I have a signal generated by a simulation program. Because the solver in this program has a variable time step, I have a signal with unevenly spaced data. I have two lists, a list with the signal values, and another list with the times at which each value occurred. The data could be something like this
npts = 500
f1 = 0.5
f2 = 0.6
I would like to be able to perform a frequency analysis on this signal using python. It seems I cannot use the fft function in numpy, because this requires evenly spaced data. Are there any standard functions which could help me find the frequencies contained in this signal?
The most common algorithm to solve such things is called a Least-Squares Spectral analysis of frequencies. It looks like this will be in a future release of the scipy.signals package. Maybe there is a current version, but I can't seem to find it... In addition, there is some code available from Astropython, which I will not copy in it's entirety, but it essentially creates a lomb class which you can use the following code to get some values out.. What you need to do is the following:
import numpy
import lomb
x = numpy.arange(10)
y = numpy.sin(x)
fx,fy, nout, jmax, prob = lomb.fasper(x,y, 6., 6.)
Very simple, just look up the formula for a Fourier transform, and implement it as a discrete sum over your data values:
given a set of values f(x) over some set of x, then for each frequency k,
F(k) = sum_x ( exp( +/-i * k *x ) )
choose your k's ranging from 0 to 2*pi / min separation in x.
and, you can use 2 * pi / max(x) as the increment size
For a test case, use something for which you known the correct answer, c.f., a single cos( k' * x ) for some k', or a Gaussian.
An easy way out is to interpolate to evenly-spaced time intervals
I am binning some time series data, I need to apply a half-normal filter to the binned data. How can I do this in python? I've provided a toy example bellow. I need Xbinned to be smoothed with a half-gaussian filter with std of 0.25 (or what ever). I'm pretty sure the half gaussian should be facing the forward time direction.
import numpy as np
X = np.random.randint(2, size=100) #example random process
bin_size = 5
Xbinned = []
for i in range(0, len(X)+1, bin_size):
How to implement half-gaussian filtering
Scipy has a function called scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(). It nearly implements what we want here. Unfortunately, there's no option to use a half-gaussian instead of a gaussian. However, scipy is open-source, so we can just take the source code and modify it to be a half-gaussian.
I used this source code, and removed all of the parts that are not needed for this particular case. At the end, I had this:
import scipy.ndimage
def halfgaussian_kernel1d(sigma, radius):
Computes a 1-D Half-Gaussian convolution kernel.
sigma2 = sigma * sigma
x = np.arange(0, radius+1)
phi_x = np.exp(-0.5 / sigma2 * x ** 2)
phi_x = phi_x / phi_x.sum()
return phi_x
def halfgaussian_filter1d(input, sigma, axis=-1, output=None,
mode="constant", cval=0.0, truncate=4.0):
Convolves a 1-D Half-Gaussian convolution kernel.
sd = float(sigma)
# make the radius of the filter equal to truncate standard deviations
lw = int(truncate * sd + 0.5)
weights = halfgaussian_kernel1d(sigma, lw)
origin = -lw // 2
return scipy.ndimage.convolve1d(input, weights, axis, output, mode, cval, origin)
A short summary of how this works:
First, it generates a convolution kernel. It uses the formula e^(-1/2 * (x/sigma)^2) to generate the gaussian distribution. It keeps going until you're 4 standard deviations away from the center.
Next, it convolves that kernel against your signal. It adjusts the kernel to start at the current timestep instead of being centered on the current timestep.
Trying this on your signal, I get a result like this:
array([0.59979879, 0.6 , 0.40006707, 0.59993293, 0.79993293,
0.40013414, 0.20006707, 0.59986586, 0.40006707, 0.4 ,
0.99979879, 0.00033535, 0.59979879, 0.40006707, 0.00013414,
0.59979879, 0.20013414, 0.00006707, 0.19993293, 0.59986586])
Choice of standard deviation
If you pick a standard deviation of 0.25, that is going to have almost no effect on your signal. Here are the convolution weights it uses: [0.99966465 0.00033535]. In other words, this has less than a 0.1% effect on the signal.
I'd recommend using a larger sigma value.
Off by one error
Also, I want to point out the off-by-one error here:
for i in range(0, len(X)+1, bin_size):
Numpy ranges are not inclusive, so a range of i to i+(bin_size-1) actually captures 4 elements, not 5.
To fix this, you can change it to this:
for i in range(0, len(X), bin_size):
(Also, I fixed an off-by-one error in the loop specification and used a numpy shortcut for finding the mean.)
I want to implement ifft2 using DFT matrix. The following code works for fft2.
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * np.pi * 1j / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) # Normalization by sqrt(N) Not included
return W
# Matrix multiply the 3 matrices together
mA = dftMtxM # rA # dftMtxN
print(np.allclose(np.abs(mA), np.abs(rAfft)))
print(np.allclose(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))
To get to ifft2 I assumd I need to change only the dft matrix to it's transpose, so expected the following to work, but I got false for the last two print any suggesetion please?
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * np.pi * 1j / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) # Normalization by sqrt(N) Not included
return W
# Matrix multiply the 3 matrices together
mA = dftMtxM # rA # dftMtxN
print(np.allclose(np.abs(mA), np.abs(rAfft)))
print(np.allclose(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))
I am going to be building on some things from my answer to your previous question. Please note that I will try to distinguish between the terms Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Remember that DFT is the transform while FFT is only an efficient algorithm for performing it. People, including myself, however very commonly refer to the DFT as FFT since it is practically the only algorithm used for computing the DFT
The problem here is again the normalization of the data. It's interesting that this is such a fundamental and confusing part of any DFT operations yet I couldn't find a good explanation on the internet. I will try to provide a summary at the end about DFT normalization however I think the best way to understand this is by working through some examples yourself.
Why the comparisons fail?
It's important to note, that even though both of the allclose tests seemingly fail, they are actually not a very good method of comparing two complex number arrays.
Difference between two angles
In particular, the problem is when it comes to comparing angles. If you just take the difference of two close angles that are on the border between -pi and pi, you can get a value that is around 2*pi. The allclose just takes differences between values and checks that they are bellow some threshold. Thus in our cases, it can report a false negative.
A better way to compare angles is something along the lines of this function:
def angle_difference(a, b):
diff = a - b
diff[diff < -np.pi] += 2*np.pi
diff[diff > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi
return diff
You can then take the maximum absolute value and check that it's bellow some threshold:
np.max(np.abs(angle_difference(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))) < threshold
In the case of your example, the maximum difference was 3.072209153742733e-12.
So the angles are actually correct!
Magnitude scaling
We can get an idea of the issue is when we look at the magnitude ratio between the matrix iDFT and the library iFFT.
We find that all the values in mA are 800, which means that our absolute values are 800 times larger than those computed by the library. Suspiciously, 800 = 40 * 20, the dimensions of our data! I think you can see where I am going with this.
Confusing DFT normalization
We spot some indications why this is the case when we have a look at the FFT formulas as taken from the Numpy FFT documentation:
You will notice that while the forward transform doesn't normalize by anything. The reverse transform divides the output by 1/N. These are the 1D FFTs but the exact same thing applies in the 2D case, the inverse transform multiplies everything by 1/(N*M)
So in our example, if we update this line, we will get the magnitudes to agree:
mA = dftMtxM # rA/(sizeM * sizeN) # dftMtxN
A side note on comparing the outputs, an alternative way to compare complex numbers is to compare the real and imaginary components:
print(np.allclose(mA.real, rAfft.real))
print(np.allclose(mA.imag, rAfft.imag))
And we find that now indeed both methods agree.
Why all this normalization mess and which should I use?
The fundamental property of the DFT transform must satisfy is that iDFT(DFT(x)) = x. When you work through the math, you find that the product of the two coefficients before the sum has to be 1/N.
There is also something called the Parseval's theorem. In simple terms, it states that the energy in the signals is just the sum of square absolutes in both the time domain and frequency domain. For the FFT this boils down to this relationship:
Here is the function for computing the energy of a signal:
def energy(x):
return np.sum(np.abs(x)**2)
You are basically faced with a choice about the 1/N factor:
You can put the 1/N before the DFT sum. This makes senses as then the k=0 DC component will be equal to the average of the time domain values. However you will have to multiply the energy in frequency domain by N in order to match it with time domain frequency.
N = len(x)
X = np.fft.fft(x)/N # Compute the FFT scaled by `1/N`
# Energy related by `N`
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X) * N) == True
# Perform some processing...
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y*N) # Compute the iFFT, remember to cancel out the built in `1/N` of ifft
You put the 1/N before the iDFT. This is, slightly counterintuitively, what most implementations, including Numpy do. I could not find a definitive consensus on the reasoning behind this, but I think it has something to do with the implementation efficiency. (If anyone has a better explanation for this, please leave it in the comments) As shown in the equations earlier, the energy in the frequency domain has to be divided by N to match the time domain energy.
N = len(x)
X = np.fft.fft(x) # Compute the FFT without scaling
# Energy, related by 1/N
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X) / N) == True
# Perform some processing...
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y) # Compute the iFFT with the build in `1/N`
You can split the 1/N by placing 1/sqrt(N) before each of the transforms making them perfectly symmetric. In Numpy, you can provide the parameter norm="ortho" to the fft functions which will make them use the 1/sqrt(N) normalization instead: np.fft.fft(x, norm="ortho") The nice property here is that the energy now matches in both domains.
X = np.fft.fft(x, norm='orth') # Compute the FFT scaled by `1/sqrt(N)`
# Perform some processing...
# Energy are equal:
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X)) == True
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y, norm='orth') # Compute the iFFT, with scaling by `1/sqrt(N)`
In the end it boils down to what you need. Most of the time the absolute magnitude of your DFT is actually not that important. You are mostly interested in the ratio of various components or you want to perform some operation in the frequency domain but then transform back to the time domain or you are interested in the phase (angles). In all of these case, the normalization does not really play an important role, as long as you stay consistent.
I am want to sample from the binomial distribution B(n,p) but with an additional constraint that the sampled value belongs in the range [a,b] (instead of the normal 0 to n range). In other words, I have to sample a value from binomial distribution given that it lies in the range [a,b]. Mathematically, I can write the pmf of this distribution (f(x)) in terms of the pmf of binomial distribution bin(x) = [(nCx)*(p)^x*(1-p)^(n-x)] as
sum = 0
for i in range(a,b+1):
sum += bin(i)
f(x) = bin(x)/sum
One way of sampling from this distribution is to sample a uniformly distributed number and apply the inverse of the CDF(obtained using the pmf). However, I don't think this is a good idea as the pmf calculation would easily get very time-consuming.
The values of n,x,a,b are quite large in my case and this way of computing pmf and then using a uniform random variable to generate the sample seems extremely inefficient due to the factorial terms in nCx.
What's a nice/efficient way to achieve this?
This is a way to collect all the values of bin in a pretty short time:
from scipy.special import comb
import numpy as np
def distribution(n, p=0.5):
x = np.arange(n+1)
return comb(n, x, exact=False) * p ** x * (1 - p) ** (n - x)
It can be done in a quarter of microsecond for n=1000.
Sample run:
>>> distribution(4):
array([0.0625, 0.25 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.0625])
You can sum specific parts of this array like so:
>>> np.sum(distribution(4)[2:4])
Remark: For n>1000 middle values of this distribution requires to use extremely large numbers in multiplication therefore RuntimeWarning is raised.
You can use scipy.stats.binom equivalently:
from scipy.stats import binom
def distribution(n, p):
return binom.pmf(np.arange(n+1), n, p)
This does the same as above mentioned method quite efficiently (n=1000000 in a third of second). Alternatively, you can use binom.cdf(np.arange(n+1), n, p) which calculate cumulative sum of binom.pmf. Then subtraction of bth and ath items of this array gives an output which is very close to what you expect.
Another way would be to use the CDF and it's inverse, something like:
from scipy import stats
dist = stats.binom(100, 0.5)
# limit ourselves to [60, 100]
lo, hi = dist.cdf([60, 100])
# draw a sample
x = dist.ppf(stats.uniform(lo, hi-lo).rvs())
should give us values in the range. note that due to floating point precision, this might give you values outside of what you want. it gets worse above the mean of the distribution
note that for large values you might as well use the normal approximation
I am look for a way to obtain the frequency from a signal. Here's an example:
signal = [numpy.sin(numpy.pi * x / 2) for x in range(1000)]
This Array will represent the sample of a recorded sound (x = miliseconds)
sin(pi*x/2) => 250 Hrz
How can we go from the signal (list of points), to obtaining the frequencies form this array?
I have read many Stackoverflow threads and watch many youtube videos. I am yet to find an answer. Please use simple words.
(I am Thankfull for every answer)
What you're looking for is known as the Fourier Transform
A bit of background
Let's start with the formal definition:
The Fourier transform (FT) decomposes a function (often a function of time, or a signal) into its constituent frequencies
This is in essence a mathematical operation that when applied over a signal, gives you an idea of how present each frequency is in the time series. In order to get some intuition behind this, it might be helpful to look at the mathematical definition of the DFT:
Where k here is swept all the way up t N-1 to calculate all the DFT coefficients.
The first thing to notice is that, this definition resembles somewhat that of the correlation of two functions, in this case x(n) and the negative exponential function. While this may seem a little bit abstract, by using Euler's formula and by playing a bit around with the definition, the DFT can be expressed as the correlation with both a sine wave and a cosine wave, which will account for the imaginary and the real parts of the DFT.
So keeping in mind that this is in essence computing a correlation, whenever a corresponding sine or cosine from the decomposition of the complex exponential matches with that of x(n), there will be a peak in X(K), meaning that, such frequency is present in the signal.
How can we do the same with numpy?
So having given a very brief theoretical background, let's consider an example to see how this can be implemented in python. Lets consider the following signal:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Fs = 150.0; # sampling rate
Ts = 1.0/Fs; # sampling interval
t = np.arange(0,1,Ts) # time vector
ff = 50; # frequency of the signal
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*ff*t)
plt.plot(t, y)
Now, the DFT can be computed by using np.fft.fft, which as mentioned, will be telling you which is the contribution of each frequency in the signal now in the transformed domain:
n = len(y) # length of the signal
k = np.arange(n)
T = n/Fs
frq = k/T # two sides frequency range
frq = frq[:len(frq)//2] # one side frequency range
Y = np.fft.fft(y)/n # dft and normalization
Y = Y[:n//2]
Now, if we plot the actual spectrum, you will see that we get a peak at the frequency of 50Hz, which in mathematical terms it will be a delta function centred in the fundamental frequency of 50Hz. This can be checked in the following Table of Fourier Transform Pairs table.
So for the above signal, we would get:
plt.plot(frq,abs(Y)) # plotting the spectrum
plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
I have a probability density function (pdf) f(x,y). And to get its cumulative distribution function (cdf)F(x,y) at point (x,y), you need to integrate the f(x,y), like this:
In Scipy, I can do it by integrate.nquad:
x, y=5, 4
F_at_x_y = integrate.nquad(f, [[-inf, x],[-inf, y]])
Now, I need the whole F(x,y) in the x-y panel, something look like this:
How can I do that?
The main problem, is that for every point ranging from (-30,-30) to (30,30), I need to do a integrate.nquad from scratch to get the F(x,y). This is too slow.
I'm wondering, since the results are successive (For example, you get F(5,6) by the value of F(4,4), and integrate from the regions between these 2 points), if it is possible to speed up the process? So we don't need to do integrate from scratch at every point, and hence make the process quicker.
Possible useful links:
Multivariate Normal CDF in Python using scipy
And I'm thinking about borrowing something from Fibonacci Sequence
How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python
In the end, this is what I've done:
F is cdf, f is pdf
F(5,5) = F(5,4) + F(4,5) - 2 *F(4,4) + f(5,5)
And loop through the whole surface, you can get the result.
The code would look like this:
def cdf_from_pdf(pdf):
if not isinstance(pdf[0], np.ndarray):
original_dim = int(np.sqrt(len(pdf)))
pdf = pdf.reshape(original_dim,original_dim)
cdf = np.copy(pdf)
xdim, ydim = cdf.shape
for i in xrange(1,xdim):
cdf[i,0] = cdf[i-1,0] + cdf[i,0]
for i in xrange(1,ydim):
cdf[0,i] = cdf[0,i-1] + cdf[0,i]
for j in xrange(1,ydim):
for i in xrange(1,xdim):
cdf[i,j] = cdf[i-1,j] + cdf[i,j-1] - cdf[i-1,j-1] + pdf[i,j]
return cdf
This is a very rough approximate, and you can perfect the result by changing the +/- equantion into integration.
As for the original value and the margin, cdf[0,:] and cdf[:,0], you can also use integration as well. In my case, it's very small, so I just use the pdf value.
You can test the function by plotting the cdf, or check the value at the cdf[n,n]