your function in the loop. Here is an example below
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(r"/tmp/genes.txt","r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes(line.strip())
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)

Checking a text segment within brackets with python

I have a text file, which is strucutred as following:
segmentA {
content Aa
content Ab
content Ac
segmentB {
content Ba
content Bb
content Bc
segmentC {
content Ca
content Cb
content Cc
I know how to search certrain strings through the whole text file, but how can i define to search for a certain string whithin, like example, "segmentC". I need something like reg expression to tell the script??:
If text beginn with "segmentC {" perform a search of a certain string until the first "}" appears.
Someone an idea?
Thanks in advance!
Not a RegEx solution ...but would do the work!
def SearchStuff(lines,sstr):
#Do stuffff .....for e.g.
if 'Ca' in lines[i]:
return lines[i]
def main(search_str):
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if search_str in line:
index = lines.index(line)
lines = lines[index+1:]
print SearchStuff(lines,search_str)
search_str = 'segmentC' #set this string accordingly
Depending on the complexity you are looking for, you can range from a simple state machine with line based pattern searching to a full lexer.
Line based search
The below example makes the assumption that you are only looking for one segment and that segmentC { and the closing } are on one single line.
def parsesegment(fh):
# Yields all lines inside "segmentC"
state = "out"
for line in fh:
line = line.strip() # in case there are whitespaces around
if state == "out":
if line.startswith("segmentC {"):
state = "in"
elif state == "in":
if line.startswith("}"):
state = "out"
# Work on the specific lines here
yield line
with open(...) as fh:
for line in parsesegment(fh):
# do something
Simple Lexer
If you need more flexibility, you can design a simple lexer/parser couple. For example, the following code makes no assumption to the organisation of the syntax between lines. It also ignores unknown pattern, which a typical lexer do not (normally it should raise a syntax error):
import re
class ParseSegment:
# Dictionary of patterns per state
# Tuples are (token name, pattern, state change command)
_regexes = {
"out": [
("open", re.compile(r"segment(?P<segment>\w+)\s+\{"), "in")
"in": [
("close", re.compile(r"\}"), "out"),
# Here an example of what you could want to match
("content", re.compile(r"content\s+(?P<content>\w+)"), None)
def lex(self, source, initpos = 0):
pos = initpos
end = len(source)
state = "out"
while pos < end:
for token_name, reg, state_chng in self._regexes[state]:
# Try to get a match
match = reg.match(source, pos)
if match:
# Advance according to how much was matched
pos = match.end()
# yield a token if it has a name
if token_name is not None:
# Yield token name, the full matched part of source
# and the match grouped according to (?P<tag>) tags
yield (token_name,, match.groupdict())
# Switch state if requested
if state_chng is not None:
state = state_chng
# No match, advance by one character
# This is particular to that lexer, usually no match means
# the input file has an error in the syntax and lexer should
# yield an exception
pos += 1
def parse(self, source, initpos = 0):
# This is an example of use of the lexer with a parser
# This converts the input file into a dictionary. Keys are segment
# names, and values are list of contents.
segments = {}
cur_segment = None
# Use lexer to get tokens from source
for token, fullmatch, groups in self.lex(source, initpos):
# On open, create the list of content in segments
if token == "open":
cur_segment = groups["segment"]
segments[cur_segment] = []
# On content, ensure we know the segment and add content to the
# list
elif token == "content":
if cur_segment is None:
raise RuntimeError("Content found outside a segment")
# On close, set the current segment to unknown
elif token == "close":
cur_segment = None
# ignore unknown tokens, we could raise an error instead
return segments
def main():
with open("...", "r") as fh:
data =
lexer = ParseSegment()
segments = lexer.parse(data)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
Full Lexer
Then if you need even more flexibility and reuseability, you will have to create a full parser. No need to reinvent the wheel, have a look at this list of language parsing modules, you will probably find the one that suits you.

Handling duplicate keys with ConfigParser [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Python Config Parser (Duplicate Key Support)
I'm trying to read an INI format project file in Python. The file contains duplicate keys (having unique values) within a section. For example, one of the sections looks like this:
[Source Files]
If I read this using the following code
config = configparser.ConfigParser( strict=False ) "project/file/name" )
print( config.get( "Source Files", "Source" ) )
the result is
Is there any way to get a list of all the values for the key Source instead? I'm open to using some other method to parse the file.
Note that I cannot change the file format.
I ended up inheriting from the RawConfigParser class to implement this feature. In case someone else is interested in this, here's the code I'm using:
import configparser
class ConfigParserMultiOpt(configparser.RawConfigParser):
"""ConfigParser allowing duplicate keys. Values are stored in a list"""
def __init__(self):
configparser.RawConfigParser.__init__(self, empty_lines_in_values=False, strict=False)
def _read(self, fp, fpname):
"""Parse a sectioned configuration file.
Each section in a configuration file contains a header, indicated by
a name in square brackets (`[]'), plus key/value options, indicated by
`name' and `value' delimited with a specific substring (`=' or `:' by
Values can span multiple lines, as long as they are indented deeper
than the first line of the value. Depending on the parser's mode, blank
lines may be treated as parts of multiline values or ignored.
Configuration files may include comments, prefixed by specific
characters (`#' and `;' by default). Comments may appear on their own
in an otherwise empty line or may be entered in lines holding values or
section names.
elements_added = set()
cursect = None # None, or a dictionary
sectname = None
optname = None
lineno = 0
indent_level = 0
e = None # None, or an exception
for lineno, line in enumerate(fp, start=1):
comment_start = None
# strip inline comments
for prefix in self._inline_comment_prefixes:
index = line.find(prefix)
if index == 0 or (index > 0 and line[index-1].isspace()):
comment_start = index
# strip full line comments
for prefix in self._comment_prefixes:
if line.strip().startswith(prefix):
comment_start = 0
value = line[:comment_start].strip()
if not value:
if self._empty_lines_in_values:
# add empty line to the value, but only if there was no
# comment on the line
if (comment_start is None and
cursect is not None and
optname and
cursect[optname] is not None):
cursect[optname].append('') # newlines added at join
# empty line marks end of value
indent_level = sys.maxsize
# continuation line?
first_nonspace =
cur_indent_level = first_nonspace.start() if first_nonspace else 0
if (cursect is not None and optname and
cur_indent_level > indent_level):
# a section header or option header?
indent_level = cur_indent_level
# is it a section header?
mo = self.SECTCRE.match(value)
if mo:
sectname ='header')
if sectname in self._sections:
if self._strict and sectname in elements_added:
raise DuplicateSectionError(sectname, fpname,
cursect = self._sections[sectname]
elif sectname == self.default_section:
cursect = self._defaults
cursect = self._dict()
self._sections[sectname] = cursect
self._proxies[sectname] = configparser.SectionProxy(self, sectname)
# So sections can't start with a continuation line
optname = None
# no section header in the file?
elif cursect is None:
raise MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
# an option line?
mo = self._optcre.match(value)
if mo:
optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
if not optname:
e = self._handle_error(e, fpname, lineno, line)
optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
if (self._strict and
(sectname, optname) in elements_added):
raise configparser.DuplicateOptionError(sectname, optname, fpname, lineno)
elements_added.add((sectname, optname))
# This check is fine because the OPTCRE cannot
# match if it would set optval to None
if optval is not None:
optval = optval.strip()
# Check if this optname already exists
if (optname in cursect) and (cursect[optname] is not None):
# If it does, convert it to a tuple if it isn't already one
if not isinstance(cursect[optname], tuple):
cursect[optname] = tuple(cursect[optname])
cursect[optname] = cursect[optname] + tuple([optval])
cursect[optname] = [optval]
# valueless option handling
cursect[optname] = None
# a non-fatal parsing error occurred. set up the
# exception but keep going. the exception will be
# raised at the end of the file and will contain a
# list of all bogus lines
e = self._handle_error(e, fpname, lineno, line)
# if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
if e:
raise e
The _read function is copy-pasted from The only change I made was adding the if condition after the optval = optval.strip() line. ConfigParserMultiOpt will return multiple values for duplicate keys within a section in a tuple.
I'm new to Python, so if anyone has suggestions on improving the code above, I'm all ears!

Export with alphabetical sort in Python ConfigParser

Is there any solution to force the RawConfigParser.write() method to export the config file with an alphabetical sort?
Even if the original/loaded config file is sorted, the module mixes the section and the options into the sections arbitrarily, and is really annoying to edit manually a huge unsorted config file.
PD: I'm using python 2.6
I was able to solve this issue by sorting the sections in the ConfigParser from the outside like so:
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({}, collections.OrderedDict)'testfile.ini')
# Order the content of each section alphabetically
for section in config._sections:
config._sections[section] = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(config._sections[section].items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
# Order all sections alphabetically
config._sections = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(config._sections.items(), key=lambda t: t[0] ))
# Write ini file to standard output
Three solutions:
Pass in a dict type (second argument to the constructor) which returns the keys in your preferred sort order.
Extend the class and overload write() (just copy this method from the original source and modify it).
Copy the file and add the sorting to the method write().
See this article for a ordered dict or maybe use this implementation which preserves the original adding order.
This is my solution for writing config file in alphabetical sort:
class OrderedRawConfigParser( ConfigParser.RawConfigParser ):
Overload standart Class ConfigParser.RawConfigParser
def __init__( self, defaults = None, dict_type = dict ):
ConfigParser.RawConfigParser.__init__( self, defaults = None, dict_type = dict )
def write(self, fp):
"""Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state."""
if self._defaults:
fp.write("[%s]\n" % DEFAULTSECT)
for key in sorted( self._defaults ):
fp.write( "%s = %s\n" % (key, str( self._defaults[ key ] ).replace('\n', '\n\t')) )
for section in self._sections:
fp.write("[%s]\n" % section)
for key in sorted( self._sections[section] ):
if key != "__name__":
fp.write("%s = %s\n" %
(key, str( self._sections[section][ key ] ).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
The first method looked as the most easier, and safer way.
But, after looking at the source code of the ConfigParser, it creates an empty built-in dict, and then copies all the values from the "second parameter" one-by-one. That means it won't use the OrderedDict type. An easy work around can be to overload the CreateParser class.
class OrderedRawConfigParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser):
def __init__(self, defaults=None):
self._defaults = type(defaults)() ## will be correct with all type of dict.
self._sections = type(defaults)()
if defaults:
for key, value in defaults.items():
self._defaults[self.optionxform(key)] = value
It leaves only one flaw open... namely in ConfigParser.items(). odict doesn't support update and comparison with normal dicts.
Workaround (overload this function too):
def items(self, section):
d2 = self._sections[section]
except KeyError:
if section != DEFAULTSECT:
raise NoSectionError(section)
d2 = type(self._section)() ## Originally: d2 = {}
d = self._defaults.copy()
d.update(d2) ## No more unsupported dict-odict incompatibility here.
if "__name__" in d:
del d["__name__"]
return d.items()
Other solution to the items issue is to modify the odict.OrderedDict.update function - maybe it is more easy than this one, but I leave it to you.
PS: I implemented this solution, but it doesn't work. If i figure out, ConfigParser is still mixing the order of the entries, I will report it.
PS2: Solved. The reader function of the ConfigParser is quite idiot. Anyway, only one line had to be changed - and some others for overloading in an external file:
def _read(self, fp, fpname):
cursect = None
optname = None
lineno = 0
e = None
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and optname:
value = line.strip()
if value:
cursect[optname] = "%s\n%s" % (cursect[optname], value)
mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
sectname ='header')
if sectname in self._sections:
cursect = self._sections[sectname]
## Add ConfigParser for external overloading
elif sectname == ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT:
cursect = self._defaults
## The tiny single modification needed
cursect = type(self._sections)() ## cursect = {'__name__':sectname}
cursect['__name__'] = sectname
self._sections[sectname] = cursect
optname = None
elif cursect is None:
raise ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
## Add ConfigParser for external overloading.
mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval:
pos = optval.find(';')
if pos != -1 and optval[pos-1].isspace():
optval = optval[:pos]
optval = optval.strip()
if optval == '""':
optval = ''
optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
cursect[optname] = optval
if not e:
e = ConfigParser.ParsingError(fpname)
## Add ConfigParser for external overloading
e.append(lineno, repr(line))
if e:
raise e
Trust me, I didn't wrote this thing. I copy-pasted it entirely from
So overall what to do?
Download from one of the links previously suggested
Import it.
Copy-paste these codes in your favorite (which will create the OrderedRawConfigParser class for you)
cfg = utils.OrderedRawConfigParser(odict.OrderedDict())
use cfg as always. it will stay ordered.
Sit back, smoke a havanna, relax.
PS3: The problem I solved here is only in Python 2.5. In 2.6 there is already a solution for that. They created a second custom parameter in the __init__ function, which is a custom dict_type.
So this workaround is needed only for 2.5
I was looking into this for merging a .gitmodules doing a subtree merge with a supermodule -- was super confused to start with, and having different orders for submodules was confusing enough haha.
Using GitPython helped alot:
from collections import OrderedDict
import git
filePath = '/tmp/git.config'
# Could use SubmoduleConfigParser to get fancier
c = git.GitConfigParser(filePath, False)
c._sections = OrderedDict(sorted(c._sections.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
del c

